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金路 《网球》2010,(2):87-87
2010年的香港网球精英赛,四位久违的退役男选手为我们奉献了极具娱乐性和观赏性的网球比赛。相对于职业巡回赛,元老们的比赛更适合业余选手们去学习和模仿。职业比赛的许多技战术是以强大的身体素质为基础,业余选手显然没有那么优秀的身体条件。但退役后的元老级选手们的身体素质接近于业余水平,让我们来看看他们是如何在比赛中运用技战术的。  相似文献   

当今男子网坛.活跃着一群青年才俊.要长相有长相.要球技有球技,要个性有个性,他们被粉丝们亲眤地称为“绝世型男”。正所谓我型我秀,不要最帅,只要有型!下面让我们来一一盘点。  相似文献   

黑木 《网球天地》2009,(7):126-127
眼看着苏珊大妈一曲红遍全球,诸位网坛大腕也跃跃欲试,准备在《网坛达人》中展露自己打球之外的才华。该节目将沿用《英国达人》模式,敬请大家为最喜欢的选手投票。  相似文献   

姚昆 《网球天地》2009,(1):64-65
“我已经向澳网赛事总监和网协道过歉,(2008年)1月份我的言论的确有些出格”。在走了很长一段弯路之后,耶莱娜·多克奇终于可以自主而理性地规划运动生涯,并重新步入正轨。不过11岁大就随全家移民澳洲的多克奇直到25岁才找准方向,对于如今更多成名后才远走他乡的“技术移民”来说,度过与新祖国的磨合期无疑需要付出更多努力。  相似文献   

阿明  超景 《新体育》2003,(4):56-57
十年前,美国“女金刚”纳芙拉蒂洛娃看了瑞士小将辛吉斯的比赛之后说:“我不会让一位12岁的小孩参加成人比赛!”三年前,美国运动学家亨德尔预言辛吉斯迷人微笑的背后潜藏着可怕的危机。他在对其进行了全面的生理测试后宣布:“目前辛吉斯的力量和耐力均已达到顶峰,这意味着她的运动生涯将会提前结束,甚至到24岁时就可能早早面临中年危机了。”2003年,美国《体育画报》的网球专家对2003的世界网坛大胆预测:辛吉斯将于今年放下球拍,退出职业网球。 他们的预言应验了。辛吉斯没有坚24岁,她22岁时就已经义无反顾地告有人认为,辛吉…  相似文献   

在末代上海大师杯开幕前的圆桌采访上,一向自视甚高的费德勒坦言有个心结颇令自己困扰,那就是在去年的8月18日后,他至少有大半年时间不得不接受不再是“世界男一号”这个沮丧的事实。  相似文献   

李海良 《网球》2011,(11):79-80,78
当粉丝问起贝莎妮-马泰克·桑兹小姐时,很少有人能快速想起她在网坛取得过哪些成就。但现在,她是网坛的“Lady Gaga”。不管被称为“时尚女王”还是“时尚垃圾”,马泰克不断地引入注目,而且她总有理由让人们期待:下一次,她会以什么样的面目出现呢?  相似文献   

尽管没夺一项大赛冠军,2000年仍是安娜一库尔尼科娃的“丰收年”,仅一句“只有这个球是跳动的”(乳罩广告)就为她带来了1000万美元的收入。再加上其他广告收入和比赛奖金,算下来年收入也在2000万美元左右。不过,和女网头号选手辛吉斯在智利闹得不欢而散后,库娃不仅单打冠军泡了汤,双打冠军可能也只是个梦。  相似文献   

姚昆 《网球天地》2014,(3):68-71
对于几乎一年到头都要漂泊于世界各地、天天面对激烈竞争的职业。选手来说,拥有安稳、香甜的睡眠也许是最大的“奢侈”。  相似文献   

与屡见不鲜的服用禁药、打假球和种族歧视的丑闻相比,一位顶尖选手表达对所从事项目的轻视仍然显得犯忌讳,但本周塞·威廉姆斯就打破禁忌,在不经意间宣称,去年她美网之后再未参赛是因为并不热爱网球。  相似文献   


This study analyzed the activity of expert table tennis players during a match, in reference to course of action theory (Theureau, 1992). Matches were videotaped, and the players' verbalizations as they viewed the tapes were collected a posteriori. The data was analyzed by (a) transcribing the players' actions and verbalizations, (b) decomposing their activity into elementary units of meaning, and (c) grouping the elementary units into larger sets. The results showed that the matches began with an inquiry into the specific features of the opponent's play. This was followed by reproducing the actions identified as effective during the inquiry. The results are discussed in relation to the role of training in expert performance.  相似文献   

主要采用现场观摩与统计相结合的方法。探讨丁松削攻型打法的成功之处。研究结果显示,发球绝、削球稳、攻球准以及良好的心理素质,是丁松在世界大赛中克敌制胜的主要因素。  相似文献   


This study was undertaken to establish theoretical bases for the experimental results reported by Baker and Putnam (1979), and Walanabe, Ikegami and Miyashita (1979), concerning grip firmness on a tennis racket and its effect on the ratio of post- to pre-impact ball velocity. The model predicted that, for central impacts, there was no change in the ball velocity ratio when a regular tennis racket was tightly clamped at the grip or allowed to freely stand on its butt. To validate the model further, alterations were made to two parameters of the racket—a tennis racket was modified to increase the stiffness, and a racketball racket was used to simulate a shortened tennis racket. Multiple exposure photographs were taken of balls striking the center of the rackets under the two extremes of grip firmness. Measurements were taken from enlargements of these photographs in order to calculate the horizontal component of post- to pre-impact ball velocity. It was found that shortening the length and greatly increasing the stiffness was required before the effect of grip firmness was noticeable.  相似文献   

为了备战第50届世界乒乓球锦标赛团体赛,中国国家男子乒乓球队进行了精心准备,最后确定运动员参赛名单时,采取了公平、公开、透明的原则,实行对内选拔赛,以比赛成绩作为挑选此次世锦赛参赛人员的衡量标准.在第一阶段选拨赛中,年仅20岁的小将许昕连克强敌,最终拿到第一阶段选拨赛的冠军,成为第一位直通莫斯科世锦赛的球员,同时也受到了各方的关注.通过许昕在2010年国际乒联巡回赛科威特站男单决赛中技战术运用情况,采用乒乓球三段指标法对其技战术的运用以及合理性做初步研究,旨在为其今后的训练和比赛提供参考依据.  相似文献   


This study recorded the age, height, weight, and grip strength of 299 healthy adult males, representing college students newly enrolled in a body conditioning class, college athletes, recruit policemen and policemen. Analysis of the data showed that for men in condition and within the limits of the study, grip strength is significantly related to weight but not to height or age.  相似文献   

马起来 《收藏》2010,(10):82-82
图1这件商代青铜大铙于2002年在安徽省马鞍山市出土,完好无损,花纹清晰。该铙通高52.2厘米,宽26.6厘米,重54公斤。在出土前,它深埋地下3000余年,然少有侵蚀,至今仍能发出清脆悦耳之声,音色优美,余音绕梁。铙身上大下小,为合瓦式,横截面呈橄榄形。  相似文献   


The purposes of this study were to associate age-related performance deficits in children with the use of recall strategies and to determine whether children who performed poorly in cycling would benefit from learning a recall strategy. In Experiment 1, 18 younger children (ages 5-7 years) and 18 older children (ages 8-10 years) were asked to recall selected pedaling cadences. The majority of the older children used strategies and performed with less error than the younger children. In Experiment 2, children with a high number of errors in Experiment 1 were assigned to an experimental or a control group. The children in the experimental group were taught to use a specific recall strategy. The results showed that children who received the instruction in strategy use improved their performance.  相似文献   

直拍进攻打法是中国乒乓球的传统打法,但其发展却远远落后于横拍打法,通过对处于萌芽状态的直拍换手进攻打法进行了总结和预测,旨在为乒乓球的教学提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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