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一个好的多媒体课件既能更好地辅助学生掌握知识,又有利于教师使用和提高教学效率。那么,怎样才可以快速高效制作出多媒体课件?一、课件制作要走出“浮华”,走向“真淳” 教师在设计制作课件时,应清楚地认识到运用多媒体课件进行教学,只是实施教学的一种手段,多媒体本身只是一种教学工具,课件的作用只能定位于“辅助”上。  相似文献   

多媒体课件已经成为现代教育中不可缺少的重要组成部分,许多教师需要自己制作课件并应用在教学实践中,以提高教学内容的表现力和课堂的感染力。那么怎样设计、制作高质量的多媒体课件呢?本文从两方面对多媒体课件的制作进行阐述:多媒体课件的总体设计与制作;制作多媒体课件的注意事项。  相似文献   

语文课件的基本分类和侧重点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不是所有语文课文都适合制作课件,要制作语文课件应该首先研究课文本身的特点。什么样的课文适合做课件?适合者的哪一方面特点应该作为重点强调出来?自己计划制作一个怎样的课件?这些问题是我们在制作课件时应考虑的重点。  相似文献   

中小学各学科教学课件的制作已作为衡量现代化教师水平的重要内容之一。运用课件的主要目的是促进学生轻松的学习 ,更科学地突破难点 ,从而在单位时间内快速获取尽可能多的知识、信息 ,形成技能 ,以达到教学过程的整体优化。因此 ,真正优秀的课件 ,应能体现最佳的教学思想 ,达到最佳的教学效果 ,让每位学生都能接受美的教育。否则 ,课件就容易变成“书本与黑板”的复件。从目前课件的制作与使用来看存在着许多误区 ,笔者认为 ,应该以新思维来认识这些问题 :一、以“美”设计课件在课件的设计上应该体现这一重要思想 ,怎样以美设计课件呢 ?首…  相似文献   

随着多媒体技术的发展,多媒体教学也越来越普及,人们对多媒体辅助教学软件的开发也呈现出空前的热情。那么,怎样开发制作出优秀的多媒体课件呢?笔者作为一线教师和课件开发者,结合在实际中遇到的问题,指出了一些课件制作和使用过程中应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

从1999年我市CAI课件评比情况看,制作的CAI课件异彩纷呈,表现出较高的水平。但从教师制作的课件中,作为上课用的“教案型”课件少,特别是适合课堂教学需要、质量较好的教学课件更是凤毛麟角,不少课件看似热闹,实际上并不实用,甚至有的走入误区。a.课件代替学生的思维与操作,计算机完全取代教师作用。CAI课件引入课堂教学后,教师的一部分作用将由多媒体计算机的一些功能代替。但是,在课堂教学中教师仍起主导作用。这不仅仅是因为教什么、学什么取决于教师,还因为怎样教、怎样学也取决于教师。目前,不少课件充当的仅仅是电子图书的…  相似文献   

正现在,用Flash制作课件的教师越来越多了。但要制作出更专业的课件来,对一个Flash的初学者来说却有些为难。怎样才能让初学者少走弯路,快速提高制作水平,做出专业级的课件来呢?下面,笔者结合自己的探索和实践经历,从三个方面来谈谈初学者需要注意的问题。一、怎样让页面的色彩更和谐很多初学者在Flash课件制作中,包括PPT制作时,都存在一个普遍的问题,那就是画面色彩不协调,很刺眼,眼  相似文献   

制作英语类课程教学课件时需要考虑四个问题:要达成什么样的教学目标?怎样实现课程文化自觉?怎样筛选编入课件的内容?以何种形式承载其功能?只有对这四个问题进行了认真思考之后制作出来的英语类课程的课件才能不仅帮助达成涵盖语言知识、语言技能方面的教学目标,而且帮助达成情感态度方面的教学目标,真正有效地辅助英语教学。  相似文献   

一、要将教学的中心放在“学”上 设计教学时,教师应围绕教学内容更多地考虑以下问题:学生学什么?他们想怎样学?哪些材料做成课件将有助于他们学习?怎样学才有趣?哪些问题的探讨和解决将有益于学生的发展?同时也考虑,教师怎样引导和组织?用哪种形式会更有助于学生掌握和理解课程内容?哪种形式才能真正让学生学得有意思并能受益?教师在这些问题上的设计、  相似文献   

课件在大学里深受欢迎,但许多高校教师在使用课件时存在课件教学信息量过大,学生课堂记笔记和课后复习困难;变“人灌”为“机灌”或者“人机共灌”;过度依赖课件,过度注重感官刺激,与教学目的相背离等问题。要克服这些问题,高校教师必须要树立正确的课件教学观,客观正确地对待课件在教学中的作用;课件教学应有机结合传统教学,发挥各自优势;课件制作应以学生为本;课件教学环境下教师更应注重教书育人,注意应用启发式教学。使用课件进行教学必须精心准备;注重教师课件制作培训和服务。提高课件制作水平。  相似文献   

在高职教育大力发展的形势下,调职院校师范生的教育业意识,职业技能培训日显重要,实现这一培养目标的主要方式有:微格模拟教学,课堂全程模拟训练等,主要训练方法有:提供示范,指导备课,角色扮演,反馈评议等。  相似文献   

本文对美国密歇根州立大学Yong Zhao(赵勇)博士主编的《教师应当了解的技术知识:观点与实践》一书进行了介绍和简单。该书主要回答了两个问题;教师们应该知道些什么技术?怎样使教师有效地掌握所需的教育技术?我国虽然也同样面临着这两个问题,但这方面的研究却几乎是空白。本文在本书内容进行简单评介的基础上,探讨了该书对我国教育技术研究的启示作用。  相似文献   

If the roles students play earning an MFA and the work they pursue after graduation vary considerably, how do those within MFA programs prepare students for professional lives? Where does one's sense of self as an art student begin to shift toward a professional identity? This article addresses literature about earning the degree and the work-related lives of MFA graduates as well as what some scholars claim should be taught within graduate-level visual arts programs. Supporting students' multifaceted lives, the author shares pedagogies employed within a course for MFA students that assist in clarifying understandings of self and professional identity.  相似文献   

This article explores the process of teaching undergraduate students to conduct social justice research. We were interested in understanding how to develop a social justice perspective among students while training them in conventional research methods. The following questions guided our research activities. How can the principles of social justice inform undergraduate research projects? What pedagogical strategies prepare students to conduct social justice-based research? What are the challenges and opportunities in teaching social justice research? We documented the lessons and activities during the field school and collected students’ comments in journals, extensive observations, focus groups, and interviews to understand the influence of social justice on the students’ approach to research. We identify three lessons in teaching social justice. First, teaching social justice requires that students develop meaningful relationships with the community understudy. Second, gender dynamics can prohibit or promote meaningful student engagement and learning. Third, it is important to consider how to integrate, rather than “add on,” social justice activities and discussions into research lessons.  相似文献   

Under the guidelines for Initial Teacher Training, all potential primary teachers are required to learn about teaching religious education. However, religious education is not a high priority on ITT programmes and trainees may often have little introduction to it. Given the sensitive nature of religious education, what is the best way to prepare trainees for teaching religious education, and how far do we need to take into account their views about the subject? This article reports on a study involving trainees on a one‐year PGCE course. All the students were preparing to teach in primary schools and were not specialist religious education trainees. The aim of the study was to discover how trainees felt about teaching religious education in the primary school and how far their feelings linked to their views about religion. The conclusions suggest that any effective preparation of the trainees needs to recognise the diversity of their starting points and allow them opportunity to reflect on their views of religion and religious education.  相似文献   

This article addresses the question: how can lifelong education contribute to subjective well-being by engaging learners and fostering active citizenship? The question arises due to the fact that governments in the western world have identified well-being as an important policy driver. Well-being research suggests that subjective well-being, student engagement and active citizenship are interconnected—that engagement and active citizenship contribute to subjective well-being. The paper discusses three emerging views about how lifelong education can engage learners in active citizenship. One conforms to mainstream views that lifelong education must prepare learners for success in a globalized world as global citizens. Another holds that lifelong education must be reformed to create global citizens who contribute to social well-being. A third view aligns with social critical perspectives that lifelong education must advance well-being through social justice. The paper concludes by discussing how conforming, reforming and radical views about lifelong education can enhance active citizenship, engagement and well-being.  相似文献   

This article studies the views and practices of a group of secondary school science teachers toward lesson planning. The two main questions posed are: “What do teachers do when they prepare their lessons?” and “What do teachers think of their own planning?” We describe the decisions made by the teachers, the things they take into account, what they give most importance to, the time spent, the source of their knowledge, and how they evaluate the results. The information was obtained by structured personal interviews, which were compared with reports written by the teachers. Our findings led us to reflect on ways in which lesson planning may be introduced into training programs. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 493–513, 1999  相似文献   

Reform in school counseling over the last decade has focused on how school counselors can contribute to the academic development of K–12 students. Consensus in this matter has yet to be achieved, and recommendations about how best to prepare preservice K–12 school counselors for this objective have been incomplete. The authors describe content and supervised experiences from a preservice course designed to prepare school counselors to promote student academic development.  相似文献   

听力课是否需要预习,如何预习,是对外汉语听力教学过程中普遍存在的问题。文章针对听力教学未能真正独立于其他课型以及现行听力教材忽视预习材料设计的现状,分析了对外汉语听力“预听”的意义,并初步构想了“预听”的方式和任务。  相似文献   

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