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Environmental responsibility has become a major theme for universities. Most have an Environment Committee that advises their top administrators on practical approaches to enhancing environmental practices and education in the university with a broad mandate to develop a University Environment Policy and Implementation Strategy. An essential input into this process is the response from stakeholders to the performance of the policy and the strategy in terms of actions that are seen as both important to stakeholders and successful in achieving the desired outcomes. While not denying that stakeholders' perceptions may not reflect the actual environmental benefits of a policy, these perceptions are often influential in establishing the effectiveness and acceptability of a suite of environmental strategies. This paper focuses on establishing a framework within which a university can identify how important an issue is to stakeholders and track how successful it has been in addressing the issues of importance. A specific focus is placed on the mapping of these perceptions with each stakeholder segment to reveal the relative degrees of support. As part of the development of the University of Sydney's Environment Policy, the Institute of Transport Studies was commissioned to undertake a survey to identify the views of the university's key stakeholders on a number of environmental issues.  相似文献   

《国家职业教育改革实施方案》确定职业教育与普通教育是两种不同教育类型,为新时代我国职业教育作出了准确定位。坚持职业教育“姓职”,积极推进地方普通本科高校向应用型高校转型,破除高等职业教育学校身份困惑,加强中等职业教育,引导职业教育适应社会与产业发展需求,进一步提升职业教育人才培养质量,是新时代我国职业教育改革与发展的方向。职业教育各相关方应该积极行动起来,各尽其责,通力合作,携手认真贯彻落实好《国家职业教育改革实施方案》,让我国职业教育在新时代发展得更好、更快。  相似文献   

校企合作是高职教育发展中的一项重要举措,高职教育的改革发展离不开校企合作。通过对校企合作发展的各阶段现状进行分析,理出不同校企合作模式的优缺点,最后从高职院校的角度出发,结合职教20条的要求,提出进一步深入校企合作的基本策略。  相似文献   

The National Behaviour and Attendance Review (NBAR) Report for Wales was produced in 2008. Subsequently, its recommendations were accepted by the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) which established an Implementation Group to prepare its response in detail. A year later in April 2009 this Group presented its findings and recommendations to WAG in the form of an Action Plan. The Action Plan was entitled Behaving and Attending: Responding to the National Behaviour and Attendance Review. The intention of the Action Plan is to help to shape the direction of future developments on the management of attendance and behaviour in Wales over the foreseeable future. The Action Plan’s recommendations are sub‐divided into three: short, medium and long‐term solutions. The Plan’s strategy is broken down into eight key areas. These are on: attendance, behaviour, children and young people’s rights, early intervention, literacy, multi and inter‐agency working, school effectiveness and finally, on training and development. This paper outlines and considers these ideas, places the work into a UK‐wide research context and the Welsh educational policy strategy. It also indicates areas where future pilot projects and research will be necessary.  相似文献   

为贯彻落实国家全民终身教育和人力资源强国战略,《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》作出了创建国家开放大学的重要规划。针对开放大学创建中存在的电大翻牌说认识误区,需分析其产生的原因,进而研究消除认识误区和以电大为基础创建开放大学的相应对策。  相似文献   

高校联盟是高等教育理念转化为高等教育实践的重要手段。从高校联盟的演变看美国走上高等教育强国的历史轨迹,可以得出美国高等教育之所以能屹立于世界高等教育之巅与美国高校适应外部环境的"自觉性"有密切的联系。高等教育理念影响美国高校的行为选择,高校采用联盟手段来解决自身的生存与发展问题,创建世界一流大学以及扩大美国高等教育的国际影响。高校联盟在美国高等教育强国形成的各个阶段中均不同程度地发挥了重要作用。我国要由高等教育大国走向高等教育强国,理应重视高校联盟的发展。  相似文献   

杨建新 《江苏高教》2021,(1):116-120
伴随着《国家职业教育改革实施方案》的全面实施,中国高职教育进入了新的发展阶段。在思考高职教育变革创新内涵的同时,应从坚定办学政治方向、推动治理体系改革、增强服务发展能力、突出特色专业建设、促进产教深度融合、凝练中国职教品牌等方面,明确新时代高职教育变革创新的路径选择,加快推进中国高职教育高质量发展。  相似文献   

在国家出台了《关于实施中国特色高水平高职学校和专业建设计划的意见》《国家职业教育改革实施方案》等一系列政策措施的背景下,高职学院要高质量发展必须把高素质技术技能人才培养摆在突出位置。文章仔细分析药学专业高素质技术技能人才培养的困境,依托山东药品食品职教集团推动高素质技术技能人才培养模式探索与实践,深化产教融合、加强校企合作、开展联合培养,注重理论与实践相结合,实现教师、学生、企业三方都受益的共赢目标。  相似文献   

《大连教育学院"十二五"发展规划》是指引学院"十二五"期间发展的纲领,它明确了学院未来五年的发展方向和奋斗目标,绘制了学院科学发展的宏伟蓝图。我们一定要认真学习领会,全面贯彻落实,努力"构建立足大连、服务辽宁,功能比较完善的现代教育服务体系,把学院建成在辽宁教师教育和专业教育服务方面居于核心地位发挥龙头作用的在全国具有较大影响力的一流教育学院。"  相似文献   

随着新发展格局的建构,我国高等教育的发展环境、使命担当和发展策略将发生新的变化,高等教育与经济社会发展的关系进入新的调试期。高等教育的高质量发展,既是经济社会高质量发展的组成部分,也是经济社会高质量发展的重要支撑。"十四五"时期,应抓住优化高等教育布局、深化高等教育供给侧改革、扩大高等教育开放和加快推进高等教育治理现代化建设等重点,着力提高高等教育贯彻新发展理念、服务新发展格局的能力和水平。  相似文献   

目前,我国正处于深化职业教育改革的关键时期,国家为促进职业教育发展出台了《国家职业教育改革实施方案》并对职业教育发展提出了新要求,同时高职学生的生源成分、思想政治状况、国际国内局势以及国家对高职人才的要求也都出现了新变化。加强高职学生制度自信教育具有为实现中华民族伟大复兴汇聚力量,促进职业教育改革发展,引导高职学生成长成才的深远意义,文章从宏观、中观和微观三个层面对加强高职学生制度自信的重要性进行了简要论述。  相似文献   

随着《国务院关于印发国家职业教育改革实施方案的通知》的颁布,高职教育急需立足新时代进行管理创新。通过分析高职院校基层行政管理人员创新能力现状及创新能力薄弱的原因,提出解决对策,以推动我国高职教育事业的改革创新和发展,提高高职院校在国内乃至国际的影响力。  相似文献   

"双高"建设要求把产教融合协同创新作为主线贯穿始终,为新时代高职院校改革发展指明了方向。本研究以高职教育发达的浙江省为个案,对其高职院校的产教融合协同创新进行总结概括,为我国高职院校的"双高"建设提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

职业教育是我国重要的高等教育类型之一,随着职业教育体制深化改革,构建现代化职教体系是当前我国职业教育发展的重要任务。针对目前职业教育内涵建设不充分、体制机制建设不完善、社会认可度不高、发展动力和后劲不足等问题,学习借鉴德国、瑞士等发达国家基于“双元制”的职业教育理念,分析其职业教育的背景、经验、特点与不足,按照《国家职业教育改革实施方案》精神,结合当前国家职业教育改革的发展方向,提出构建我国现代职教体系的新思考,为构建先进示范职教体系提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

This research originated from two major changes in Australian Federal Government Policy on higher education which resulted in Australian Institutions of higher education being thrust into the market place. The major problem in this study was to determine the effectivenes of a marketing orientation, and the degree of use and effectiveness of marketing techniques. The findings illustrated that: a marketing orientation was almost non-existent, there was evidence of a dichotomy between the Faculty and the Administration about marketing effectiveness, the most used marketing techniques were the least effective, and the least used were the most effective. Additionally, factor analysis results did not support a clear portrayal of five factors of marketing effectiveness as identified in the oversease research, but rather a single marketing effectiveness factor. Recommendations made concerned the development of an enrollment management model for international student marketing, strategies to facilitate an effective marketing orientation, and professional marketing training for University staff. Further research should investigate the development of new or modified marketing effectiveness instruments which are pertinent to Australian conditions.  相似文献   

“十五”期间电大主动适应经济社会发展的能力、开展现代远程教育的能力、多种教育形式协调发展的能力、服务社会功能拓展的能力、依靠创新发展的能力、依托系统整体运作的能力等发展能力大大增强,为“十一五”的持续快速发展奠定了坚实基础。“十一五”期间终身教育体系构建进入战略实施阶段,职业教育成为发展重点,远程教育发展成为紧迫的战略工程,为电大发展创设了全新的发展机遇。谋划电大“十一五”发展战略必须以环境思维、创新思维、和谐思维和特色思维等科学的发展思维为前提。  相似文献   

赵文平 《职教通讯》2019,(11):20-25
职业教育的跨界性特征决定了企业必须是职业教育的主体之一,《国家职业教育改革实施方案》进一步明确强化了企业作为职业教育主体的地位。企业作为职业教育主体是由多方面的原因所决定的:技术技能人才的职业能力发展离不开企业;工作场所学习理论给予企业主体地位确证;国际职业教育发展经验凸显企业主体力量。基于《国家职业教育改革实施方案》的解读,企业作为职业教育主体的作用可以表现为需求主体、培养主体、投资主体、消费主体和评价主体。这种主体作用的发挥需要企业明确自身主体责任意识、需要激发企业的内在动力、需要规定并实施好企业的具体行动任务、需要厚植企业承担职业教育责任的文化环境。  相似文献   

大学招生在高等教育实现“卓越性”与“公平性”的目标中起着至关重要的作用。美国的大学在招生中享有极高的自主性,它们有权制定反映本校办学特征的招生政策,并最终有效地实现大学招生的卓越与公平目标。中国人民大学积极尝试在自主招生中兼顾“卓越”与“公平”理念,今年推出的“圆梦计划”具有表率和实践作用,可以激发其他大学在招生中更加合理地追求“卓越”与“公平”。但是由于受自主招生人数的限制,“圆梦计划”受益学生人数少、候选学校有限,因而有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

The paper describes a prototype of a college level adult-centered environmental education program. The target population is comprised of citizens who serve as volunteers in local planning boards, conservation commissions and environmental organizations. The educational model embodies the concept of the double flow. Citizens with extensive community experience are enrolled in university courses while graduate students are brought into community organizations as interns. Program effectiveness is evaluated with regard to course content, mixing of citizens with regular university students, and motivational factors related to the issuance of academic credit.Dr. Sheldon Krimsky is currently Associate Director in the Program in Urban Social and Environmental Policy at Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts 02155. Dr. Judith deNeufville, who worked on the project while an Assistant Professor in the Political Science Department at Tufts University, is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkley 94720.The environmental education project was funded through grant No. G00-75-02105 from the Special Community Services and Continuing Education Project of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare Office, and implemented jointly by Tufts University's Graduate Program in Urban Social and Environmental Policy and the Lincoln Filene Center for Citizenship and Public Affiars.  相似文献   

Curriculum development through Delphi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports on the use of the Delphi method for curriculum design in higher education. The basic Delphi methodology is outlined along with possible goals and objectives in a Delphi study. The results of an actual case study in the use of the Delphi method for curriculum development are reported. Attention is given to the problem of selecting participants for a Delphi exercise, followed by recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

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