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伴随着改革开放的进程,公平越来越引起人们的关注.从思想政治教育的视角研究公平问题有助于减少思想问题发生,有助于拓展解决思想问题的思路,也是思想政治教育同经济业务工作结合的重要切入点.在分析公平与思想政治教育关系的基础上,重视公平问题是新时期思想政治教育的新视角和新要求.维护和创造公平,则是改进和加强思想政治教育的新思路.  相似文献   

我国教育政策的公平性与公平机制   总被引:64,自引:0,他引:64  
教育公平是动态的相对的教育平等。追求教育平等和教育公平是当代我国教育政策基本的价值选择。教育政策仅仅具备教育平等与公平的理念远远不够 ,研究和建立教育政策运行的公平机制是实现教育公平的关键和保障 ,教育政策和制度创新是解决教育领域不公平问题的基本途径  相似文献   

教育公平问题一直是教育领域尤其是教育社会学领域的核心问题。随着时代的发展,教育公平的内涵也在不断地变化。在对教育公平哲学思考的基础上,可以追寻两种理论,即柯林斯的教育成层理论和布迪厄的文化再生产理论。由此发现,教育公平的实现在现阶段是不可能的,原因在于受教育权利的平等与教育机会均等的实现障碍重重;教育过程投入均等的实现长路漫漫;教育结果均等的不可能与没有必要;教育公平感因人而异。要使教育接近公平,教育公平应该回到最初的理念;教育公平应该兼容精英教育;教育公平应该关注弱势群体;教育公平应该在社会变革中实现。  相似文献   

教育公平的价值追求及其现实困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公平及教育公平问题已成为社会日益关注的热点.公平作为一种价值范畴在教育领域内的延伸,反映出自身的追求范围,也即教育公平不仅需要追求机会均等,而且还需要追求过程公平和结果公平.但现实表明,人们在追求教育公平的过程中出现了不少问题并陷入困境.由此我们应该清醒地认识到,教育公平的实现决非是轻而易举的.  相似文献   

随着对西方政治哲学研究和中国传统政治哲学研究的日益深化,由此而引起对当代中国政治哲学的思考,使得人们不能不重视邓小平政治哲学的研究。文章主要对邓小平政治哲学研究状况的进行了分析,为进一步研究邓小平政治哲学探索思考路径。  相似文献   

和谐社会建设必须更加注重社会公平,而社会公平的一个最基本的范畴就是教育公平。教育公平是当今社会关注的一个重大问题,也是广大民众倾心追求的价值目标。教育的基本功能之一,就是缩小贫富差距,促进社会平等。当前教育发展中存在一些不公平问题,需要我们从理论和实践的层面上理性思考,认真分析,找准对策,切实解决,以实现教育公平、社会和谐。  相似文献   

目前,我国的教育公平问题主要表现为阶层不公平、城乡不公平、地域不公平和学段不公平.从本质上讲,它不仅是一个教育问题,也不仅是一个经济问题,而更是一个政治问题.其根源在于市场化背景下的日益加剧的社会分化,尤其是阶层分化.教育公平问题能否妥善解决好,从根本上取决于政府及各级教育行政部门的立场、态度和决心.只要各级政府及教育行政部门从应有的政治立场出发,以严肃认真的态度,下定决心来处理问题,政治上反对特权化--阶层特权、城市特权、区域特权、精英特权,坚持阶层公平、城乡公平、区域公平、学段公平,坚持教育为人民服务,为民族服务;经济上反对资本化、产业化,坚持教育的人民性、公益性,教育公平问题就能够得到令人满意的解决.  相似文献   

政治哲学现已成为国内外学术界炙手可热的话题之一。政治哲学在当代中西方政治生活境域中既有共性,又有差异。从政治哲学复兴的原因来看,当代西方政治哲学是西方实证主义、行为主义破产的理论诉求,当代中国政治哲学是社会主义民主政治道路的现实必然;从思想渊源来看,当代西方政治哲学是西方传统政治哲学的一脉传承,当代中国政治哲学是马克思主义中国化的继续;从当代中西方政治哲学的价值立场来看,当代西方政治哲学追求的是形式正义,当代中国政治学追求的是实质正义;从当代中西方政治哲学的风格特色来看,当代西方政治哲学侧重于微观分析,并占据世界政治哲学的主导地位,当代中国政治哲学侧重于宏观把握,对西方政治哲学具有一定的依附性。  相似文献   

社会公平问题是一个现实性很强的研究论题。社会公平本质上是一种平衡关系,不仅是一种现实的引导机制,同时也作为社会发展的一种理念,对现实有一种理想统摄。从政治哲学的角度分析社会公平存在的基础,可以发现这一客观基础在于人类保全生命、解决冲突、协调利益的需要,其深层根源在于社会公平是人的不懈的精神价值追求,是人的自我解放、自我发展、自我完善的需要,而人的未定化则为这种追求提供了可能。  相似文献   

杜琳  陈玉华 《现代教育科学》2012,(6):102-103,134
受经济发展水平的限制,教育资源分配不均衡在我国不同区域普遍存在,进而引发了诸多教育不公平的现象。尤其是在少数民族地区,这种事实上的不公平尤为明显。本文借鉴历史上各种公平观、平等观、教育公平观、教育平等观,对民族地区的教育公平问题进行了哲学上的理性思考,提出在教育公平的问题中要科学地理解和认识公平的含义,同时必须通过制度安排和政策调整来增进少数民族地区的教育公平。  相似文献   

An unfortunate lack of communication mars the relationship between educational psychology and philosophy. This state of affairs is magnified by the need for scholars of education to come forth in addressing broad ranging political issues surrounding contemporary American public education. It seems that although the very scholars who are needed for enlightened dialogue on these matters are, instead, only talking within tight discipline-bounded circles. This work seeks to jump start the wavering cross-discipline conversation, particularly between educational psychology and philosophy, by proposing pragmatic philosophy as an intellectual and visceral counterpart to the social science inquiry that is the province of our field.  相似文献   

The intention of this paper is to suggest that the educational philosophy of Allan Bloom merits renewed consideration, and that such consideration reveals major failings in contemporary educational philosophy. A prerequisite of such consideration is an examination of the ways in which his ideas have been misinterpreted. In particular, Bloom is neither a political conservative nor an educational traditionalist, nor an advocate of the Great Books programme. Bloom's recovery of the Socratic or classical political rationalist approach to education both reveals enormous shortcomings in the dominant conceptions of the nature of philosophy of education, and revitalises an alternative conception already widely accepted among classicists and political philosophers.  相似文献   

What is 'fairness' in the context of educational assessment? I apply this question to a number of contemporary educational assessment practices and policies. My approach to philosophy of education owes much to Wittgenstein. A commentary set apart from the main body of the paper focuses on my style of philosophising. Wittgenstein teaches us to examine in depth the fine-grained complexities of social phenomena and to refrain from imposing abstract theory on a recalcitrant reality. I write philosophy of education for policy makers and teachers. Scrutiny of examples plays a vital role in communicating with such an audience. Starting points include 'accommodations' for disabled students, allegedly gender-biased tests, and the recruitment procedures of 'elitist' music conservatoires. A key intuition that fairness is associated with test validity turns out to be seriously flawed. Problems centre on the idea of a 'construct', and the supposed divide between an underlying construct and its behavioural manifestations. Equality of opportunity notions underlie some accusations of unfairness but there are alternative approaches to a just society. Both the judgments about fairness, and the proposed remedies are open to serious philosophical criticisms. There are widespread conceptual difficulties, together with inconsistent and contestable value judgments.  相似文献   

思想政治教育的哲学基础是思想政治教育存在、变化、发展的根基,马克思主义哲学是无产阶级思想政治教育的哲学基础、理论支柱,无论是从人的本质、人的需要、人的特征层面上来讲,还是从人的全面发展层面上来讲,它都对当代思想政治教育工作的开展有着重要的启示和指导意义。  相似文献   

This essay reviews three recent works in the field of philosophy of education, each of which brings the work of a major philosophical thinker to bear on contemporary topics within education: Michael Peters, ed., Heidegger, Education, and Modernity ; Randall Curren, Aristotle on the Necessity of Public Education ; and Mordechai Gordon, ed., Hannah Arendt and Education . I argue that these works are representative of a current trend in educational philosophers' ideas, including their political, social, and ethical philosophy. This approach to philosophy of education differs in significant ways from past approaches, in which the connection between philosophy and education was conceived narrowly. In the works under consideration here, education is not understood as an isolated field that is connected to philosophy only through a concerted effort; rather, education is understood as a presence within the broad constellation of philosophical questions. These books therefore not only shed light on educational matters, but they also demonstrate an elegant way to bring together theory and practice, mind and body, philosophy and education.  相似文献   

Our age is characterized by diverse political emotions, sometimes overt and sometimes hidden. They involve such diverse aspects of human life as religious and ethnic tensions, homelessness and immigrancy, and divisions of identity. Anxieties of inclusion can be felt by those seeking to enter a society, by those inside concerned, say, about immigration, and by those inside but at the margins and perhaps resistant to the pressures of normalisation. As prominent traits of contemporary societies, such anxieties do not necessarily manifest or express themselves straightforwardly: they are suppressed or covered over or simply left unvoiced. The political questions that are raised are inseparable from existential and psychological ones. Faced with the ‘quiet desperation’ of the mass of people, and with the need for the acknowledgement of such negative emotions as fear, doubt and anger, our political life calls for the cultivation of a new political sensibility. In response to this task, this paper will explore new ways of cultivating political emotions and political citizens—in such a manner as to question the idea of inclusion. Both those who include and those who would be included must learn from and be affected by what is strange and unknown. To take up this educational task, this paper will introduce Stanley Cavell's idea of philosophy as translation. In its endeavour to re‐place philosophy, this provides a lens through which to re‐think political education. Political education then becomes, as I shall try to show, a kind of linguistic education for human transformation.  相似文献   

In this article, the distinctions between anarchism as a political philosophy are outlined and contrasted with that of liberal democratic theory upon which much of educational philosophy is based. The principles upon which the social anarchist position rests are briefly outlined with respect to the state, authority, and human beings’ way of interacting with and relating to one another. Next, some of the anarchist critiques of state-controlled schooling are considered. Following the discussion of traditional anarchism, largely rooted in late 19th and early 20th century European workers’ movements, some of the foundational principles of contemporary anarchism, beginning in the 1960s and continuing up through the present, are considered. Finally, the article conceptualizes what it might look like to utilize anarchist principles as an organizing framework for education and how these principles might be put into action in a real-world educational context.  相似文献   

"应试教育"是教育在社会各种利益和力量的作用下扭曲、异化的实践。"素质教育"理念从教育公平的角度出发关注每一位学生素质的发展,而在我国的现实条件下,教育考试是维系教育公平的底线。"片面追求升学率"会导致教育异化为应试教育,但升学率依然应该是衡量学校教育教学水平的一个重要标准而不是唯一标准。不能把"升学率"推向"素质教育"的对立面,甚至不应该将"应试教育"与"素质教育"对立起来。  相似文献   

梅山地区传统技法即匠工“五法”有着深刻的内涵和深远的哲学意义,蕴含着“怎样做人,做什么样的人”的深刻哲理,对当代大学生思想政治教育有着重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

吉罗克斯作为美国当代激进教育学派和后现代教育的代表人物,其思想继承了早期美国激进主义教育的特征,其中不乏许多激进的、批判的观点和理论。尤其是他从文化政治学的视角去关注教育,注重教育哲学,不乏为一创新之举。文章主要阐述他的一个全新的教育理论——边界教育学,并对其哲学基础和政治视角加以分析。  相似文献   

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