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In this study mother-child storybook reading was explored as a context within which to support early symbolic communication of girls with Rett syndrome. Baseline measures of mother-daughter interaction were gathered as mothers read familiar and unfamiliar storybooks with their daughters. Then three experimental interventions were studied in the homes of four girls: (a) resting hand splints, (b) light tech augmentative communication systems such as voice-output devices and symbols, and (c) very basic parent training. Access to devices, symbols, and training increased the frequency of each of the four girls, labeling and symbolic communication during storybook reading. Parent training was particularly useful in increasing the percentage of appropriate switch use by three of the four girls. The study suggests that parents can provide substantial support to early communication development in girls with Rett syndrome, if they are provided with basic information and materials.  相似文献   

In an increasingly inclusive and complex setting, professionals in the school workforce working with children presenting social, emotional and behavioural difficulties are managing difficulties that frequently reflect co‐morbidity and multiple‐disorder. This article reports practitioner‐led research taking place in a mainstream school in the USA exploring the behaviour management of a pupil presenting with Tourette's Syndrome (TS). The research takes the form of a case study of a teacher‐led intervention. The research introduced the use of functional behavioural assessment (FBA) and a peer support group as the basis of the intervention. This method was aimed at involving teachers more specifically and broadening practitioners' perspectives on the ‘reasons’ and ‘antecedents’ for behaviours being presented. An outcome of the research was the blended use of an FBA and a peer support group process to increase the interaction skills of a student with TS and supported inclusive education for the student.  相似文献   

地理信息系统的核心,就是获取数据。搜集精准数据,才能描画完备的测量图。为满足测量需求,应不断深入解析,提供实时特性的精准数据。获取的GIS数据,被用在野外范畴的测量之中。确认数据生成特有的路径,提升GIS测定的精准性,便利后续的导入数据。  相似文献   

我国证券投资基金羊群行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与国际上成熟金融市场中的证券投资基金投资行为相比,我国证券投资基金的“羊群行为”十分严重.同时,这种“羊群行为”特征不仅体现在投资基金的买入行为中,也体现在卖出行为中.“羊群行为”并没有因为所涉及的基金数目不同而发生明显的变化,由此证实这一特征普遍且现实存在.  相似文献   

The traditional percentage and correlational methods of estimating reliability of duration recording were compared to the reliability obtained with an event-by-event examination of observers' records in which the actual percentage of time that the observers were in agreement was calculated. While observing standardized videotapes, eight volunteer undergraduate students recorded “studying” using a specific definition and “not eating” using a nonspecific definition. The order of persentation and level of definition specificity were reversed for eight additional volunteer observers. Recordings were done on an event recorder. It was found that the traditional percentage reliability scores were significantly higher than actual (event-by-event) observer agreement for both behaviors, at both levels of definition specificity. Correlational reliability coefficients were significantly greater than event-by-event scores for specific definitions only. Implications of the findings include the possibility that duration recording, which does not involve a permanent product (e.g., when using a stopwatch), may be periodically checked for reliability with an event recorder, or that interval recording may be used.  相似文献   

课堂上的行为问题是一个十分复杂的问题,需要广泛地研究课堂活动的全体参与者、侵扰学生和教师的各种因素、师生的相互作用。分析了行为问题与课堂活动和学习的因果关系。  相似文献   

作为一个多元种族国家,新加坡必然要在国民中培养国家认同感。新加坡英文诗人唐爱文(EdwinThumboo)所写的诗歌《鱼尾狮旁的尤利西斯》有“新加坡史诗”之称,通过斯德哥尔摩综合征这个视角分析诗歌中描述的新加坡的历史、种族融合和图腾以及书写诗歌所用的语言,可以看到其试图呼吁构建起的国家认同实际上是在殖民下滋长的一种扭曲的心态。  相似文献   

Forty‐five families with a child with Down syndrome and 88 comparison families provided information about their children's behaviour problems and their involvement in household tasks. In addition, parental stress was measured using the Parenting domain of the Parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1990). There were no differences between the siblings of a child with Down syndrome and comparison children on mothers’ or fathers’ reports of problem behaviour. Siblings of a child with Down syndrome also did not differ in their contribution to family tasks, however, for the brothers of a child with Down syndrome there were significant negative correlations between household tasks and behaviour problems on fathers’ report. Parents of a child with Down syndrome reported more stress than comparison parents and stress was related to reports of problem behaviour for some parent groups.  相似文献   

Web-based learning environments are now used extensively as integral components of course delivery in tertiary education. To provide an effective learning environment, it is important that educators understand how these environments are used by their students. In conventional teaching environments educators are able to obtain feedback on student learning experiences in face-to-face interactions with their students, enabling continual evaluation of their teaching programs. However, when students work in electronic environments, this informal monitoring is not possible; educators must look for other ways to attain this information. Capturing and recording student interactions with a website provides a rich source of information from data that is gathered unobtrusively. The aim of this study was firstly to explore what information can be gained from analysing student interactions with Web-based learning environments and secondly to determine the value of this process in providing information about student learning behaviours and learning outcomes. This study has provided critical information to educators about the learning behaviour of their students, informing future enhancements and developments to a courseware website and the teaching program it supports.  相似文献   

学生课堂违纪行为方式的社会学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课堂纪律是每位教师必须面对的现实问题,是教师进行课堂控制的依据。学生的天性就是活泼好动,为使自己的行为不遭致教师的惩罚,学生在课堂上会采取相应的策略。课堂违纪行为体现了学生在教师行为的影响和控制下的主动建构,也体现了一定的社会因素。学生课堂违纪行为方式主要包括:讨好、合理化、投机和抵抗。  相似文献   

电类实验教学过程中人工评判学生所测数据工作烦琐,影响了教学质量和效率。该文提出了改进的K近邻(K-nearest neighbors,KNN)分类算法,即基于均值漂移、安全间隔和核主成分分析(KPCA)的M-KPCA-KNN(KNN based on margin and KPCA)算法,以判断学生测量数据正确与否和错误原因。首先利用KPCA对高维实验数据进行降维,然后利用均值漂移向量找到不同类别数据的最密集位置,并在不同类别数据的边界设置安全间隔,最后,将与待测样本距离最近的k个数据设置权重,计算每个类别的权重和,权重和最大的类别为待测样本的类别。与现有的KNN算法相比,M-KPCA-KNN算法不仅提高了分类正确率,而且降低了时间复杂度。  相似文献   

当代大学生思想政治状况论析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在问卷调查、座谈、访谈的基础上,研究和分析当代大学生的思想政治状况,特别是深层的思想政治问题,并提出针对性的对策和建议,对加强和改进高校思想政治工作具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Abstract Behavioural analyses of oral reading behaviour have ascribed different functions to errors and the correction of errors. Two positions are discussed. One is the legacy of Skinner which views errors as problematic and which advocates near error‐less learning. The other position views errors and potential errors as providing opportunities for self regulation and enhanced feedback. On the basis of recent research this paper argues that errors can have generative and inhibiting effects on oral reading, depending on the instructional context and the literacy goals of the classroom.  相似文献   

This article focuses on three recently released reports — Schools Renewal (1989), Report of the Committee of NSW Schools (1989) and Excellence and Equity (1989) — which are examined from the perspective of the discourse of school and parent/community relations. After outlining the basic elements of this discourse, their status in NSW education is discussed and the extent to which they function as a framework for the changes the reports propose or as a legitimating mechanism is analysed. This is followed by an appraisal of the context which gave rise to the reports and of the implications for the future role of parents’ and citizens’ groups.  相似文献   

伍德勤 《教育研究》2006,27(3):88-91
我国颁布的多部教育法律法规都明确规定,禁止教师体罚和变相体罚学生,但在教育理论和实践中,对什么是体罚和变相体罚,一直存在模糊的认识,从而导致部分教师仍继续犯体罚学生的错误,而另一部分教师又不敢大胆地管学生,甚至放任学生,降低自己工作的责任心。所以,必须明确处罚、体罚、直接体罚、间接体罚(变相体罚)以及侮辱学生人格的处罚等概念的内涵及其相互关系,同时,还必须明确,禁止教师体罚学生是教育发展和人类进步的要求,以杜绝中小学教师的体罚行为。  相似文献   

期望中的教师专业性:政策文本分析的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师被认为是教育改革成败的关键.在变革的社会中,政府、家长、社会团体等利益相关者对教师素质的要求各不相同,同时对教师专业性概念也有不同的诠释.其中,政府颁布的各种教育改革政策对教师工作的影响越来越频繁、直接.本文运用文本分析的方法对我国相关教师政策加以梳理,以期揭示国家政策对教师专业性的规定及其内涵.  相似文献   

所有制关系是一国社会经济关系的核心.在计划经济体制下,俄罗斯(前苏联)一直奉行"大一统"的国家所有制度.随着从计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转轨,俄罗斯逐步取消"大一统"的国有制,并在法律制度发展与完善的基础上成功构建中央与地方分别所有的国家所有制,为俄罗斯经济转轨与发展创造了条件.俄罗斯通过立法的推动建立符合市场经济发展的新型国家所有制具有鲜明的特点,对中国相应制度的改革具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

国家赔偿制度中的博弈包括两个层面:国家赔偿的个案是赔偿请求人(被侵权人)与赔偿义务机关(侵权国家机关)所进行的一次博弈;国家赔偿制度的建立与完善本身即是公民(权利)与国家(权力)博弈的表现和结果。博弈的结果是为了走向均衡即在权利与权力之间达成平衡。  相似文献   

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