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This paper, drawing on original sources, provides an overview of and a discussion on those writings and ideas, in Antonio Gramsci's huge corpus of work, that are relevant to the education of adults. This should provide a fitting tribute to this major social theorist of the 20th century on the 70th anniversary of his death. Among the topics discussed are those of adult education for industrial democracy, adult education and cultural preparation, adult literacy, prison education, adult education and the Southern Question with specific reference to immigration, and, most important of all, adult education in the context of an intellectual and moral reform.  相似文献   

From a feminist perspective, I am interested in 'women's ways of knowing' ( Belenky et al., 1997 ) and the relationship between knowledge, difference and power ( Goldberger et al., 1996 ). Here I trace the relevance of Gramsci to my own feminist consciousness, and the part he played in my journey to praxis. I also address feminism's intellectual debts, most particularly in relation to the concept of hegemony. The intellectual context has shifted in emphasis from macro- to micro-narratives which reject Marxism as masculinist and dichotomous. The dilemma has been an overemphasis on the personal-cultural at the expense of the collective-political, distracting us from action for social justice at the same time as globalisation is creating escalating world crises of justice and sustainability. In conclusion, I advocate a re-reading of Gramsci in the light of key feminist critiques of class and patriarchy in order to develop i) analyses based on multiple sites of oppression and ii) action which reaches from local to global through alliances to achieve a more integrated feminist praxis. Throughout, I use 'dis'ability and 'race' to denote the socially constructed nature of these concepts.  相似文献   

葛兰西的"文化霸权"理论认为一个政党或阶级获得长期稳定的统治的关键是首先获得"文化霸权",这必然要求政党或阶级重视媒介。葛兰西把媒介和传播看作"争霸"的场所和武器,正是在"争霸"过程中,不同的意识形态集团(阶级)更注重借助媒介的力量进行博弈,凸现了媒介的力量,客观上也促进了社会民主进程,这就为理解文化的对立与和解提供了一种新的视角。  相似文献   

对于倡导将哲学三分的人来说,二元论应当受到强烈谴责,那么,仅仅将葛兰西的知识分子思想看作是"有机知识分子"与"传统知识分子"的简单对立,是对其思想解读的偏离.确切地说,在葛兰西那里存在着传统的知识分子、有机的知识分子和批判性的有机知识分子的区分.只有联系他划分三类知识分子时所产生的五个特殊难题,才能更为深刻地阐明批判性的有机知识分子这一概念.这些难点包括:(1)意识的本质源发于批判的有机的知识分子的活动;(2)保守主义的传统的前景;(3)这种知识分子在可能的接受人中所担当的角色;(4)智力工作者的概念;(5)特殊原则所导致的人文主义及全球认知前景的替代物.这些源发于葛兰西对批判性的有机知识分子角色探究时的五个被争议的问题至今仍被关注:首先,批判的有机知识分子的智力行为的接受人缺乏理解的基础何在?其次,这种采用马克思主义术语的知识分子的观点在今天是如何兴起的?  相似文献   

Peter Roberts 《Interchange》2004,35(3):365-373
This article reflects on Peter Mayo’s synthesis of ideas from two key figures in critical educational studies: Gramsci and Freire. The author identifies a number of distinguishing features of Mayo’s work and considers some of the implications of his analysis for our understanding of transformative intellectual activity.  相似文献   

葛兰西文化领导权理论提出实践哲学、市民社会、有机知识分子、无产阶级政党、阵地战等重要概念,其本质是一种无产阶级革命战略,旨在通过夺取市民社会的意识形态领导权,开辟资产阶级国家社会主义革命的新道路。应用文化领导权理论对苏联解体等案例进行分析研究,更凸显出加强我国现阶段意识形态工作的重要现实意义和理论实践价值。  相似文献   

Antonio Gramsci and his concept of hegemony are often invoked in current debates concerning cultural imperialism, globalisation and global English. However, these debates are rarely cognizant of Gramsci's own university training in linguistics, the centrality of language to his writings on education and hegemony, or his specific engagement with language politics in his own day. By paying much greater attention to Gramsci's writings on language and education, this article attempts to lay the groundwork for an adequate approach to the current politics of global English.
While Gramsci may have left formal education and his studies in linguistics at Turin University as a young man to become a full time journalist and political activist, he certainly did not 'jettison' his study of language as is commonly implied. It has been widely accepted that Gramsci had an expansive conception of education which would curtail any suggestion that 'education' must be limited to formal schooling or university. Likewise, this article demonstrates the importance of Gramsci's lifelong analysis of language, its role in education and the development of hegemony. It argues that Gramsci's writings on language policy in Italy, specifically la questione della lingua [the language question] and his concern with linguistics, are an integral part of his approach to education and hegemony.  相似文献   

葛兰西在同各种歪曲和背离马克思主义错误倾向的斗争中,阐述了马克思主义的本质内涵、基本特征、思想来源等一系列基本问题,形成了对马克思主义独创性的认识和理解.  相似文献   

葛兰西的市民社会概念属于上层建筑的范畴,他认为市民社会是资产阶级意识形态领导权得以实现的根本途径和载体,在西方国家,无产阶级革命的关键也是掌握意识形态的领导权。“现代国家”具有两个方面的职能,即“领导权”方面和专政方面的职能。国家消亡就是政治社会重新被吸纳到市民社会之中的过程。葛兰西的市民社会理论是他对意大利等现代西方发达资本主义国家的历史和现实进行反思的结果,对今天的中国也有积极的启示意义。  相似文献   

在《威尼斯商人》中,安东尼奥与夏洛克的多侧面对抗使其成为具有多重内蕴的圆形人物。安东尼奥是仁慈,宽厚,侠义的化身,夏洛克作为一个高利贷,他精明,吝啬,贪婪,残忍,但作为一个生活在基督徒社会里的异教徒,他又有强烈的民族的被压迫感和为民族伸张的激情,莎士比亚克服了时代偏见,塑造出“一个具有伟大的敏感与个性的形象”。  相似文献   

六、外部的问题 跳出葛兰西的文化思想,受意大利20世纪20、30年代法西斯主义兴起的制约,葛兰西把对"反经济主义"[1][2](P165)的持续关注作为理解马克思文本的方式之一.他在开展这项工作时提出了五个问题,现今这些问题还能激发人们对于批判性的有机知识分子的寻求吗?这一问题对于马克思主义者和受马克思主义解释方式影响的人来说,是十分重要的.  相似文献   

在葛兰西的实践哲学中蕴含着丰富的认识论思想。主要内容有:在认识过程中,主体和客体在实践中统一、融合;主体和客体的属性都应从实践意义上界定;主体能动性和历史必然性的关系只有从实践一元论的哲学观上才能正确理解;经济基础和上层建筑的关系应该纳入认识论范畴才能得到科学的说明。  相似文献   

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