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李世南家中有一幅他早期的作品。画中一人正挥毫作画,头上蜘蛛结网,脚边站立着一只小老鼠相对而视。题款曰:吾客居长安马军寨村舍小屋,每于夜深人静读书作画之际,常见门隙中溜进小鼠对吾大胆窥视,久之且敢盘旋于吾足下,甚觉可哀,人尚知孤,兽岂例外乎。这幅名为《孤独》的作品,生动地表露了这位喜欢独处的著名画家多愁善感的性情和当时困厄中的孤独心境。  相似文献   

作为奈保尔《米格尔大街》小说集中的普通一角,布莱克凄凉的生存处境和不被理解的境遇不仅是身为"诗人"的悲哀,更是以他为代表的独立个体在无比压抑的殖民地现实环境中孤独的体现。本文从小说人物的孤独现象入手,从人与世界的孤独状态和孤独空间两角度试以探讨孤独影子下个体和社会中无所不在的孤独情怀及其本质特征。  相似文献   

当你身处繁华的都市,身旁是喧闹的人群时,你是否感到失落,空虚?这就是孤独,孤单并不代表孤独,孤独不一定孤单。一梵高从梦中惊醒, 《向日葵》、《阿姆斯特丹》、《星月夜》……一幅幅从脑中闪过。孤独,像驱不走的苍蝇,一直俳徊在他脑中。弟弟是唯一  相似文献   

赵华 《现代语文》2004,(10):8-8,13
在王安忆的小说中经常流露出一种解不开的孤独情结,她的孤独从《雨,沙沙沙》中的雯雯对生活、爱情的美好憧憬、痴痴等待中走来,穿越时空的断层,穿越纷扰的人群,穿越物欲的厚障,一路倾诉、低吟着生命的孤独。孤独是个体生命的体验。丹麦神秘主义者克尔凯郭尔曾说:“孤独这件事对我——不是我私人,而是作为一个思想家立场的我——是一件决定性的事。”也  相似文献   

正孤独而倔强地写着,在犹疑中强化写作的意义,时而冥想,时而试图确定一些事物间的关联性,始终保持怀疑的姿态,与时间和记忆对抗着,并不断追问存在的意义。这是我读完闫文盛《灵魂絮语》后的直观感受,毫无疑问,闫文盛的《主观书》系列作品是当下散文中一种独特的存在,这些看似碎片化的沉思,直指个体的精神世界,它是一种私人化、抽象化的艺术表达。闫文盛是孤独的,他的孤独源自高度的文体自觉及艺术自信。同时,这些向费尔南多·佩索阿致敬的文字,在某种程度上又强化了他的文体意识和艺  相似文献   

祥云 《中学生百科》2014,(Z3):63-64
"对青春期的我而言,孤独是一种渴望,可以让我与自己对话,或是从读一本小说中摸索自己的人生。""孤独是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤独。"曾在很多人的签名档里看到这一句话。而我总会在看着类似这样的表达时皱起眉头,心里鄙夷着孤独的人们。阳光灿烂,青春正好,哪来如此落寞的感受?不过是矫揉造作罢了。孤独在我的字典里就是寂寞、无聊、空虚。它是应该被唾弃的。近来看《孤独六讲》,里面有句话这么说:"对  相似文献   

陈钊 《师道》2004,(12):59
时间,像流苏,在岁月匆匆的交替中滑过。黄叶舞于寒风,是在追忆绿色的灿烂,体味金色的辉煌。孤自一个人,看着月亮沉于西厢,胸里常梗着想哭的感觉。想哭的原因是因为黑黝黝的世界——独我。人群中,我一直孤独。孤独似乎成了自己对自由的一种追求,却又无可追求。一直以来,向朋友倾诉的孤独,都是被自己歪曲了的,我想,那些不过是寂寞罢了。大凡声音离心灵都很远,思想才能接近灵魂。作为个体生命的我,孤独埋藏了自己大片的精神隐私,使我面对无法与他人沟通的困境。而正是这困境,又使我在人群中成为自己,并使生命在获取欢乐与痛苦、高兴与悲伤的机…  相似文献   

《遮蔽的天空》是美国作家保罗·鲍尔斯第一部也是最重要的一部作品,其中探讨了大量存在主义的主要观点,充分体现了他特有的创作主题。为此,从存在主义角度解读主人公波特孤立于其他人之外,而不由得被终极的事物所吸引,以至最后走到虚无的尽头的旅程,分析其中蕴含的存在主义的个体,自身与他人,以及孤独个体命运等问题。  相似文献   

敏感、多愁、脆弱的里尔克是孤独的,而这孤独时浓时淡、时轻时重,却始终无法消亡。他在颠沛流离的生活中用孤独谱写着美丽的诗歌,用孤独展现了寂寞的美丽。在《秋日》与《豹》中,他那孤独的身影无处不在。  相似文献   

鲁迅《风筝》一文的主题是:反映了作者对亲情的淡漠乃至更广的人际关系的冷漠的绝望心理,反映了个体孤独的普遍性,作者由此表达出自己要在绝望和孤独中斗争的勇气。这一解读对理解鲁迅作品真实价值有重要意义。  相似文献   

Talwar V  Lee K 《Child development》2008,79(4):866-881
The relation between children's lie-telling and their social and cognitive development was examined. Children (3–8 years) were told not to peek at a toy. Most children peeked and later lied about peeking. Children's subsequent verbal statements were not always consistent with their initial denial and leaked critical information revealing their deceit. Children's conceptual moral understanding of lies, executive functioning, and theory-of-mind understanding were also assessed. Children's initial false denials were related to their first-order belief understanding and their inhibitory control. Children's ability to maintain their lies was related to their second-order belief understanding. Children's lying was related to their moral evaluations. These findings suggest that social and cognitive factors may play an important role in children's lie-telling abilities.  相似文献   

The current study investigated whether parents are accurate judges of their own children’s lie-telling behavior. Participants included 250 mother–child dyads. Children were between three and 11 years of age. A temptation resistance paradigm was used to elicit a minor transgressive behavior from the children involving peeking at a forbidden toy and children were subsequently questioned about the transgressive event. Mothers were asked to make predictions about whether their child would peek and then watched a video of their child being questioned about their peeking behavior. Mothers were asked to detect whether or not they thought their child was lying. Overall, 59.6% of parents accurately predicted their child’s lie-telling behavior. Mothers had more difficulty detecting older children’s lies. Signal detection analyses revealed parents had a strong tendency to believe their child was honest. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for parent–child relationships.  相似文献   

当代话语范型与女性写作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代女性写作与主流话语之间呈现一种分享与受制的关系,既对时尚主流应合,又保持一份自觉的疏离,同时惜鉴其话语资源来拓展文学想象、文本叙事的空间。  相似文献   

河南神话的基本特征主要表现为:多化因子的融合;多神话与传说的并存;原生神话超强的生命力与再生力;地域性与超地域性;神话与传说的相互生成;神话演变过程中的非逻辑性与超时代性。研究河南神话的意义在于:神话对古史的反证作用;弥补中国神话之缺;通过神话异发掘新的神话;窥视中国古典神话流变的过程。  相似文献   

个人与社会的关系问题是现代社会一切问题的根源,是社会学的基本问题。权益自主与权力规范既是个人与社会关系问题具体化,又是它的实质与焦点。社会生活过程本质上就是个人“自主”与社会的“规范”不断进行相应地自我调适的过程。权益自主与权力规范所表现的个人与社会关系,可以也必须从经济、政治、文化以及社会生活各个方面进行分析和考察。  相似文献   

Warm,sunny days     
Each change in the seasons brings a certain sense of excitement. Perhaps, after a long, cold winter, the most pleasant change of all is when the signs of Spring begin to appear: warm, windy weather; tiny shoots of green peeking through the melting snow; budding trees and bushes; the first robin; rainstorms and puddles; and a chance to go outside to fly a kite or throw a paper glider into the air.... Then, finally,warm, sunny days to let us know that Spring is really here!  相似文献   

Infants imitate others’ individual actions, but do they also replicate others’ joint activities? To examine whether observing joint action influences infants’ initiation of joint action, forty‐eight 18‐month‐old infants observed object demonstrations by 2 models acting together (joint action), 2 models acting individually (individual action), or 1 model acting alone (solitary action). Infants’ behavior was examined after they were given each object. Infants in the joint action condition attempted to initiate joint action more often than infants in the other conditions, yet they were equally likely to communicate for other reasons and to imitate the demonstrated object‐directed actions. The findings suggest that infants learn to replicate others’ joint activity through observation, an important skill for cultural transmission of shared practices.  相似文献   

利用形变映射法,建立Boussinesq方程与三次非线性Klein-Gordon(NKG)方程一类特殊类型解的代数变换关系.根据该关系以及NKG方程的已知解,获得Boussinesq方程系统丰富的显式精确行波解,包括孤波解,周期波解,雅可比椭圆函数解和其他精确解.  相似文献   

利用形变映射法,建立NLS方程与Klein-Gordon(NKG)非线性方程的一类特殊类型解的代数变换关系,根据NKG方程的已知解,获得NLS方程系统丰富的显式精确行波解,包括孤波解,周期波解,雅可比椭圆函数解.  相似文献   

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