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网络欺侮作为一种新出现的欺侮形式,需要人们予以认真的审视.网络欺侮与传统欺侮在定义、表现形式和成因方面都存在着比较明显的差异.传统欺侮定义中的重复性、力量间的不均衡性等要素在网络欺侮中受到挑战.影响网络欺侮发生的成因主要有去抑制化效应、去个性化效应和成人交互作用的缺失等.与传统欺侮一样,对学生的网络欺侮行为需要从学校、家庭和个体等层面综合治理.  相似文献   

俄罗斯中小学学生欺侮及校园暴力问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俄罗斯中小学中存在较为普遍和严重的学生欺侮和校园暴力问题,其原因主要是学生的心理问题和道德滑坡、家长的教养存在误区、学校教育存在弊端、大众传媒起副作用、社会法制不健全、刑事犯罪亚文化映射到学校等。其问题解决的对策主要三方面,即:家长要关注孩子的处境,引导他们正确面对欺侮和暴力问题;学校要通过检查、监督、严明纪律来减少或避免欺侮和暴力问题;学生应学会自我保护和求助于他人。  相似文献   

学校欺侮现象是近几十年以来心理学研究的一个比较活跃的领域,具有重要的实践意义。文章介绍了美国在欺侮研究方面的主要结论和最新动态,包括欺侮的定义及产生的原因、欺侮的行为模式及美国教育部为解决欺侮问题所采取的对策。  相似文献   

近些年来,欺侮问题已引起教育工作者的广泛关注,成为心理学尤其是发展心理学和学校心理学研究中的一个重要研究课题。西方许多国家的教育工作者为此开展了大规模的探索活动,他们就欺侮行为的产生原因提出了各种看法。本文通过实证研究,对农村初中学生的自我概念及其与欺侮行为的关系进行研究,试图揭示自我概念与欺侮行为的相关程度,为中学开展心理健康教育和预防欺侮行为发生提供理论支持。 一、研究方法 (一)取样 以广东江门初中学生为调查对象,随机选取3所初中学校863名学生进行测查,实得有  相似文献   

欺侮行为严重地危害学生的身心健康,阻碍学生的健康成长,降低学生道德水平,导致违法犯罪现象发生.留守儿童是欺侮行为的最大受害者,科学分析留守儿童欺侮行为的形成原因及采取有效的手段预防矫治,对于引导和帮助留守儿童的健康成长,促进其生理和心理的全面发展具有十分重大的指导意义.  相似文献   

一、引言校园欺侮行为一直是屡禁不止的顽疾,如何从学校实际出发,减少校园内欺侮行为的发生是教育者关注的话题。所谓校园欺侮是指利用学校教育资源作掩护,利用学龄、身体、地位等资源优势,对弱势  相似文献   

多年的心理咨询工作让我了解到欺侮是学生中经常发生的一种有意的、伤害性的攻击、暴力行为。受欺侮者通常会情绪低下、学习成绩下降和行为怪异孤僻。欺侮者欺侮他人很容易形成相对稳定的习惯,导致经常性破坏纪律及今后的暴力犯罪。欺侮行为的发展会严重影响青少年的身心健康,降低学习能力,阻碍良好道德品质的形成,不利于青少年的健康成长。分析青少年欺侮行为的形成原因及采取有效的手段预防,对于引导和帮助青少年的健康成长,促进其生理和心理的全面发展具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

国外校园的反欺侮措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欺侮是儿童间经常发生的一种特殊类型的攻击性行为,欺侮者和受欺侮者的身心发展都会受到不良影响,学校干预措施可以显著减少校园欺侮行为的发生率,通过参考澳大利亚,苏格兰,加拿大等国的作法,介绍国外学校 反欺侮经验,可以为国内学校制定反欺侮措施提供依据。  相似文献   

欺侮——日本中小学教育中的顽疾   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
欺侮现象在日本表现多种多样.它在日本的中小学中早已有之,且有愈演愈激之势,这其中有着复杂的原因.欺侮现象的增多已引起日本政府和社会各界的广泛关注和重视,纷纷开展调查,对欺侮现象进行分类,寻找原因,以求对症下药.但真正的彻底的解决还有待于今后.  相似文献   

近年来,中学生受到暴力侵害的恶性事件层出不穷,引起了国家各部门的高度重视.公安部、教育部纷纷出台各种措施,以保障师生的生命安全。但是,国家动用大量的人力、物力所保障的只是针对那些意图闯入校园威胁学生及教师人身安全的.引起人们普遍关注并造成严重社会反响的恶性事件。而那些发生在校园内或上学、放学路上、没有直接威胁到学生的生命安全.但严重阻碍学生人格健全和性格良性发展的欺侮事件却没有引起人们的足够重视。殊不知.真正阻碍我国中学教育发展的.正是这些不易被人们所重视和察觉的.但发生频率非常高的欺侮现象。  相似文献   

当前,校园欺凌问题已经成为全社会关切的问题,对其生成机制进行分析并提出相应的治理建议具有重要的理论和现实意义。情感互动仪式链理论以情境作为出发点对校园欺凌的生成机制进行解析,发现校园欺凌是在一定情境下发生的,其与校园欺凌的特定情境特点相关,通过攻击弱者、身份认同和旁观者在场等方式将冲突性紧张转变为不对称情感能量是校园欺凌的生成机制。立足于情感互动仪式链理论,学校在校园欺凌治理过程中应注重加强对学生的情感教育,提高学生情感调控能力,激发旁观者的道德情感。  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that the prevalence of bullying is significantly higher for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) than for typically developing students. Additionally, the prominence and growth of social networking and resultant focus on cyberbullying in the last 10 years has added a new dimension to the traditional definitions, environments and experiences of bullying. This paper describes current anti-bullying strategies and the legal climate in regard to bullying in Australia. It then reports on interviews with 10 students with ASD and their parents, and discusses recommendations based on their perceptions for dealing with bullying in schools. Data analysis indicated that both students and parents made a range of recommendations to increase awareness of bullying; improve policies and procedures that can be more clearly communicated to students, teachers and parents; and support programmes that develop communication and relationship building within families and in schools to both prevent bullying and provide coping strategies to deal with bullying if it occurs. Parents also called for schools to give harsher penalties for offenders, particularly repeat offenders. These student and parent recommendations may contribute to the development of school and government policy and practice to help reduce the incidence of all forms of bullying in schools.  相似文献   

Despite a vast amount of research into school bullying and the widespread implementation of anti-bullying policies and programs, large numbers of students continue to report that they are routinely subjected to bullying by their peers. In this theoretical article, I argue that part of the problem is that there has been a lack of critical discussion of the theoretical foundations upon which such studies are based. Drawing on recent theoretical contributions within the field of school bullying, the work of anthropologist James C. Scott, and the work of philosophers Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben, I take particular issue with the notion of power that has long been a foundational pillar of bullying definitions. Utilizing a Foucauldian understanding of power, I argue that rather than focusing on the power imbalance involved in bullying relations, focus instead needs to shift onto the role that bullying plays in power relations. Reimagining Agamben’s figure of homo sacer as a victim of school bullying, I consider the ways in which some individuals are reduced to bare life and forced into a state of exception whereby social laws are no longer deemed applicable. The article concludes with a discussion of how this state of exception might be challenged.  相似文献   

校园欺凌在不同国家或文化中的定义可能存在差异,其治理对策也不尽相同。法国将校园欺凌定义为"校园骚扰",此现象以不同的形式存在于法国基础教育学校之中,其长期性、隐蔽性、社会性也是法国校园欺凌治理所面临的主要挑战。2011年以来,法国政府充分利用线上及线下调查工具,将校园欺凌纳入全国校园暴力的调查内容。2013年以来,法国政府出台一系列举措应对校园欺凌,其治理体现出循证决策、依法治理、齐抓共管的特点。  相似文献   

Bullying is a moral transgression. Recognizing the importance of approaching bullying from a moral perspective, the present study examines whether children's judgments and reasoning to justify their judgments differ between bullying and repeated conventional transgressions. Our study also explores differences by gender and differences among bullies, victims, and uninvolved students. Participants included 381 students from 13 elementary schools in Sweden. Findings indicate that children judge bullying as more wrong than repeated conventional transgressions; use moral reasons more frequently in their justifications about bullying than about repeated conventional transgressions; and use conventional reasons more frequently to justify their judgments on repeated conventional transgressions as compared with bullying. Female students and nonbullies judged bullying and repeated conventional transgressions as more wrong and used moral reasons more frequently in their justifications of judgments of bullying than did male students and bullies. Male students reported bullying more than did female students. Implications for practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

在英国,校园欺凌须涵盖力量失衡、损害后果、持续性及主观故意四个要素。针对校园欺凌行为,英国已形成较为完备的法律规制体系。一则,英国以学校为中心搭建了由“平等理念”与“三阶段义务”构成的法律框架。除了对存在特殊受保护需求的学生群体予以特别关注之外,学校还应在预防、干预及善后处理三阶段履行一系列反欺凌义务。二则,现行法律规制体系呈现公私法交叉规制之势,主要由民法、行政法及刑法中的若干制度组成,其中民事禁令、定期检查、报告机制以及犯罪行为令都是颇具特色的制度。判例法是英国制定法的重要补充,法院在长期司法实践中在责任认定、抗辩采纳等方面发展出了一系列富有智慧的裁判方法。英国的司法审查制度亦为受害者提供了有效救济。  相似文献   

Anti-bullying strategies are significant approaches addressing bullying in schools, however their capacity to produce a reduction in bullying behaviour is open to question. This article examined a resilience-based approach to bullying. One hundred and five primary and high school students were surveyed using several standardised instruments. The study found that high school students reported more victimisation than primary students; that students reporting greater resilience; experienced less distress regarding bullying; that relatedness demonstrated a stronger negative correlation than mastery with distress levels to bullying; that students exhibiting greater emotional reactivity engaged in more bullying behaviour compared to others; and that a younger group exhibited greater resilience levels compared to an older group. The results support an evolutionary psychology view of bullying and suggest an operational definition of bullying in terms of power differentials within a relational context. Further examination and development of a resilience-based intervention model focused on developing a sense of relatedness is supported.  相似文献   

Surveys were carried out to assess the UK government’s anti‐bullying pack Don’t suffer in silence in 1996 (after the first edition) and 2002 (after the second edition), to investigate what schools are doing about bullying, and the effect of anti‐bullying policies becoming a legal requirement. Schools in England were approached, randomly but within the constraint of having a spread across geographical regions. In 1996 109 schools and in 2002 148 schools were asked about school policy, interventions, and bullying frequency. Most schools moved from having a bullying policy as part of a broader policy on behaviour and discipline, to having a separate anti‐bullying policy. More schools attempted to survey the extent of bullying and there were changes in the use of particular interventions. Most interventions were rated as moderately useful. Some variations in use and satisfaction between different school levels were found. The implications of anti‐bullying work at schools and its success are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the direction of the relationship between parental rejection and children’s engagement in bullying and victimization. Using a cross-lagged design, we examined whether (a) bullying and victimization predict an increase in parental rejection six months later, (b) parental rejection predicts an increase in bullying and victimization six months later, and (c) there is a reciprocal association between bullying/victimization and parental rejection. The participants were 846 early adolescents (mean age = 12.63 years) randomly selected from primary and secondary schools in Cyprus and Greece (375 Cypriots, 471 Greek students) and their parents. Children completed a translated version of the Personal Experiences Checklist – (PECK) and the Rejection subscale of the Parental Acceptance/Rejection Questionnaire. The results showed that parental rejection at Time 1 predicted significantly victimization at Time 2. Parental rejection however, was not a significant predictor of bullying. Moreover, bullying and victimization at Time 1 predicted significantly parental rejection at Time 2. These results provide further insight at the theoretical level in as far our understanding of the familial dynamics in bullying victimization and may provide clinical implications in relation to counselling of victimized children and their parents.  相似文献   

欺负是中小学生经常发生且较为普遍的一种现象,对中小学生的健康发展具有危害性。从自我认知、情感认知和同伴交往等方面分析欺负者、受欺者、旁观者的人格特点,联系个人、家庭、学校、环境等因素与欺负行为的关系,针对这些因素提出建议措施对校园欺负行为进行有效干预,建立社会—学校—家庭—儿童的四级模式,以期减少欺负行为的发生。  相似文献   

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