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Twenty-eight seventh and eighth grade students were randomly assigned to two treatments and a control as they entered the Florida State Museum. All subjects were given set induction materials saying in effect: (1) Treatment-Study the wall panel which is part of the cave exhibit and describes the many biologic relationships and organisms in the cave at the cave entrance. Continue into the cave and study the habitat. When you exit the cave you will be given a test to see how much you learned; (2) Treatment II-Enter the cave and study that habitat. When you exit at the other end, study the wall panel which is part of the cave exit and describes the many biologic relationships and organisms in the cave. After studying this panel you will be given a test to see how much you learned; (3) Control-You will take a walk through exhibits depicting a variety of Florida Habitats and later see a film on the Habitats of Florida that are represented in the museum. Then you will be given a test to determine how much you know about one type of habitat. Both treatments and the control spent equivalent time at their tasks and were confronted with either the cave exhibit as described or the equivalent control experiences. A 25 item criterion test was designed to measure the acquisition of conceptual and factual knowledge and specific attentional factors relative to both the cave and the instructional panel. A Kr-20 indicated that this instrument had a reliability coefficient of 0.80. It was anticipated that the panel, used as an attention directing and controlling device prior to entering the cave (Treatment I) or upon exiting the cave (Treatment II), would function as a forward-shaping or backward review prompting adjunct, hence both should be significantly more effective than the control. This was confirmed (df 2,28; F 8.09) p < 0.01. It was also expected that the forward shaping panel would be more effective than the backward review panel in the tradition of inserted questions in prose research. Although the differences were in this direction, they were not significant (p≤ 0.10).  相似文献   

Various studies contradict each other on the value of field trips and museum visits to improve learning and attitudes. This study concluded that students of grades, 5, 6, and 7 had significantly greater cognitive learning when they participated in a more structured tour, i.e., one led by a museum docent. Students of grades 5, 6, and 7, however, had significantly more positive attitudes when they participated in the less structured tour, i.e., one guided only by their classroom teacher. The study involved 816 students in 31 tours of the Natural History Gallery of the British Columbia Provincial Museum in Victoria.  相似文献   

Twenty-six college student read a 5000-word prose passage and answered either verbatim or paraphrased inserted questions while reading about international communication. Students either were or were not permitted to review the text while answering the inserted questions. On a subsequent post-test containing new paraphrases of the adjunct questions, students who received paraphrased adjunct questions outperformed students who received verbatim adjunct questions. This result supported the contention that paraphrased adjunct questions could facilitate meaningful learning from prose.  相似文献   

A selective attentional model used to explain recent mathemagenic and related research findings also predicted that textbook study questions adjunct to a flow diagram focus students' attention more upon questioned information and less upon nonquestioned information. Furthermore, the chances of such dysfunctional selective attention are increased when students are provided with a mere sampling (partial set) of study questions covering only portions of the diagram and are decreased when students are provided with a population (complete set) of questions or a no-question treatment. As predicted, using the Newman-Keuls procedure (p <0.05), the population and no-question treatment groups outperformed the sampling-question group which, in turn, outperformed a placebo-control group. It was concluded that researchers and teachers should be aware that encouraging students to concentrate on selective portions of critical information can result in inadequate processing of such specialized science materials as flow diagrams.  相似文献   

文章探讨了由一个扩展的动核结构和两个动核结构生成把字句的情况,并考察了特殊类型把字句的生成情况,探究了动结式组配过程中论元的位置选择原则,提出了动结式论元的计算公式,指出“把”的宾语的原始位置有三个:一是VP后的位置,一是V和P之间的位置,一是VP后名词短语定语的位置。  相似文献   

<汉书>较<史记>衍出秦汉时乌孙与大月氏"共在"敦煌之说,然"俱在祁连、敦煌间"仍本于"始张骞言",乃张骞被羁匈奴时所"闻",故其可靠性值得研究.中亚地区伊犁河流域(新疆及原苏联)大量乌孙考古遗存的考古学及人类体质学研究表明:乌孙系欧洲人种,自公元前3世纪至4世纪基本稳定地活动于伊犁河流域.难兜靡为西迁夺地的月氏所杀后其部东逸,后乌孙借助匈奴力量击败月氏复居"故地".  相似文献   

Little is known about the relative effects of post‐secondary learning services for students with learning disabilities. We compared outcomes for students with learning disabilities who selected to: (1) take an academic learning success course (course‐intervention), (2) have regular individual interventions (high‐intervention) or (3) use services only as needed (low‐intervention). Pre‐ and post‐test comparisons revealed improvements in academic self‐efficacy and academic resourcefulness for students in the course‐ and high‐intervention groups. The course‐intervention group also showed decreases in their failure attributions to bad luck and increases in their general repertoire of learned resourcefulness skills in comparison to the high‐intervention group and had significantly higher year‐end GPAs in comparison to the low‐intervention group. Here we find positive outcomes for students with learning disabilities taking a course that teaches post‐secondary learning and academic skills.  相似文献   

The effects of systematically varied interactivity on learning from interactive video were studied. A total of 98 high-school students served as subjects. Four increasingly interactive versions of instruction were used. After receiving the instruction, students took a 23-item recall test. Recall was significantly affected by the amount and type of interactivity provided. The fully interactive version yielded the greatest recall but took longer to complete than any of the other presentations. Time to complete the instruction was shortest, and the resulting rate of learning was greatest, for the simple linear video presentation. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the combined effects of orienting activities and levels of practice on learning from interactive video. Participants were 72 college students. Each participant was randomly assigned to an orienting activity group and to one of three practice groups: No Practice, Limited Practice, or Elaborate Practice. The lesson, which focused on characteristics of various artists and art periods, included practice for one half of the facts and applications cued initially via the orienting activity. The posttest included both new and repeated items for both facts and applications taught during the lesson. Results indicated significant main effect differences related to item familiarity and practice. In addition, interactions were detected between type of learning and practice, and item familiarity and practice.  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusions Earlier research found a relationship between the location of a student or viewer with respect to a motion picture or television screen and his learning from or performance with respect to ma terial presented thereon. This relationship has most often been attributed to visual acuity factors. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that social psychological factors account for part or all of the relationship under certain condi tions. The hypothesis was supported by the findings. The writer gratefully acknowledges the counsel of Dr. Edwin Parker of Stanford University, who was the principal adviser for the dissertation from which this report was drawn, and the assistance of the Santa Clara County (California) Office of Education, whose Internship in the Newer Instructional Media was held by the author while he conducted the experiment reported here.  相似文献   

This research evaluated the effect of question type (rote, conceptual) and adjunct question response mode (multiple choice, short answer) on rote and conceptual learning outcomes of high and low ability readers. Subjects were 98 freshman students of a small, historically black, undergraduate institution. Students studied a passage containing either rote- or conceptual-level adjunct questions or no questions. They were then administered a rote and a conceptual post-test over the presented concepts. A 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design was used. The results indicated, contrary to most other research, that rote adjunct questions were more helpful to readers than conceptual adjunct questions on both rote and conceptual post-tests. As expected, high reading ability students performed better than low reading ability students within treatments. There were no significant aptitude-treatment interactions.  相似文献   

This study explored the role of learner-generated and instructor-provided visuals in learning from scientific text. 134 college students studied a lesson on the human circulatory system and then completed recall and transfer tests. Across two consecutive study periods, students were randomly assigned to either view a provided illustration twice (provided-provided), generate a drawing from the text and then revise their drawing (generated-revised), view a provided illustration and then generate a drawing (provided-generated), or generate a drawing and then view a provided illustration (generated-provided). Results indicated a group by learning outcome interaction: the generated-provided and provided-generated groups performed higher on the transfer test and lower on the recall test compared to the provided-provided group. Furthermore, spatial ability was positively associated with learning outcomes among students who generated drawings but not among students in the provided-provided group. Finally, the relationship between spatial ability and learning outcomes among students who generated drawings was mediated by drawing quality. These findings suggest that provided and generated visuals have unique effects on different learning outcomes, and spatial ability plays an important role in supporting learner-generated visuals.  相似文献   

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