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Despite being one of Africa's greatest postcolonial thinkers, implementing an award winning national literacy campaign and writing extensively on adult education and development, the contributions of Julius Kambarage Nyerere remain relatively unknown within mainstream adult education. This paper critically examines the contributions of Nyerere to adult education and postcolonial theory. The paper makes two assumptions. First, it assumes that there is a relationship between the discourses of postcolonialism and the project of constructing a more inclusive knowledge base of adult education. Second, that postcolonial theory provides a relevant framework for understanding the politics of adult education and development. Through a comprehensive and critical textual analysis of Nyerere's major works on adult education and development, the paper concludes that Nyerere's philosophy of adult education and lifelong learning was very progressive if not radical. Nyerere's ideas on education for liberation and development resonate with those of Paulo Freire. By linking the principles of education for liberation to the goal of building an egalitarian, socialist society based on the philosophy of Ujamaa, Nyerere provided an innovative and yet ‘localized’ theory of social change. Finally, Nyerere provided a sustained critique of colonialism and racism, and was a committed advocate of equality, unity and economic and social justice for the postcolonial world.  相似文献   

莎士比亚的《裘力斯.凯撒》是一部倾注现实思考、充满政治意蕴的罗马历史悲剧。援引新历史主义批评策略,双向探索剧本之外的社会存在和剧本之中的政治状况,其中包含对民众的策略、对贵族的抑制及对君王的规范三方面研究,可重新勾绘莎士比亚心目中的理想国蓝图。  相似文献   

尼雷尔不仅是一位被坦桑尼亚人民所爱戴的穆瓦利姆(导师),而且也是一位著名的泛非主义者。尼雷尔有一套系统的非洲统一思想,即非洲统一观。他主张在各国自愿和平等协商的基础上建立一个联邦制的非洲合众国;非洲统一应该是一个循序渐进的过程,通往统一的最好途径就是通过地区联合,还要发挥非洲统一组织的作用。由于诸多主客观原因,非洲合众国没有如第一代非洲领导人所愿而建立起来。但是,非洲统一思想在21世纪的今天仍具有现实意义,它推动着非洲大陆继续走向新的联合。  相似文献   

在历史剧《裘力斯·恺撒》中,莎士比亚将罗马平民作为一个整体人物形象进行了深刺的刻画。传统的文学解读只停留在表层文本的阅读上,因而将罗马平民解读为暴民,他们没有坚定的政治立场,不断被不同的政治团体所利用。也显示出巨大的破坏作用。但解构主义的阅读方法能发现文本中的内在矛盾和自我拆解因素.从而挖掘出潜文本中罗马平民作为历史进程决定因素的重要角色。  相似文献   

莎士比亚的<居里厄斯·恺撒>中安东尼的叙事具有强烈的情感作用,融合了隐喻话语、表情和动作,对人物的身份进行了甄别和强调,在特定的语境中显示出他高超的叙事策略,通过隐含的理想叙事,对居里厄斯·恺撒、安东尼和叛乱者进行了比较,展示了安东尼的性格特征以及莎士比亚对其所寄予的希望.  相似文献   

This paper is a critical application of Kenneth Burke's notions of form and perspectivism. It argues for the potential of a complementary relationship between form and perspectivism in the appeal of rhetorical artifacts. Specifically, the essay claims that form is perspectival; it limits the possibilities for appropriate interpretations within a text. Perspectivism is formal; it cultivates a logic of anticipatory reasoning. This theoretical perspective is applied to Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in the effort to illumine the rhetorical appeal of that work.  相似文献   

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