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奥运会对举办国旅游业会产生重大的影响并且具有两面性,同时,举办国当时的经济背景也会成为影响其旅游业的一个重要因素。本文运用文献资料法、对比分析法、逻辑分析法等方法,分析了在受金融危机和欧债危机影响的英国,2012年伦敦奥运会将对英国旅游业产生的积极影响和消极影响,并提出了伦敦奥运会对我国旅游业的启示,以期为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

结合“尽全力赢得比赛”这一竞技体育公平竞争原则及实践情况,从世界羽联、运动员、媒体与观众等利益相关者权利实现的视角,对伦敦奥运会羽毛球消极比赛事件的社会影响进行学术时评.运动员、媒体与观众有损可见的切身利益,世界羽联有损国际形象,为权力接任者透支了信誉支票.这种凭借世界羽联组织内部自决和正义,英雄主义式的个人精英决策模式,失去制约和监督的无限度权力的使用本质,势必引起更深更广的组织信任危机.  相似文献   

李国海 《精武》2013,(21):137-138
伦敦奥运会,中国男、女篮以亚洲冠军的身份代表亚洲球队参加比赛。为了在本届奥运会取得较好成绩,男、女篮在赛前都参加了欧、美等国的邀请对抗赛和斯坦科维奇洲际赛事来调整自己的竞技状态。本文对伦敦奥运会亚中国男、女篮在二次进攻方面进行了分析,得出:中国男女篮在前场篮板和二次进攻方面与对手有一定的差距;尤其,男篮与对手在前场篮板和二次进攻方面差距显著;中国男女篮在二次进攻方面的不足,是男女篮在本届奥运会没取得满意成绩的主要原因。  相似文献   

以对我国生活状态和“人文奥运”的解析为起点,引证了未来是一个休闲时代,在这样的历史背案下,提出了北京奥运会应当提倡中国的休闲文化;阐述了北京奥运会对中国休闲文化的忽略,并提出了些许的展望。  相似文献   

在伦敦奥运会期间,英国政府、伦敦奥组委和各国媒体等机构,共同参与设计、制造了大量的媒体景观。这些景观维护了英国社会的主流价值,传播了英国人对奥运的定义和解释,在全球范围内实现了价值整合和社会协同。本文以伦敦奥运会期间媒体景观为研究对象,通过内容分析、文化分析的方法,旨在探讨伦敦奥运会对传播英国文化和建设英国国家软实力的作用。论文研究有如下发现:首先,伦敦奥运会开幕式通过大量的视觉景观,传播了英国的历史传统和文化符号,唤醒了英国人的国家意识和爱国精神;第二,各国媒体对英国王室、英国乡村、英国建筑的报道,使全球观众欣赏到保守主义精神给英国留下的丰厚的历史遗产;第三,媒体大量报道英国人“节俭办奥运”的理念,赞誉伦敦政府不搞面子工程、盆景工程,帮助英国人在国际舞台上显示了他们的自信和从容;第四,伦敦奥运会的开幕式、闭幕式不追求盛大的、豪华的场面,英国人通过营造祥和、幸福的生活场景,诠释了人文精神在英国社会中的重要意义;第五,在奥运会的开幕式中,英国人能够包容不同的价值观,能够进行自我批判和嘲讽,充分展示了英国的大国心态和精神气质。研究伦敦奥运会包含的英国文化内涵,能够帮助我们以更加多元的视角看待国家软实力,也能够帮助我们以更加自信和从容的心态开展公共外交。  相似文献   

龙建新  谭洁 《体育科技》2013,34(2):36-39
运用文献资料法、观察法、比较分析法,通过观看伦敦奥运会女排比赛录像进行技术统计,在此基础上,对伦敦奥运会女排比赛中国与巴西、美国、日本队的扣球、拦网、接发球等技术指标进行比较分析,指出中国队与世界强队在各项技术上的优势与不足,并提出建议,为中国女排的训练与比赛提供理论参考。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、比较分析等方法,对中国、美国、英国、俄罗斯在第30届奥运会获得奖牌项目分布的竞争格局和优势项目数量进行分析,并在研究的基础上提出了继续保持我国传统优势项目竞争实力,提高田径、游泳等潜优势项目的夺牌能力,完善我国职业体育赛事市场制度的未来竞技体育发展对策。  相似文献   

靖鸣  王瑞 《体育与科学》2012,33(4):12-14,57
在欧债危机和欧美经济低迷的背景下,在伦敦奥运会中如何塑造英国国家形象是英国面临的一个难题。文章认为,伦敦奥运宣传片对国家形象的塑造起到了正面作用,通过各种符号形象的运用向世界展现了英国富有活力的一面;大众传媒通过新闻报道,对奥运会的舆论起到积极引导作用,使英国受众对其产生担忧后重拾信心;在国家形象塑造中,媒体及其工作者需要帮助受众进行信息疏导;明星符号的使用对国家形象的塑造具有大众化、普及化的作用;危机中的国家形象塑造需要媒体对相关信息进行客观的两面传播。  相似文献   

也许,她比同时代的游泳运动员对于生活更加了解。也许,这使得她在伦敦奥运会10公里游泳比赛中比对手更有优势。埃娃·里斯托夫(EVARISZTOV)来自匈牙利的边远城市霍德梅泽瓦沙海伊。在那里,甚至在冬天,她也在室外进行训练。埃娃·里斯托夫走过了漫长而又非常艰苦的道路——但是最终,她的夺取奥运会金牌的梦想变成了现实。这一过程比预期的要长,而且这一梦想并没有在泳池里实现,而是在海德公园的一个湖里实现了。尽管  相似文献   

高飞 《集邮博览》2012,(8):86-86
第三十届夏季奥林匹克运动会于2012年7月2719~8N1219在伦敦举办。这是伦敦第三次主办夏季奥运会,第一次是在1908年。第二次是在1948年。伦敦成为迄今为止举办夏季奥运会次数最多的城市,也是历史上首个三度举办奥运会的城市。2012年伦敦残奥会将于2012年8月29日~9月9日举办。  相似文献   

从美、日、南朝鲜承办奥运会引出的思考   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
中国决定申办2000年奥运会引起了国内外的普遍关注。本文运用文献法和比较法,通过对美、日、南朝鲜承办奥运会的历史回顾,引申出几点值得思考的共性规律,从另一个侧面回答中国为什么要中办2000年奥运会。其共性规律是:(1)执著申办的目的超越了发展体育范畴,更多的是出于政治需要。这种需要通过赛会的成功产生了内外两个方面的效益;(2)申办之前,社会经济都经历了较长时期的高速发展,而政治稳定是经济高速发展的重要因素;(3)承办所取得的经济效益有显在与潜在两种表现形式;(4)在奥运会上取得优异成绩是达到申办预期目的的关键。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(1):134-156
At the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, the Japanese women's volleyball won the gold medal, which in many ways can be viewed as an epoch-making event in Japanese post-war sporting history. This article explores the background to that victory, revealing a corporate history of the sport with a prominent role played by Japanese cotton textile companies. It argues that gold medal success at the 1964 Olympics was the result of a history of corporate investment in women's volleyball, in particular by one company, Nichibō Corporation, and tells the Olympic story with a focus on the personal recollections of the women's volleyball team captain, Kasai Masae. Finally, it evaluates the impact that Olympic victory had on the popularity and strength of women's volleyball in Japan in the decades after 1964.  相似文献   

Historically, the Olympic Games have had a tremendous impact on the economy, tourism industry and social and political aspects of a hosting nation. The Olympic Games are the most globally promoted and commercialised sporting event in the world. This fact has led global firms to mandate significant changes in many aspects of traditional Olympics advertising relating to media content, media channel/placement and the overall budget allocation pattern. In pursuit of desired outcomes, sponsorship-linked promotion and marketing that primarily focuses on communication objectives allows both sport authorities and corporate sponsors to reach a considerable number of markets across the world. The aim of this paper was to explore the content characteristics of commercial partners who participated in the 2012 London Olympic Games on the basis of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental sustainability (ES). The intention is not to merely verify the marketing communication strategies of commercial partners, but to review historical and theoretical perspectives through a systematic review of the Olympic Partners. This facilitates our understanding of why there have been certain historical changes in their marketing communication strategies with regard to CSR and ES. Implications for mega-event managers and future research are also outlined.  相似文献   

During the Paris Olympic Games of July 1924, there were a series of ‘incidents’ in the fencing competition that became known as the Puliti affair. At the centre of the troubles was the Italian Oreste Puliti. The ‘affair’ had to be discussed by the ‘jury d'honneur’ recently set up by the IOC. Both the IOC and the International Federation were concerned with this issue for four more years. This article uses the Puliti affair to discuss several aspects of nationalism in the mid-1920s: the growing tensions between Fascist Italy and democracies such as Hungary and France, the specific Olympic status of fencing challenged in Paris after three centuries of confrontation between the French and Italian schools of fencing, and ongoing tensions between the IOC and the international federations. Finally, the press perceptions of the incident in various countries are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

中国竞技体育正在缓慢开启运动员归化之门.运动员归化能够在短期快速提升中国竞技体育水平的同时,为中国竞技体育业注入更高水准、更国际化的竞技职业道德和规范.目前中国归化运动员的主要障碍是国籍取得上的“入籍难”以及其所表征的过于保守的立法取向,应在结合代表性的国际体育组织有关归化运动员的规范和标准的基础上,依托中国现有的《国...  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(4):526-549
This article about doping and anti-doping measures and policy in West Germany in the context of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich is part of a research project about ‘Doping and Anti-Doping in West-Germany’, supported by the German Government. The intention of this paper is to describe, analyse and discuss the process of changing relationships between state (including various governing sports bodies) and sport (including the German sport associations and federations) in West Germany in the context of the Munich Olympics, and how doping and anti-doping was dealt with in national and international high-level sports. The paper is based on relevant archives and documents from governmental and sports organizations, as well as on the current German and international state-of-the-art of doping (and anti-doping) research.  相似文献   

足球有广泛的认知维度,足球的游戏之美来自分享。人们在足球中获得的快感也大多与分享相关。足球有很强的节庆狂欢寓意,它旨在降低民众的沟通门槛,并预设出一种无阻力的交际场域。足球中的胜利仪式与失败记忆都会化作一种积极的文化符号。足球是高度融合原始野性、科学性与演剧性的竞技种类。球员在扮演生活中的极限事件,并虚拟出一种社会极端景象,足球再度将其仿生性价值推到更高的维度,进而展示出脚的极限意义,足球也因此完成了对史前游戏的现代性诠释。足球的外在意义主要体现在其为阳刚气质为主导的领域,它散发出来的是一种自然竞争的快感,足球也因此而成为后工业时代的另类叙事形态。足球无需有形的剧本,足球的剧本隐藏在自然进化的规律之中。  相似文献   


The Olympic Games of the modern era are powerful global mediated events. Olympic cities receive an overwhelming examination by world media. As the 2016 Olympic host, Rio de Janeiro has been given an enormous amount of attention, both by the international media and researchers who looked at the urban spaces of Rio, the struggles over the hegemony of the city and the social meanings the Olympics bring to the host city’s citizens. However, studies over the historical relationship between Rio, sport and media are rare. This paper addresses the historical uses of the term Olympic by Brazilian media during the late nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries. By looking at the main articles in the newspapers of these periods, we examine the extent to which ideologies over sports have changed the way the Olympics were represented in Brazil’s national imaginary. We demonstrate how the use of expressions associated with the Olympics historically generated a closer appreciation of these events by the public. We also show how political authorities appropriated the Olympics for their own benefit. The paper concludes by asking whether or not the historical lessons from the early Olympic ideas in Brazil have been learned by the 2016 Rio Games organizers.  相似文献   

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