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3.Definite article the The definie article the is primarily used for specific reference-referenceto a particular example (or particular examples)of a class of thing.Us-ing the definite article,the speaker assumes that the litstener can identifythe example that is referred to either from the linguistic context or from  相似文献   

i.Beginning the Class组织教学乍1)There即es the bell。(There,5 the bell。)铃响T。2)It,5 time to get started。上课时j’q至,】了。3)Let,:get四ing。我们开始上课吧。4)OK,let,sb铭i。。好啦,我们开始吧。5)Could 1 have sooe qoiet,please。我请你们安静 一下好吗?6)Now let,5 eal二down。现在请安静T来。7)Stop talking and sit叩properl了,please。不要讲 话了,请坐好。8)Don,t stare out the window and look at me。不 要看窗外了,看着我。 2.Greeting问候i)Good morning(afternoon),el哪。同学们.早上(下 午)好。2)Hell…  相似文献   

At the dawn of a national curriculum for English in Australia, grammar has appeared without any serious interrogation of the terms of its re-entry and against ambiguous evidence about its value for teaching writing. What kinds of knowledge about language do teachers need in rhetorically productive teaching? This article investigates the potential of Halliday’s notion of grammatics for understanding students’ writing as acts of meaning in context. Drawing on systemic-functional linguistics, I show how teachers can assess writing achievement using ‘big picture’ tools like genre, register and ‘small picture’ tools like Expansion. I apply these tools to two student texts that call for attention to creative uses of language and to excursions and to difficulties with logic and coherence. The paper concludes that a ‘good enough’ grammatics will enable teachers to recognize playful developments in students’ texts and also to foster their control of literate discourse.  相似文献   

1. Wouldn1t it be wonderful world if all nations lived in peace with one another? A. a,× B. the,× C. a,the D. the,theA S c h o o l G a r d e n O f E n g l i s h 中 学 英 语 园 地 2 0 0 7 . 7 - 8 2. Mum was sitting on chair near door when I came back. A. the,a B. a,a C. a,the D. the,the 3. Xi相似文献   

1.______Japan is to______east of our country.A.The;a B.A;theC.The;the D./;the2.—What do you think of the president of yourcompany?—Oh,he is______president who is very strict,but it!s______pleasure to work with him.A.the;the B.a;a C.a;the D.the;a3.The ev…  相似文献   

一、用适当的冠词填空(不需要的不加)1.______earth goes around_______sun.2.Tom often plays________piano.3.What________exciting news it is!4.There is_______"f"and_______"u"in theword"fun".5.______boy is waiting for you at_______gate.6.—Where do you usually h  相似文献   

1.Hefinishedallhisworkwithpleasureandhefeltitplea-suretoworkwithyou.A.the;theB.a;aC.×;aD.the;×2.AliceisfondofplayingpianowhileHenryisinterestedinlisteningtomusic.A.×;theB.×;×C.the;×D.the;the3.Shehasherreasonforkeepinghermarriagesecretformo-ment.A.the;aB.a;theC.the;theD.a;a4.ImChineseandIdofeelChineselanguageismostbeau-tifullanguage.A.×;aB.the;aC.the;×D.a;a5.HejoinedthePartyin1930s;thatwaswhenhewasinthir-ties.A.the;theB.×;hisC.×;theD.the;his6.—Ihearthatmorethan30peoplewere…  相似文献   

1.单项选择1 .The experiments he devoted two months to_at last. A .failing B.failed C.fail D.has failed2._the sueeess of Beijing,5 bid for 2008 Olympie Games was one of the main events of our eount巧in 2001. A .Making B.Congratulating C.Celebrating D.Weleoming3 .1 was eaught_the rain on my way home yesterd叮. A .in B.on C.by D.during4.一What did you insist on_at eollege? 一Nuelear Physies. A .majoring in B.doing researeh C .exPerimenting in D.devoting to5 .This kind of Plant may grow …  相似文献   

12.(2003上海)Generallyspeaking,accordingtothedithedrughasnosideeffect.A.whentakingB.whentakenC.whentotakeD.whentobetaken13.(NMET1996)Whenapencilispartlyinaglassofwaterasifit.A.breaksB.hasbrokenC.werebrokenD.hadbeenbroken14.(NMET2000)SomeonecalledmeupinthemiddleofthentheyhungupIcouldanswerthephone.A.asB.sinceC.untilD.beKey:1-5CCDBA6-10CACAA11-14DBCDⅠ.单项选择1.Katewantstobeasingersomuchthateverymorningsheisintheyard.A.singB.tosingC.tosingingD.to2.HuJintaosucceededJiangZemingP…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. Thanks ____ your computer game. A. of B. from C. for D. to 2. Sarah isn;t my sister. ____ my cousin. A. She;s B. He;s C. She D. He 3. ——Are those your friends? ——____. A. Yes, it is B. No, these aren;t C. Yes, you are D. No, they aren;t 4. ——Is this your family photo? ——No, it isn;t. It;s ____ family photo. A. my B. I C. he D. his 5. Hello, Mary. ____ my friends, Jack and Jim. A. This is B. That is C. These are D. They are 6. Ben is a boy. Your aunt is hi…  相似文献   

1. I!m afraid there isn!t any ____ for you in my car. A. place B. room C. seat D. sit 2. He is provided with ____. He needs various ____. A. food, food B. food, foods C. foods, foods D. foods, food 3. ____ it is to listen to music! A. How fun B. How a fun C. What a fun D. What fun 4. As we all know, the Chinese people ____. A. is a great people B. are a great people C. are great people D. are great peoples 5. Something was wrong with ____ car, but luckily they knew how to fix it. A. …  相似文献   

利用Pell方程基本解性质、递推序列、同余思想以及二次剩余等初等方法得到并证明了在(M,N)=(1,68)时不定方程Mx(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)=Ny(y+1)(y+2)(y+3)仅有2组非平凡整数解(x,y)=(14,4),(14,-7)。  相似文献   

第一部分:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.—What do you think of the girls who have just come?—They were all attractive,but Lily from the others.A.stood out B.picked outC.made out D.kept out2.Since she fell in love with a boy,she canKt her studies and jobnow.A.look on B.concentrate onC.concern on D.take on3.Recently more and more farmers have the government rather thannature for help.A.appealed to B.centered onC.attend to D.live up to4.Before you go abroad,usually you should a pas…  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)Ⅰ.从A,B,C,D中选出你所听到的句子中所含有的那个单词或短语。(5分)1.A.fishB.fineC.foodD.find2.A.pairsB.doingC.picnicD.their3.A.feelsB.fourC.animalsD.then4.A.getthereB.gettogetherC.getanotherD.gethere5.A.thetopofB.alotofC.infrontofD.akindofⅡ.从A,B,C,D中选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相近的选项。(5分)1.A.Jamesdoesntlikethebadtraffic.B.Jamescomestoschoollatebecauseofthebadtraffic.C.Jamsschoolisnotgood.D.TherearesomebusesinJamesschool.2.A.Thetwomooncakesaredifferent.B.One…  相似文献   

1.单项选择1 .Seeing the guests_themselves at the table,the hostess__the dishes. A .sit:brought onB·seat;brought on C .sitting;brought up D.seating;brought in2 .His words su甲rised eve巧one.1 eouldn,t__50. A,imagine his saying B. think him saying C .imagine him to say D.eonsider him saying3.One more week,_we,11 aeeomplish(完成)the text. A .but B.or C.othe哪ise D.and4 .My granny has just bought_eggs in the market. A .two seores B.two seores of C .two seore of D.many seores5·From spaee,t…  相似文献   

1.This is song I’ve told you about.Isn’t it beautiful one?A.the;the B.a;aC.the;a D.a;the2.There is book on the desk.It is interesting book.A.a;a B.a;theC.a;an D.the;the3.Jim likes to play football and w as on school team.A./;theB./;/C.the;the D.a;a4.This m orning I had egg and a bottleof m ilk for m y breakfast.A.anB.a C.the D./5.—W hat’s the m atter with you?—I caught bad cold and had to stay in bed.A.a;/B.a;the C.a;a D.the;the6.sun is bigger than earth.A.A;the B.A;anC.The;a…  相似文献   

U nit1A卷一、看图完成对话,每空填一词。(24分)1.A:H ello.Im M ary.B:①②.Im Jim.A:③to④you.2.A:①②③?B:Francisco.A:④⑤⑥⑦?B:Its3344668.3.A:H ello.①②.B:H i,Bill.③Tom.A:④⑤⑥⑦here.B:M e,too.4.A:W hats his nam e?B:①②③Toney.A:A nd④⑤⑥?B:H er nam e is G ina.二、把下列单词连成句子,写在横线上。注意加标点,需要时用大写字母。(5分)1.is whathis nam enam e is his Bruce2.her whatnam e is andis her Jenny nam e3.B ob are youino am notam I B ill三、在空白处填入适当的单词,完成下面的对…  相似文献   

“武昌起义”是“辛亥革命”这一章教材中的重点。为了教好这一节,现将部发《教参》没收入的有关资料整理如下,供教学参考。 一、武昌起义的条件  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)Ⅰ.听辨词语(5分)从A、B、C、D中选出一个与你所听到的句子中所含有的那个单词或短语。1.A.thank B.could C.learn D.shout2.A.last B.beach C.bike D.pay3.A.used to B.spent C.lots of D.cheating4.A.hour B.m anage C.has gone D.on bus5.A.very thirsty B.any factories C.are calling D.w aste waterⅡ.情景反应(5分)根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C、D中选择正确的答语。6.A.Itdoesn tm atter.B.Thank you a lot.C.D on tplay with m y glasses again.D.W here are they?len7.A.Y es,I have.B.N obody h…  相似文献   

Unit1Ⅰ.词汇(15分)A)根据句意及首字母提示,在下列各句的空白处填上所缺的单词。(5分)1.Itis a good way to use f to teach English w ords.2.LiY ing started to learn E nglish from an A m erican teacher,so she hasa good p.3.Ittakes m e a lotoftim e to rem em ber a new w ord.Can you tellm e howto m it as soon as possible?4.W e found the holiday f because ofthe bad weather.5.The teachers were m osti by your perform ance in the exam.B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)1.Tim e goes by,and good frien…  相似文献   

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