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话语是意识形态的核心.大数据时代主流意识形态的话语建构必须契合大数据的时代特征,其建构逻辑要以直抵人心、打破"茧房"、情感询唤为思维导向.为此,大数据时代主流意识形态话语的建构必须始终坚守人民的立场,坚持党掌握意识形态话语权,并不断提升传播话语的亲和力.  相似文献   

随着网络环境下公众话语权的凸显,公共事件中出现了公众话语建构主体并与政府这一话语建构主体构成矛盾冲突。其解构政府话语,生产大量负面话语符号,极大地削减了政府公信力。文章聚焦于公共事件中政府与公众作为话语建构主体之间的矛盾性,得出双方建立良性互动关系是化解矛盾的关键这一结论。  相似文献   

本文应用话语分析方法,聚焦新创企业,研究了微创新行为的关键环节认知问题.首先建构了微创新行为的4个关键环节,分别是协作网络、审慎学习、知识过滤和创新治理;在此基础上,通过话语效度检验、话语属性建构、话语构件关联、话语情景适用等程序阐释了关键环节认知模型.研究丰富了现有创新理论,对新创企业的微创新实践具有指导价值.  相似文献   

文章以非营利性平面广告这一文化传播栽体作为研究对象,从包含人体部位比率、包含主题物比率、包含明确的话语比率、包含暗示性话语的比率和不包含任何话语的比率5个方面对在网上搜集的广告图片进行样本分析,探讨不同文化下的承担社会道德建设重要任务的公益广告受到文化这个上层建筑的影响而表现出差异性.  相似文献   

"一带一路"倡议中,话语是重要的战略资源,影响和决定着战略的发展方向和运作重心。文章分析了"一带一路"文化话语体系的研究框架及中国话语体系的建构,围绕"一带一路"过程中沿线各国的交际互动,探究中国话语的文化内涵和独特性,深入挖掘话语体系建构的可行性,发展和增强中国的国际话语权,更好地向国际世界传播中国真实的声音。  相似文献   

李静 《情报杂志》2022,(11):104-109
[研究目的]试图厘清生物科学话语权建构与高校智库主体间的互动关系,为提升我国高校智库生物科学话语权提供一定的借鉴。[研究方法]以象征互动论为理论基础,以美国典型高校智库莱斯大学贝克公共政策研究所健康与生物科学研究中心(简称CHB)为例,梳理和归纳该智库生物科学话语生成、传播和修正过程中各主体间互动实践的特征。[研究结论]CHB的互动式话语实践是对生物科学话语权结构化建构的一种补充,CHB通过智库不同主体开展学术的引领性互动、科学的社会化互动和个体的符号性互动,有效地拓展话语空间,建构话语价值,凸显智库话语权。  相似文献   

话语是言语表达的符号系统,成为我们洞察人类交往过程的重要密码.作为一种社会现象,话语不是孤立存在的,而是通过一定内在联系组成的有机整体,这就构成了话语体系.话语体系建设是思想政治教育学科建构的重要命题.近几年,随着研究日盛,思想政治教育话语体系研究成为学科研究的新论域,主要有两个视角:一是思想政治教育话语体系的本体论研究;二是思想政治教育话语体系的发展论研究.中国矿业大学梁庆婷博士的专著《新媒体语境下思想政治教育话语体系建构研究》则兼具以上两种理路,在综合的基础之上对新媒体语境下思想政治教育话语体系建构提供了个人创见.  相似文献   

贵超红 《科教文汇》2009,(8):268-268
批评性话语分析主要探讨了语言、权力和意识形态之间的关系。新闻报道的本质在于客观、公正地呈现事实,实际上新闻报道者在文章中夹杂了很多主观意图的内容,读者成为被误导和蒙蔽的对象。本文运用批评性话语分析的理论,通过对美国《时代》周刊的一篇新闻报道的人际意义分析,试图揭露新闻语言中的歧视现象,培养读者的批评性话语意识。  相似文献   

朱佳佳  陆延 《科教文汇》2008,(18):181-181
作为一个新的研究领域,话语标记已经引起了学术界浓厚的兴趣。本文试图以语篇分析为视角,在语篇层面上探讨话语标记作为语篇建构中组织话语结构的有效成分的语篇功能。本文认为,话语标记在语篇建构中有以下几种功能:语篇衔接功能、语篇限定功能、语篇提示功能等。  相似文献   

建构网络环境下高校“形势与政策”教育话语体系,必须厘清网络环境下高校“形势与政策”教育话语主体和客体,丰富网络话语的内容和形式,优化话语沟通途径。同时,要处理好思想政治引导与网络传播规律、第一课堂与第二课堂的关系。  相似文献   

平衡报道是新闻传播贯彻客观、全面、公正等普适性报道理念的主要手段之一。本文依借批判性话语分析理论,通过中美报刊对于中国国庆60周年的报道的梳理,发现在报道的素材遴选、主题设定和报道框架等方面双方均呈现"一边倒"面向:中方将国庆定性为庄严、欢乐、自豪的庆典和节日,侧重报道改革成果、国威军威、复兴梦想等主题;美方则将其定性为共产党统治的纪念日,侧重凸显中国的政治统治、军事实力、民族矛盾和集权控制等主题。故此,笔者认为唯有开放信息源,采取多元化视角、小角度切入,采用多元报道文体和尽量站在旁观者视角来进行报道,才能使"平衡报道"尽量摆脱"立场(意识形态)"的牵制,从而最终实现报道的"平衡"。  相似文献   

在国际科技竞争日益激化、我国科技实力迅速腾飞的当下,国家科学形象日益成为国家形象立体化过程中不可忽视的重要组成部分。通过对国际社交媒体推特平台上有关中国科学相关议题讨论的分析发现,西方公众目前对于中国科学类相关议题的关注度并不高,讨论由少量的主要科学事件主导,明显受到了西方主流新闻媒体与政治话语力量的引导与掌控,且认知偏向于负面。这种负面形象的“他塑”建构在一定程度上被卷入政治话语与国际关系话语体系中,表征为对中国负面科技新闻的报道及阴谋论的关注。而正面积极的科学形象则更多表征为“去政治化”语境下,对中国突破性科学成果与获得国际科学奖项科学家的赞赏,以及对于中国科幻的格外关注。对此,提升中国国际科学形象需要在重视社交媒体平台这一舆论场域的基础上,结合研究结果,制定具有针对性的对外科技传播策略。  相似文献   

夏晶 《科教文汇》2014,(17):83-84
本文选取一篇CNN关于巴格达的自杀爆炸袭击事件的报道,试图从新闻标题的功能性分析,新闻语篇的宏观结构,新闻语篇的微观结构以及新闻语篇的特点几方面进行语篇分析。  相似文献   

The phenomenal spread of fake news online necessitates further research into fake news perception. We stress human factors in misinformation management. This study extends prior research on fake news and media consumption to examine how people perceive fake news. The objective is to understand how news categories and sources influence individuals' perceptions of fake news. Participants (N = 1008) were randomly allocated to six groups in which they evaluated the believability of news from three categories (misinformation, conspiracy, and correction news) coupled with six online news sources whose background (official media, commercial media, and social media) and expertise level varied (the presence or absence of a professional editorial team). Our findings indicated people could distinguish media sources, which have a significant effect on fake news perception. People believed most in conspiracy news and then misinformation included in correction news, demonstrating the backfire of correction news. The significant interaction effects indicate people are more sensitive to misinformation news and show more skepticism toward misinformation on social media. The findings support news literacy that users are capable to leverage credible sources in navigating online news. Meanwhile, challenges of processing correction news require design measures to promote truth-telling news.  相似文献   

陆伟 《科教文汇》2013,(20):72-72,76
新闻舆论监督在马克思主义新闻学和我们党及国家工作中有着重要地位和作用,是媒体的重要功能,随着政治文明的推进和人民群众法制、民主意识的提高,新闻舆论监督越来越受到重视,新闻舆论监督是社会发展的要求,新闻工作的职责,人民群众的愿望,党和政府改进工作的手段。因此加强我国新闻舆论监督是势在必行的。本文就从我国新闻舆论监督的特点,新闻舆论监督的重要性并以事例进行了论述。  相似文献   

Rumour stance classification, defined as classifying the stance of specific social media posts into one of supporting, denying, querying or commenting on an earlier post, is becoming of increasing interest to researchers. While most previous work has focused on using individual tweets as classifier inputs, here we report on the performance of sequential classifiers that exploit the discourse features inherent in social media interactions or ‘conversational threads’. Testing the effectiveness of four sequential classifiers – Hawkes Processes, Linear-Chain Conditional Random Fields (Linear CRF), Tree-Structured Conditional Random Fields (Tree CRF) and Long Short Term Memory networks (LSTM) – on eight datasets associated with breaking news stories, and looking at different types of local and contextual features, our work sheds new light on the development of accurate stance classifiers. We show that sequential classifiers that exploit the use of discourse properties in social media conversations while using only local features, outperform non-sequential classifiers. Furthermore, we show that LSTM using a reduced set of features can outperform the other sequential classifiers; this performance is consistent across datasets and across types of stances. To conclude, our work also analyses the different features under study, identifying those that best help characterise and distinguish between stances, such as supporting tweets being more likely to be accompanied by evidence than denying tweets. We also set forth a number of directions for future research.  相似文献   

Along with other cultural organizations, newspapers, through waves of digital disruption, have become subject to a dominant narrative of crisis. But newspapers have long participated in change. A constructivist approach, qualified by consideration of media materiality, draws attention to diverse but essential processes of innovation around them. We see a contraflow of migration from digital to print, opening up a shared media space; bonding strategies are bringing multimedia to ink on paper, while bridging via boundary objects such as QR (Quick Response) codes are connecting the two. Among other initiatives, development of automation of news production and experiments with transparency are further evidence of an active embrace of change by newspapers that calls into question the discourse on their demise. This analysis inductively develops a nuanced account of the role of the newspaper as an object and as an institution. It suggests a hybrid, multifaceted, enduring presence of print in the complex media ecology of the future.  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展,流媒体技术的应用也越来越广泛。网络视频新闻作为近年来兴起的一种媒体形式,正越来越受到人们的青睐,各高校也将这种媒体形式作为宣传的一种重要方式。对高职院校如何在现有条件下利用流媒体技术实现视频新闻发布的理论与方法进行了探析。  相似文献   

Health misinformation has become an unfortunate truism of social media platforms, where lies could spread faster than truth. Despite considerable work devoted to suppressing fake news, health misinformation, including low-quality health news, persists and even increases in recent years. One promising approach to fighting bad information is studying the temporal and sentiment effects of health news stories and how they are discussed and disseminated on social media platforms like Twitter. As part of the effort of searching for innovative ways to fight health misinformation, this study analyzes a dataset of more than 1600 objectively and independently reviewed health news stories published over a 10-year span and nearly 50,000 Twitter posts responding to them. Specifically, it examines the source credibility of health news circulated on Twitter and the temporal, sentiment features of the tweets containing or responding to the health news reports. The results show that health news stories that are rated low by experts are discussed more, persist longer, and produce stronger sentiments than highly rated ones in the tweetosphere. However, the highly rated stories retained a fresh interest in the form of new tweets for a longer period. An in-depth understanding of the characteristics of health news distribution and discussion is the first step toward mitigating the surge of health misinformation. The findings provide insights into understanding the mechanism of health information dissemination on social media and practical implications to fight and mitigate health misinformation on digital media platforms.  相似文献   

范久红 《科教文汇》2012,(1):148-149
本文针对媒介融合背景下体育新闻传播的传播特点进行分析论述,总结出在媒介整合背景下,体育新闻传播呈现出传播内容以竞技体育为主、传播方式多样化、传者与受者的良好互动、娱乐化的报道视角、跨媒体合作的传播形式等特点,以期能为体育新闻传播的良性发展提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

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