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Over the past two decades, references to "crises" in tertiary education – and in universities in particular – have appeared with increasing frequency in popular and academic texts. Some commentators have concentrated on shortfalls in funding and the exploitation of staff; others have focused on the "moral collapse" of the university, or on issues of curriculum reform and "political correctness" in the classroom. In New Zealand, as in many other countries of the Western World, serious concerns have been raised about the commodification, marketisation and privatisation of education at the university level. This paper provides a concise overview of recent changes in the tertiary sector in New Zealand, and considers possible futures for higher education in the 21st century. Special attention is paid to three themes: the emergence of the "perpetual chooser"; potential changes in conditions of work for academics; and the reconfiguration of academic priorities in the age of the market. The prospects for resistance against elements of the marketisation process are briefly assessed.  相似文献   

传统研究视域中校园文化的内涵,包括主观和客观两种独立的形态,并且地理环境因素一直被归入校园文化的客观形态范畴。本文正是从校园地理环境视角出发,突破传统研究理路,着重探讨主题园区与学府文化建设的关系,提出了"地理环境是沟通校园文化主观形态和客观形态的重要桥梁"的新论断。文章以国防科技大学为例,探讨了"园区校园文化"建设思想与"军事特色、科学品味、人文精神"三位一体的办学理念之间的一致性和互补性,并进一步思索了实现这一校园文化建设新思路的三阶段途径。  相似文献   

Universities are facing dynamic environments to which they have to respond by developing new organisational forms often to enhance adaptation. Thereby, governance,management and leadership structures are changing – aiming at increased flexibility,efficiency and effectiveness. This involves new procedures to manage the relationship with the environment, new authority structures within universities, and new ways of resource allocation. Hence, this paper will present empirical results from a cross-national study of adaptive university structures vis-a-vis a changing socioeconomic environment. Based upon that, new organisational forms are introduced which better support and enhance the current trend towards more entrepreneurial universities. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this article the development of the University of Namibia since itsestablishment (8 years ago) has been studied within the context of theformation of the newly-independent Southern African state of Namibia. Ahybrid framework, based on the major theoretical perspectives ofneo-institutionalism and resource dependency, has been utilized toanalyse the accounts of key respondents involved in these developmentsand hence derive an explanatory narrative of the changes involved inresponse to (government) policy.It is suggested that the major themes within this narrative may be ofexplanatory value when studying organizational change in small(developing) countries with relatively young institutions. Inparticular, the following concepts are worth highlighting: thenormatively strong but operationally weak state interacting with thenormatively weak but operationally strong institution; the commonpolitical elite, with institutional leaders sharing government values;and the relative informality of policy formulation and pluralism ofgovernment, with leading institutional actions having a policy sensingand shaping role.The loose set of themes devised from the interpretation ofsemi-structured interviews with a relatively small number of respondentscan also be considered as providing a conceptual framework for furtherresearch both within the specific institution and on a broadercomparative basis.  相似文献   

谭翀 《江苏高教》2020,(8):92-97
大学书院文化空间再造的操作难点在于缺乏系统化、精细化的经验分析工具。场景理论起源于城市社会学的研究,其空间文化要素区分方法、三个大类和15个子类别的价值分析维度,以及成熟的研究路径都为书院的文化空间研究提供了崭新的视角和可能性。通过清晰地辨别不同书院活动的文化聚合结构,精准地促进文化空间各要素的耦合和再生产,书院文化空间的研究和改革实践就有了方向引领,基于场景的书院思想政治教育也有了科学依据。如何实现对书院制改革的价值引领?对这一问题的解答需要思想政治教育研究的场景转向。  相似文献   

高校实现快速发展有赖于内部行政权力与学术权力协调均衡。本文分析了国内高校管理权力结构,从建章立制的角度就如何加强大学组织建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

学术异化是指学术对其本真目标与守则的偏离,它会导致现代大学发展的危机。学术异化表现在学术活动的目的、过程与结果等多方面,在某种程度上是由权力干预、利益驱使和制度缺陷等外在因素所引发的。大学要消解学术异化,回归真学术,最关键的是去除学术行政化,不唯学术GDP为上,建立起系统的保障制度。  相似文献   

成熟的公民社会:未来公共性的实现形式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人类共同体的客观存在决定了作为共同体属性的公共性的存在。人们探讨公共性实际上就是从一个特殊的角度探讨共同体和公共问题。以国家和政府为代表的传统共同体只是人类共同体的一种形式。这种共同体所体现出来的公共性是不全面的。随着经济的市场化和政治的民主化,区别于国家和政府共同体的社会共同体,即公民社会正在逐步成长。国家、政府和公民社会应该相互支持,共同发展。国家的社会化将是大势所趋。未来公共性的理想实现形式是自由人的联合体。  相似文献   

The increased public scrutiny of colleges and universities has sparked efforts to reconsider what academic institutions are doing, and what they should be doing, in relation to the needs of the larger society.This paper develops a conceptualisation of societal responsiveness on campus, with the intent of exploring the factors constraining the responsiveness of faculty and their home institutions to public needs.  相似文献   

在以知识经济和信息化为主要特征的经济全球化时代,大学的存在和影响社会的方式也发生着变化。大学组织文化是大学在长期办学过程中所形成的独特的文化现象,既有历史的积淀,也反映时代的特征。本文考察了大学组织文化的形成与特征,着重阐述了在经济全球化背景下,大学组织文化的变迁与发展趋势,指出大学组织文化多层次、多格局的发展特点。  相似文献   

网络时代信息通信技术的快速发展给大学带来了意想不到的深刻变革。本从信息通信技术对大学地位、结构和功能的影响来进行分析。认为它本身并不会威胁到大学的功能,而是代表着教学与研究信息传递形式的一种创新。本进而对未来大学的本质属性,存在的基本理由以及大学将如何更为愉当地利用信息通信技术作了探讨。  相似文献   

1938年,国立师范学院创办,这是湖南师范大学的前身.然而,从历史渊源来看,湖南师范大学则可上溯到千年学府岳麓书院.在清末新政的废科举、兴学堂的教育改革中,1903年,岳麓书院停办,湖南高等学堂迁入,继之为湖南高等师范学校、湖南公立工业专科学校、省立湖南大学、国立湖南大学,1949年,国立师范学院并入湖南大学.1953年,全国高校院系调整,湖南大学在湖南一分为三,成立中南矿冶学院、中南土木建筑学院和湖南师范学院.湖南师范学院沿承岳麓书院学术研究传统,且于1953-1959年,设址于岳麓书院.总之,从千年岳麓书院所具有的师范性、人文学术中心,或湖南师范大学历史上与岳麓书院的地缘关系以及对岳麓书院文脉的延续来看,湖南师范大学与岳麓书院有着无法割舍的历史联系.  相似文献   

重围之下的大学——当代学术领域中的信任和责任制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探索发生在欧洲高等教育中的变革:从冯堡的大学理念转变为在准市场压力下操作的大学模式。虽然促进了大学中的责任制,但是,与大学的资助制度和相关“使命”上的变化相联系的这种发展,是与传统信任机制的被侵蚀联系在一起的。本文主要从英国的经验出发,这种经验现已在国际上得到延伸和拓展,思考目前可能存在于英国和欧洲大学中的制度变革和问题的教训。  相似文献   

This research introduces the concept oforganisational climate and contributes to anunderstanding of the recursive relationshipbetween organisational climate and strategicchange initiatives. In the 1990s there wasrecognition that higher education worldwide wasmoving through a period of rapid change.Alterations in the external environment wereput forward as rationales for universities toreconsider the way they organised from theirtraditional governance and managementstructures through to the way in which theyperformed their primary activities of research,teaching and learning. A common approach tothis adaptation or change has been through anincreased emphasis upon strategic planning.This was accompanied by discourses rooted intechnological determinism and the unquestioningbelief in the rightness of a particular brandof corporate management. This research focusedon one such approach to strategic change: thedevelopment of information strategies in 12 UKHigher Education Institutions. Using a groundedapproach to theory generation, it highlightsthe influence of different styles of managementon organisational climate. The paper discussesthe antecedents and influence of one of thedimensions of organisational climateidentified: insecurity/security. Itestablishes that that climates of insecurity(or security) can exist within an HEI and canbe shared on an organisational level, or can berooted in sub-cultures. Six issues wereidentified which affected the climate ofinsecurity or security within the differentHEIs. These issues related to perceptions ofchange management and its frequency,predictability, openness, degree ofparticipation, discontinuous or incrementalnature of change, and whether or not decisionsare implemented by use of persuasive power orcoercive power. The paper goes on to discussthe multi-dimensional nature of insecurity. Itnotes that `managerial' approaches are morelikely to create highly insecure environmentswhich reinforce a vicious circle: staff beingde-motivated, cautious, less willing to takerisks or exercise discretion and are morelikely to resist change. In contrast, inenvironments where a more `collegial' approachhad been used, a virtuous cycle was created,whereby there was a willingness to be open andshare information, there was a greater degreeof cognitive conflict, and more positiveinterpersonal relationships. These factorshelped create consensus, the widespreadunderstanding of decisions (acceptance of theirlegitimacy) and commitment to both thestrategic decisions and the university. Thepaper concludes by arguing that a moresophisticated approach to strategic planningand change should be utilised reflecting theneed to view the HEI as a symbioticcommunity.  相似文献   

大学章程与大学相伴而生,起源于中世纪晚期的欧洲,由特许状演化而来。由于历史原因,中国的大学章程建设一度中断。当前,中国大学章程建设存在着章程性质不明确、内容同质化、制定的被动性和执行力的有限等问题。要切实发挥大学章程的作用,明确大学章程的"软法"性质,以"双一流"为抓手突出大学特色发展,形成建立现代大学制度的共识,依法依章治校,推进大学治理的现代化。  相似文献   

基于高校应用型课程改革及创新社会的背景,分析了当前大学物理实验面临的仪器集成化、智能化程度逐渐提高,课时逐渐减少及学生素质下滑等问题,提出了以准确定位大学物理实验为根据,及时应对新问题的具体措施,真正发挥大学物理实验的基础性功能。  相似文献   

Associated with the economic adjustments of recent years, there is a trend in many countries for governments to devolve responsibility for logistical support to schools. This paper is a study of factors that can influence the local management necessary for the provision of this support. Drawing from two, largely rural, studies in Papua New Guinea (a national survey and a detailed analysis of community management of 13 schools in a single area), the paper describes the school, its Board of Management and the community as a trio of organisations with theoretically complementary objectives. It points to the inadequacy of general cultural explanations for Board inability to sustain operations over time. It claims that Board members, people in the communities they represent and teachers all have private expectations of their association with schools, which if not met, will undermine commitment. Ensuring these are met, with secondary regulatory action, can reduce the frequency of organisational troughs of apathy. As it is, in Papua New Guinea and elsewhere, the prospect of expectation fulfilment associated with socio-economic advantage means that those with least to gain may refuse to become involved with education systems.  相似文献   

谯利平 《江苏高教》2021,(10):85-89
分析新时代高校辅导员研究的热点主题和未来展望,对我国加强辅导员队伍建设具有重要意义.研究运用CiteSpace可视化软件,对2013年至2020年中文社会科学引文索引来源期刊(CSSCI)收录的500篇以高校辅导员为主题的文献进行分析.研究发现,新时代高校辅导员研究聚焦辅导员队伍建设研究、辅导员专业化研究、大学生思政教育研究和优秀辅导员特征研究.新时代高校辅导员研究热点呈现以下四个方面特征:转向微观层面、强调"以生为本"、注重总结经验和关注自身发展.展望未来,应从三个方面着力:协同研究和研究协同、政策研究和研究政策、实效研究和研究实效.  相似文献   

大学学习研究的方法取向、核心观点与未来趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方对大学学习研究这一问题的关注已经有近40年历史,而在我国,对这一问题的关注时间还很短。要了解大学学习研究未来的发展,就有必要全面梳理和反思其基本方法取向、核心观点及未来趋势:方法取向看,主要应了解学习方法传统和信息加工方法传统;从核心观点看,可以考察宏观、中观和微观三个层面;从未来趋势看,应强调学习与教学之间的研究、基于真实情境改进的设计研究、特定学习规律研究和学生学习经验研究。  相似文献   

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