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准备:小纸蛇、小风车、蜡烛、火柴、大头针、磁铁。常见的热空气上升实验有小纸蛇和小风车实验,二者皆以烛火加热空气为动力。但随着小纸蛇的转动,纸蛇上棉线的扭力会增加,影响其转动;小风车也会因为有多个小纸孔与大头针发生摩擦而影响其转动。我的方法是:1)用大头针穿过小纸蛇和小风车。2)把大头针针尖吸在磁铁上。3)用蜡烛加热小风车或小纸蛇下方的空气,使之转动。这样把原来的小风车或小纸蛇转动变成了让大头针针尖转动.大头针针尖与磁铁只是一个点相接触,把摩擦减至最小,因而灵敏度更高。提示:1)小纸蛇或小风车皆为纸质材料,因而要注意…  相似文献   

图腾崇拜的研究对于了解一个民族的历史、风俗以及人的心理具有重要的意义.在众多对蛇存在着图腾崇拜的民族中,闽越人对蛇的图腾崇拜具有代表性.人们从敬畏到一般崇拜再到图腾崇拜,经历了一系列的变化.闽越人对蛇有着一份特殊的敬意,闽越人崇拜蛇也有着多种多样的表现形式.  相似文献   

李延林  黄显焯 《现代语文》2013,(1):141-143,163
蛇是十二生肖之一,虽与人类的生活不是息息相关,但却为人们所熟知,它的形象也在人脑中存在已久,包含一定的内容,拥有丰富的内涵意义.“蛇”文化渊源流长,在中国文化中可以追溯至遥远的上古时期,在英语文化中则可追溯至圣经时期.从此后,蛇文化便逐渐丰富发展,形成今天的模式,这其中形成了许多蛇的习语或固定的延伸意义等.在英汉文化中,蛇的象征意义差别甚大,所以本文特列举一些习语加以佐证.有关蛇的习语在英汉互译中也就需要转换意义.为了让人们更多地了解英汉蛇文化的差异,译者在翻译时也需根据具体情况采用不同的翻译策略.  相似文献   

蛇崇拜是楚文化的重要内容之一,楚文化中的文献记载和出土文物有很多有关蛇的资料。楚文化中的蛇崇拜具有以下特色:楚人先祖与蛇有着密切的关系;蛇为冥神——保护神;蛇为邪祟——破坏者;蛇与鸟——死与生。蛇在楚文化系统中散发出独具魅力的风采,也让我们对楚先民的智慧产生了由衷的敬意。  相似文献   

在西方,政党作为以掌握政权为主要目标的政治组织,在国家政治生活中占有重要地位.政党为掌握政权或维持政权,必然会以其特有的方式对大学施加影响或干预.本文旨在对西方政党作政治学分析的基础上,透视其影响大学的必然性、间接性和有限性.  相似文献   

《热空气》一课涉及到“纸蛇”的演示实验。我们看了许多教师做课,制作的“纸蛇”演示往往不尽人意,做实验时,不是纸蛇旋转的速度比较慢,就是旋转的圈数少,或转几圈就停止了,实验效果难以激发学生的学习积极性。要想使纸蛇旋转的速度更快,归纳起来有以下几个方面:1.纸张的选择:如果用点燃的酒精灯作为纸蛇旋转的热空气来源,用60克有光白纸最好。纸上尽量不要带有颜色和油墨,因为有颜色或油墨容易引起纸的两面张力不同而卷曲,影响上升热空气的推力。同时为了增大“纸蛇”与空气摩擦力,纸的麻面要朝下。2.线绳的选择:线绳应该选细棉线绳,因为…  相似文献   

两晋时期,中国历史呈南北分治的政治格局,西晋末期以后,北方中原及河西地区先后出现了前、后赵国,前、后秦国,五凉政权的区域王国,以及最后一统中原各势力的北魏王朝等诸少数民族政权.其间,仇池地方政权虽地处陇南一隅,但存在时间却是百年之久,并且与上述诸政权均发生了或战或和的民族交往关系.本文以仇池政权为考察中心,从仇池的角度探索其与它民族之间的交往活动,力图反映出仇池国丰富的民族关系.  相似文献   

<山海经>是中国第一部集中记录神话片段和原始思维的奇书.其中充满了千奇百怪的"蛇"形象,主要可以分为自然界中纯粹的蛇、异体合构的带有蛇元素的异兽、以及充满原始思维与蛇有关的神形象.而笔者认为与蛇有关的神的文化内涵是通过前两种蛇形象进一步夸张、演化、变异而产生的,其中包含了中国古代令人目眩的原始神话思维.  相似文献   

奇云 《科技文萃》2005,(7):66-68
一个人走在乡间小路上,看到一条蛇.这时他吓了一跳,然后立即止步或逃跑.而站在原地,冥思苦想它属于哪一种蛇,然后再决定如何行动,恐怕为时太晚.  相似文献   

说到长脖子海怪,最著名的当属蛇颈龙.蛇颈龙是生活在侏罗纪和白垩纪海洋里的大型爬行动物,属于鳍龙类,具有流线型的躯干和鳍状肢,善于游泳.蛇颈龙有细长的形似长蛇的颈部,这也许就是蛇颈龙名称的由来.  相似文献   

There is substantial agreement about the basic concepts of vulnerability and at-risk conditions in childhood in the context of what constitutes healthy development. Health is characterized by a progression of maturation and development in mental and emotional as well as in the physical spheres. When there is a failure of developmental progress that is more than transient, the expert observer ideally would detect it before the deviation creates its own complications. If the child and parents start off with the child poorly or incompletely equipped, or with the parents unable to respond with competence and affection to a healthy child, the vulnerability of the child or the at-risk environment created or unrelieved by the parents may set up a deviant or impaired development that has its own momentum and pattern. Thus, vulnerability refers to the weaknesses, deficits or defects of the child, whereas risk refers to the interaction of the environment and the child. Vignettes are presented to illustrate alternate patterns of parent-child interaction and how risk and vulnerability must be viewed together as a dynamic interchange between equipment and environment.  相似文献   

比喻用法涉及言语在语义场的根本变化,使人既能意识到言语的字面的意义,又能意识到它的比喻意义。联想意义是语言符号唤起的联想或是所给予的暗示,或是其内涵、外延对读者产生的印象。了解暗喻与联想在语言交流中的意义,有效地进行跨文化交际。  相似文献   

美是在人和自然、社会和艺术的相互联系相互作用的过程中形成的。美的本质离不开人的本质。美是客观的节奏与人的本质力量对象化的和谐统一。自然中的美是自然中的审美对象的节奏与人的本质力量对象化和谐统一的结果 ;社会中的美 ,是社会中的审美对象的节奏与人的本质力量对象化和谐统一的结果 ;艺术中的美 ,同样是艺术中的审美对象的节奏与人的本质力量对象化和谐统一的结果。因此 ,美 ,就是节奏与人的本质力量对象化的和谐统一。  相似文献   

Gardnerella vaginalis (GV) infection has been reported as being acquired via sexual contact in adults and as an indicator of sexual contact in female children (DeJong, 1985). The purpose of this study was to determine if GV infection was more commonly found in 191 female children who gave a history of sexual contact and/or were infected with Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) or Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) (Group 1), compared with 144 female children evaluated for possible sexual abuse and found to have no such history or infection with GC or CT (Group 2), or 31 female children (friends of the authors) without such a history or GC or CT infection (Group 3). Vaginal GV was found in 5.3% of Group 1, 4.9% of Group 2 and 6.4% of Group 3 (p > .05). Also, vaginal GV infection was not related to the type of sexual contact or race, but did increase with age in white female children. Because vaginal GV infection is not more commonly found in children with a history of sexual contact than those without such a history, the finding of GV in a vaginal culture in an individual case would not be a reliable marker of sexual contact. Routine culturing for GV is not recommended as part of a sexual abuse workup.  相似文献   

由于新闻业的不断发展和社会公众法律意识的逐渐增强,新闻侵权纠纷日渐增多,怎样积极防范与应对新闻侵权纠纷,是当前新闻媒体及新闻作者亟待解决的一个重要问题。所谓新闻侵权,是指新闻媒体或新闻作者利用大众传播媒介,在其新闻作品中故意或过失向公众传播内容不当或法律禁止的内容,侵害公民、法人或其他组织人格权的行为。本文通过分析新闻侵权的几种主要类型及各自表现形式,提出新闻侵权纠纷的防范及应对措施。  相似文献   

Mathematics and learning disabilities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Between 5% and 8% of school-age children have some form of memory or cognitive deficit that interferes with their ability to learn concepts or procedures in one or more mathematical domains. A review of the arithmetical competencies of these children is provided, along with discussion of underlying memory and cognitive deficits and potential neural correlates. The deficits are discussed in terms of three subtypes of mathematics learning disability and in terms of a more general framework for linking research in mathematical cognition to research in learning disabilities.  相似文献   

In two three-phase experiments, rats received a final third excitatory (Experiment 1) or inhibitory (Experiment 2) phase of conditioning with a tone. The third phase came immediately prior to a test with the tone, either in the context where the tone was trained or in a different context. Groups differed in each experiment with respect to the first two phases. Rats in Groups EIE (Experiment 1) and EII (Experiment 2) received excitatory conditioning with the tone in Phase 1, followed by inhibitory conditioning with the tone. Rats in Groups IEE (Experiment 1) and IEI (Experiment 2) received inhibitory conditioning in Phase 1, followed by excitatory conditioning in Phase 2. Thus, the association being expressed in Phase 3 was consistent either with what was learned first about the stimuli or with what was learned second. Contrary to expectations, the association being expressed at the end of Phase 3, either excitatory or inhibitory, was affected by a context change, regardless of its consistency with what was learned first about the CS.  相似文献   

安乐死可分为积极与消极安乐死,自愿安乐死与非自愿安乐死,自杀安乐死和助杀安乐死.自愿安乐死不是犯罪,应合法化.立法时须从实施对象、实施主体、实施方法、实施程序等几个方面对其进行规范.  相似文献   

Many authors have claimed a moral and educational significance for wonder. In this article Anders Schinkel assesses these claims in order to address the question whether we do indeed have reason to stimulate the sense of wonder and to provoke experiences of wonder in education with a view to its moral effects or importance. Are there moral effects of wonder — or does wonder have a moral significance — that give us a (further) reason to promote children's sense of wonder and to attempt to elicit the experience of wonder in children? And if so, will any experience of wonder do, from a moral perspective, or do only some experiences of wonder — in specific contexts, or with a specific object — have the desired effect? Schinkel argues that, although there is certainly a case to be made for wonder's moral (educational) importance, it needs to be made cautiously. Wonder coheres more easily with some emotions and attitudes than with others, but in the end its moral significance depends to a large extent on how we interpret or make sense of our wonder and what we wonder at. In moral education, therefore, the value of wonder depends on how it is framed and morally charged.  相似文献   

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