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随着经济和科技的发展 ,世界各国的联系越来越密切 ,特别是经济日益全球化 ,中国在加入世贸组织以后 ,也会卷入经济全球化的大潮之中。人类文化有共性 ,也有个性。个性反映了一个民族、国家或地区文化的特点及其发展的特性或个性 ,或曰民族性。共性则表明各民族各国家或地区的文化可以相互交流 ,取长补短 ,以求进步。随着社会发展、文化进步 (如由农耕小生产到工业化大生产、由封建制到资本主义等 ) ,共性也表现为时代性 ,或时代性要求。只有敢于和善于向别的民族、地区的文化学习 ,特别是向先进或比较先进的文化学习 ,才能更好地发展进步。…  相似文献   

2005年6月17日,由北京语言文化大学汉学研究所与《中国文化研究》编辑部联合举办的“汉学研究:海外与中国”学术座谈会在北京语言大学人文学院会议厅召开。北京语言大学黄卓越教授主持了会议,韩经太教授做了中心发言。此次会议的目的,主要是联络在京的学者,研讨汉学研究近期在国内外发展的有关态势,及如何加强汉学研究界学者之间的合作与联系,以共同推进汉学研究的进展。会间,被邀专家与北京语言大学的学者们在汉学研究这一学术领域内,展开了广泛与深入的交流。本次座谈会主要围绕以下问题展开了热烈地探讨。一关于汉学的概念、名称与学科范…  相似文献   

十九世纪初以来,英语世界对李渔小说的翻译与研究,至今已有一百多年历史.几经沉浮,李渔小说如今在西方汉学领域已确立经典的地位.本文以全面而详实的资料系统回顾了这个曲折而漫长的过程,对重要的译本、翻译家及其成果进行了客观的梳理与分析,总结归纳了李渔小说英译的特征,并指出了英语语境中李渔译介存在的问题.思考海外汉学界对李渔的翻译与接受,无疑有助于理解李渔及其对东西方读者的影响,继续推动李渔作品在海外的翻译与研究,促进中外学者关于中国古典文学研究的合作与交流.  相似文献   

This article deals with the determinants of artistic innovation by arts organizations. First, we define artistic innovation. Second, we review the literature on its determinants, identifying some gaps. In particular, we observe that existing research mostly focuses on macro-environmental factors and tends to ignore the role of the organizations themselves. Thus, drawing from the organizational literature on innovation we formulate testable propositions that relate organizational factors to artistic innovation. We hope that our focus on organizational factors contributes to a more comprehensive framework on the determinants of artistic innovation in particular and programming in general.  相似文献   

Valdivia WD 《Minerva》2011,49(1):25-46
Evaluation studies of the Bayh-Dole Act are generally concerned with the pace of innovation or the transgressions to the independence of research. While these concerns are important, I propose here to expand the range of public values considered in assessing Bayh-Dole and formulating future reforms. To this end, I first examine the changes in the terms of the Bayh-Dole debate and the drift in its design. Neoliberal ideas have had a definitive influence on U.S. innovation policy for the last thirty years, including legislation to strengthen patent protection. Moreover, the neoliberal policy agenda is articulated and justified in the interest of “competitiveness.” Rhetorically, this agenda equates competitiveness with economic growth and this with the public interest. Against that backdrop, I use Public Value Failure criteria to show that values such as political equality, transparency, and fairness in the distribution of the benefits of innovation, are worth considering to counter the “policy drift” of Bayh-Dole.  相似文献   

人文城市是我国新型城镇化规划明确建设的新型城市类型之一,是中国特色社会主义城市发展道路的重要组成部分。中国人文城市在理论发生上,主要是以人文学科的理论与方法为基础,吸收了西方人本主义城市科学理论资源的结果。在世界城市化和中国快速城镇化的背景下,人文城市既深受全球城市发展主流和趋势的影响,也是适应我国城市发展规律与需要的新探索和新实践。人文城市以承载着城市的价值和意义为主要职能,在各种城市形态中与人的关系最为密切和直接,是评价和衡量城市文明水平和城市美好生活的核心尺度。非一般性的物质、制度问题,人的文化和精神问题正在成为新型城镇化建设的头等大事,也是中国城市必须选择人文城市的先进模式、中国新型城镇化必须走文化型城市化新路子的根本原因。  相似文献   

新的历史语境下文艺学研究陷入了学科身份的认同危机、遭遇一系列理论之厄,应对"合法性危机"的有效策略是正视困境,在多学科、多视角的相互交融中建构文学研究的新范式.文艺学研究要回到文学的本源性问题,通过"思"的召唤重新确定学科身份,自觉拥有"界域"意识,在新的知识结构和价值体系中重新建立起文学与社会生活的关联.新范式应在坚守"文学性"与拓展"文学场"之间、在世界眼光和本土关怀中寻求转换的机缘.文艺学范式的多样性符合文学研究的生态学原则,多元范式的对话、协商、平等竞争应是文艺学研究的一种常态,它们将共同建构文艺学研究的新格局.  相似文献   

徐雅萍 《文化交流》2014,(12):38-41
历史:文化积累的必然纪念乡贤是乡土文化研究的一个主要方面.绍兴曾诞生大批文化名人.每一位乡贤都代表了绍兴文化的一个侧面,不了解他们,便无法组合了解真正的绍兴.绍兴并不大,人口也不多,但历史风雨飘摇、外部环境变化,为这里人才的诞生提供了动力和养分,从未断层.绍兴第一次人才高潮,出现在以越王勾践为首的春秋时期;而后六朝时期,涌现了以王氏、谢氏为代表的风流名士。  相似文献   

教育部长江学者特聘教授刘鸿武,在浙江师范大学创建我国高校首家非洲研究院,多年来专注研究异域文化成了"非洲通"。今年初,他入选"金砖国家智库合作中方理事会"理事,6月应邀参加为即将在厦门举行的金砖国家领导人峰会作准备的中外高层论坛,讨论金砖国家智库合作等问题。许多与非洲有关的高层次活动中都能见到他的身影。  相似文献   

中国现当代文学研究在西方   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
探讨中国现当代文学研究在西方的现状及未来走向 ,无疑是中西比较文学研究者的一个重要理论课题 ,可惜国内这方面的著述太少。实际上 ,中国改革开放的日益深入早已使得中西比较文学异军突起 ,不仅起到了国际间的学术交流作用 ,同时也使我们得以借助这一窗口了解更多的西方学术理论前沿的进展和新的课题 ,但最重要的一个作用恐怕在于通过与西方以及国际同行的对话和交流 ,把中国文化和文学研究的成果推向世界。实践证明 ,我们的这一目标已经初步实现 ,而且正在进一步落到实处。正如比较文学大师、荷兰汉学家杜威 .佛克马十多年前就指出的 :“…  相似文献   

The cultural content of ancient sites highlights the importance of light, which is an essential tool for the correct appreciation of the historical value and memory of cultural heritage. This should be a new way to highlight significance of fragments in compliance of the surrounding, which has not the same characteristics, to signal a visual path, creating itineraries that involve the context. Light plays a very important role in creating emotion, suggestion, evocation and supporting the visitor experience. Innovative technological solutions should be designed taking into account the kind of landscape and morphological characteristics of the site. This paper presents the study of a sample of Italian and international case studies, seen in their historical, archaeological and museological aspects. The emphasis is on what should be the most effective lighting system for the monumental sites, one respecting the ruins and the authenticity of the site, while at the same time bringing out their architectural, historical and symbolic significance.  相似文献   

对于某个问题的研究 ,凡和该问题并无内在学理联系 ,而又可以“干扰”其正常研究秩序的 ,本文称之为“亚文化”。处于弱势地位的民族文化 ,这类干扰时时发生 ,且状态隐蔽。鲁迅研究中就存在这类现象 ,我们可以见微知著 ,推及一般  相似文献   

David Tyfield 《Minerva》2012,50(2):149-167
Science and technology policy is both faced by unprecedented challenges and itself undergoing seismic shifts. First, policy is increasingly demanding of science that it fixes a set of epochal and global crises. On the other hand, practices of scientific research are changing rapidly regarding geographical dispersion, the institutions and identities of those involved and its forms of knowledge production and circulation. Furthermore, these changes are accelerated by the current upheavals in public funding of research, higher education and technology development in the wake of the economic crisis. The paper outlines an agenda for science & technology policy studies in terms of a research programme of a ‘cultural political economy of research and innovation’ (CPERI). First, the implications of the overlapping crises for science policy analysis are discussed. Secondly, three rough constellations of contemporary approaches to science policy are critically compared, namely: a techno-statist Keynesian governance; a neoliberal marketplace of ideas; and co-productionist enabling of democratic debate. CPERI is then introduced, showing how it builds on the strengths of co-production while also specifically targeting two major weaknesses that are of heightened importance in an age of multiple crises, namely neglect of political economy and the concept of power.  相似文献   

"古代文学思想与新世纪文学理念",不仅是个有创意的命题,而且对于古代文学的开拓发展,有着很重要的现实意义.新世纪古代文学研究的出路在何处?"文学理念"这个问题的提出,给了我们以恰逢其时的启迪.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, science funding shows a shift from recurrent block funding towards project funding mechanisms. However, our knowledge of how project funding arrangements influence the organizational and epistemic properties of research is limited. To study this relation, a bridge between science policy studies and science studies is necessary. Recent studies have analyzed the relation between the affordances and constraints of project grants and the epistemic properties of research. However, the potentially very different affordances and constraints of funding arrangements such as awards, prizes and fellowships, have not yet been taken into account. Drawing on eight case studies of funding arrangements in high performing Dutch research groups, this study compares the institutional affordances and constraints of prizes with those of project grants and their effects on organizational and epistemic properties of research. We argue that the prize case studies diverge from project-funded research in three ways: 1) a more flexible use, and adaptation of use, of funds during the research process compared to project grants; 2) investments in the larger organization which have effects beyond the research project itself; and 3), closely related, greater deviation from epistemic and organizational standards. The increasing dominance of project funding arrangements in Western science systems is therefore argued to be problematic in light of epistemic and organizational innovation. Funding arrangements that offer funding without scholars having to submit a project-proposal remain crucial to support researchers and research groups to deviate from epistemic and organizational standards.  相似文献   

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