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高校教师专业化发展是提高高等教育质量的重要途径,教师专业化发展的目的是提升教师从事教育教学的方式,进而促进学生的发展.在教师专业化发展过程中,综合素质的提高更多地依赖教师本身的自主发展.外在的各种条件需要通过教师主体的作用才能最终发生作用,因此教师要具有较高的专业自主发展意识.自主型发展是教师专业发展最重要的途径,从教学反思能力、教师身份认同感、批判性思维、教育叙事等因素来探讨高校教师专业自主发展.  相似文献   

同行评价是高校教师教学评价的一种重要方式,在评价的民主性、专业性和过程性方面,有着超越传统评价模式的独特优势。然而,现实中的同行评价却难以起到实质性的作用,并不能给教师的教学和专业发展带来有益的指导价值。通过对影响因素的分析,提出了增强同行评价有效性的路径:营造“合而不同”的教师文化;倡导发展导向的评价功能;规范同行评价的实施程序;建立基于“理解”的评价模式。  相似文献   

教师专业发展是教师教育研究的重点,是教育改革成败的关键.但是农村中小学教师的专业发展水平不客乐观.笔者从几个方面分析了影响农村中小学教师专业发展的外部因素和内部因素.  相似文献   

刘敏 《中小学电教》2013,(Z1):34-37
信息技术教育的普及,基础教育课程改革的推进,学生信息素养的培养和提高,迫切要求信息技术教师必须走专业化发展之路。正确认识信息技术教师专业发展的影响因素,是积极探究信息技术教师专业发展途径的前提。本文综合分析了信息技术教师专业发展的影响因素,认为其影响因素主要体现在环境因素、学校因素和个体因素三个方面,其中,既有外部因素,也有内部因素,内"忧"外"患"导致信息技术教师专业发展的现状不容乐观。  相似文献   

教师专业发展是培养和教育教师的过程,贯穿于教师职业生涯全过程的复杂的教育和心理变化过程,是提高专业化事业成长的活动.影响教师专业发展的因素有:教师自身的专业知识能力、成长和专业经历、情感和心理等个人因素;教师继续教育和在职培训缺乏与教师课程实施的衔接,教师知识更新跟不上时代发展要求等.其对策有坚持教学反思、认真理解教材、与学生共同成长等.  相似文献   

本文作者采用问卷调查的方式对宁夏26所中学的100位生物教师进行了调查。调查内容主要涉及中学生物教师对教师职业的态度、教师的工作状况、家庭对教师工作的态度及其对中学生物学教师专业发展的影响,以及最有利于中学生物学教师专业发展的因素和最不利因素。教师本人对教师职业的兴趣和爱好,以及教师个人的努力是影响其专业发展的主要因素和直接因素;学生、家长、学校、社会对生物课的重视程度是影响中学生物学教师专业发展的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

中学音乐教师专业发展的影响因素及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
影响中学音乐教师的专业发展的因素,既有应试教育政策的影响,也有音乐教师自身专业素质的局限。教育管理部门和学校就要为音乐教师的专业发展提供良好的外部环境和政策支持,音乐教师自己也要不断地加强学习和研究,寻找专业发展的空间和条件。  相似文献   

高校教师专业自主发展的结构主要包括专业自主发展意识、专业自主发展规划、专业自主发展能力、专业自主发展管理和专业自主发展更新,而研究性学习、反思性实践、校本行动研究、教育案例研究和成长性应对模式则是实现高校教师专业自主发展的基本路径。  相似文献   

影响教师专业发展的若干因素中我们急需正确处理主观因素和客观因素的辨证关系是重中之重,正确处理其中各层次间的关系,我们的事业才能得到进步,事业上才能取得成功。  相似文献   

影响我国教师专业化的因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教师专业化是当前我国教师教育改革的方向,但我国教师在迈向专业化的过程中遭遇到诸多的影响因素,主要表现在教师专业化理论欠完备,组织尚不健全;专业化制度还不完善,体系有待进一步构建;各级学校还没能成为推动教师专业发展的主阵地;教师自身从教的专业素质仍亟待提高。  相似文献   

人性假设不同,学校管理者应用的行为规范和准则也会不同,教师的行为与思维方式也会随之受到影响,并且还可能导致教师专业化发展进程受到影响。所以,深层次地研究人性假设问题对于教师专业化发展具有重要意义。其对于学校管理机构进行科学管理和决策具有积极的促进作用,并且能够为教师专业化发展的人性论奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

This article reports on findings from research aimed at investigating teacher collaboration and professional development in the workplace. It draws upon a broader study carried out in a school in Northern Portugal. Data were collected through questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and written reflective accounts. In total, 80 teachers participated in phase 1, 11 key informants participated in phase 2 and 10 teachers participated in an intervention/training project (phase 3). Findings suggest that problems and limitations in relation to collaborative work are situated at the organisational level, such as time and working conditions. Lack of training in collaboration, and issues such as motivation and personal difficulties, also emerged from the data. Teachers tend to stress the importance of interpersonal relationships at school, but they also identified formal meetings when they described the contexts and opportunities to work collaboratively in the workplace, namely department meetings and projects driven by central government or school administration initiatives. Implications for teacher collaboration and professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

Professional development is deemed necessary for university teachers at all levels, as it helps to enhance teaching quality. However, the extent of English language university teachers’ professional development might depend on a number of factors. This paper reports on a study investigating English language university teachers’ professional development in Thailand, the factors related to their development, the activities they used and the obstacles they encountered. The study was conducted through the use of a questionnaire to collect data from 217 full-time English language university teachers at 14 universities in Bangkok metropolis, selected through the multi-stage sampling technique. The results indicate that the overall mean score of Thai university teachers’ professional development was at a moderate level, and the factors of gender, academic title, degree and job responsibility were not related to professional development. Only one factor, university type, was found to be related to their development. This means that private university teachers had more professional development than those in Rajabhat and government universities. Discussing or sharing knowledge with colleagues was the activity they used to develop themselves most, with heavy teaching loads being the main obstacle. In addition, students’ background knowledge was the main obstacle to implementation of the received knowledge in teaching.  相似文献   

美国教师专业发展的几种模式及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教师专业化的发展,美国对教师专业发展采用不同层次的发展模式,主要有教师专业发展学校;学习型组织与团队学习;教师个人专业发展计划与自我教学实践反思等。将教师的职前培养,初任教师的过渡,在职教师的继续教育一体化,促进教师的专业成长。其成功的经验可以为我国教师专业发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

物理教师专业发展是目前我国物理教育理论界关注的热点。诸多学者对物理教师专业发展进行了深入的理论研究,并取得了一定成绩。物理教师专业发展研究的不足之处在于:理论研究水平有待提高;实践研究急需加强;忽视了物理教师的主体地位;物理教师教育与基础教育课程改革脱节。  相似文献   

美国科学教师专业发展标准及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国科学课程教师专业发展标准是美国科学课程教师培养的重要依据,其特点为:重视科学课程教师正确的科学观与探究能力的形成,为科学课程教师构建综合、完整的知识结构,倡导终身、连续、一体化的培养模式。我国应加快研制自己的科学课程教师专业发展标准,使我国科学课程教师专业发展体现终身性、综合性、探究性与创新性。  相似文献   

当前中小学教师专业发展面临着根基性的难题,主要表现在教师工资、教师学习、学校管理、教师培训与专家引领等方面,这些问题的解决是有效促进教师专业发展的前提。  相似文献   

This study reports on a longitudinal inquiry into professional identity construction among six novice cross-border English language teachers from mainland China, who completed their pre-service teacher education in Hong Kong (HK) and began their teaching practice in local HK schools. The findings indicate that the participants navigated obstacles in teaching by deploying their own multiple languages as a cultural and linguistic repertoire. The findings also show that the teachers experienced difficulty legitimising their professional identity in the teaching community, where contextual issues and power interplays mediated the process. Furthermore, it is found that the participants’ commitment to teaching was negatively influenced by their non-legitimate position in the teaching community and the discordance between their teaching beliefs and the norms and values of their workplace. This study suggests that complex inter-relationships between marginal status in and legitimate membership of the community, between historical and cultural background, present practice, and future expectations, between social discourse and personal location, are involved in the process of identity construction. Measures to legitimate these teachers’ position and to transform the linguistic and cultural repertories of these teachers into valuable resources of the local schools are suggested. Implications for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

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