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中、加大学生英语课文阅读眼动过程比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以中国大学生与加拿大大学生为样本,探讨了二之间英语阅读眼动过程的相同点与不同点。结果表明,(1)中国大学生的阅读速度(每分钟240—250个单词)慢于加拿大大学生的阅读速度(每分钟270—290个单词);(2)在阅读插图课方面。加拿大学生明显优于中国学生;(3)在阅读难度较大的课方面。加拿大学生也明显优于中国学生。这些区别的主要原因在于加拿大学生在阅读连贯的课时能够更多地注视每个内容词即实词。而且该词的上下特征对意义理解的影响比较小。  相似文献   


This study was designed to compare the retention of material presented by programmed instruction and the conventional lecture method. Subjects were divided into two matched groups; one received programmed instruction and the other received the conventional lecture method of instruction. Subjects were retested at intervals of one day, one week, and two weeks. There were no significant differences between the two groups at any time. In view of some practical advantages of programmed instruction, and the results of this study, it is felt that it deserves careful attention as an effective teaching method.  相似文献   

Reading typically undergoes a qualitative shift around Grade 4, becoming more fluent and silent, but there is no established measure for fluency in children’s silent reading. The present study presents a measure of self-paced reading in children, examining the use of complexity measures for time-series analyses recently established with adults. Cross-sectional groups of adults and children in Grades 2, 4, and 6 read the same passage of a Grade 2-level story, either silently or aloud. The dynamical structure of fluency in reading times was explored with fractal and recurrence quantification analysis. Results revealed that more fluent reading (with increasing age) was marked by greater structure and stability and that oral reading compared with silent reading showed less fractal structure, indicating silent reading as a more flexibly stable, adaptive coordinated behavior. The complexity metrics show promise for an alternate way to characterize reading fluency.  相似文献   

本文报道一项英语阅读课的教改试验受试者是泰山学院外语系1998—2001四届一、二年级近500名学生。我们以要求学生定期写“读书报告”为手段,检查、督促课外阅读的情况。调查结果表明:学生的阅读能力和写作能力都有所提高  相似文献   

Time-compressed, tape recorded messages were used to determine if listening to the message twice, in the same amount of time required to listen to the uncompressed message once, would improve listening comprehension scores of high and low aptitude men. The results indicated that for both groups of subjects, listening to the compressed messages twice improved comprehension scores over scores obtained by listening to the compressed tapes once. Comprehension of repeated time compressed messages was not improved over that obtained by a single listening to the uncompressed messages.  相似文献   

In the two studies presented in this article, we examine the interplay of conceptual change, text comprehension, and eye-movements during reading and develop and test methods suitable for such explorations. In studies 1 and 2, university students (N = 15 and 23) read a text on photosynthesis, explained their reading processes retrospectively cued with their own gaze videos, and answered written pre- and posttests. In Study 1, a case study demonstrated connections between re-readings and high-level cognitive processing. Out of all of the participants' retrospective reports, categories were formed based on the expressions referring to either situation model or textbase construction during reading. In Study 2, conceptual change learners differed from other learner groups in terms of prolonged overall reading time and a relatively high amount of expressing textbase construction at the beginning of the retrospective reporting. The results emphasise the importance of careful construction of the textbase in conceptual change and point to the benefits of complementing the eye tracking with cued retrospective reporting when examining high-level cognitive processes during reading.  相似文献   

本研究以英语语言学、认知语言学、心理语言学、教育学等理论为基础,立足汉-英学习者的阅读学习以及英语教学的实际,分析切分法对汉-英学习者英文阅读过程中产生的影响,采用文献法、观察法、实验法等研究方法,采取不同的切分方式使用眼动仪对汉-英被试者进行英文阅读的眼动观察,以此发现汉-英双语者在英文阅读中的眼动特点及规律,从而探究提升英文阅读绩效的方法。  相似文献   

借鉴国内外主流的英语阅读理论,从不同侧面探究英文阅读过程的实质以及英语阅读能力的组成要素。结合国内外的实践研究,找出提高英语阅读能力的具体策略和有效方法,针对培养阅读动机、加强词汇学习、扩大背景知识、提高阅读速度等提出了阅读实践方法和路径。  相似文献   


The authors examined whether self-concept, self-efficacy, and self-esteem show differential predictive utility for academic achievement across age groups and domains. More specifically, the relationships of 3 self-constructs with achievement were examined in mathematics for elementary school students and mathematics and language arts for middle school students in Korea. Task value and test anxiety were hypothesized to mediate these relationships. Consistent with previous reports, domain-specific self-constructs such as self-efficacy and self-concept were better predictors of task value and achievement than was general self-esteem. Task value and test anxiety significantly mediated only the relationships of self-efficacy assessed by the Bandura-type scale to achievement. These domain-specific relationships tended to be stronger for middle school than elementary school students and in mathematics than language arts.  相似文献   

感知综合校对测试主要运用于检测学习者默读文本中的语音编码.通过对英语作为第二语言的成年学习者进行测验发现,无论这些词是同音异义还是非同音异义,学习者在无错误的文本中都能够分辨词语的连续性,这表明在词汇处理过程中,同音异义词效应反映了语音编码的激活,但不同水平的学习者中语音编码激活程度并不相同.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined oral and silent reading fluency and their relations with reading comprehension. In a series of structural equation models with latent variables using data from 316 first-grade students, (a) silent and oral reading fluency were found to be related yet distinct forms of reading fluency, (b) silent reading fluency predicted reading comprehension better for skilled readers than for average readers, (c) list reading fluency predicted reading comprehension better for average readers than for skilled readers, and (d) listening comprehension predicted reading comprehension better for skilled readers than for average readers.  相似文献   

Effective advising can be a challenge for most criminal justice and criminology programs due to the high enrollment and the variety of careers available in the field. One technique designed to address these challenges is the group advising method. The purpose of this study was to examine the details, processes, and execution of a particular group advising method, called student advising seminars, implemented over a two-year period in a criminal justice department at a four-year state-owned university. Preliminary data measuring student accountability and satisfaction are also examined. The findings indicate student advising seminars, as it is described in this case study, have a potential of providing effective and efficient advising.  相似文献   

Performance feedback (PF) is an empirically supported method of increasing teachers' treatment adherence. In the evaluations of PF to date, however, PF was delivered by someone external to the school. The primary purpose of this case study was to provide an exploratory evaluation of the effectiveness and feasibility of PF when delivered by a school-based consultant to teachers implementing a classwide behavioral intervention. Teacher treatment adherence and student outcomes were also evaluated. Results indicate that overall, (a) teachers demonstrated moderate-to-high, but variable, levels of treatment adherence; (b) when teachers demonstrated lower levels of treatment adherence, the school-based consultant implemented PF with high adherence for 5 weeks, after which adherence varied; and (c) student outcomes improved.  相似文献   

Average performance on four subtests of the Iowa Tests of Educational Development was compared under two types of test administration. The first adhered to the publisher's standardized directions and time limits. The second permitted students to listen to audiotapes of the test material on individual cassette players as they read the test booklet. No time limits were imposed on the high school students under this second mode of administration. Each of the four subtests — Interpretation of Literary Materials, Analysis of Social Studies Materials, Use of Sources of Information, and Vocabulary-imposes substantial reading, demands on the examinee. Only on the literary materials test did students score significantly higher via the tape-assisted administration. Significant differential effects were found as a function of level of reading ability for this test and for the social studies test. Poor readers were helped by the use of the tapes, whereas good readers did not benefit from the use of the tapes. Correlations corrected for attenuation indicate that the two modes of administration measure essentially the same attributes when students exhibit no learning disabilities or reading problems.  相似文献   

The research on worked examples has shown thatfor novices, studying worked examples is oftena more effective and efficient way of learningthan solving conventional problems. Thistheoretical paper argues that addingprocess-oriented information to worked examplescan further enhance transfer performance,especially for complex cognitive skills withmultiple possible solution paths.Process-oriented information refers to theprincipled (``why'') and strategic (``how'')information that experts use when solvingproblems. From a cognitive load perspective,studying the expert's ``why'' and ``how''information can be seen as constituting agermane cognitive load, which can fosterstudents' understanding of the principles of adomain and the rationale behind the selectedoperators, and their knowledge about howexperts select a strategy, respectively. Issueswith regard to the design, implementation, andassessment of effects of process-orientedworked examples are discussed, as well as thequestions they raise for future research.  相似文献   

Eye movements were recorded as 12‐month‐olds (n = 15), 4‐year‐olds (n = 17), and adults (n = 19) watched a 15‐min video with sequences of shots conveying continuous motion. The central question was whether, and at what age, viewers anticipate the reappearance of objects following cuts to new shots. Adults were more likely than younger viewers to make anticipatory eye movements. Four‐year‐olds responded to transitions more slowly and tended to fixate the center of the screen. Infants’ eye movement patterns reflected a tendency to react rather than anticipate. Findings are consistent with the hypothesis that adults integrate content across shots and understand how space is represented in edited video. Results are interpreted with respect to a developing understanding of film editing due to experience and cognitive maturation.  相似文献   

Very preterm birth is associated with attention deficits that interfere with academic performance. A better understanding of attention processes is necessary to support very preterm born children. This study examined voluntary and involuntary attentional control in very preterm born adolescents by measuring saccadic eye movements. Additionally, these control processes were related to symptoms of inattention, intelligence, and academic performance. Participants included 47 very preterm and 61 full-term born 13-years-old adolescents. Oculomotor control was assessed using the antisaccade and oculomotor capture paradigm. Very preterm born adolescents showed deficits in antisaccade but not in oculomotor capture performance, indicating impairments in voluntary but not involuntary attentional control. These impairments mediated the relation between very preterm birth and inattention, intelligence, and academic performance.  相似文献   

本研究借助Tobii120眼动仪,选用卜劳恩的幽默连环画《父与子》中4个不同的画面对30名4~6岁儿童进行了眼动研究,旨在探究不同年龄儿童在图画书阅读过程中,对图画故事角色、背景、内容等表现出的知觉选择和理解性特征.研究结果表明:(1)儿童对图画故事的选择差异明显,图画内容越简单,儿童阅读目标定位越快,反之则较困难;儿童最感兴趣的和注意力较集中的是那些需要他们经过反复仔细观察、比较才能读懂的画面,对于那些太难理解或轻易就能看懂的图画,儿童的关注程度不高.(2)不同年龄儿童对画面内容的关注特征不同.低年龄儿童倾向于从与自己身份或角色相近的人物(而不是故事主角)角度来理解故事内容,而中大年龄儿童则倾向于通过寻找画面中的关键线索来理解故事内容;儿童对故事内在逻辑关系理解得越深入,其对画面内容的整体把握能力越强,注视时间和关注次数越低,理解速度越快;动态人物比静态人物更易引起儿童的注视;画面细节对大年龄儿童理解故事有重要作用.  相似文献   

One of the benefits claimed for computer-based assessment is that it can improve student performance in summative assessments. During the introduction of computer-based assessment in a first-year module on numeracy and statistics in Biology, online assessment was used to replace OMR-marked multiple-choice tests. Analysis of student results after the first year (Ricketts & Wilks, 2001) showed that students using online assessment did not perform as well as those using OMR-marked multiple-choice questions. The difference in performance could not be attributed to a weaker student cohort. In the second year student performance improved dramatically when they were not required to scroll through the question paper. Our results suggest that students may be disadvantaged by the introduction of online assessment, unless care is taken with the student-assessment interface.  相似文献   

背景知识阅读理解与,二者有着密不可分的关系.如果读者具备了与篇章内容相关的背景知识,阅读理解就较为容易;反之,则较难.因此,阅读教师有必要通过组织读前讨论、利用图片信息、观察实物、角色扮演等方法加强背景知识教学,以提高学生的阅读能力.  相似文献   

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