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The distinction between apophatic and cataphatic listening is defined and analyzed. Apophatic listening is more or less devoid of cognitivist claims, whereas cataphatic listening involves cognition and questioning. Many of the papers in this volume are discussed along the continuum determined by these two types of listening. Haroutunian-Gordon’s claim is that every act of listening involves the listener in questioning, thus listening is solely cataphatic. We discuss apophatic listening as a limiting ideal case and conclude that not every act of listening involves a question. Though in acknowledging this limiting case we disagree with Haroutunian-Gordon’s assertion, we are indebted to her work and believe her model forms an important part of any comprehensive theory of listening.
Jim GarrisonEmail:

有效的教师课堂反馈是对话教学顺利实施的重要保障。从根本而言,对话教学视域下的教师课堂反馈是一种新的提问,这是由对话教学的问题优先性与循环性所决定的。对话教学视域下的教师课堂反馈具有平等性、循环性、开放性以及情境性等特征。并从课堂反馈的目的、课堂话语环境、教师的倾听、教师的提问以及课堂反馈形式等五个方面提出了促进对话的教师课堂反馈策略。  相似文献   

Listening is very important. Conversations will take place only when we can understand what our interlocutor says; listening is also an important input. Yet, many of my students got frustrated in listening. Being a teacher, I tried to rethink about what I did in my listening classes and did some literature review. As a result, I found that there are a lot of important listening strategies that were neglected by both teachers. I argue in this paper that more listening strategies should be taught in classes and a simple teaching plan is given.  相似文献   

将情感理论应用于英语听力课堂中   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在英语听力课堂教学中,我们应该运用心理学情感理论,充分理解学生的情感需要。通过正确的课堂提问和适当的课堂纠错,保护学生的学习自信心,增强其英语学习的心理动力,进而把学习能力发挥到最佳状态。  相似文献   

Engaged questioning and focused listening are requisite tools in developing and enhancing students’ thinking skills. For educators, the ability to ask the right question at the right time is an essential instructional skill. Thought-provoking questions trigger an array of responses which reveal who learners are experientially, where learners are going instructionally, and how educators and students connect relationally. When insightful questions go unasked or unanswered, individual and collective learning is constrained for teachers and students alike.  相似文献   

Building a trust-based relationship with faculty is one of the most important attributes of effective Instructional Technology Consultants (ITC) in order to integrate emerging technologies into higher education. Utilizing a multiple case study research design, four experienced ITCs at a large urban research university located in the Midwest showed that interpersonal skills are crucial when consulting with faculty on course design, technology integration, and teaching. By applying eight interpersonal consulting skills (active listening, paraphrasing, summarizing, open questioning, closed questioning, explaining concepts, explaining procedures, and informal conversation), ITCs developed trust-based relationships with faculty and generated an atmosphere conducive to change. While research on interpersonal skills is limited in the field of Instructional Design (ID), other fields, such as counseling or medicine, offer promising methods and results for teaching these skills. This article concludes with a presentation of methods for teaching interpersonal skills in counseling and medical preparation programs that could be adopted in the Instructional Design curricula.  相似文献   

This study examines the nature of discourse in which students talk with each other about what they think. Of particular interest are student-generated inquiry discussions in which the students engage in extended student-student-student interactions without much intervention from myself, the instructor. Data sources include audio- and video-tapes of class discussions, copies of student papers, and my reflective journals. Analysis involves interpretating utterances in terms of indicators of inquiry learning, student questioning, and collaborative sense-making. Two aspects of my practices seem to foster student-generated inquiry discussions: distributed authority and quietness. I no longer view myself as a facilitator of discussions but rather as an organizer of learning events in which my students share the authority to make decisions about what to say and do next. I practice 'quietness' by waiting before and after students talk (wait time), listening to the details of other people's thinking without interrupting them (attentive silence) and withholding my own opinions and understandings while assisting others in expressing theirs (reticence).  相似文献   

后期海德格尔开始追问本性的语言问题,通过对走向事情本身的现象学方法的运用,通过对黑格尔和胡塞尔现象学的解读,海德格尔指出,思想在倾听、思念、感谢中将原初的事情显现出来,而语言对思想的事情构成了规定。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine whether it is possible to teach children with serious decoding problems four text comprehension strategies in listening contexts. The subjects were 9-11 year old students from special schools for children with learning disabilities. All the students were very poor at decoding; half of the group were also poor listeners, whereas the other half consisted of normal listeners. The experimental children were trained in strategies of clarifying, questioning, summarising and predicting through a combination of reciprocal teaching and direct instruction. The results indicated significant programme effects on a strategic listening comprehension test. A transfer effect on general listening comprehension and general reading comprehension tests was not found. The poor listeners within the experimental group did not perform better than the normal listeners.  相似文献   

The modern language teaching theory highly emphasizes the effect of"listening"on the learning and the use of language. The teaching of English listening is not only a teaching of language, but also a kind of training of ability. In the four skills of listening, writing, reading and speaking, listening is considered as the basic, and the most important skill. It isn't only the main way of acquiring language information, but the base of improving other skills. Listening practice is especially important in classrooms where English is taught as a foreign language, that is, in situations where English is not the language of the country and where opportunities for hearing English outside the classroom are few. Students in such environments often learn to read and write English, and even to speak English, but they frequently have great difficulty comprehending English spoken to them.Plenty of Chinese students claim that the listening test is the most difficult part of English test. As a result, teachers should take particular pains to avoid such simplification and to provide opportunities for students to hear the kind of language that will prepare them for situations outside the classroom. Teachers should try to anticipate the kind of English the students will hear when the opportunity arises for them to be in an English-speaking country. In this article, I start with the factors which may exert an influence on listening comprehension, shows ways to improve listening comprehension and design some useful activities in the class. And I also focus on the activities of English listening teaching and insist that the activities should be both emphasized on the process of listening and the result of listening, due to different situations.  相似文献   

李梅 《海外英语》2014,(19):53-54
AMY.B.M.TSUI thinks that most of the interactive learning starts with the teachers’ questioning. Richard and Lockart(1994) think that the proper questioning can help the students to acquire the second language. Jin Chuanbao(1997) even thinks that the questioning process of the teachers should become the core of the class. Though almost all of the teachers are questioning, they know little about the questioning strategies. In this case, it is urgent to study this subject. The present study reveals some problems of four teachers’ questioning strategies in Junior Middle School. I hope some helpful ideas can be found in the thesis.  相似文献   

物理对话探究式教学是一种重要探究过程中语言交流作用和对话心态、对话原则的教学方式,其首要目标是培养完整的、真正的人。实施这种教学方式,要重点遵循鼓励发问、注意倾听、强调学生自由、给学生提供成功机会和体验的原则,并要注意探究问题的真正性和对话的阶段。  相似文献   

This inquiry explores the educative meaning of interruptions or breaks in teacher’s experiences by looking at their role in reflection and listening. Reflection and listening are not only two vital and distinct aspects of teaching, but are also interrelated and as such can serve to productively inform one another. In this context, I develop the notion of negativity of experience to describe the space that opens up when our experience has been in some way interrupted, the space where we dwell between old and new experiences and where new thoughts and ideas emerge. I demonstrate throughout my discussion that it is in this space that listening and reflection take place. To begin, I analyze the works of John Dewey and Donald Schön to take up a few particular aspects of reflective thinking and its relation to the practice of teaching. In this context, I point out similarities and important learning-theoretical differences between the notion of ‘negativity of experience’ and Schön’s notion of ‘messy situations’. The second section examines the role of negativity of experience in listening. Here, I seek to explore ways to include listening in the contemporary discussion on reflective teaching and practice. The inquiry concludes by considering the meaning of reflection, listening and negativity for the education of professional teachers.  相似文献   

英国小学在课堂教学方面极为关注学生和教师的观点和期望,师生关系、知识设计、观念导入、教与学的技巧、学习态度等都会通过课堂特有的呈现方式出现,并推动着教师所期望的课堂学习。英国小学课堂生态包括活动与交往、课堂监控、课堂倾听"技术"及其教学反思等。  相似文献   

社会课程由于其学科特性,学生对知识的掌握往往比较困难,因此,学会质疑是学生学好社会课程的一个重要条件。通过"质疑问难、辨析求疑、对比质疑和自我反思"四个环节使学生学会质疑,培养他们的问题意识、选择能力、评价能力、综合分析问题的能力和反思调控能力,从而促进学生的发展。  相似文献   


Teacher education programs that appear to be more successful work to thread practicum experiences and on-campus courses with an eye to achieving overall program coherence. As part of a funded research project centred on understanding how teacher candidates perceive quality in their practicum experiences and, by extension, in their professional learning, focus groups were recruited for a series of discussions that extended over an academic year. I undertook this self-study in an attempt to examine the conditions for learning that made these focus groups so successful by virtue of participants’ commitment, engagement, focus and drive to become the best teachers they could possibly be. Self-study was an avenue for me to develop insights into my practice and to identify ways to move forward to become a more effective teacher educator who could model and scaffold responsive listening and relationship-building for future teachers. The two questions driving this self-study were “How does adopting and promoting a listening perspective improve participants learning?” And “What is transformative about responsive listening?” Identifying and challenging my assumptions were initial steps in understanding what a listening perspective entails, the importance of authorizing student perspectives and developing their pedagogical voices. Responsive listening became a means to interrogate my practice, to reframe my experience, to work in and from action, and to become more comfortable with the uncertain spaces where deep learning can occur – for myself and for those whom I teach. In so doing, I came closer to appreciating the possibilities for transformation.  相似文献   

在人类的信息交流过程中,听和说是基本形式,而其中,“听”是人们获得信息的重要手段,是提高语言交际能力的中·心环节。多年来,中国在英语的教与学上,局限于从语法,句型,阅读和写作的方面进行重点教学的模式,因此许多中固学生对于英语的听与说能力较差。而我在教英语听力课程的过程中渐渐发现。许多学生的听力理解能力较差不仅是因为词汇量与练习量不足,而是因为其白身的语专语调较差,对许多单词发音不准而造成的。学生因为没能掌握正确地发音而导致在听力的过程中对语音不熟悉,不能准确地判断出所听捌的单词和句子,甚至出现误听误解的现象。而这一问题的根源在于中国的方言。中国的方言纷繁复杂,许多人从出生后就自然习得方言,其表达语言的发杳方式也严重地受限于方言发音模式,进而影响到其在学习外语时的发音方式。因此在英语学习过程中,学生应该发挥自身的模仿能力,学习正确地英语音标和发音方法,在教师的提导下,多进行发音练习,习得正确的英语语音语调,提高听力理解能力。  相似文献   

樊宁 《海外英语》2011,(11):100-101
Listening has been playing a key role in daily communication and ELT.However,it’s an obstacle for most non-English majors.Among affective factors the students encounter in listening,anxiety is the most usual one.In this paper,I will analyze the situation based on my observations on listening class and interviews with some students in terms of the relationship between students’ anxiety and their listening performance and the characteristics of the listening materials.Subsequently,with the interviews with some students,some possible ways of improving listening ability are discussed.  相似文献   

听说能力的提高是一个长期积累的过程,绝非一朝一夕所能完成的。尽管部分中学开设听说课程,但大多数学生入大学时的听说水平并不令人满意,其中许多学生既不会说,也听不懂,给大学英语听说教学带来了很大的困难。如何对学生进行系统的英语听说教学,如何有效地提高学生的听说水平,是每一个公共英语教师所必须思考的问题。  相似文献   

本文分析了听力在语言交际中的基础地位以及影响提高听力的若干因素,最后对如何提高听力理解能力提出了作者的几点建议。  相似文献   

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