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本文分析了英国第六学级的历史演变过程,力求探寻第六学级变革的一些基本规律,旨在透过这些规律,为我国的普通高中教育改革提供一些建议。  相似文献   

英国第六学级是英国中等教育的第二阶段,相当于我国高中时期。英国实行11年(5-16岁)义务教育,5-11岁为小学;中学分两个阶段:11-16岁为中学第一阶段,由于16岁时义务教育结束,此阶段又可称为“义务教育阶段”:16-18岁为中学第二阶  相似文献   

Recent years have seen the emergence of new types of provision for the 16‐19 age group in both the schools and further education sectors. This paper briefly outlines the various institutions now in operation and the rationale behind each type. A four‐year research project aims to survey and then evaluate the alternative arrangements for this age group. The project's first phase, which concentrated on the collection of background information and the definition of evaluation criteria, is described. Some preliminary findings are presented, together with the major issues arising from meetings and questionnaires.  相似文献   

商务英语教学的最终目的、语言学理论的研究成果、加入WTO后中国经济更大程度地融入到经济全球化浪潮中的客观现实使得“跨文化交际能力”的培养成为商务英语教学中的重点之所在,并应该提升到与语言习得“听、说、读、写、译”五项基本技能同等重要的位置,将它作为“第六种英语技能”来看待,以适应我国在知识经济时代急需大量高素质的外经贸复合型人才培养的需要。  相似文献   

二战后,英国一些学校开始开设通识教育科(General Studies),20世纪90年代以来,通识教育科已成为英国中六年级(Sixth Form)学生参加高级程度会考时热选的科目之一。英国的通识教育科的性质与科目设计具有两方面特征:其一,在科目设计上,以思考能力为核心,注重学生从多角度认识问题,并理解基本知识范畴之间的关系;其二,科目设计主要与资格与课程管理局、考试中心相关,前者设计基本的科目标准,后者发展出较为具体的科目细则及考试方案。  相似文献   

This article aims to explore and understand tutor and student perceptions of the role of the tutor in a large Sixth Form College. It examines whether these perceptions are the same and looks at whether the needs of the student are being met within the college. The tutorial structure within the college is described and the unique role of tutors in a further education setting is identified. The findings reveal how students perceive the tutors to have a wide range of roles, which are primarily focused on supporting and promoting learning. It also describes how, despite the acknowledgement of students for the need of emotional support and the recognition and willingness of tutors to fulfil this role, there is a gap in meeting the students' needs. The reasons for this are explored and shown to be a consequence of time constraints and the underlying relationship between students and their tutor.  相似文献   

Learning is high on the political agenda for post-compulsory education and training in England. Official discourses about learning assume a predominantly individualist stance, despite the development of theoretical models that stress the contextual and situated nature of learning. In a study following 50 young people through further education over 4 years, it became apparent that the institutional culture of the colleges had a significant impact upon students' dispositions towards their learning. In this paper, we explore the nature and significance of this impact in a case-study sixth form college: an under-researched sector of educational provision. This is followed by a brief discussion of the implications of our analysis for issues of access, widening participation and inequality in relation to current proposals to reform age 16-19 educational provision in England. We conclude by identifying some of the questions about the fine-grained nature of that college culture that our data does not permit us to address directly.  相似文献   

修改历来被认为是写作过程中的重要环节,而修改的质量在很大程度上取决于反馈的有效性。本文通过对传统的反馈形式在写作修改过程中的有效性分析,以及第二语言习作者对反馈冀期的调查研究,探索一种新的反馈模式——建立在学生加注基础上的教师反馈,将学生的独立自主权与教师的正确引导有效结合起来,形成良好的互动关系,使教师能够更好地了解学生的写作过程,从而帮助学生不断提高文章修改能力和写作水平。  相似文献   

一致式向隐喻式的转化与英语语句的信息密度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概念隐喻中一致式和隐喻式的转化对英语语句信息高密度的形成意义重大。一致式和隐喻式是概念语法隐喻中的两个至关重要的基本概念,二者具有在意义上相同而在语法功能上不同的特点。一致式向隐喻式的转化在英语名词化过程中具有不可替代的作用。对名词化形成过程的分析揭示出名词化的浓缩功能可以提高英语语句的词密度,从而达到提高英语语句信息高密度的功效。  相似文献   

英语委婉语的形成与交际功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于语言交际是人类赖以维系社会关系和人际关系的重要手段,因而人们在交际中通常避免使用引起双方不快从而损害双方关系的语言,而是采取迂回曲折的方法来表达思想,交流信息,它既是语言修辞的结晶,又是社会化的积淀。委婉语体现了语境和社会化对使用语言的制约和影响,也体现了不同民族对交际方式的要求。  相似文献   

按语义本应出现于从句的否定词not被移至主句的现象称为否定转移的原型形式.关于它的形成理据的解释此前有语用学的,也有认知语言学的.本文以系统功能语言学中的人际功能理论为基础,结合文化学理论对此进行剖析,认为之所以是“I don't think you are right”,而不是“I think you are not right”,是因为它更符合实用主义语篇体系中人们的心态.  相似文献   

生态语言学是新兴的一门学科,探索语言与环境的关系,并且主张语言自身也是一个动态的生态循环系统。英语作为一种世界语言,其丰富多样的词汇形态正是生态多样性的一个反映,也是语言内部生态系统自我调节的结果,更反映出人与自然生态的对立统一关系。  相似文献   

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