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终身学习是在新的时代背景下对终身教育的继承和超越。从终身教育到终身学习的转变是一种质的飞跃,终身学习是对时代发展要求的应答,它实现了整个教育的重心转移,保证了终身教育制度的有效实施,更符合学习化社会的要求。  相似文献   

This paper considers the bottom-up vision of the learning society. Unlike the top-down approach, the bottom-up approach does not start by specifying the purposes of learning which should direct the development of the learning society, but from observing interactions among learning individuals as agents. While in the relevant literature and policies much attention has been devoted to certain positions on how one's learning should respond to current change, this paper proposes that when considering the establishment and development of the learning society we should not dismiss the understanding of how individuals, concrete beings, act as they learn, since how they do so has an impact on the way in which learning is structured. This bottom-up approach has to be taken into account, for it helps us to come near to what is embedded in learning practices, and to react pertinently when we need to come to terms with substantive issues for the development of the learning society. Three aspects—lifelong learning, the individualization of learning, and learning beyond education—serve as the context for understanding what characterize the practices of the learning society.  相似文献   


For education to be moral enough, its goal is defined not as to help individuals to learn the life ideals of church or state (which means centuries of practice whereby a group of individuals is trying to impose these ideals upon another group) but to create moral individuals‐‐people who are willing and able to treat each other as equals, and who are willing and able to feel compassion towards one another. Consideration is given to lessons from psychotherapy about the potential of autonomous human individual development for programmes of social change, in order for these programmes to be carried out without government and education resorting to imposition of the life ideals presupposed by them. In conclusion recognition is given to a trend of ethical thought, revitalising the moral significance of responsiveness to the reality of other people, grounded in the virtue of care for particular people. Adding the virtues of care and compassion to the virtues of impartiality and fairness offers a much deeper understanding of the moral grounds of society in its communitarian aspects, as evidenced by Solidarity as the social movement of the early 1980s in Poland.  相似文献   

The UK’s National Adult Learning Survey has emphasised that graduates are more likely than other groups of people to engage in further learning and to be motivated by the intrinsic nature of the subject matter. However, beyond this we know relatively little about the learning of graduates as a specific group. In particular, we know very little about how experiences of higher education affect attitudes towards learning in the years after graduation. To start to redress this gap, this paper draws on in‐depth interviews with 90 graduates from six different UK higher education institutions, five years after they completed their first degree. It argues that, in the case of many of these young adults, the influence of higher education on further learning was exerted at three levels in relation to: the process of learning; the construction of learner identities; and understandings of the relationship between learning and the wider world.  相似文献   

This paper analyses Buddhism as a philosophy of education as opposed to a religion to offer an alternative model of lifelong education. The three trainings of Buddhism ‐‐ ethics, meditative stabilization and special wisdom ‐‐ are described and their implications for education are considered. The special case of Tantric Buddhism offers a further development in Buddhist discourse on the education of desire, a critical new area of educational inquiry required if we are seriously to address the current environmental crisis. The paper presents Octavio Paz's ideas concerning the differential development of Asian Buddhist culture and Western Protestant culture in terms of their relations to the signs ‘body’ and ‘non‐body’, and concludes with his Utopian vision of the future.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that the dominant discourse of lifelong learning is a political rather than an educational discourse. On this view, lifelong learning enables the deconstruction of welfare to be effected through the reconstruction of citizenship. Democratic citizenship properly understood, on the other hand, depends on determined progress towards a more equitable distribution of material and cultural resources among citizens. Education on its own can do little to ensure that such structural change takes place. It is, nevertheless, the task of critical adult education, as distinct from economistic models of lifelong learning, to raise such questions as urgent issues for democratic deliberation and debate, and to expand our notions of what it means to be active citizens in a democratic society. The paper contains the text of a talk given at the annual study conference of the UK's National Institute of Adult Continuing Education in April 2002.  相似文献   

在中国社会发展中,终身教育体系与学习型社会创建方式已经成为我国在生产力、教育体制改革上的创新方式。为了实现我国在未来发展中的重要目标和基本任务,终身教育和学习型社会发展具有重要实践意义。所以在本文中,从多种角度对两种体系进行分析,从而实现创建的具体决策。  相似文献   

创新创业教育对于推动高等教育改革、实现国家创新驱动战略有着重要意义.研究依据各高校创新创业学分认定管理办法,构建了4个衡量创新创业活动的指标,通过有序Logistic、处理效应、多元回归和分位数回归等方法,分析了创新创业活动对学业发展的影响.研究发现,大学生创新创业活动能够提升大学生的学习动力,提高学业成绩,但创新创业活动存在明显的异质性,对学习成绩处于中等的大学生学业成绩的激励效果更加显著.研究有助于更好的理解大学生创新创业活动与学业发展之间的关系,为高校开展各类创新创业教育,提升人才培养质量提供参考.  相似文献   

This article will address three issues relating to professional development and lifelong learning. The context of the discussion is teaching, research and learning with respect to the researcher teacher within higher education in the UK. A definition of professional development is given, and used to explain how it may contribute to the process of teaching, research and learning. Considering teaching as part of scholarship helps the discussion. Underpinning the discussion is the premise that professional development is essential to the role of the researcher teacher, and has significant implications for lifelong learning for those involved in higher education.  相似文献   

This article presents a conceptual framework for understanding the interrelationships among formal, nonformal and informal education. It provides a typology of modes of education across the life span, from childhood to old age. The nonformal education mode is the focus of the article as examples of programs for differing ages, sexes, social classes and ethnic groups are discussed. The third section of the article raises questions regarding the relationship between nonformal education for individual and social change within and across cultural and socio-economic groups. It also discusses the relationship between nonformal and formal education relative to their respective scope and outcomes.The author argues that educational resources must be viewed as interacting modes of emphasis rather than as discrete entities. Hence, all individuals are engaged in learning experiences at all times, from planned, compulsory and intentional to unplanned, voluntary and incidental. It is also argued that nonformal education may be more strongly associated with socio-economic, sex and ethno-religious groups than is formal education. Because of these strong socio-economic and cultural ties, the utility of nonformal education for social, as opposed to individual, change is often restricted. The value of nonformal, as opposed to formal, education for access to the opportunity structure for low socio-economic status populations is also questioned because of the greater legitimacy typically associated with schooling.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel legt einen konzeptuellen Rahmen für das Verständnis der Wechselbeziehungen zwischen formaler, nicht-formaler und informaler Erziehung vor. Er bietet eine Typologie von Erziehungsweisen, die sich über das ganze Leben erstrecken, von der Kindheit bis zum späten Alter. Im Zentrum des Artikels steht der nicht-formale Erziehungsmodus; Beispiele von Programmen für verschiedene Altersstufen, Geschlechter, soziale Klassen und ethnische Gruppen werden gegeben. Der dritte Teil wirft Fragen der Beziehungen zwischen nicht-formaler Erziehung für individuellen und sozialen Wandel innerhalb kultureller und sozio-ökonomischer Gruppen sowie gruppen-übergreifend auf. Ferner wird das Verhältnis nicht-formaler zu formaler Erziehung in bezug auf ihren jeweiligen Umfang und ihre Ergebnisse besprochen.Der Verfasser führt aus, daß Bildungsressourcen als interaktive Schwerpunktsetzung und nicht als getrennte Ganzheiten anzusehen sind. Somit machen alle Menschen jederzeit ihre Lernerfahrungen, von geplantem, pflichtmäßigem und absichtlichem Lernen bis zu ungeplantem, freiwilligem und zufälligem. Weiterhin wird hervorgehoben, daß nicht-formale Erziehung wohl stärker als formale mit sozio-ökonomischen, ethnisch-religiösen und Geschlechtsgruppen assoziiert ist. Wegen dieser festen sozio-ökonomischen und kulturellen Bindungen ist die Nützlichkeit nicht-formaler Erziehung für sozialen, im Gegensatz zu individuellem, Wandel oft begrenzt. Fraglich erscheint auch der Wert nicht-formaler, imGegensatz zu formaler, Erziehung für den Zugang von Gruppen mit niedrigem sozio-ökonomischen Status zu der Chancenstruktur, weil der Schule allgemein größere Legitimität zugeschrieben wird.

Résumé Cet article présente un cadre conceptuel pour une meilleure compréhension des interrelations de l'éducation formelle, non formelle et diffuse. Il présente une typologie des differents modes d'éducation qui se succèdent au cours d'une existence, depuis l'enfance jusqu'à la vieillesse. Le mode d'éducation non formelle constitue le thème central de cet article où sont discutés des exemples de programmes en fonction de l'âge, du sexe, de la classe sociale et du groupe ethnique. La troisième partie de l'article soulève des questions sur les relations entre l'éducation non formelle de l'individu et le changement social à l'intérieur des groupes culturels et socio-économiques, mais aussi entre ces groupes. Il traite également de la relation entre l'éducation non formelle et l'éducation formelle en ce qui regarde leur champs d'action respectifs et leur résultats.L'auteur soutient que les resources éducatives doivent être considérées comme des facteurs de mise en valeur réciproque plutôt que comme des discrètes entités. Par suite, tous les individus sont engagés à tout moment dans des expériences d'apprentissage, qu'elles soient concertées, obligatoires et délibérées ou bien involontaires, imprévues et fortuites. L'auteur ajoute que l'éducation non formelle pourrait être plus fortement associée aux groupes socio-économiques, sexuels et ethno-religieux que l'éducation formelle. Ces liens culturels et socio-économiques puissants restreignent souvent, l'efficacité de l'éducation non formelle dans le changement social, contrairement à ce qui se passe pour l'individu. La valeur de l'éducation non formelle — à la différence de l'éducation formelle — comme voie d'accès aux structures de rattrapage pour les populations d'un statut socio-économique défavorisé, est aussi contestée par suite de la légitimité supérieure typiquement associée à la scolarité.

思政教育、创新创业教育与劳动教育在育人目标、内容和资源上具有内在关联性,因此,实现思政教育、创新创业教育与劳动教育的深度融合、协同发展,是新时代高校人才培养模式的新探索.深入探讨思政教育、创新创业教育与劳动教育融合育人的必要性和实施路径,提出构建"劳动教育+创新创业教育"课程体系,建设"劳动教育+思政教育"的大思政四维平台,搭建校、地、企协同育人实践平台,为高校构建"三育融合、三位一体"的融合育人新模式提供依据.  相似文献   

从精英教育到大众教育和普及教育;从成人教育到全民教育和继续教育;从终身教育、终身学习再到全民终身学习;从学习化社会到学习型组织等。这些教育思想的提出及相应教育实践的开拓,不仅适应了、信息时代和知识经济的到来,也为教育技术的应用、远程教育的持续发展奠定了思想理论基础。  相似文献   

高校思政教育和创新创业教育融合发展是教育改革的重要举措。两种教育在教育目标、教学内容、价值取向上有很高的契合度,二者相互融合,相互促进。具体融合的途径为:树立两种教育融合发展的教育理念;完善课程体系建设;理论与实践结合;强化师资力量建设;营造思政教育和创新创业教育相互融合的校园文化氛围。  相似文献   

How does a traditional research-led university embrace the implications of lifelong learning and widening participation? If it lowers its entry requirements or offers a more flexible approach to adult learning, can it continue to strive for and attain academic excellence? Using a project designed to increase participation by an under-represented group, this paper explores the institutional issues involved in developing lifelong learning strategies in partnership with local colleges and community organizations. Lifelong learning is not cheap to deliver, as non-traditional students may need additional learning support. Off-campus delivery can decimate an orderly campus-based timetable, extra exam boards had to be set up; extra books and learning resources have to be duplicated across different sites. However, the institutional benefits include greater flexibility in university procedures, and a source of enthusiastic mature learners from an under-represented group.  相似文献   

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