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为了解掌握影响产后抑郁发生的因素,文章通过研读国内外文献的方法对孕产妇产后抑郁发生状况进行综述,对影响产后抑郁发生因素进行归纳。结果显示影响产后抑郁发生的因素是多种多样,主要分为社会因素、产妇个人因素和其他因素,为学者们进一步的深入研究产后抑郁影响因素及有针对性地采取措施减少产后抑郁发生提供参考依据。  相似文献   

缪丹  缪彬华 《科教文汇》2011,(30):138-139
本文通过对300多例产妇的调查,分析了出现产后抑郁的主要原因,介绍了国内外对产后抑郁症临床研究的现状,并有针对性地阐述了如何对产后抑郁症患者进行心理护理,对医护工作者更好地从事产后忧郁患者的康复治疗和身心医学的研究有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

不少广告宣称,产后束腹带可以帮助新妈妈们更好地恢复腰部曲线。对此有妇产科专家称“孕妇产后使用束腹带会增加盆腔器官脱垂和尿失禁的发生率”,并建议女性朋友们通过运动恢复身材。产后究竟要不要用束腹带?束腹带到底是恢复身材的好帮手,还是伤害新妈妈的黑手?  相似文献   

胎儿娩出后24小时内阴道出血量超过500毫升者称为产后大出血。产后大出血往往发病突然而且来势凶猛,常常出乎意料之外,严重影响孕产妇健康甚至危及产妇的生命,目前是导致孕产妇死亡原因的第一位,做好产后出血的预防、监测、急救,护理工作尤为重要,尤其是存在高危因素的孕产妇一定做好产前、产时、产后的监测预防,降低产后大出血的发生率,所以防治产后出血是妇幼保健和产科工作者的重要工作。产后出血的主要原因有子宫收缩乏力、软产道损伤、胎盘因素、凝血功能障碍、精神因素等。  相似文献   

项目概述产后恢复中心是集产后修复、产后恢复、产后美容为一体的妈妈产后修复中心机构。主要服务对象为产后女性,尤其是产后3年内的女性。通过专门培训的健康咨询师、中医保健师、营养师、运动教练的帮助和服务,达到生理恢复、体质恢复到全面恢复的效果。  相似文献   

杨志芹 《今日科苑》2009,(14):292-292
为探寻产后尿潴留的诱因,作者对2002年6月~2003年5月在本院分娩的79例产后尿潴留的患者进行调查分析,结果发现:产程延长、知识缺乏、产后伤口痛等因素是造成产后尿潴留的主要原因。通过产前宣教、产后及时督促、诱导排尿以及针灸、药物等措施,可以改善尿潴留症状。  相似文献   

农业产业化是一项系统工程,它涉及到农业生产的产前、产中、产后各个环节,既要有重点地优先发展,又要注意各环节的平衡发展。本丈从农业产业化发展带动农业产业结构调整的理论出发.结合内蒙古自治区和林格尔县在农业产业化带动农业产业结构调整中取得的成就与不足,提出以农业产业化来发展农业产业结构调整的对策。  相似文献   

目的:探讨益母草针剂臀部注射给药预防产后出血的疗效。方法:选用我院近一年多来分娩有子宫收缩乏力出血高危因素的106例产妇,随机分为试验组和对照组,试验组56例,于胎儿娩出后臀部肌注益母草针40毫克;对照组50例,于胎儿娩出后臀部肌注或肘正中静脉注射催产素10u加10%葡萄糖溶液20mL,两组分别治疗。结果:益母草组产后2小时出血量为136.47士26.53ml,无1例产后大出血,第三产程时间缩短,且无明显的升高血压或副反应症状的发生;对照组产后出血量为232.36士27.28m1,1例发生产后大出血。结论:益母草针剂臀部注射给药预防产后出血,方法简单,疗效显著,且无明显副反应的发生。  相似文献   

产后出血84例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赤来白玛 《西藏科技》2010,(1):41-41,46
目的探讨产后出血原因、防预、措施。方法回顾性分析84例产后出血,患者治疗的临床资料。结果83例产后出血患者均痊愈出院。结论1、首先做好计划生育;2、加强产前检查,及早发现并处理妊娠合并症及并发症;3、对产后出血高危因素者应采取有效的预防措施;4、制定相应合理的防治措施提供依据。  相似文献   

林玉玲 《学会》2001,(4):43-43
女性常见的精神疾病有癔病、产后精神病及更年期精神病等几种.  相似文献   

In recent years, governance and public participation have developed into key notions within both policy discourse and academic analysis. While there is much discussion on developing new modes of governance and public participation, little empirical attention is paid to the public's perception of models, possibilities and limits of participation and governance. Building on focus group data collected in Austria within the framework of a European project, this paper explores lay people's visions and versions of government, governance and participation for two biomedical technologies: post-natal genetic testing and organ transplantation. Building on this analysis, we show that people situate their assessments of public participation against the background of rather complex lay models of the governance and government of the respective technology. Because these models are very different for the two technologies, participation also had very different connotations, which were deeply intertwined with each socio-technical system. Building on these findings we argue for a more technology-sensitive approach to public participation.  相似文献   


As Australia and other countries seek to establish biotechnology industries, it is timely to review successes and failures in this field. One of the most notable stories is the development of penicillin, as a wartime project, to which Australians made major contributions. Australians during and immediately after the war contributed much to the scientific identification and purification of penicillin, and to the industrial scaling up in its production at the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories in Melbourne. This was a classic instance of war accelerating innovations in public administration. Yet the nascent antibiotic industry was never allowed to gain international competitiveness, and was allowed to run down and eventually disappeared by the end of the 1970s. This article is concerned to tease out the puzzle posed by this contrast in aspirations, between the highest levels of scientific and technical achievement in bringing penicillin into widespread use (Australia being the first country in the world to provide penicillin to the civilian population in 1944) and shockingly poor performance in sustaining and developing a national antibiotics industry. As the stirrings of a biotechnology industry may be observed in the first decade of the twenty‐first century, it would be unfortunate to ignore the lessons of this earlier experience at the birth of the biotechnology era.  相似文献   

Alkaptonuria, a metabolic disorder characterized by a triad of homogentisic aciduria, arthritis and ochronosis is one of the first conditions in the charter of group of inborn errors of metabolism proposed to have Mendelian recessive inheritance. It is due to the deficiency of the enzyme homogentisic acid oxidase which catalyzes the conversion of homogentisic acid to maleylacetoacetic acid in the catabolism of tyrosine. Homogentisic acid thus accumulates in cells and body fluids and its oxidized polymers bind to collagen, leading to progressive deposition of grey to bluish black pigment resulting in degenerative changes in cartilage, intervertebral disc and other connective tissues, leading to arthritis which is the only disabling effect in an affected older individual. However the diagnosis can be made in neonates when blackish stain is noticed in an unwashed diaper. Alkaptonuria is treated symptomatically, surgical intervention necessitates in advanced stages, treatment with ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and dietary restrictions of food containing phenylalanine and tyrosine have proved to be successful in alleviating the symptoms.  相似文献   

杜丽虹 《科研管理》2018,39(7):85-96
我国海外投资企业日益关注东道国创造性资产寻求,希望借此实现自主创新能力提升,那么如何获取东道国知识资源成为亟待解决的难题。在外商在华FDI活动中,我国企业往往借助知识和技术溢出效应获取资源和提升技术水平,而在我国向发达国家的OFDI活动中,这一方式则不太适用,我国企业需要更具主动性和针对性的知识获取途径和共享模式,而由海外子公司向母公司的针对性逆向知识转移则更能有效满足我国企业的特定资源需求,并有助于我国企业实现自主创新能力提升。本文试图从逆向知识转移方式出发,探究其作为我国企业获取东道国创造性资产路径的可行性,同时深入研究其影响因素和内在作用机制。为揭示我国跨国公司母公司微观因素对逆向知识转移的推动作用,本文围绕母公司战略因素和子公司逆向知识转移评价设计问卷,以我国海外投资企业问卷调研数据为基础,采用中介效应检验和结构方程模型探究了母公司国际化动因,子公司影响力对逆向知识转移的影响作用。实证结果证实以上两类因素对逆向转移的应用和创新效果具有促进作用,其中国际化动因体现为对海外创造性资产寻求的重视程度,子公司影响力从母公司对子公司的战略、文化和股权控制三方面实现对逆向知识转移的显著影响,而创造性资产的影响作用还通过转移意愿的中介效应体现,子公司影响力则借由渠道建设的中介作用实现。最后综合实证分析和华为案例佐证的结论,本文构建基于母公司战略和子公司影响力、转移意愿和渠道建设的逆向知识转移作用机制,为我国企业实践提供对策建议:(1)鼓励我国海外投资企业关注创造性资产寻求,尤其关注东道国技术、管理、市场和文化知识。(2)鼓励创造性资产寻求动因,提高对子公司的战略、文化和股权控制水平,提升子公司绩效对母公司的影响力,借以促进子公司逆向转移意愿;同时借由母公司控制程度提升,激励子公司完善渠道建设,实现基于编码和人员的双轨道知识转移系统,从而促进逆向转移效果。(3)增强全资子公司或控股合资等高控制度的海外市场进入模式实现更高水平的股权控制,同时通过对子公司的统一战略规划和资源支持加强其战略控制水平,通过构建更具内部凝聚力和控制力的强文化体系来加强对子公司的文化影响。(4)不仅关注逆向知识转移后的知识应用过程,更关注知识再创新和自主创新过程,实现后发国家的技术追赶。  相似文献   

刘燕玉 《科教文汇》2011,(20):33-33,50
在“减负增效”的教育背景下.教师怎样做才能让学生由被动学习转为主动学习、勇于探究、增强掌握知识的能力呢?在此过程中.教师应尊重学生的人格,并根据青少年身心发展的特点.创设能引导学生主动参与的教育环境.使每位学生都能在和谐、愉悦的氛围中调动积极性、激发创造激情,在课堂中培养探索精神,克服困难,不断探索,勇攀科学高峰。  相似文献   

李明军 《科教文汇》2011,(19):32-33
维护国家安全是大学生义不容辞的责任,是党和国家对每个大学生的基本要求。高校应注重对大学生的正确引导和全面教育,高度重视教师队伍建设,充分发挥教师的主体作用;充分发挥课堂在高校教育中的主导作用,不断丰富和扩展国家安全教育内容;充分发挥拓展教育在高校教育中的辅导作用,多渠道加强对大学生的教育引导;充分发挥校园网络在高校思想政治工作中的阵地作用,积极应对网络信息的挑战。通过高校教育,增强大学生的爱国激情,为维护国家安全贡献自己的力量。  相似文献   

开展研究生党支部与教工党支部协同共建是新时期创新高校研究生基层党建工作模式、发挥导师在研究生思政教育中育人作用、增强研究生党支部凝聚力和战斗力的重要途经。本文详细论述了协同共建的重要意义以及当前共建中存在的主要问题,并尝试从完善机制、拓展主题、创新形式和拓宽平台等方面探索了新时期协同共建的实现路径,以期为加强高校研究生基层组织建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Librarians and information workers should participate actively in disseminating agricultural information to farmers in Nigeria using audio-visual materials and Information Communication Technologies. This paper looks into the role of information in boosting food and cash crops production in Nigeria. It highlights the problems associated with information dissemination to farmers in the country. Better agricultural practice and high associated yields can, however, be realized in the country through the provision of relevant agricultural information to farmers. Librarians and information workers in the country should make useful agricultural information available, and on time via researchers, agricultural extension agents or direct to farmers; using audio-visual materials as a way of contributing to improve on the current food insecurity. Agricultural information delivered in the language of the farmers is likely to yield positive results.  相似文献   

Endogenous adenosine formed from ADP and AMP by the action of ATPase and 5′-nucleotidase is known to cause bronchoconstriction and asthma in humans. It has been suggested that this action of adenosine is due to its binding to specific purino receptors in the mast cells in the lungs and consequent release of mediators which elicit bronchoconstriction and asthma. The release of these mediators leading to asthma was also believed to be due to vagal stimulation by adenosine. Though the role of adenosine in causing bronchoconstriction leading to asthma is well confirmed the actual mode of action and details of the mechanisms involved in the clinical manifestation of asthma remain unclear.  相似文献   

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