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INTRODUCTIONIthasbeenrecognizedthatlong spanbridg es ,cable supportedbridgesinparticular,aresubjecttothedynamicwindaction .Theaerody namicstability (flutter)ofsuspensionbridgesduringerectionisasubjectofmajorconcernforresearchersandengineers .Althoughtheperi…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Two examples of the great progress achieved inrecent decades in the design and construction oflong-span suspension bridges are the Akashi KaikyoBridge (1990 m) in Japan and the Great Belt Bridge(1624 m) in Denmark. Into the 21st century, longersuspension bridges are being planned, such as theMessina strait bridge in Italy (3300 m), and the Gi-braltar bridge between Spain and Morocco (5000 m)(Astiz, 1998), etc. In China, five large strait crossingprojects have been planne…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Long-span cable-stayed bridges under service andparticular construction conditions are very susceptibleto wind action due to their great flexibility, so thewind stability (aerodynamic stability or flutter stabil-ity) is becoming a major concern in the design andconstruction phrases. As compared with the servicecondition, although the period of erection is not toolong, the structural stiffness of cable-stayed bridgesunder erection is greatly reduced, and consequentlythey be…  相似文献   

为检验在役大跨径悬索桥结构的动力性能,对主跨128 m地锚式悬索桥进行动力试验.测试其自振频率、振型和阻尼比;激振试验中,测试桥跨结构在汽车以不同速度通过桥跨和在桥上特定位置跳车时桥跨结构的动应变、动位移、振幅以及加速度等动力响应,计算得出冲击系数.并将实测结果与有限元结果进行对比分析.结果表明,该悬索桥具有较好的竖向刚度、横向刚度;汽车在桥上运行时对桥跨结构有一定的冲击作用但并不明显,有障碍行车舒适度较差.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a proportional-integral-derivative (PID)-based control method for application to active vehicle suspension systems (AVSS). This method uses an inner PID hydraulic actuator force control loop, in combination with an outer PID suspension travel control loop, to control a nonlinear half-car AVSS. Robustness to model uncertainty in the form of variation in suspension damping is tested, comparing performance of the AVSS with a passive vehicle suspension system (PVSS), with similar model parameters. Spectral analysis of suspension system model output data, obtained by performing a road input disturbance frequency sweep, provides frequency response plots for both nonlinear vehicle suspension systems and time domain vehicle responses to a sinusoidal road input disturbance on a smooth road. The results show the greater robustness of the AVSS over the PVSS to parametric uncertainty in the frequency and time domains.  相似文献   

基于现场实测的某大跨度悬索桥桥址区风场特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了对大桥抗风评估提供可靠依据,结合东海某大跨度悬索桥的健康监测系统,同步实测了桥面及桥塔处的风速,采用统计及频谱分析方法对桥面平均风速和风向、风速随高度变化、风速的脉动特性、相关性以及桥面风场的绕流特性等进行了分析.结果表明:加劲梁纵向不同位置处平均风速大小接近,但平均风向差别较大;无量纲幂指数随风速增大呈明显减小的...  相似文献   

基于小波包分析的大跨桥梁结构损伤预警的理论研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于小波包分析推导了结构动力系统在不同分析尺度上的状态方程和观测方程,在此基础上研究了结构动力响应在不同分析尺度上的时-频特性.理论分析证明,采用小波包分解结构的动力响应得到小波包能量谱,将可以表征结构损伤的发生.在此基础上进行了小波包能量谱关于结构损伤和观测噪声的敏感性研究,分析了结构系统矩阵和测量噪声在各个分析尺度上的递推性.结果表明,采用结构动力响应的小波包能量谱进行结构损伤预警具有较好的损伤敏感性和噪声鲁棒性.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Shield tunnel method has become the most pre- ferred method in city tunnel construction because of its excellent attributes: little effect on surrounding environment, fast and safe construction, outstanding performance in earthquake resistance, etc. (Zhang et al., 2004). In different shield tunnels, the arrangement and number of segments are different, but the whole assembling process is generally the same. The as- sembling process begins with A2P, then A1P, A3P, BP, CP, …  相似文献   

提出了考虑温度变化影响的悬索桥结构损伤预警方法.首先,采用神经网络技术建立桥梁实测模态频率与温度的相关性模型,用以消除温度变化对模态频率的影响.然后,将不同温度下的实测模态频率进行"温度归一化",在此基础上利用神经网络新奇检测技术建立自联想神经网络进一步识别模态频率的异常变化.通过润扬大桥悬索桥236d的实测数据分析验证了该方法的可行性.分析结果表明,不同季节下模态频率的相对变化平均约为2.0%,采用所提方法可以识别出悬索桥模态频率0.1%的异常变化,适用于悬索桥结构的在线整体状态监测.  相似文献   

Nonlinear solution of reinforced concrete structures, particularly complete load-deflection response, requires tracing of the equilibrium path and proper treatment of the limit and bifurcation points. In this regard, ordinary solution techniques lead to instability near the limit points and also have problems in case of snap-through and snap-back. Thus they fail to predict the complete load-displacement response. The arc-length method serves the purpose well in principle, Received wide acceptance in finite element analysis, and has been used extensively. However modifications to the basic idea are vital to meet the particular needs of the analysis. This paper reviews some of the recent developments of the method in the last two decades, with particular emphasis on nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Creep is an internal characteristic of concrete under long-term load. A long time has elapsed since the first discovery of concrete creep in 1907 by Hatt. Many researches have been devoted to this complex problem ever since. However, despite major suc-cesses, the creep phenomenon is still far from being fully understood, even though the phenomenon has occupied some of the best minds in the field, such as Glanville, Dischinger, Troxell, Pickett, Neville, etc. Creep phenome…  相似文献   

根据汽车隔振基本原理,提出了悬架振动的混沌描述问题.采用汽车制动悬架隔振效率实验台获取了实验汽车前、后悬架的振动曲线,计算了系统参数如一阶固有频率和阻尼比,并计算了混沌参数如最小嵌入相空间维数和关联维,获得了汽车悬架的隔振性能、混沌参数与系统参数三者之间的对应关系.研究结果表明:对于吉普车型,可采用最小嵌入相空间维数Mmin评价前悬架隔振性能的变化,Mmin值越小,隔振性能趋差,对应于前悬架的刚度和阻尼值越小;对于不同车型,可采用关联维D2区分吉普车型或轿车型的悬架,吉普车型的D2值高于轿车型.  相似文献   

首先,利用变换将Schrdinger化为了一实系统,通过数值方法分析了其不动点与混沌性质.然后,提出了一种求解Schrdinger稳定状态解的新方法即遗传牛顿法.并利用此方法求解Schrdinger方程稳定状态下的调和平衡解.研究了其频率响应曲线与近似解的性质.  相似文献   

详细介绍了寿宁县九岭溪钢筋混凝土加劲桁架式悬索桥主缆架设、桁架预制、拼装、拖运和吊装的施工方法,对该形式的悬索桥施工进行经验总结并提出改进措施.  相似文献   

研究目的:求斛双圆盘转了-密封系统的非线性振动特性和运动响应 创新要点:采用有限元法(FEM)和拉格朗目方程求解双圆盘转子-密封系统,进而为研究多级转了系统的非线性振动问题提供有效方法。研究方法:基于有限元法(FEM)和拉格朗目方程。同时利用四阶龙格-库塔法求解系统动特性运动响应情况,利用风岔图、时间历程图、轴心轨迹图、庞加莱映射和幅值谱等分析图研究双圆盘转子-密封系统的非线性振动特性。重要结论:随着转速的增大,双圆盘转子-密封系统呈现丰富的非线性运动形式,包括周期性运动、多周期运动,准周期运动以及混沌运动。在右端圆盘不平衡质量小于34kg、密封间隙范围为0.376mm-0.54mm、密封长度大于0.13m或者密封压差高于0.104MPa的情况下均有利于提高双圆盘转子-密封系统的稳定性。  相似文献   

基于三角模糊数判断矩阵的模糊层次分析法,提出利用模糊数比较大小原理,获得确定元素的权重值,较好解决了三角模糊数无法获得确定元素权重值的问题。并以福州市鼓山大桥悬索桥为工程背景,利用三角模糊数模糊层次分析法建立该桥状态评估指标体系模型,确定评估指标的权重及最终的状态评估值。该评估方法简单易行,精度较高,可以为大跨度悬索桥的养护管理及健康状态预警提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以南京江心洲大桥为工程背景,对空间缆索自锚式悬索桥主鞍座的相关问题进行研究.以大型通用有限元程序为平台,采用二次开发技术,建立精细化有限元模型,在此基础上采用合理的加载模式对其进行空间受力分析,并阐述与空间主鞍座相匹配的主缆切点简化修正方法.结果表明:空间主缆在成桥状态对主鞍座横向力的作用会造成鞍槽外侧壁应力大于内侧壁的应力;主缆横向体积力会对主鞍座压紧装置和鞍体产生梯度分布的竖向挤压力;自锚式悬索桥体系转换过程中缆索的几何非线性效应显著,体现在空缆到成桥状态主缆与主鞍座空间切点位置会有较大的变化.  相似文献   

温度荷载的作用是造成曲线箱梁桥工程问题的主要原因之一。文章运用曲线梁桥的微分方程,详细分析了混凝土曲线箱梁在均匀温度荷载作用下的效应,推导出了单跨曲线箱梁在径向受到约束时受均匀温度荷载作用产生的支反力及内力计算公式,并利用公式及有限元软件进行实例计算,验证了公式的准确性,得出了曲线箱梁桥在均匀温度荷载作用下,径向反力的大小与桥梁半径的二次方呈反比例关系,与桥梁的刚度、轴线圆心角呈正比例关系,即桥梁的半径越小,桥梁越宽,圆心角越大,桥梁的径向反力越大的结论,为解决曲线箱梁在均匀温度荷载作用下的工程问题提供理论支持。  相似文献   

首先,利用变换将Schrodinger化为了一实系统,通过数值方法分析了其不动点与混沌性质.然后,提出了一种求解Schrodinger稳定状态解的新方法即遗传牛顿法.并利用此方法求解Schrodinger方程稳定状态下的调和平衡解.研究了其频率响应曲线与近似解的性质.  相似文献   

It is difficult to analyze the inter-relationship for the construction layout of a reservoir project scientifically and intuitively.According to the characteristics of broad field and huge information,the modeling methods of digital terrain and solid model as well as the techniques of texture mapping and scene navigation are adopted.The simulation system is developed by C program language,which includes the functions of the interactive navigation of 3D scene,the visual inquiry of project digital model information,the storage and management of project information.A certain reservoir is taken as a case.The 3D visual analysis for the construction layout and engineering information are obtained.The proposed system is of great advantages in dealing with large amount of information and the method provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the construction layout of a reservoir project.  相似文献   

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