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通过对汉语句尾歧义字的行为实验研究,探讨汉字字形、语音、语义之间的关系。选择与中心末尾字(如"雨")同音("语")、形似("两")以及无关控制("哥")的干扰末尾字,让被试判断句子是否语义正确。行为数据表明,形似组和同音组有显著的不同:形似组的反应时长于同音组,正确率也低于同音组。行为实验的结果说明,在汉语句尾歧义字的实验模式中,人们对于形的加工要比同音字困难,在对末尾字不匹配句的语义判断中字形的干扰作用大于语音的干扰作用,而这与对英语的研究结果是相反的。  相似文献   

We tested the theoretically driven hypotheses that children’s orthographic and semantic learning are associated with their word reading and reading comprehension skills, even when orthographic and semantic knowledge are taken into account. A sample of 139 English-speaking Grade 3 children completed a learning task in which they read stories about new inventions. Then they were tested on their learning of the spelling and meaning of the inventions (i.e., orthographic and semantic learning, respectively). Word reading and reading comprehension were assessed with standardised tasks, and orthographic and semantic knowledge were assessed with choice tasks targeting the spelling and meaning of existing words. The results of our structural equation modeling indicated that orthographic learning predicted word reading directly and reading comprehension indirectly via word reading. We also found that semantic learning predicted reading comprehension directly. These findings support integration of the self-teaching hypothesis and the lexical quality hypothesis.  相似文献   

The effect of phonology and semantics on word learning in 5- and 6-year-old children was explored. In Experiment 1, children learned to read words varying in spelling-sound consistency and imageability. Consistency affected performance on early trials, whereas imageability affected performance on later trials. Individual differences among children in phonemic awareness on the trained words were related to learning, and knowledge of a word's meaning predicted how well it was learned. In Experiment 2, phonological and semantic knowledge of nonwords was manipulated prior to word learning. Familiarization with a word's pronunciation facilitated word learning, but there was no additional benefit from being taught to associate a meaning with a nonword.


The study examined children and adolescents’ ability to improve root spelling in Hebrew words by paying attention to phonological, semantic and orthographic properties of priming roots. One hundred and fifty 8, 9, 10, 11 and 15-year olds were administered two spelling tests in Hebrew. The same 40 target words were used in both tests, each word containing a root with at least one homophonous letter. Target words were matched one-to-one with 40 priming words containing the same root. The pool of prime-target word pairs was classified into two major groups:Words containing genuine root primes, and words containing false root primes. In the first test, participants had to spell the 40 target words. In the second test they had to spell the same words, each primed by its written genuine or false match. Results showed that unprimed spelling improved with age. Priming – both genuine and false – improved spelling performance significantly, especially in younger grades, but genuine priming was more effective. Spellers were able to overcome phonological opacity in root primes and to take root semantics into account. This finding testifies to the robustness of the root as a unified morphological entity in Hebrew and to children’s ability to make use of their knowledge of lexical and morphological organization in learning to spell.We thank Dominiek Sandra, Harald Baayen and an anonymous reviewer for their important and constructive comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

语音加工技能在汉语为母语个体英语学习中的作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
语音加工技能是英语为母语个体读写能力发展的核心技能,在汉语为母语个体的英语学习中也具有重要意义,不仅如此,汉语加工与学习经验对学习者英语语音加工技能发展及其作用也具有显著的影响,因此,我国英语教学及其研究应当更充分地关注语音加工技能的发展,系统考察学习者语音加工技能的发展与口语词汇、学习起始年龄与学习方式的关系,深入探讨语音加工技能训练的作用与条件,研制有效的训练方案,加深对英语学习内在过程的认识,并为促进英语学习和教学提供科学依据。  相似文献   

儿童的第二语言学习是许多研究者和教育者日益关注的问题。内隐学习是目前教育心理学领域的一个研究热点。结合内隐学习和儿童第二语言学习的特点进一步探讨动画片语境下儿童英语的语音学习。儿童通过观看动画片可以伴随学到英语单词,同时也能伴随学习到一定的语音。  相似文献   

The influence of orthographic transparency on the prevalence of dyslexia subtypes was examined in a review of multiple-case studies conducted in languages differing in orthographic depth (English, French, and Spanish). Cross-language differences are found in the proportion of dissociated profiles as a function of the dependent variables (speed or accuracy), the classification method (classical vs. regression-based methods), and the control sample (chronological age vs. reading level controls). The classical method results in a majority of mixed profiles, whereas the regression-based method results in a majority of dissociated profiles. However, the regression-based method appears to result in less reliable subtypes within and between languages. Finally, reading-level comparisons revealed that the phonological subtype reflects a deviant developmental trajectory across all languages, whereas the surface subtype corresponds to a delayed developmental trajectory. The results also indicate that reading speed should be considered to correctly classify dyslexics into subtypes, at least in transparent orthographies.  相似文献   

近十年来,阅读研究对理解指导产生了重大的影响,尤其在以下两个领域:认知心理学和课堂组织。认知心理学方面的研究已能使一个成功的阅读者更好地掌握他所使用的理解策略,并且知道如何监控策略的使用。这就为指导阅读教学和治疗理解缺陷提供了更加明确的教学内容;课堂组织方面的  相似文献   

Psychological research suggests that foreign‐language vocabulary acquisition recruits the phonological loop for verbal working memory. To depict the neural underpinnings and shed light on the process of foreign language learning, we conducted functional magnetic resonance imaging of Japanese participants without previous exposure to the Uzbek language using learning of novel Uzbek words. During encoding, spoken Uzbek words and corresponding visual objects were shown, and subjects either overtly repeated the words (phonological rehearsal) or overtly rehearsed numbers (phonological suppression). Phonological rehearsal improved the encoding performance. A learning‐related decrease in rehearsal‐specific activation was found in the left fusiform gyrus, right inferior temporal gyrus, and right cerebellum. Recollection of the phonologically rehearsed words activated the right cerebellum and left fusiform gyrus more prominently than recollection of the phonologically suppressed words in a performance‐dependent manner. The phonological loop might provide the temporal and fragile registration of the articulatory pattern that is converted into a more durable form in the right cerebellum, which is in turn integrated with the object information in the fusiform gyrus.  相似文献   

以师范生作为研究对象,以数学活动为载体,采用质化研究法对数学思维特点进行了实证研究,形成了研究结论,即思维的目的性、概括性、灵活性、简缩性、建构性、诊断性、反思性和抑制性.  相似文献   

This study addresses the question of why spellings determined by morphology are relatively hard to acquire by presenting a latent class model of children's acquisition of a doublet of consonants in the spelling of Dutch verbs. This spelling pattern can be determined either by a phonological rule (after a short vowel, a doublet is spelled) or a morphological rule (doublets are spelled in past-tense forms). The results show that the youngest group of spellers identified by latent class analysis predominantly used an alphabetic strategy. They did not spell doublets at all. The latent class model further shows that the acquisition of phonologically determined spellings occurred at a lower average age than the acquisition of morphologically determined spellings. The latter led to overgeneralizations, and a U-shaped developmental pattern was found as a consequence of these overgeneralizations. Children over generalized doublets for different reasons. At younger ages, overgeneralizations of doublets occurred because children treated the doublet as a phonological alternative to the singleton, whereas at older ages, overgeneralizations of doublets were confined to homophones, indicating lexical effects.  相似文献   

21世纪,学习将成为我们每一个人乃至整个社会开启富裕之门的钥匙。“学习也从来没有像现在这样成为一个人最基本的生存能力”。然而,一个人仅仅是要学习,或者说愿意学习是远远不够的,还必须要学会学习,学会从哪儿能很快地和准确地找到他自己所不知道的东西。因而怎样学习对我们来说要比学习什么显得更为重要。为帮助人们掌握和运用一种有效的学习方式,开展终身学习,本文从合作性与研究性两种学习产生的历史背景出发,对这两种学习的概念及教师角色差异进行了比较,以期有助于人们对这两种学习方式有新的认识。  相似文献   

语音是语言的物质外壳和第一要素,本文一反长期盛行的重文本而轻语音的院校作风和陈腐的学术偏见,强调了语音训练对二语习得的决定性意义:锐化语音的生理感知,树立优良的语音形象并力主发音的准确和正确性,从而克服"以错误的理解取代正确的语音感受"的严重弊端。在对比分析假说和言语学习模型的框架下,结合多年的英语语音习得研究实践和国内外相关理论著述的研读,并实验性地借助语音分析软件Praat,在元音、辅音、音节等音段层面全面细致地分析了中国学生英语语音习得的若干现象和问题,并借此机会向读者提供一套有效的解决方案。  相似文献   

This study describes the development and evaluation of an assessment of orthographic knowledge designed to help teachers interpret children's spellings for meaningful instruction and to aid researchers in advancing current understandings of how children acquire a knowledge of words. The Developmental Spelling Analysis (DSA) is based on developmental spelling theory and includes two components: a Screening Inventory for determining a child's stage of development, and parallel Feature Inventories for highlighting strengths and weaknesses in knowledge of specific orthographic features. Investigative results of the DSA's reliability and validity are presented, including developmental trends revealed by the performance of 1,016 students in Grades 1 to 8 and relations between the DSA and relevant reading and spelling tests. In addition, because teacher response ultimately determines the value of an assessment intended for their use, the reactions of teachers using the measure for the first time are examined.  相似文献   

The mindfulness of compliance with requests making use of the commitment/consistency or the reciprocity principle was investigated. Participants (N = 129) received a foot-in-the-door (FITD) request (commitment/consistency application), a door-in-the-face (DITF) request (reciprocity application), or no request. Next, participants read either a weak or neutral message about the importance of moderate alcohol consumption then reported the likelihood of not drinking excessively for one week (target request). When accompanied by a weak message, the target request elicited less compliance if preceded by the DITF or FITD requests than by no initial request, suggesting compliance tactics sometimes increase thoughtfulness.  相似文献   

现实主义学派是国际政治正统理论,对它进行分析与批判是女性主义等非主流学派发展的必要环节。在进行理论建构时,现实主义预设了四项基本假定:第一,国际政治是与国内政治相分离的;第二,国际社会是一种无政府性状,缺乏合法的中央权威;第三,国际社会具有国家中心主义的特征,国家是理性行为体;第四,国家道德不同于普遍道德。这些假定构成了现实主义的立论基石。在这些貌似客观的假定之中,包含着对性别要素的排除以及对女性、女性特征的贬抑,运用女性主义视角对这些假定进行解读,是女性主义有效批判、成功解构现实主义的基本前提。  相似文献   

Contemporary accounts of learning emphasise the importance of immediate social partners such as teachers and co-workers. Yet, much of our learning for work occurs without such experts. This paper provides an understanding of how and why new home care workers use scaffolding to learn and enact safe manual handling techniques in their workplaces, and suggests how their learning may be supported in the absence of direct supervision. A qualitative approach was adopted for this inquiry, in which newly recruited workers were directly observed and interviewed in their workplaces following classroom training. When learning without direct supervision, these workers were found to use the scaffolding in person-dependent ways. They constructed, engaged with, and subsequently dismantled their scaffolding as personally required, rather than relying on their teacher to decide how and when these forms of learning support should be used and withdrawn. Consequently, a range of scaffolds should be provided in the workplaces of these individuals, without rigid stipulations about how and when they are to be accessed. That is, the learners themselves should be encouraged to decide on the type and frequency of their interaction with the scaffolding provided, and to access or withdraw this support as required.  相似文献   

Using a randomized control trial, this study examined the causal evidence of cross-language transfer of phonological awareness and letter knowledge (names and sounds) using data from multilingual 1st-grade children (N = 322) in Kenya. Children in the treatment condition received an 8-week instruction on phonological awareness and letter knowledge in Kiswahili. The comparison group received business-as-usual classroom instruction. Children in the treatment condition showed greater improvement in phonological awareness and letter-sound knowledge in Kiswahili and English (positive transfer; effect sizes from .37 to .95), whereas a negative effect was found in letter-name knowledge (interference; effect size, g = .27). No effects were found in reading, nor did the results vary by moderators (e.g., Kiswahili vocabulary). Path analyses revealed divergent patterns of results for different outcomes. Results provide causal evidence for cross-language transfer of phonological awareness and letter knowledge and offer important theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

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