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StaringoutattherainwithaheavyheartIt'stheendoftheworldinmymindThenyourvoicepullsmebacklikeawakeupcallI'vebeenlookingfortheanswerSomewhereIcouldn'tseethatitwasrightthereButnowIknowwhatIdidn'tknow  相似文献   

Track 2 I know you’re trying to get around me baby I know you’ve got me in your heart baby I know that you could love me If you only had a guarantee[保证] When I look at your face it's so  相似文献   

1A farmer has17sheep,and allbut9die.Howmany are left?Why can’t aman living in theUSA be buried inCanada?Divide30by1/2and add10.What is theanswer?Do they havea4thof July inEngland?  相似文献   

You say my love for you,5 not real你说我对你的爱不是真的But you don,t know how real it feels可是你不知道它有多真实All 1 want to do 15 to spend some time with you我只是一心希望和你共处片刻50 1 ean hold you,hold you可以拥着你,抱着你Your sister says that  相似文献   

在能够彼此轻松遇见时,相视着,交谈着,一切因爱而起,与爱相关。也许爱到深处,所有的语言和文字都是苍白和无力的,再浓烈的情感到最后也只不过化为一句最简单不过的问候:"我……爱……你!"  相似文献   

金无足赤,人无完人;然而人们往往“宁为玉碎”,追求完美,于是生出许多失望、烦恼、挫败、甚至绝望。作者在文中指出,一个人不一定非追求perfect(尽善尽美),但必须努力达到wholeness(健全的身心)。相信这对我们如何正确看待人生与幸福,如何勇敢面对错误和挫折,是一个很好的启迪。  相似文献   

小编特意选了四个诙谐幽默的小故事给读者们换换口味:)这些小故事没有设定背景,也许有些文化差异会让你刚开始有点不知所云,所以读者们可得发挥一下丰富的想象力哦!  相似文献   

又是一年一度的教师节,你能听见老师的心声吗? I believe in you When you yell across the room Or call someone else a name~([嘲弄别人]). I believe in you When you say you don't want to do Something that you've been asked to do.  相似文献   

WHAT ABouT AN ONION?Peter: Nothing is better than an apple,I believe you know the old saying "an apple a day keeps doctors away."Tom : Oh? but what about an onion?It keeps everybody away!you WILL ACHE HALF AU HouRLALTER  相似文献   

After a while you learn the subtle difference Between holding a hand and chaining a soul,And you learn that  相似文献   

If you're happy and you know it,clap yourhands.If you're happy and you know it,clap your hands.If you're happy and youknow it.And you really  相似文献   

Chemistry[氛围]was crazy from the get go[开动] Neither one of us knew why We didn’t build nothin’overnight[一夜之间] Cause a love like this take some time People swore it off[发誓戒除]as a phade[状态] Said we can't see that Now from top to bottom They see that we did that(yes)  相似文献   

Here are some questions from English Cool Kids. The answers can be found somewhere in the magazine.Please find the answers and write them in the blank. Then mail them to us.  相似文献   

When I think back on these times And the dreams we left behind I'll be glad cause I was blessed To have you in my life When I look back on these days I'll look and see your face You were right there for me  相似文献   

“I’ll love you for always.I’ll like you forever,as long as you’re living.”这是母亲对儿子的爱语,也是后来儿子对母亲的回敬。For many years,a couple had been trying for a child,thinking that their effort were useless,they gave up and resigned(听从)themselves to other methods.  相似文献   

When seeing those college students indulging in romantic affection,I can't help thinking of her,whose sweet smile has long haunted me.A Chinese-American as Faith is,she is unable to utter a single Chinese word because she was brought up in America exposed…  相似文献   

Some people live for the fortune[财富]Some people live just for the fame[名声] Some people live for the power, yeah Some people live just to play the game Some people think that the physical things Define what's within And I've been there before that life's a bore So full of the superficial[肤浅的]  相似文献   



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