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科技期刊广告的作用与经营   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:11  
倪集裘 《编辑学报》2002,14(2):126-127
科技期刊刊登广告是一项重要的工作,它既增强刊物的信息功能,促进科技期刊直接参与经济建设,又为期刊纳入市场经济轨道提供经济补充的条件.提高科技期刊刊登广告的服务质量、加强广告的经营管理,是对读者、广告客户及期刊本身负责的表现,其中涉及到广告的时效性、真实性等问题,必须引起高度重视.  相似文献   

张超  钟新 《编辑之友》2017,(11):61-66
近年来数字新闻业正经历“算法转向”:从比特形式走向更为高级的人工智能阶段.“算法转向”让数字新闻与传统新闻的边界进一步明晰,二者的区别不仅在于是否数字化,更在于算法机制.算法广泛、深入地应用于数字新闻生产也带来了变革,包括新闻价值评价由经验判断转向实证测量、新闻内容生产模式由“手工作坊”转向人机协同、新闻叙事由线性叙事转向交互叙事、新闻内容推送方式由大众化覆盖转向个体化定制、表征现实的机制由记者中介转向算法中介.与以往媒介革命以技术为导向不同,这次的“算法转向”不仅与技术有关,更是一种新闻生产方法论和思维方式的大变革,重构着数字新闻生产理念.  相似文献   

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), in collaboration with the Division of Oral Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (DOH, CDC), has established a Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Data Resource Center (DRC). One element of the DRC is the Catalog of Surveys Related to Oral Health. The Catalog is a searchable electronic database that includes federal, state, international, and privately sponsored surveys and other datasets. Its purpose is to make researchers aware of surveys that have been conducted and to highlight features of complex surveys that relate to oral health. Other components of the DRC include an Archive of Procedures and Methods, Archive of Procedures and Methods Used in Oral Health Surveys, which is linked to the Catalog; an Annual Report, Oral Health U.S., 2002; and a data warehouse of acquired datasets. A Web-based statistical query system related to oral health is also under development. It is the intention of the DRC to meet the needs of NIDCR and DOH, CDC staff as well as other researchers interested in the status of oral health. The Catalog is available on CD-ROM at no cost and in the future will be made available through the NIDCR Web site.  相似文献   

江根源 《新闻大学》2007,(2):136-140
研究虚假广告的内容是认定与监管虚假广告的理论基础。本文以符号学的“言-象-意”模式为依据,分析了虚假广告的多层面内容;话语表达上的音、义与修辞虚假,形象塑造层面上代言人形象和品牌形象的真空状态,以及理念层面上销售概念和文化概念的虚假。本文同时认为广告监管下一步的目标就是要从事实层面扩展到形象、理念层面,从经济法律层面扩展到社会文化层面。  相似文献   

翟万银 《编辑学报》2019,31(4):464-467
通过论文修改培养青年作者以提升其科技论文的写作水平是各刊的重要工作,但编辑需为此花费大量时间。为改变这种状况,本文报道了一种培养青年作者的方法,即拟定具有针对性、建设性、辅助性的稿件修改意见,联合通信作者共同指导青年作者对稿件的修改。编辑只需对照稿件删减预先准备的通用修改意见,得到针对性修改指导意见,便可使青年作者从编辑的细致指导和通信作者的重点指导中获益。编辑轻松、高效地完成了稿件修改,青年作者也获得了论文写作的经验。  相似文献   


Viewers rated television commercials seen two and one‐half to four minutes after highly arousing film segments as significantly more effective and enjoyable than the same commercials seen after less arousing programming.  相似文献   

刘雪梅  李幼平 《编辑学报》2003,15(4):259-260
国外部分医学期刊发表专家或用户对论文的评论,受到读者的欢迎。国内这方面的尝试不多。发表评论可间接培训作者群、吸引和挖掘优秀稿件、增强期刊的可读性,从而提高期刊质量。建议医学期刊积极探索这一方式。  相似文献   

通过对<男色>电子杂志为期两年的商业广告进行内容分析,本文试图考察商业广告中的男性形象是否具备"Metrosexual"男性的特征.结果发现,<男色>杂志广告中的男性符合"M男性"注重外表、自我为主、追求享乐、定居都市等四个基本特征.男性形象的细节则不符合"M男性"研究者们归纳的特点,但这些形象细节与商业广告呈现的异性恋"M男性"形象有相似之处.这一研究结果可以进一步理解"Metrosexual"潮流在全球的传播之势.  相似文献   

黄淼  黄佩 《新闻大学》2020,(1):15-28,125
本文整合行动者网络理论的"转译"概念和"驯化"理论,研究面向算法推荐平台的自媒体生产实践。笔者观察了4个推荐平台,访谈了6位平台管理者和6位自媒体创作者,基于实证数据阐释发生在自媒体生产过程中的两次算法驯化。两次驯化构建了两个行动者网络--在平台运营实践中形成的"职责共识网络"、在自媒体创作群体中形成的"规律共识网络",二者再共同构成自媒体内容生产网络。算法规则在两个局部网络中都是"强制通过点",同时也是局部网络之间的连接点,由此成为整个网络的权力中心。  相似文献   

以算法为代表的人工智能系统在重构媒介空间关系的同时,也深度嵌入了人类劳动实践,从去劳动化、去交往化、去情境化等层面实现了劳动的"重新再造",并形成了包括劳动监控、数据蔽视、算法管理等在内的控制行为和控制逻辑.面对算法技术对劳动者主体性的围猎和消解,新一代信息技术主导和重塑的媒介空间成为算法劳动抵抗的新兴场域,劳动者的"...  相似文献   

人工智能时代的到来强化了技术环境对社会发展的影响,算法的广泛应用塑造着新的社会结构与规则,也对人们的信息处理能力提出了更高的要求。算法素养作为人工智能时代重要的素质能力集合被提出。作为一个新生的前沿概念,“为什么需要研究算法素养”以及“算法素养是什么”两个基础性问题亟需解决。本文首先分析算法素养研究的内部、外部驱动因素,阐述了人工智能时代研究算法素养的必要性,回答了“为什么需要研究算法素养”的问题。在此基础上,从信息素养等关联概念出发,对算法素养进行溯源,剖析其内涵特征,并进一步基于能力素质模型将算法素养能力划分为技能层、知识层、思维层、动机层和认知层,基于SCONUL模型厘清算法素养的核心能力要素,最终构建了算法素养能力框架,从内涵剖析与能力框架两个方面回答了“算法素养是什么”的问题。在对基础性问题进行充分讨论后,提出未来算法素养研究可从宏观走向微观,深度探索算法素养能力与用户行为态度等关联要素之间的关系,亦可从理论走向实践,在实现对算法素养能力科学测量的基础上开展算法素养培育。图4。表2。参考文献39。  相似文献   

Rubriq is on a mission to put lost time back into research. We estimate that 15 million hours are lost each year to redundant peer review as papers get rejected and flow down the journal prestige pyramid. Rubriq uses an author‐pays model to facilitate fast, independent, and standardized peer review performed by three academic peers who are financially compensated for their efforts. Authors receive the reviews as well as a detailed journal recommendation report in 1–2 weeks. This service is designed to improve journal selection, supplement editorial reviews, and make peer review more portable between journals. The creation of the standardized scorecard is just the first phase of Rubriq's plans to improve the scholarly communication workflow. Through lessons learned over the past year, the Rubriq approach is evolving into a broader set of tools, software, and services designed to speed and improve the scholarly communication process.  相似文献   

检索CAJD得到2004-2013年有关图书馆电子资源绩效评价文献591篇,采用文献计量学和文献回顾方法分析,发现国内相关研究主要集中在国外研究项目介绍、评价方法研究、评价指标建立等方面,指出了国内相关研究存在研究力量薄弱、研究内容偏理论化、研究方法缺乏可操作性、研究成果单一等问题,提出了以后应加强合作、重视实践研究。  相似文献   

Chat reference refers to the use of instant messaging and call center software to support interactive text or voice communication with library patrons. Instant messaging has been integrated into many e-commerce environments, and into the social lives of many teenagers and young adults, affording a level of immediacy and intimacy not possible with e-mail applications. The convergence and interoperability of new and emerging technologies can be used to develop new communities of users that view libraries as being essential to their education, patient care, and research activities.  相似文献   

当前国内对社交平台假新闻治理的研究缺少从技术逻辑出发的思路。用算法治理假新闻是智媒时代社交平台假新闻治理的新手段,如通过信源评价,对低可信度信源"降权",降低假新闻推送概率;通过文本识别,揭示假新闻文本特征,提高辨识准确度。用技术治理技术问题存在短期内难以克服的局限:平台逻辑变相鼓励假新闻、真假新闻微妙界限难以辨别。基于此,本文初步提出"算法-利益相关者"的协同治理模式,从技术圈层、社会圈层的角度探讨不同利益相关者的协同治理行动,最大限度提升社交平台假新闻治理的效果。  相似文献   

Open government data (OGD) has attracted widespread attention and has been widely carried out on a global scale. With further promotion, OGD performance becomes a hot topic and meaningful enough for in-depth exploration. This research focuses on the influential factors and generation mechanisms of OGD performance. Based on the resource-based theory and institutional theory, this paper constructs a model from multiple dimensions of internal resources and external pressures. Subsequently, from the 122 cities in China that have constructed OGD platforms, this study adopts a mixed research methods approach, which combines the regression analysis method and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). The regression analysis results show that the organization arrangement, legal and policy, and horizontal pressure have direct positive effects on OGD performance. On this basis, this paper use QCA method to explore the configuration paths for the generation of OGD performance of cities in different geographic regions and at different administrative ranks levels. The QCA results provide different configuration paths to achieve better OGD performance, which verified the conclusions drawn by the regression analysis, also provides alternative paths for governments with different characteristics. This paper enriches the studies on OGD performance and provides more targeted paths together with references for the implementation of OGD.  相似文献   

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