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In this essay Gregory Bynum seeks to show that Immanuel Kant's thought, which was conceived in an eighteenth‐century context of new, and newly widespread, pressures for nationally institutionalized human rights–based regimes (the American and French revolutions being the most prominent examples), can help us think in new and appreciative ways about how to approach human rights education more effectively in our own time. Kant's discussion of moral experience features prominently in Bynum's analysis, which emphasizes the following: Kant's conception of a Categorical Imperative to treat humanity as an end in itself; his conscious avoidance of, and his discussion of the necessity of avoiding, the limitations of empiricist and rationalist extremes of thought; and his discussion of moral experience in interrelated individual, community, and global aspects. Bynum demonstrates the usefulness of Kant's approach by using it as a lens through which to appreciatively examine a Japanese‐born university professor's account of her ultimately successful effort to teach American students about U.S.‐instigated human rights violations abroad.  相似文献   

My first position as a teacher was in 1935 in Buffalo, N.Y. at Temple Emanuel. The rabbi was Morris Adler, a scholarly man and a rising star in the conservative rabbinate. My wife and I were sent as shlichim by the Hashomer Hatzair Zionist Youth Organization to Western New York to organize and train leaders for their branches in Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse. Specifically our duties consisted of recruiting and educating youth from ages 11 and up for eventual Aliyah. Some of our time was spent traveling between cities, especially on weekends. No budget was allowed. We were expected to find employment and finance our expenses. It is under these circumstances that we accepted positions at Emanuel. First my wife, a seminary graduate, got a job. Rabbi Adler told her that he also needed a male teacher. She described my background to him and he invited me for an interview. He was favorably impressed with my background in youth education, both in Lithuania and in New York City, my fluent Hebrew, my familiarity with the sources, and my positive approach to Jewish traditional practices. I was hired. The salary? Over $600 — for a 10 month year! Thus started my career in formal Jewish education for nearly half a century.  相似文献   

The phenomenological concept of ontological change, or change in self‐understanding, is used to structure an analysis of the experiential impact of a college‐based, intergenerational service‐learning project. The semester‐long project aimed to create interpersonal, intergenerational situations in which students (N = 12) could experience for themselves the lack of fit between their inherited assumptions regarding aging and the actual meaning of aging as experienced by elders. Content analysis of students’ journals indicated that students experienced four temporally distinct types of experiences during the project. Students entered the project with an understanding as to how they should interact with their companions based on inherited assumptions regarding aging and the elderly (anticipation experiences). In the presence of their companions, however, the students’ assumptions were revealed as inappropriate and incapable of adequately guiding them in their interactions (personal‐conflict experiences). To alleviate the awkwardness experienced in the field, students had to reevaluate their understanding of themselves and their role in their intergenerational relationship and identify changes they could make to improve their intergenerational relationships (reevaluation experiences). Ten of 12 students reported effecting positive changes in their relationships after redefining their role vis‐à‐vis their companions (transposition experiences). Phenomenological theory provides (a) insight into the type of intergenerational relationships conducive to combating ageism and (b) a framework (journal content analysis) for assessing the experiential impact of program participation.  相似文献   

The coincidence that much of Eastern Europe is democratizing at the same time that much of Western Europe is moving towards greater integration gives the universities in both regions the chance to profit from both phenomena and to train their graduates in ways that will enable them to contribute to their further development. One of the best forms of preparation is student mobility. A listing of the perceived priorities and aims of student mobility is followed by a brief statement of the engagement of the Technical University of Budapest (TUB) in mobility and exchange activities.  相似文献   

鲁枢元先生长期从事文学批评及文学理论的教学与研究,在创作心理学、文学言语学、精神生态学诸领域均有开拓性研究。贯穿其文论研究的主线是对人与自然始终如一的热切关注。其治学特点表现为:面对时代提出的现实问题,及时发现学术新的生长点,从学科的特点出发,致力于文艺跨学科研究的实验。他论及的学术话题常常引发热烈的反响,这源于其常常是具有边缘性与前瞻性的文艺观念。同时,鲁枢元先生还以他曲折的学术生涯,展现出其诚实、敏锐的治学风格。  相似文献   

Rural hospitals face difficult times as Medicare health insurance threatens their survival. A small community in Polk County, North Carolina, developed a program that was designed to take advantage of the Medicare skilled nursing benefit as a payment source and which can be implemented by any rural hospital that has Medicare-certified swing beds or distinct nursing facilities. This program involves the development of a special unit, the Restorative Care Unit (RCU), which provides subacute care to older adults. A major element in the RCU care system is a highly structured continuing education program for hospital staff. The continuing education component trains personnel to implement and manage the RCU care system using a team approach. The Appalachian Geriatric Education Center Consortium recognized the need for dissemination of this model of service. They took the concept, developed a curriculum and implemented it with eight rural hospitals. The purpose of this article is to describe in detail the RCU care system continuing education element, and present results from a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the program. The stages of the development of the program are described, in addition to the content of the curriculum.  相似文献   

摄影属于视觉直观系统,文学属于媒介直观系统,二者结合的过程往往出现双向“折射”,构成接受者想象和理解的非定性思维空间,故称“双折射”。文学对摄影的显性介入、隐性介入都会强化摄影创作的思想性、知识性、趣味性,使再现性“借景”具有表现性灵动,视觉快感的浅近被象外之言、言外之意的思索延伸。文学介入的摄影题材大体有五种:人物摄影、静物摄影、动物摄影、景物摄影和情节摄影,都深化着艺术摄影的境界和内涵。  相似文献   

比较诗学与文学发生论的关系可以从世界文学发展的总的逻辑进程来加以考察。比较诗学的发生理论主要包含诗歌、宇宙、听众和诗人四个基本要素。在比较诗学发生和发展的过程中,主要产生过模仿主义理论、实用主义理论、表现主义理论和客观主义理论四大基本理论。以往的研究,大都是从文学的发生出发来探讨诗学的发生。论者认为。比较诗学与文学发生论的关系亦可以从诗学的立场而予以反向的审视。从比较诗学产生发展的角度,考察一般的文学发生论,可以拓宽和加深我们对文学发生论的认识。  相似文献   

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