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逯克燕 《青海教育》2011,(11):53-53
儿童成长环境主要在三个方面:学校优美,家庭和睦,社会和谐,这是儿童健康成长的三个不可或缺的环境。家庭是儿童成长的个体性微观环境。在少年儿童的成长过程中,  相似文献   

完全家庭与离异家庭是两种不同的家庭结构。不同的家庭结构形成不同的成长环境和不同的亲子关系。而不同的成长环境和不同的亲子关系,形成儿童不同的心理特点。完全家庭儿童的认知发展与社会性发展均显著高于离异家庭儿童,而问题性行为则显著少于离异家庭儿童。  相似文献   

<正>家庭是儿童的第一所学校,父母是儿童成长过程中最亲密的"重要他人"。父母在养育儿童问题上心浮气躁、极度焦虑,家庭养育内容窄化,家庭养育环境硬化,家庭养育方式简单粗暴、不科学、不积极等,都会严重影响和制约儿童的身心健康成长。  相似文献   

前苏联著名教育学家苏霍姆林斯基曾把儿童比作一块大理石,他说,把这块大理石塑造成一座雕像需要六位雕塑家,分别是家庭、学校、儿童所在的集体、儿童本人、书籍、偶然出现的因素。从排列顺序上看,家庭位列第一,可见家庭这位"雕塑家"在儿童成长过程中的重要作用。作为孩子成长的首席指挥官,我们的责任重大。在孩子充满快乐与艰辛的成长历程中,  相似文献   

家庭是儿童成长过程中的第一站,是儿童早期教养的主要场所。家庭教养以它的启蒙性、普遍性和影响的久远性,在儿童成长过程中起着至关重要的作用。当前,关于儿童早期教养状况方面的信息相当零散、  相似文献   

家庭是儿童成长学习的第一个场所,是孩子成长的摇篮、避风的港湾,是孩子最依赖的地方.家庭为儿童提供了第一次的人际交往、第一种人际关系、第一次社会规范、第一个社会角色.所以,在一切社会生活中,家庭因素对儿童知识、技能和行为规范的形成起着举足轻重的作用,因此,要研究家庭因素对儿童社会化影响的因素,问题原因和解决对策,从多视角剖析家庭因素对儿童社会化发展的影响.  相似文献   

家庭是每个人出生后接触的第一个社会环境,孩子诞生于家庭,成长于家庭,家庭是儿童生活中最重要的文化生态环境。每个人一生中,多数的时间会生活在家庭之中,家庭是人安身立命的基本场所。对孩子而言,一出生接触到的就是父母,父母充当了孩子的照顾者和玩伴的角色,父母是孩子的第一位老师,他们教导儿童在各种情境下合适的行为,向儿童灌输社会礼节、行为规范及自我控制,保护儿童,呵护儿童,帮助他们健康全面的成长。  相似文献   

幼儿的成长与家庭和社区的关系幼儿的成长和教育是家庭、教师、保育人员和社区共同的责任。在家庭和社区里,所有成员应共同为儿童的利益创造良好的条件。1.与家庭的交流应当运用各种方法让公众知道有关教育理念、教育方针及步骤等方面的情况。幼儿教育工作者和家庭之间应就儿童的成长以及和儿童家庭有关的问题,经常进行讨论、交流,语言应通俗易懂。假如可能,儿童在参加某一阶段学习前应有机会熟悉环境,教师及保  相似文献   

儿童自我意识的发展是影响儿童生命成长历程的一个重要方面,而家庭作为儿童生活的重要环境和场域,是影响儿童自我意识发展的重要因素。家庭的教育观念、家庭的文化环境、家庭的教育期望以及家庭的教育方式等对儿童自我意识发展有重要的影响,并在此基础上,提出了有助于儿童自我意识发展的对策。  相似文献   

近年来,自闭症儿童的人数呈增高的趋势。自闭症的康复是一个漫长的过程,家庭要承担儿童高昂的干预费用和长期照料的责任,这使得家庭在教养过程中承受着来自心理、家庭和社会等各方面的压力。对自闭症儿童家庭来说,家庭教育显得至关重要。从心理方面、家庭支持方面和社会支持方面对自闭症儿童的家庭教育提出一些建议,旨在使家长积极应对,在逆境中成长,用自身的成长对自闭症儿童的康复产生正向的影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to examine the role of social relationships in the home as predictors of social functioning in the first years of school. Longitudinal data gathered on 156 children from urban, low-income families were used to examine the unique contributions of mother-child attachment classification at ages 1 and 2 years, the child's relationship with another adult caregiver, the child's closeness to a sibling, and the child's status in the family relative to siblings between ages 3 and 4 years, to teacher reports of their own relationship to the child and the child's social skills in the classroom and peer relations. The role of family-based relationships as possible protective factors for children at social or demographic risk for problems in school was also tested. Results indicate that quality of different family relationships provides relatively independent and complementary information about early social functioning in school, with more limited evidence for compensatory or protective processes at work.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this research was to investigate, within an at-risk population, parent and child characteristics associated with a mother's self-reports of severe physical assault and assault on the self-esteem of the child in the first 3 years of life. DESIGN: The study population consisted of a community-based sample of mothers of newborns identified as at-risk for child maltreatment (n=595). Families were assessed annually from the child's birth through age 3 using instruments with established psychometric properties. Independent variables investigated included: family socio-demographics, parity, mother's social support, maternal depression, maternal problem drug or alcohol use, partner violence, child's age, child's sex, low birth weight/small for gestational age (SGA), and mother's perception of child's demand level. Associations with maltreatment were examined using multivariable methods for longitudinal data. RESULTS: Child severe physical assault was significantly associated with parent characteristics (maternal depression and partner violence); and child characteristics (SGA). Assault to the child's self-esteem was significantly associated with maternal depression, maternal illicit drug use, partner violence and mother's perception of child's demand level. Controlling for family sociodemographic characteristics did not change the associations. Likewise, while mother's perception of child demand level had an independent association with self-esteem assault, the associations described above persisted while demand level was held constant. In this high-risk sample, abuse was not associated with mother's age, education, race, parity, or household income level. CONCLUSIONS: While characteristics such as SGA can serve as markers for increased abuse risk, they are not amenable to intervention after the child is born. However, certain other risk factors, such as maternal depression and domestic violence are malleable and should be targeted for intervention with the goal of preventing child maltreatment.  相似文献   

惩罚是对儿童一种不良或违禁行为的有效纠正方式。应依据一定心理学原理运用惩罚原则 ,科学地实施惩罚 ,可避免一些副作用和不良影响的发生。  相似文献   

A case-control study of 45 hospitalized abused children was conducted to reassess the risk factors for child abuse when confounding by social class was minimized. Cases were matched for age, sex, family structure, and social class with children admitted to hospital for an acute illness. Abused children were more likely to have younger parents, fewer siblings, and to have been separated from their mothers during the first year of life. Their parents were more likely to have been abused as children and to have a poor relationship with the child's other parent. The families of abused children had encountered more stressful life events in the preceding 12 months. Other previously recognized "risk factors" were not shown to have a statistically significant association with child abuse. Because child abuse is more prevalent in lower socioeconomic families, the association with many of these factors has been accepted as implying a causal relationship. Matching procedures which attempted to eliminate confounding by social class and family structure cast doubts on some previously held beliefs about the risk factors for child abuse.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to attempt to understand some of the reasons for the high academic achievement of Chinese and Japanese children compared to American children. The study was conducted with first and fifth graders attending elementary schools in the Minneapolis metropolitan area, Taipei (Taiwan), and Sendai (Japan). 1,440 children (240 first graders and 240 fifth graders in each city) were selected as target subjects in the study. The children were selected from 20 classrooms at each grade in each city and constituted a representative sample of children from these classrooms. In a follow-up study, first graders were studied again when they were in the fifth grade. The children were tested with achievement tests in reading and mathematics constructed specifically for this study, the children and their mothers were interviewed, the children's teachers filled out a questionnaire, and interviews were held with the principals of the schools attended by the children. In the follow-up study, achievement tests were administered, and the children and their mothers were interviewed. Background information about the children's everyday lives revealed much greater attention to academic activities among Chinese and Japanese than among American children. Members of the three cultures differed significantly in terms of parents' interest in their child's academic achievement, involvement of the family in the child's education, standards and expectations of parents concerning their child's academic achievement, and parents' and children's beliefs about the relative influence of effort and ability on academic achievement. Whereas children's academic achievement did not appear to be a central concern of American mothers, Chinese and Japanese mothers viewed this as their child's most important pursuit. Once the child entered elementary school, Chinese and Japanese families mobilized themselves to assist the child and to provide an environment conducive to achievement. American mothers appeared to be less interested in their child's academic achievement than in the child's general cognitive development; they attempted to provide experiences that fostered cognitive growth rather than academic excellence. Chinese and Japanese mothers held higher standards for their children's achievement than American mothers and gave more realistic evaluations of their child's academic, cognitive, and personality characteristics. American mothers overestimated their child's abilities and expressed greater satisfaction with their child's accomplishments than the Chinese and Japanese mothers. In describing bases of children's academic achievement, Chinese and Japanese mothers stressed the importance of hard work to a greater degree than American mothers, and American mothers gave greater emphasis to innate ability than did Chinese and Japanese mothers.  相似文献   

Erich S  Leung P 《Child abuse & neglect》2002,26(10):1045-1058
OBJECTIVE: The paper addresses the impacts of the type of abuse and sibling adoption upon family functioning. The specific objectives are to test the relationships: (1). between an adopted child's previous type of abuse and postadoptive family functioning; (2). between an adopted child's previous type of abuse and the child's postadoptive externalized behavior status; (3). between sibling adoption status and postadoptive family functioning; and (4). between sibling adoption status and the child's postadoptive externalized behavior status. METHOD: Data were collected from parents with adopted children, between the ages of 2 and 16, who have special needs status. The convenience sample was drawn primarily from one southern state. RESULTS: The results suggest that the child's type of abuse does predict different outcomes in terms of a parent's report of postadoptive family functioning but not the adopted child's postadoptive externalized behavior. Sibling adoptions resulted in lower perceptions of family functioning but slightly improved perceptions of the child's postadoptive externalized behavior. CONCLUSION: Parents with adopted children who have histories of physical and sexual abuse reported lower family functioning than those parents with adopted children who only have histories of neglect. Parents who adopted sibling groups reported fewer externalized child behavior problems but lower family functioning than those parents who adopted a single child. These results suggest the need for a variety of family supports targeted to family needs as well as to promoting behavioral changes in the children.  相似文献   

唐勤 《成才之路》2021,(11):134-135
家庭是幼儿的第一所“学校”,父母是幼儿的第一任“老师”,家庭教育在幼儿的成长中起着至关重要的作用。文章分析家庭教育的特点、意义,探讨不同的家庭教育方式对幼儿发展的影响、家庭教育中影响幼儿个性发展的因素及提高家庭教育水平的策略,以不断提高家庭教育水平,促进幼儿健康成长。  相似文献   

In this article, Anthony Feiler, senior lecturer in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Bristol, and Elaine Logan, lecturer in early years education at the City of Bristol College, present a case study of a child who made strong progress with literacy during his first year at school. The child and his family participated in the Literacy Early Action Project (LEAP), a home-visiting scheme for children judged by school staff to be at risk of struggling with literacy. A teaching assistant made weekly home visits during the year and developed literacy support activities with the child's mother and grandparents. Five key factors underpinning the child's progress are identified here: the flexibility in the teaching assistant's approach that enabled extended family members to become engaged in literacy support; the teaching assistant's sensitivity to family culture; the playful approach to learning adopted by the teaching assistant; putting the child at the centre of the intervention; and the existence of a school culture that strongly promoted involvement for parents. Anthony Feiler and Elaine Logan conclude that teaching assistants in the UK might be given more scope to develop support strategies for early childhood education that involve collaborative work with parents.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Data on more than 900 children participating in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care were analyzed to examine the effect of age of entry to kindergarten on children's functioning in early elementary school. Children's academic achievement and socioemotional development were measured repeatedly from the age of 54 months through 3rd grade. With family background factors and experience in child care in the first 54 months of life controlled, hierarchical linear modeling (growth curve) analysis revealed that children who entered kindergarten at younger ages had higher (estimated) scores in kindergarten on the Woodcock—Johnson (W-J) Letter-Word Recognition subtest but received lower ratings from kindergarten teachers on Language and Literacy and Mathematical Thinking scales. Furthermore, children who entered kindergarten at older ages evinced greater increases over time on 4 W-J subtests (i.e., Letter-Word Recognition, Applied Problems, Memory for Sentences, Picture Vocabulary) and outperformed children who started kindergarten at younger ages on 2 W-J subtests in 3rd grade (i.e., Applied Problems, Picture Vocabulary). Age of entry proved unrelated to socioemotional functioning.

Practice: The fact that age-of-entry effects were small in magnitude and dwarfed by other aspects of children's family and child care experiences suggests that age at starting school should not be regarded as a major determinant of children's school achievement, but that it may merit consideration in context with other probably more important factors (e.g., child's behavior and abilities).  相似文献   

The effects of early maternal employment (employment during the child's first 3 years) and recent maternal employment (employment during the previous 3 years) on 189 second-grade children from low-income families were examined. Maternal employment was related to a number of selection factors. In comparison to mothers who were not employed, employed mothers scored higher on a mental aptitude test and were more highly educated. Both early and recent maternal employment were also associated with measures of the current family functioning: there was less poverty and higher HOME environment scores when mothers were employed. Hierarchical multiple regressions showed that children's math achievement was positively predicted by early maternal employment and children's reading achievement was positively predicted by recent maternal employment, even after controlling for selection effects and current family environment. These results are discussed in terms of possible mechanisms by which maternal employment may affect children's development.  相似文献   

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