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清代著名画家郑板桥曾经把他的画竹过程归纳为"眼中之竹、胸中之竹、手中之竹"这样三个阶段,即生活体验、艺术构思和艺术表现。任何一件优秀艺术作品的创作都要遵循这样的一个规律,环境设计亦是如此。它需要设计师把复杂高级的审美活动经过自己的体验、构思、表现,将之升华为一张张优秀的设计图纸来展示给观众。  相似文献   

郭丽 《世界发明》2009,(2):61-63
行走、体验、思考、创作,蔡宗志习惯在每次的设计创作之前将自己变成一张单纯的白纸,在这张白纸上不同的创作灵感会涂抹出不同的色彩。生活就是一出上演悲欢离合的大戏,每个人都生活在一个个不同的主题下。在蔡宗志看来,创意并不是叼根烟坐在办公室里就可以凭空出世的,体验生活、将生活的不同感受用主题设计的方式展现出来,这就是主题创作的意义所在。  相似文献   

海报只是一张纸,如何在这有限的空间里表现丰富的内容呢?这就要求设计者有足够的空间意识。海报设计是常见的二维设计中的一种,如何在平面与立体之间寻求最佳结合点或突破点是艺术设计手法的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

在高速公路设计中,先张空心板梁非常普遍,先张台座也有多种形式,介绍了一种简易先张台座的设计。  相似文献   

本文针对办公场所设计了一种门禁和电子门锁相结合的系统,该系统可实现一卡通式进出自己的办公区域,在门禁系统联网运行,电子门锁脱机运行的情况下,通过上位机发放授权IC卡,可同时打开联网门禁和脱机运行的电子门锁,实现一张卡通行自己的办公区域,适用于各种办公场所。  相似文献   

景龙  井川  振贵 《知识窗》2006,(1):60-60
[案例]张妻子早逝,现有成年的一子一女。幼年张对子惯养,子来福成年后嗜赌,睹输了钱,就向张讨要。为此张和他多次发生争吵。他几次扬言杀死其父张。一次来福连砍其父张数刀,经抢救其父张幸免于难。来福被以故意杀人罪判处有期徒刑10年,刑满释放后,仍无悔改表现。可怜天下父母心,张临终前,考虑来福无职业,生活困难,还是立遗嘱把自己存有的10万元钱给了来福8万元。对此张的女儿宝芹有意见,她向法院起诉主张父亲的遗嘱无效,其兄来福的继承权丧失,遗产由她全部继承。[编者按]  相似文献   

<正>想不想自己做一张货币,然后成功地把它花出去?请不要嘲笑这个想法,它并非天方夜谭。在伦敦、阿姆斯特丹以及纽约的一些小城镇和乡村,除了接受政府银行发行的货币外,还流通着一些有趣的手工货币,它们的图案漂亮且唯一。艺术家戴勒设计出了属于自己的手工货币,价值五英镑,非常有特色。这是一张刻画,画上一张分不清男女性别的脸庞被彩虹色的云朵包围着,让人产生梦幻般的感觉。  相似文献   

一、教材中实验的不足教科版小学五年级上册科学第二单元第3课《光是怎样传播的》中设计了这样一个实验:在3张长方形卡纸的同一位置分别打一个孔,与硬币差不多大,分别用夹子夹住每张卡纸,并将它们立在桌上,排成整齐的一列,使卡纸上的小孔在一条直线上,相邻的卡纸间隔15厘米。接着,在最后一张卡纸后面约15厘米的地方放一张没有打孔的卡纸作为屏,把手电筒放置在离自己最近的卡纸前一定距离处,让手电筒的光射入小孔,这时我们在纸屏上发现了什么?  相似文献   

1 设计无敌造型 用自己的照片制作英雄玩偶。给herobuilders.com寄一张你自己的照片和425美元,这个网站会按照你的形象做一个约30厘米高的手绘玩偶。如果预算有限,也可选用现成的零件组装一个虽然不够生动、但依然很像自己的玩偶.  相似文献   

目前工业设计硕士入学考试中几乎都设有手绘效果图这一环节,由于其丰富的色彩表现较设计草图等更为醒目直观,因此手绘效果图的优劣对于一张试卷的成败显得至关重要。本文从教学经验中归纳了工业设计考研手绘效果图的几点应试技巧,希望能给考生带来一些启示和帮助。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(4):104488
Using a mixed-method approach, we assess the conditions under which digital platforms can successfully deliver their stakeholder value propositions (SVP)—declarative statements that the digital platform makes about how it adds value or solves a problem for target stakeholders—in cities. We examine the popular digital platform Airbnb in the touristic city of Barcelona and analyze the extent to which it delivers its value proposition to guests, hosts, and the city. Evidence suggests that Airbnb in Barcelona closely resembles the existing hotel industry, reinforcing over-tourism and inequality, which explains the adverse reactions Airbnb has faced from the city. We contrast this with the case of a nearby non-touristic city, Igualada, where the platform has delivered on its SVP. Our findings suggest that, while complex and gradual, the process of joint value creation between the digital platform and its stakeholders is possible and can be beneficial under conditions of mutual adjustment and business model adaptation. We uncover the substantive, localized, and dynamic characteristics of the SVP design process and discuss the academic, policymaking, and managerial implications of adequate platform design.  相似文献   

We develop a two-phased survey design—based on the uses and gratifications approach and the theory of planned behavior—to analyze competitive relations between search engines and traditional information sources. We apply the survey design in a large-scale empirical study with 14-to 66-year-old Internet users (mean age 32) to find out whether complementary or substitutional dependencies predominate between search engines and three traditional information sources—paper-based encyclopedias and yellow pages and telephone-based directory assistance. We find that search engines, compared to the traditional alternatives, are gratifying a wider spread of users' needs. Although yellow pages and directory assistance are potentially substitutable, encyclopedias serve those needs that search engines cannot (yet) fulfill. The traditional media companies face increased competition, but do not necessarily have to be in an inferior competitive position.  相似文献   

从哲学中客观物质存在的角度出发,对虚拟学习环境中的情感学习环境进行归纳和分析,总结了情感学习环境设计的三个主要因素--学习者心理因素、人际交互因素、教学策略和学习策略因素,初步探索了虚拟学习环境中情感学习环境设计的方法,以期达到提高学习者学习效率的目的。  相似文献   

吴见平  周宇  陈国帅 《大众科技》2012,14(3):9-10,8
介绍一种滤波器辅助设计软件Filter Solutions,利用其设计一款常用的带通滤波器,并将仿真曲线与实测结果进行比较。  相似文献   

The recently completed 3.8 metre United Kingdom Infrared Telescope is the largest in the world designed specifically for use at wavelengths from the near infrared to submillimetres. It embodies important innovations in design and construction—applicable to the building of other large telescopes in the future—that have enabled weight and cost to be substantially reduced without loss of performance. Situated on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, at an altitude of 4200 metres it is providing British astronomers with a much needed facility for observations in the rapidly expanding field of infrared astronomy.  相似文献   

蒯群 《科教文汇》2011,(25):19-19,24
将"利、名、情"人类三种欲求放入中国传统文化体系进行辨析,得出在中国传统文化体系中"利"乃中国人最大的欲望需求的结论,并据此结论与当代实际,从理论上给出了通过欲望转移可以实现社会公平的可能性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the joint design of power control and beamforming codebooks for limited-feedback multiple-input single-output (MISO) wireless systems. The problem is formulated as the minimization of the outage probability subject to the transmit power constraint and cardinality constraints on the beamforming and power codebooks. We show that the two codebooks need to be designed jointly in this setup, and provide a numerical method for the joint optimization. For independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Rayleigh channel, we also propose a low-complexity approach of fixing a uniform beamforming codebook and optimizing the power codebook for that particular beamformer, and show that it performs very close to the optimum. Further, this paper investigates the optimal tradeoffs between beamforming and power codebook sizes. We show that as the outage probability decreases, optimal joint design should use more feedback bits for power control and fewer feedback bits for beamforming. The jointly optimized beamforming and power control modules combine the power gain of beamforming and diversity gain of power control, which enable it to approach the performance of the system with perfect channel state information as the feedback link capacity increases—something that is not possible with either beamforming or power control alone.  相似文献   

实训教学的目标是提高学生的全面能力,使专业实训更迫近社会需求,最终能实现学生的零距离上岗。为此研究了一种更贴近实际应用的教学策略——项目教学法,并进行了积极而有益的应用尝试。就项目教学法在《网络技术》实训课程中的教学实践进行了阐述。  相似文献   

This paper argues against the moral Turing test (MTT) as a framework for evaluating the moral performance of autonomous systems. Though the term has been carefully introduced, considered, and cautioned about in previous discussions (Allen et al. in J Exp Theor Artif Intell 12(3):251–261, 2000; Allen and Wallach 2009), it has lingered on as a touchstone for developing computational approaches to moral reasoning (Gerdes and Øhrstrøm in J Inf Commun Ethics Soc 13(2):98–109, 2015). While these efforts have not led to the detailed development of an MTT, they nonetheless retain the idea to discuss what kinds of action and reasoning should be demanded of autonomous systems. We explore the flawed basis of an MTT in imitation, even one based on scenarios of morally accountable actions. MTT-based evaluations are vulnerable to deception, inadequate reasoning, and inferior moral performance vis a vis a system’s capabilities. We propose verification—which demands the design of transparent, accountable processes of reasoning that reliably prefigure the performance of autonomous systems—serves as a superior framework for both designer and system alike. As autonomous social robots in particular take on an increasing range of critical roles within society, we conclude that verification offers an essential, albeit challenging, moral measure of their design and performance.  相似文献   

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