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李健  乔德旭  赵永艳 《体育科技》2010,31(2):4-6,10
通过对国内外文献资料调研,对西班牙皇家马德里足球俱乐部品牌运营的策略进行研究。主要结论:西班牙皇家马德里足球俱乐部作为深受球迷爱戴的全球品牌,其品牌获得成功主要依靠良好的战绩、卓越的经营业绩、周到细致的服务、持续不断的创新、良好的企业形象、密切的客户关系和成功的品牌传播。  相似文献   

贾咏翠 《体育科研》2006,27(1):76-76
乔斯·安哲尔·桑切斯是皇家马德里的市场主管。以下是来自《国际体育商业》资料中对他访谈的记载。阅读访谈后会使读者进一步深入了解俱乐部内部近期市场营销策略。自从50年代末皇家马德里获得5个欧洲杯的冠军头衔以后,它一直是世界顶级俱乐部之一。在2000年,国际足联郑重地把它称作本世纪末的世界级俱乐部。然而,欧洲足球市场是极具竞争性的。局势十分严峻,例如对皇家马德里构成威胁的切尔西队,它背后有着俄罗斯金币的大力支持,国内还有竞争对手巴塞罗那队,皇家马德里目前再想继续取得胜利是艰难的。  相似文献   

张春晖 《新体育》2014,(9):89-91
在全世界范围内的足球职业联赛历史上,转会费排行榜中前三名都是出自皇马。这家在世界足坛闪耀百年的俱乐部一直在用金钱捍卫自己的荣誉。今年分别以8000万欧元和3000万欧元购入世界杯上大放异彩的哥伦比亚人罗格里格斯和德国中场克罗斯之后,皇马15年来买人总花销超过14亿欧元。  相似文献   

芝加哥首轮出局,马德里功亏一篑,申办之初不被看好的里约热内卢却拿到了2016年奥运会举办权;唯一主席候选人罗格拒绝用鼓掌通过代襁票;高尔夫低调入奥的谨慎也绝非杞人优天——明朗的结噪童年,在哥本哈根举行的国际奥委会(IOC)第121次会议也曾波诡云谲。  相似文献   

世界十大足球俱乐部排行榜于6月8日发布了最新结果,由于要为2002年世界杯欧洲区预选赛让路,欧洲各国联赛近来”平安无事”,以欧洲球会唱主角的世界十大俱乐部排行榜因此迎来了相当平稳的一期,与上期相比,大多数球会的排名情况都没有发生变化。高居首席的依然是在德甲联赛和欧洲冠军联赛中功德圆满的绿茵豪门拜仁慕尼黑,西甲劲旅皇家马德里、瓦伦西亚队继续排在第二、三位。  相似文献   

倚在楼梯扶手上的卡卡要做什么? 是向上攀登,还是在凝望曾经的过往。 或许对米兰他还有些许不舍, 但现在他只属于皇马。 当他侧过身走上楼梯的时候, 就是他对以前说拜拜的时候。  相似文献   

小刀 《新体育》2003,(12):36-37
皇马巨星的到来曾令不少中国球迷心动加速。令人遗憾的是,由于种种原因,国内媒体并没能获得和巨星们零距离接触的机会,这难免让球迷有些雾里看花的感觉。幸运的是,不久之前,罗纳尔多和卡洛斯在马德里接受了西班牙记者的采访,不如让我们先睹为快。  相似文献   


This study was designed to compare the effectiveness of two methods of teaching the tennis serve. College women (N=123) in six tennis activity classes at Georgia Southern College participated. The experimental group of 60 students started serving from the service court line and were gradually moved back to the base line. The control group of 63 students began serving from the base line in the traditional manner. After five weeks of practice both groups were given the same tennis serving test for accuracy and speed. The study showed no significant differences in the two teaching methods.  相似文献   

谢明 《网球》2011,(5):8-8
仅从欣赏的角度而言,马德里显然是2009ATP赛程调整的最高明之处,它从一个争夺大师杯门票的赛季末赛事,转变为迄今为止准确率为百分之百的法网风向标,后者的精彩程度显然大于前者,这是马德里应有的荣誉。自从斗牛比赛禁止电视直播以后,马德里人就在为重塑自己的娱乐精神作一切的努力,提里阿克先生对赛事的包装无一不在体现这一精神,真正的马德里人是善于从任何物质条件找到快乐的,哪怕是一个干面包和一个洋葱,他们热衷于一切娱乐,  相似文献   

每一个"十年"都像是吟唱着一段老掉牙的调子,陈奕迅的《十年》唱着爱情的忧伤,"如果对于明天没有要求,牵牵手就像旅游",而皇马过去的"十年"更像是苏打绿的《十年一刻》,"十年的功去乘灿烂那一分钟的梦……",落寞中道出对未来的些许期盼。十年前,皇马夺得俱乐部历史上的第九座欧冠奖杯,那是皇马的巅峰时期,银河战舰让世界瞩目,巨星政策的成功让伯纳乌成为了许多聚灯光下的宠儿。不过,中国自古就有盛极必衰的名言,无论是国内联赛被巴萨压制的悲催,还是欧冠  相似文献   

本文通过文献资料法、对比分析法和逻辑分析等方法,对网球、短式网球和软式网球的场地、器材、比赛规则和方法及发展现状做出详细的分析。短式网球和软式网球是从网球运动中衍生出来的运动项目,这三种不同的运动项目具有颇多的相似之处,但富有不同的内涵。网球的发展相当完善,网球人口众多。短式网球比较特殊,主要针对青少年儿童,软式网球发展不乐观。  相似文献   

The study investigated differences in the one‐ (SH) and two‐handed (DH) backhands when hit flat, across‐court (AC) and down‐the‐line (DL), and with heavy topspin DL (TDL). The ability to disguise each of these backhands when hitting the above strokes was also assessed. Eighteen college‐level male tennis players, identified as having a high performance topspin SH (n = 6) or DH (n = 12) backhand drive, participated in the study. Players were required to hit three AC, DL and TDL backhands from the baseline with their preferred technique, while being filmed with two high‐speed video cameras operating at 200 Hz. The highest horizontal velocity backhand for each stroke was analysed. Results indicated that the sequential coordination of five body segments (hips, shoulder, upper arm, forearm, and hand/racquet rotations) was required for the execution of the SH stroke. The same number of segments were generally coordinated in the DH stroke (hips, shoulders, and varying degrees of upper arm and forearm rotations followed by hand/racquet movement). Mature players produced comparable racquet horizontal velocities 0.005 s prior to impact using either the SH or DH backhand technique. The SH backhand was characterised by a more rotated shoulder alignment than the DH stroke (SH: 119.1°; DH: 83.4°) at the completion of the backswing. At impact the ball was impacted further in front (SH: 0.59 m; DH: 0.40 m) and a similar distance to the side of the body (SH: 0.75 m; DH: 0.70 m). Players using the DH backhand technique delayed the horizontal acceleration of the racquet towards the ball (SH: 0.13 s; DH: 0.08 s prior to impact) and thus were capable of displaying a similar hitting motion closer to impact than players with a SH technique.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of the larger diameter (Type 3) tennis ball on performance and muscle activation in the serve. Sixteen male advanced tennis players performed serves using regular size and Type 3 tennis balls. Ball speed, surface electromyography, and serve accuracy were measured. There were no significant differences in mean initial serve speeds between balls, but accuracy was significantly greater (19.3%) with the Type 3 ball than with the regular ball. A consistent temporal sequence of muscle activation and significant differences in mean activation of different muscles were observed. However, ball type had no effect on mean arm muscle activation. These data, combined with a previous study, suggest that play with the larger ball is not likely to increase the risk of overuse injury, but serving accuracy may increase compared to play with the regular ball.  相似文献   


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