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“I regard the theater as a serious business, one that makes or should make man more human, which is to say, less alone.“A great playwright of social philosophy, Arthur Miller advocates that the common man, and none of rank, is the tragic hero of modern times. His plays have always revealed before the public eyes the tragedy of the average American life, the psychology of the ordinary people, and their conflicts with the morality of society.  相似文献   

作为一位伟大的美国现实主义剧作家,阿瑟.米勒一直关注戏剧的社会功能和道德的教谕作用。《推销员之死》是他最具代表性的作品,也是一部最具深远影响的"战后美国最伟大的剧作"。米勒通过创作《推销员之死》,表达了对"美国梦"的理解。时至今日,该剧所体现的美国社会最致命的矛盾依然存在。《推销员之死》当中关于美国梦的思考,关于人类永恒追求的东西——人性、道德、思想以及它赋予戏剧的责任感,仍然值得人们深思和反省。  相似文献   

《推销员之死》是亚瑟·米勒的代表作,在美国戏剧史上占有非常重要的地位。本文从盲目自信和无法正视现实两个方面论证了主人公威利的理想主义本性,揭示了一个理想主义者在现实世界的悲惨命运,旨在说明一个人要掌握自己的命运,就不能自我欺骗,不要追求不切实际的幻想,而是实实在在做人,调适自己与社会的关系。  相似文献   

《推销员之死》中隐含的犹太性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜杨  万连增 《培训与研究》2006,23(5):17-18,23
阿瑟.米勒很少被认为是美国犹太作家的代表人物,因为他致力于描绘美国人而非犹太人在美国的经历。本文试图分析米勒隐晦地刻画在《推销员之死》中的犹太经历来揭示该剧中隐含的犹太性:犹太的流浪汉模式和异化。  相似文献   

许丰田 《海外英语》2012,(12):231-233
American Dream refers to the belief of the majority of Americans.Through hard work,thrift,and determination,they can surely achieve a better life and live a comfortable life.Such an American Dream has a profound influence on several generations of Americans.American Dream has a close relationship with people’ s working life and cultural activities.Death of a Salesman is a typical play about the pursuit and the illusionary of the Dream follower.In Death of a Salesman,the American Dream is the main hero as well as Willy Loman’ s spiritual pillar.The pursuit,the realization,and the disillusionment of the American Dream develop with Willy and his family.  相似文献   

方丹霞 《海外英语》2014,(11):177-178
Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman takes advantage of the flute music to strengthen the atmosphere of stage, thus acoustically making people immerse the scene of the drama. The paper explores the conflicts and connections in this drama through the flute music, such as work and family, agriculture and business, work and family.  相似文献   

美国戏剧家阿瑟·密勒在戏剧《推销员之死》中塑造了几位耽于身份认同危机的人物,威利·洛曼和他的两个儿子向往成功,但在追寻成功的道路上不能认清自己的身份角色,酿成了家庭悲剧.本文从认同危机角度,分析他们的认同危机是如何在现实与梦想的矛盾中产生并形成悲剧的.  相似文献   

袁媛 《海外英语》2011,(4):210-211
"美国梦"是一个被众多美国人普遍信仰的信念。这个从美国殖民时期就出现的美国梦,不仅激励着人民走向成功,也同样始终贯穿在美国文学的发展过程中。我将沿着"美国梦"的起源与发展的路线,讲述美国梦在美国文学中的体现。同时,美国是个"大熔炉",各国的移民仍带着它们的美国梦纷至沓来。阿瑟·米勒作为犹太移民,他的作品《推销员之死》中的人物的美国梦,毫无疑问地体现和展示着犹太移民的"美国梦"。当然并不是每个人的"美国梦"都能实现,《推销员之死》就为我们展示了两类人物的"美国梦"的两个截然不同的结局。  相似文献   

Death of a Salesman is Arthur Miller's most famous tragedy and caused great repercussions in the East-West literary. Aristotle is an outstanding representative of the early Western literary theory, and...  相似文献   

就搏斗在第一线的推销员威利.洛曼的命运,分析了美国的社会环境,集中论述了美国社会的价值标准如何促成了小人物窘迫的生存现实。  相似文献   

Death of a Salesman is one of the classic works written by Arthur Miller,an American modern dramatist.When the protagonist Willy Loman’s suicide,Biff and Happy eventually awaken in different ways,and understand in different angles who they are and what is their father’s dream.  相似文献   

《推销员之死》是阿瑟·米勒的代表作。本文试图从伦理的视角来分析主人公失败的原因。威利是传统伦理文化和资本主义文化的混合体,而这两者之间充满了矛盾性,从而导致了主人公以自杀来无意识地维护和实践传统文化中对儿子成功的观念和维护自己尊严。  相似文献   

意识流方法是指在表现人物的心理活动和事件的发展时表现了复杂的层次,用许多层次的交织形成再现生活的一种方式。从该方法在《推销员之死》中的巧妙运用着手,可以分析和探讨其对主人公形象塑造和作品主题深化的作用和意义。  相似文献   

<推销员之死>是一部在现代社会的现实梦境中上演的生死悲剧.在这部戏剧中,阿瑟*密勒一方面通过运用现实主义与表现主义以及后表现主义相结合的手法生动地刻画了威利*洛曼这位以推销为职业的小人物在奔波中空忙,并在梦想幻灭中走向死亡的悲惨一生;另一方面,正是通过对威利一生悲惨命运的生动刻画,密勒敏锐地洞察到了所谓"美国梦"的冷酷本质,深刻揭示了以金钱为唯一价值原则的现代社会对生活的抽空,以及由此所造成的现代人的生存困境.  相似文献   

著名戏剧《推销员之死》是美国戏剧史上一部里程碑式的作品。是极其典型的一部关于梦的悲剧——它以梦为主题又真正具有悲剧的实质。  相似文献   

美国当代著名剧作家阿瑟·密勒的《推销员之死》成功刻画了威利、琳达、比夫等人的形象。探讨威利和琳达的论文已经很多,但对其长子比夫却很少论及。本文试从成长小说的角度来分析比夫的成长历程,探讨其如何在经历了天真、出走、迷惘、顿悟和认清自我的过程后,逐步走向成熟,从而去追寻属于自己的生活。  相似文献   

试图通过对声音效果在戏剧《推销员之死》中几种功能的分析,阐述其对渲染加强《推》剧主题的重要作用。声音效果在该剧中对故事结构的设置,情节的发展,人物内心世界的展现以及最后对主题的渲染加强都起着重要的作用。不同的声音、音乐和曲调,在《推》剧中早已超越了一般意义上的声音效果,使得该剧的主题和韵味在声音中得到进一步发扬。  相似文献   

威利·洛曼是一个沉醉于“美国梦”并为之自绝的小人物。无论是在社会上、家庭中 ,还是在其内心深处 ,威利都找不到生存的空间。死亡 ,对他来说 ,是一个最佳归宿。威利的死归根到底是时代造成的 ,既是一个社会悲剧 ,也是对当时社会的干预 ,对丑恶现象的挑战。  相似文献   

丁瑾 《海外英语》2014,(21):189-191,201
Arthur Miller was considered as the most famous dramatist in America after the World War II, and his representative work Death of a Salesman was recognized as the best play in America during the post-war years. It was also considered to be one of the best three plays in the history of American drama; with A Streetcar Named Desire and Long Day’s Journey into Night.Through the failure of two generations, this play addressed the painful conflicts within one family, and it also tackled greater issues regarding to Americans’ national values.As an average person, Willy Loman had experienced hopes and pains, struggles and frustrations as well as dreams and disillusions, at last he chose to commit suicide. Based on the existent materials, the predecessor’s researches as well as her own thinking, the author of this paper gives a brief analysis of the leading role’s tragic fate, which mainly elaborates three important stages of Willy Loman’s tragic life: disillusion of the American Dream, the abandonment and the betrayal, aiming to decode the root of Loman’s tragedy from the perspectives of society, family and the protagonist’s character. In conclusion, the paper tries to explore Arthur Miller’s inner world and the resources of his creation as far as possible, hoping to give readers of this paper certain inspiration.  相似文献   

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