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新行为主义代表人物斯金纳坚持行为实验分析方法,建立了一套解释动物和人类行为的操作行为主义体系,提出了强化理论,并将强化理论应用于教学和行为矫正等领域,产生了重大影响。斯金纳的强化理论对大学生思想政治教育具有重要价值,通过分析斯金纳强化理论的涵义以及该理论对大学生思想政治教育的作用,得到大学生思想政治教育应注重分解目标注重实践教育、注重运用强化激励等启示。  相似文献   

斯金纳的操作性学习理论把影响行为的结果分为四种强化,即正强化、负强化、消退和惩罚。这四种强化在我们日常的教育工作中起关键作用。在学生发生了违规行为后,如何运用强化理论来引导学生正确面对自己的问题从而改正自己的错误是我们深入开展学生思想政治教育工作的重点问题。因此,本文运用操作性学习理论阐述了惩罚与负强化在大学生违规行为教育管理中的重要作用,并分析了如何利用负强化的思想理论来指导惩罚教育,使对学生的惩罚变得有意义。  相似文献   

刘娟芬 《教师》2020,(8):100-101
斯金纳强化理论十分强调强化在教育中的重要性。文章先通过查阅大量的文献书籍对斯金纳强化理论中强化的类型、强化理论的主要运用进行了简单阐述,然后采用行动研究法将斯金纳强化理论运用于幼儿园教育实践活动,通过教育实践反思斯金纳强化理论对幼儿教育的启示。研究表明,教师通过运用强化理论,可以矫正幼儿的行为方式,塑造幼儿良好的行为习惯,引导幼儿向积极健康的方向发展。  相似文献   

试论强化理论在课堂行为管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、强化理论的主要观点 强化理论又称行为矫正理论,提出该理论的美国心理学家斯金纳认为,强化现象是人类行为中的一种普遍现象,所谓强化指的是对一种行为的肯定或否定的后果,会在一定程度上决定该行为是否重复.凡能影响行为后果的刺激物均称为“强化物”,如奖酬、表彰、处罚等。人们可利用强化物来控制人的行为,以求得行为的改造。如果刺激物对某人有利,他的行为就可能重复出现;如刺激物对他不利,则他的行为就可能减弱甚至消失。强化又分为正强化、负强化和自然消退三种类型。正强化,又称积极强化,  相似文献   

课堂问题行为不仅影响课堂教学效果,而且还影响学生的身心健康。学生课堂问题行为的产生既有学生的主观因素,也有教师及家庭、社会方面的客观因素。对学生课堂问题行为可采用行为矫正技术,如强化、消退、暂停、团体偶联、契约、批评、积极地练习等,促进学生良好行为的发展。  相似文献   

英语课堂教学中,强化技能经常被有意无意地使用。如教师各种形式的表扬、批评、物质奖励以及给学生高分数等都为强化。美国心理学家斯金纳认为,学生的学习是一种行为,若主体学习时反应速率就会增强,反之则反应速率下降。据此斯金纳把学习定义为反应概率的变化。在他  相似文献   

强化理论在新课程改革中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新行为主义的代表人物斯金纳通过实验论证了人与动物在学习、获得行为中的强化原理,并对其原理进行了系统化.之后,又有许多人继承和发扬了他的这一思想,这就形成了行为矫正原理的理论基础,同时对于强化方法在教育中的应用,也已有了极为广泛和深入的探讨.  相似文献   

斯金纳强化理论为塑造学生良好的学习习惯和行为提供了心理学上的依据,目前高职院校生源问题已影响到了高职英语教学质量的提高,本文将以斯金纳强化理论为理论基础探讨如何提高高职英语的教学质量。  相似文献   

系统、客观处理人类行为的行为矫正技术被广泛应用于特教领域。结合视障儿童学前教育特点 ,将链锁法、消退法、正强化以及相互抑制等若干行为矫正原理应用于生活技能训练、语言教学以及其他行为和情绪问题矫正中取得显著成效  相似文献   

本文主阐述了斯金纳的强化理论,并在此基础上结合图书馆管理实际,探索正负强化对图书馆人力资源管理中现实意义与运用。  相似文献   

In three experiments in which rats were used as subjects, we developed an extinction procedure using a Morris pool. The animals were trained to find a hidden platform located at a fixed position and were then given extinction trials in which the platform was removed from the pool. When training and extinction were carried out in the same context and time was allowed to elapse between extinction and test, spontaneous recovery of learning was observed. On the other hand, those rats that received extinction in a context different from the one used for training failed to show spontaneous recovery of learning when tested in the extinction context after an interval of 96 h. However, they did show renewal of spatial learning when tested in the training context. These results show that extinction in the spatial domain behaves like extinction in standard conditioning preparations.  相似文献   

In the present experiments, we examined the role of within-compound associations in the interaction of the overshadowing procedure with conditioned stimulus (CS) duration, using a conditioned suppression procedure with rats. In Experiment 1, we found that, with elemental reinforced training, conditioned suppression to the target stimulus decreased as CS duration increased (i.e., the CS duration effect), whereas, with compound reinforced training (i.e., the overshadowing procedure), conditioned suppression to the target stimulus increased as CS duration increased. In subsequent experiments, we replicated these findings with sensory preconditioning and demonstrated that extinction of the overshadowing stimulus results in retrospective revaluation with short CSs and in mediated extinction with long CSs. These results highlight the role of the duration of the stimulus in behavioral control. Moreover, these results illuminate one cause (the CS duration) of whether retrospective revaluation or mediated extinction will be observed.  相似文献   

Four experiments found the magnitude of spontaneous recovery after extinction to be greater with a shorter interval between initial conditioning and extinction. Experiments 1 and 2 used a Pavlovian magazine approach procedure with rat subjects, Experiment 3 used an instrumental training procedure with rats, and Experiment 4 used a sign-tracking procedure with pigeons. These results are not anticipated by many accounts of spontaneous recovery that attribute it to the fading of learning that occurred during extinction.  相似文献   

河南曲艺拥有光辉灿烂的历史,从具有深远影响的北宋说唱艺术典范诸宫调,到现今国家级非物质文化遗产河南坠子,都在中国曲艺史上具有代表性和重要地位。然而,随着时代的变迁和人们审美需求的变化,河南曲艺出现了传承人青黄不接、受众少、社会传播机制不畅等问题。针对河南曲艺传承的这些问题,文章从生态学理论视角出发,在梳理影响曲艺传承的若干要素及其相互耦合作用关系的基础上,构建出河南曲艺生态链的应然模型。河南曲艺发展应该回归曲艺本体,注重培养曲艺创作者、研究者和传承人,改善传播机制,争取政府支持,加强曲艺生态链各要素间的耦合。  相似文献   

中国少数民族语言专业是新疆高校为培养懂少数民族语言的汉族双语人才而设置的专业,但在教学过程中存在着不少问题。本文提出了加强进行少数民族语言教学理论研究等观点。  相似文献   

19世纪以来,列强入侵中国日益严重,而清政府在政治、经济、外交、军事等方面都处于劣势。为拯救民族危亡,郑观应从诸方面提出了改革设想,加强国防即其改革思想的重要内容。其加强国防的构想不仅体现了时代的要求,也为清末的军事改革奠定了基础:  相似文献   

社会保险缴费争议是否具有可诉性,是《社会保险法》实施以来需要着重解决的重大问题之一。认为社会保险缴费争议不具有可诉性的观点所持的大部分理由都是不能成立的。按照传统的民事诉讼理论与规则来处理社会保险缴费争议,确实会导致法院审理难、执行难,但这完全可以通过加强对法官的业务培训、创新审判工作机制加以解决。社保缴费劳动关系具有整体性、共同对外性、社会性、强制性等特点,因此社保缴费诉讼程序应具有一些不同于普通的劳动争议诉讼程序的特色。  相似文献   

网络新闻论坛以其传播的交互性、反馈的快捷性、观点的多元化、言论的匿名性等特性受到越来越多网民的青睐。加强对网络新闻论坛的策划与管理,对提高网络新闻论坛的服务质量和影响力具有重要的作用。网络新闻论坛的策划程序包括论坛的定位、论坛的细分、选题的确定、整体形象的策划等。网络新闻论坛可通过建立健全论坛管理制度、灵活运用常规管理手段、提高论坛管理者素质、加强对网民的引导与沟通、加强技术管理等途径来加强其管理。  相似文献   

Rats were used in a lick suppression preparation to assess the contribution of conditioned-stimulus (CS)–context and context–unconditioned-stimulus (US) associations to experimental extinction. Experiment 1 investigated whether strengthening the CS–acquisition context association enhances extinction by determining whether stronger extinction is observed when CS-alone trials (i.e., extinction treatment) are administered in the acquisition context (AAC renewal), relative to a context that is neutral with respect to the US (ABC renewal). Less recovery of responding to the CS was observed in the former than in the latter case, extending the finding that AAC renewal is weaker than ABC renewal to our lick suppression preparation. Experiment 2 assessed the contribution of the acquisition context–US association to extinction of a CS by examining the effect of postextinction exposure to the acquisition context on responding to the extinguished CS. This manipulation enhanced responding to the extinguished CS in AAC, but not ABC, renewal. Experiment 3 addressed the contribution of the CS–acquisition context association by examining the potential of a neutral stimulus, presented in compound with the target CS during extinction treatment, to overshadow the CS–acquisition context association. This manipulation enhanced responding to the extinguished CS in AAC, but not ABC, renewal. The results stress the important role of contextual association in extinction and renewal.  相似文献   

Following a 47-day extinction procedure, the reinstatement of the cue previously associated with reward produced an immediate improvement in performance. The cue was the opportunity to traverse the alley following an “anticipated” nonrewarded runway trial. Moreover, the animals trained in this matter exhibited daily increments in performance during the initial phase of extinction testing. The results were interpreted as consistent with the notion that the difference in extinction performance of one group as compared to another does not necessarily reflect the relative “strengths” of the instrumentally acquired habits. Instead, it probably indicates the degree of similarity of the extinction testing procedure to the acquisition training condition previously associated with reinforcement for the two individual groups.  相似文献   

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