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The current study aimed to explore how cultural contexts influence the attitudes of mothers raising children with disabilities. Semi-structured in-depth interviews of seven immigrant Korean mothers regarding their personal experiences within the complexities of the special education system in the United States were analysed to identify factors that help mothers to thrive in the face of numerous challenges they encountered when working with professionals from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Narratives revealed that support groups, parent–professional relationships and cultural norms served as motivational factors that encouraged mothers to take initiative in proactively seeking ways to meet the needs of their children. Findings highlight the importance of a professional’s genuine attitude and open-mindedness when approaching culturally and linguistically diverse families.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of refugee children are entering our public schools. In addition to carrying with them memories of untold trauma, they bring with them many special needs. This article explores these needs and ideas for assisting teachers in making our classrooms more responsive to our refugee children.  相似文献   

The impact of the emphasis on inclusion in special education has resulted in a higher frequency of young children with autism being included in early childhood programs with typically developing peers. Many early childhood educators have risen to face the challenge, and this has resulted in enhanced learning for young children with autism in the regular classroom. This article focuses on the multiple roles of early childhood educators as they work with the diverse needs of young children with autism in their classrooms.  相似文献   

韦氏儿童智力量表是迄今为止最权威和应用最广泛的儿童智力量表之一.自面世 以来,它在各特殊儿童的筛查、诊断、安置、干预与治疗过程中一直发挥着重要作用.目 前,该量表已发展到第四版,并仍在不断地修订中.总结该量表在特殊教育领域内的应用 现状并省思其在实践过程中遭遇的困境与挑战,进而把握其进一步改革的研究方向及发展 趋势,有助于促进国内特殊教育的发展.文章回顾了该量表在国内外的发展简史,就各类 特殊儿童智力测查对该量表提出的挑战进行了总结,对其实践中遇到的问题进行了分析, 指出了其在发展过程中已有的改进措施和尚未解决的问题及继续研究的方向,并在此基础 上总结了该智力测验发展的七大趋势.  相似文献   

语言认知缺陷是影响阅读困难儿童阅读能力发展的重要因素,以训练阅读困难儿童的语言认知技能为主要目标的干预研究也备受研究者们的关注,其中,语音意识缺陷干预、阅读流畅性缺陷干预和基于语音意识缺陷和快速命名缺陷的综合干预是当前具有代表性的干预研究.分析、梳理以上干预研究及成效,并展望其发展趋势对阅读困难儿童的干预研究具有非常重要的价值.  相似文献   

This article explores the meaning of child-centeredness in Early Childhood Education (ECE), by shedding light on the nuanced tensions between teacher control and children’s freedom. While ECE professionals advocate the importance of children’s individual interests and needs in education, they diverge somewhat in their perspectives about the teacher’s role in education. This article manifests and tries to resolve this teaching dilemma through incorporating the related theories (Piaget, Vygotsky, Dewey, and Montessori) upholding and encompassing child-centeredness. The author contends that high teacher control and high children’s freedom are not exclusive of one another: children’s freedom is defined in an active way, as freedom to participate, rather than in a passive way, as freedom from any constrains. The paper concludes with a metaphor of “impressionist painting”, which may offer some insights helpful to those who have struggled with the tension between teacher control and children’s freedom in the context of progressive and critical pedagogy.  相似文献   

Our criticism and evaluation of young adult literature is tempered not only by the scope of our knowledge of adolescent literature in general, but also by our notions of adolescence, itself. Adolescent literature that, in Michael Cart's terminology, shatters the shibboleths of adolescence and adolescent culture, has the potential to re-shape the paradigms that delineate teen culture. Catherine Atkins' When Jeff Comes Home is an example of such revolutionary YA fiction. With When Jeff Comes Home, Atkins not only re-writes and redefines the rape novel for young people, she re-casts the victim role with society's anti-victim—the able-bodied, athletic, upper middle class white male.  相似文献   

2019年11月30日,《大学教育科学》编辑部结合教育部《关于加强新时代教育科学研究工作的意见》,就“新时代高等教育科学研究的使命担当”的主题对潘懋元先生进行了专访。潘先生认为,该《意见》的颁发体现了国家对教育科研工作的高度重视,意义重大。改革开放以后,教育科研工作为我国高等教育的改革发展作出了突出贡献,但也存在着脱离实际和中国国情等问题。新时代的高等教育科研,应该推动建设具有中国特色、世界水平的教育科学理论体系,不断提升教育科学研究质量和服务水平,为加快推进教育现代化、建设教育强国、办好人民满意的教育提供有力的智力支持和知识贡献。高等教育研究工作者应当立足中国国情,增强文化自信,努力建立具有中国特色的社会主义高等教育学,使中国高等教育在世界上拥有更大话语权。潘先生认为,“一枝独放不是春”,学术研究和学科发展必须百花齐放才能春色满园。教育理论学术期刊应该有自己的职业操守和学术品格,办出特色,注重办刊质量和水平。潘先生寄语年轻的高等教育研究工作者,既要仰望星空,也要脚踏实地。  相似文献   

"信息技术与中学数学教学整合的探究"是当前中学数学教学研究的热门课题之一.通过信息技术与中学数学教学的整合,可以充分发挥信息技术的作用,对教与学都产生了深刻地影响;改进教师的教学模式和学生的学习方式,促进课程内容呈现方式的变化和学生的数学思维,提高教师的整体素质;加强学生对数学本质的认识.信息技术能提供一种数学实验和其他数学活动手段.  相似文献   

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