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快乐哲学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哲学的价值,在于通过给人以智慧的启迪,思维的解疑而使人快乐。当代哲学由于遗忘了这一使命,因而冷落了受众,遭遇到困境。快乐哲学,要求以人类现实生活为对象,面对人的精神矛盾而建构人的生活方向,通过表达方式的革新,开拓哲学与接受者之间的联系通道,从哲学家自身角度而言,确立内容创新和形式创新的观念,承担理论创造和理论传播的双重角色,自觉地与接受者展开理性对话,是快乐哲学产生的前提。  相似文献   

A Happy Day     
夏钰霄 《阅读》2014,(19):43-43
<正>It was the May Day holiday last week.My parents and I had a camping trip in Shuanghu Park.That was wonderful!We put a tent,a pot,a stove,a blanket and some nice food in the car.Ten minutes later,we were in the park.I saw many flowers and trees.The rivers were clean,the grass was green.Near  相似文献   

My Happy Family     
陶一帆 《阅读》2014,(35):45-46
<正>I have a happy family.There are five people in my family,my grandfather,my grandmother,my father,my mother and I.We live in a big house.There are three bedrooms,two bathrooms,a sitting-room,a dining-room and a kitchen.My parents work in the same factory.They  相似文献   

My Happy Family     
I have a happy family of three, my father, my mother and me.My father is a doctor. He’s thirty- six. He’s tall and fat. He likes  相似文献   

A Happy Evening     
王悦 《阅读》2012,(12):44-45
Hello,I’m Mary.I have a big family.There are many people in my fam-ily.They are my grandparents,my father,my mother,my sister,my brother,and me.It is a nice evening.My fatherlikes stars,so he is watching theshining stars in the sitting-room now.My grandmother is a woman who likessurfing the Internet.Now,she isplaying computer games.My grandfa-ther is a  相似文献   

A Happy Sunday     
韩林佑  王荣荣 《阅读》2008,(1):71-71
It was a beautiful day. I went to Grandpa' s home.  相似文献   

My Happy Family     
査昱戎 《阅读》2011,(11):44
Hello,every-one.My name i s Zha Yurong.Today is a big day for me,and I’m very happy to be here to talk about my family.There are five people in my family.They are my grandpa,grandma,father,mother and me.My mother is very kind and nice.  相似文献   

中秋节以上到了,人们在中秋时节欢聚赏月、吃月饼、互致问候,其乐融融。小朋友们,让我们一起去体验中秋节的快乐吧!一、赏月找美食 瞧,月亮多美呀!月亮上面还有单词游戏呢!只要在数字处填出所缺的字母,你就能找到一样美食,赶快行动吧。  相似文献   

If You're Happy     
可乐 《阅读》2024,(Z4):63-64

My Happy Day     
赵宇扬 《阅读》2012,(4):47
Last Sunday was my happy day.I got up at a quarter past seven.I went to a small restaurant and ate breakfast with my parents.I had a bowl of noodles,a piece of bread.It was delicious!After breakfast,we went to Taihu  相似文献   

My Happy Time     
崔逸尘 《阅读》2012,(Z2):71-71
<正>The International Travel Holiday of Suzhou(苏州国际旅游节)began on the 27th of April and it was very beautiful and lively.On that day,  相似文献   

假日经济与休闲体育产业的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以我国目前假日经济为研究背景,阐述了休闲体育产业发展的可能性和必要性,揭示了休闲体育产业发展现存的主要问题,提出了相应的对策。旨在丰富我国休闲体育产业的理论研究,并为休闲体育产业发展的实际提供思路。  相似文献   

公众对改革现行假日制度的呼吁,受到了政府的高度重视。中国国务院关于修改《全国年节及纪念日放假办法》的决定,已经在2007年12月7日国务院第198次常务会议通过,将从2008年1月1日起施行。从今年春节的黄金周开始调整,将三大黄金周的假期分摊到具有典型意义的中国传统节日上,例如:清明、端午、中秋等,重要的民族传统节日将被纳入法定假日,并且完善了带薪休假制。在此,通过对国家法定节假日调整的原因和四大民族传统节日内涵的分析,更加深刻地理解四大民族传统节日调整为法定假日的重大现实意义。  相似文献   

"幸福"是对社会人历时性实践活动的生存态质的描述.庄子"剽剥儒墨",拒斥孔学主倡的道义论意义上的"幸福"诉求,承继并发展了老子的变异思想,从相对主义的认识论着眼,建构了本根论意义上的幸福观,主张在"顺性"、"无为"中体悟"天乐".  相似文献   

英语日益成为一种国际上通用的语言交流工具,英语学习是否快乐和感兴趣直接关系着学习者的学习效果的好坏。本文从词汇学习、课外阅读、休闲娱乐三方面探讨如何在英语学习中体验快乐,增强兴趣和提高学习效率,让学习者找到培养英语学习兴趣的捷径。  相似文献   

王奕之 《阅读》2016,(Z3):85
This Spring Festival,I went to the city of Harbin with my parents.It was very cold.But I had a lot of fun there.I was so impressive(印象深刻的)about the ice sculptures(雕塑).Artists(艺术家)created ice sculptures and combined them with colored lights to make a beautiful display.People from all over the world came to see the ice sculptures.They were very beautiful.Besides,my father taught me how to ski.It was difficult at first.But  相似文献   

关于快乐体育的反思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
快乐体育引入中国已有十多年 ,对推动中国的学校体育教学改革发挥过积极的作用 ,我们不能忽视快乐体育在体育教学中的功效 ,但也不能将快乐体育的作用吹捧得太高。快乐体育应找到其自身定位 ,如此才有利于其自身发展  相似文献   

姜悦 《阅读》2012,(3):44
Who is the Elephant Man? His nameis Joseph Merrick, and he is dead now. Hewas not ill, and he could not go out of thehospital because he was very, very ugly.Nobady liked to look at him, and some people were afraid of  相似文献   

本文阐释了快乐体育教学的思想、原则和方法以及如何展开课堂"快乐"教学,进行了较为全面的阐述.  相似文献   

对"快乐体育"的再认识   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“快乐体育”萌芽于上世纪20-70年代,自80年代中期以来,伴随着学校体育教育改革的开始,在我国出现了“快乐体育”的思潮,而且这种思潮以很快的速度浸延和扩展开来。作为一种现代全新的教育思想,从整体上树立科学全面的“快乐体育”教育观,进一步推广“快乐体育”教育开拓新思路,开辟新途径。  相似文献   

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