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An account of the publishing history of four picturebooks with texts by the major 20th century British author, Graham Greene, and illustrations by Dorothy Craigie and, later, by Edward Ardizzone. concluding section questions whether the texts of three other books, nominally by Dorothy—or “David”—Craigie, ought more accurately to be ascribed to Graham Greene. Brian Alderson is a distinguished critic, bibliographer and author of children's books. He has curated many exhibitions and is involved in sundry organisations, such as the Beatrix Potter Society and the Children's Books History Society. He is children's book consultant to The Times Newspaper. He lives in Richmond, North Yorkshire, in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Peter Hollindale first developed critical interests in children's literature during postgraduate teacher training at the University of Bristol, where he was taught by Margaret Meek. After teaching for several years in secondary schools he was appointed to the University of York, where he is senior lecturer in English and educational studies. He now teaches an undergraduate special paper on children's literature in the Department of English there. His bookChoosing Books for Children, a guide for parents, was published in 1974, and he has since written extensively on children's literature in academic and professional journals. His article “Ideology and the Children's Book,” which appeared inSignal 55, received the Children's Literature Association Prize for the best essay in the field of children's literature published in 1988. In recent years he has worked closely on J. M. Barrie. His edition of the “Peter Pan” prose texts was published by Oxford University Press in 1991, andPeter Pan and Other Plays appears from the same publisher in 1995. He is interested in reworkings and adaptations of classic children's texts for film and television, and his study of Steven Spielberg'sHook was published inSignal 72 in 1993. For Thimble Press he is currently completingSigns of Childness: A Short Philosophy of Children's Literature. He has contributed a number of articles toCLE, the most recent being “Westall's Kingdom” in the 1994 Autumn issue.  相似文献   

The way ahead     
The following paper, a Sidney Robbins Memorial Lecture, was read at the Federation of Children's Book Groups' celebration of their eighteenth birthday in April, 1986, at Durham, England. The Federation is a parent-based organization which works to bring children and books together both locally and throughout the U.K. In 1965 Anne Wood sowed the seeds of the Federation when she launched her magazineBooks For Your Children, and the first group was started. By 1968 the movement had grown, and The Federation of Children's Book Groups was officially formed. There are now seventy-five member groups, each organizing book-related events for children and adults, author visits and book fairs. In the U.K., the Federation speaks with an increasingly powerful voice on issues affecting the world of children's books. It organizes the Children's Book Award, an annual award for which children choose the winning book, and it promotes National Tell a Story Week.Robert Leeson's twenty-five children's books since 1973 includeThird Class Genie, It's My Life, Silver's Revenge, Candy for King, and five Grange Hill books. He received the 1985 Eleanor Farjeon Award for services to children and literature. His latest nonfiction work,Reading and Righting (Collins, 1985), assesses the past, present, and future of fiction for the young.  相似文献   

张心澄一生,不仅对我国交通会计事业作出了突出的贡献,而且在我国古籍的辨伪方面作了总结性的工作,给后人留下了《伪书通考》这样一部集古今考辨伪书之大成的辨伪工具书。该书的编者,最初是受了顾颉刚《古史辨》第一册的启迪。而该书所采用的编体例是受胡适《论辨伪丛刊体例书》的启迪和影响。它的编纂特点是对每一部被考辨的古书都按时代的顺序列举历代学者的考辨之说,并注明引文出处,同时还加上编者的案语,以表明作者自己的  相似文献   

Essay review     
Mark I. West is an Associate Professor of English at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where he teaches courses on children's literature and serves as coordinator of the American Studies Program. Among his more recent books areWellspring of Imagination: The Homes of Children's Authors (Neal-Schuman) andA Wondrous Menagerie: Animal Fantasy Stories from American Children's Literature (Archon Books).  相似文献   

Beverley Mathias is one of the trustees of the Sidney Robbins Trust, set up in memory of the founder ofChildren's Literature in Education. Since 1985 she has been Director of The National Library for the Handicapped Child in the U.K. The Editors invited her to describe the work of this important institution in the field of learning to read.Beverley Mathias worked as a librarian in Australia, where she was also associated with Court and Joyce Oldmeadow, winners of the Eleanor Farjeon Award, specialising in children's books. From 1979 to 1985, Ms. Mathias was Children's Books Officer for the National Book League (now the Book Trust) in London. She has published two poetry compilations for children and a new series of books for deaf and hearing children.  相似文献   

Catherine Storr     
It was a particular pleasure to the editors ofChildren's Literature in Education that Catherine Storr accepted their invitation to contribute to our occasional series in which distinguished authors revisit a childbood favourite. Catherine Storr was a speaker at the conference which gave rise to this journal, and the paper she gave then, Fear and Evil in Children's Books, was in our first issue in 1970.Catherine Storr is author of more than 30 books for children, including the popularMarianne Dreams, which has been dramatised for radio and television, read aloud on the radio, and made into a feature film calledPaper House. The stories about Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf are also popular; this autumn some of them are appearing on stage at the Polka Children's Theatre, Wimbledon.  相似文献   

Prior to early retirement, Arthur Arnold was Head of Community and Teaching Studies at Bradford College in the U. K. His book,Children, Animals and Books—The Historical and Social Significance of Animals in Children's Literature, is forthcoming (Croom Helm). He has also written novels for teenagers. Mr. Arnold's article in defense of the wolf appears inCLE, Summer, 1986.  相似文献   

This study examined how book features influence talk during shared book reading. We used data from a study in which parent–child dyads (n = 157; child's Mage = 43.99 months; 88 girls, 69 boys; 91.72% of parents self-reported as white) were randomly assigned to read two number books. The focus was comparison talk (i.e., talk in which dyads count a set and also label its total), as this type of talk has been shown to promote children's understanding of cardinality. Replicating previous findings, dyads produced relatively low levels of comparison talk. However, book features influenced the talk. Books containing a greater number of numerical representations (e.g., number word, numeral, and non-symbolic set) and a greater word count elicited more comparison talk.  相似文献   

Enid Blyton (1897–1968) remains a publishing phenomenon. No British writer for children, other than Roald Dahl, has been commercially so successful—and like Dahl she has attracted endless controversy. Since the 1950s, the literary qualities of her work and the correctness of her social attitudes have been assaulted by critics, librarians, and educationists; not all of these attacks have been based on close discussions of the books themselves. In the article which follows, David Rudd (who is working on a doctoral thesis on Blyton), reexamines a Blyton series which retains its extraordinary popularity to the present day: The Famous Five. David Rudd is a tutor librarian/senior lecturer at Bolton Institute of Higher Education in the North West of England, where he teaches a course on children's literature. His master's degree was based on the work of Roald Dahl and led to a book,A Communication Studies Approach to Children's Literature, Sheffield, Pavic Press, 1991.  相似文献   

Through her work onChildren's Books of the Year Julia Eccleshare has a unique overview of the development of fiction written for children during the 1980s.CLE invited her to detect trends in the writing and publishing of children's books during the past decade.Julia Eccleshare is a freelance editor, advisor to publishers, and reviewer of children's books for national newspapers. She has written or edited some 15 books, includingTreasure Islands: The Woman's Hour Guide to Children's Reading: BBC 1988.  相似文献   

魏源在征引《瀛环志略》一书的内容时,为何要将徐继畲多处记述和颂扬华盛顿的文字删而不录,是史学界颇为费解而至今没有解决的问题。文章从《海国图志.后序》入手,发现魏源是以高理文的《合省国志》作为最可靠的资料来介绍美国情况的。进而通过比较发现,徐氏在“志略”一书中对华盛顿在美国独立战争中和美国民主政制创建过程中的活动和作用的介绍评价与《合省国志》有很大程度的出入,读者从中获得的认识也就大不相同。文章认为,魏源为了保证所辑资料叙事和观点的基本一致,不得不将徐书中颂扬华盛顿的文字舍去。此外,魏源以《合省国志》为本极力推崇美利坚民族而较少推崇华盛顿个人,更有其深刻的思想动因。  相似文献   


This article discusses how two publications can be utilized as a practical pedagogical tool when teaching courses covering criminal investigations and criminalistics. The first book, Fatal Vision, has proven to be a useful tool in complementing a criminal investigations textbook with a real-life scenario that students can analyze and draw upon to understand the importance of evidence collection at a crime scene. The second book, Fatal Justice, has proven to be the natural extension of the first book, which serves as a useful tool in explaining the connection between evidence collection and forensic science, providing a real-world, in-depth, and controversial exploration of criminalistics.  相似文献   

Ronald Stuart Thomas was born in Caerdydd (Cardiff) in 1913 but was brought up in Caergybi (Holyhead), where he attended the local secondary school. He graduated from the University of Wales at Bangor and then proceeded to St. Michael's Theological College, Llandâf, to train as an ordinand. He was ordained priest in the Anglican Church in Wales in 1937 and retired in 1978 to a cottage on the Lln peninsula, where he still lives. His first books of verse were published privately, but in 1955 a collection called Song at the Year's Turningwas published by Rupert Hart-Davis, London. Since then he has published some eighteen books of poetry in English and also a couple of prose works in Welsh, with another of the latter due out in 1990. The editors of Children's Literature in Educationinvited Mr. Thomas to contribute to our series in which eminent writers recall a favorite book of childhood. We were delighted when he chose to write about P.C. Wren's Beau Geste. P.C. Wren was born in Devon in 1885. After graduating from Oxford, he served in the French and Indian armies and subsequently in the French Foreign Legion. He drew on this experience in several best-sellers, of which the most popular was the subject of this article, Beau Geste.Wren died in 1941.  相似文献   

Princeton University Press recently published the American moral philosopher Harry Frankfurt’s book On Bullshit, which quickly made the New York Times best seller list. Originally published in the journal Raritan in 1986, Frankfurt’s book has been heralded as an important theoretical development in the study of what he (and society) colloquially refer to as “bullshit.” Frankfurt formally defines BS as a situation where ones inclination and obligation to speak about a topic or concept far exceeds one’s knowledge of the topic, which most certainly has been a rising problem for a number of reasons over the past 20 years. However, Frankfurt’s book, which purports to be a moral victory of sorts, and despite its popularity, is not only severely flawed and outdated from an educational, cognitive, and philosophical perspective, but it is also highly oppressive in several different but very important ways. Because this book and its main arguments are being cited favorably in a number of different academic circles (including the science education community), this paper highlights the limitations and flaws of this book and develops a counter-argument and model of BS that has important implications for science, mathematics, philosophy, and educational theory and research.  相似文献   

The UK editors were delighted when the distinguished writer Robert Westall accepted an invitation to contribute to our continuing series on Books Remembered from Childhood.Robert Westall taught for twenty-eight years, ending that phase of his career as Head of Art and Head of Careers at Sir John Deane's College, Northwich, Cheshire, in the United Kingdom. He was born in the northeast of England, where several of his novels are set, including his first published book, the Carnegie MedalwinningThe Machine-Gunners (Macmillan, 1975). Since finishing teaching, he has been an antique dealer, with a particular interest in clocks, but now concentrates full time on his writing.  相似文献   

陈垣在《校勘学释例》中提出“校法四例”,将历代校勘古籍的方法归纳概括为对校法、本校法、他校法和理校法,并对每种方法的内涵和具体操作方法作了详细的解释和说明,第一次勾勒出古籍校勘的方法论体系。特别是将考证的方法融入校勘实践之中,极大地丰富了校勘学的内容。  相似文献   


In 2014, Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-first Century rocked the economic and political world, with its argument that inequality is destined to increase; in the field of education, however, this book has been almost entirely ignored. I argue that Piketty’s treatise is relevant to educational theories for three reasons: his rejection of meritocracy contributes to theories of social mobility; his critique of human capital theory provides fodder for debates about educational purpose; and his interdisciplinary analysis supports the political economy tradition in education. However, I also argue that it is necessary to move beyond the economic determinism in Piketty’s arguments, to explore the transformative potential of education as a consciousness-raising process, the agency of communities, the production process, and alternative solutions to inequality. I argue that education scholars should use the renewed interest in inequality generated by Piketty’s book to shift the dominant discourses about education, schools, and social justice.  相似文献   

The German gymnasium teacher Alexander Kapp (1800–1869) was to all appearances the first one to use the andragogy concept as a term for adult learning. In 1833 he published the book Platon’s Erziehungslehre, als Pädagogik für die Einzelnen und als Staatspädagogik. Oder dessen praktische Philosophie. This book takes all Plato’s writings about education as a starting point. While working on these papers, Kapp noted they involved not only young people and their education, but also adults and their education. Thus, Kapp’s book contains a separate part that deals with adult education, which he calls andragogy. This is not a theory of adult learning. He justifies the necessity of education for adults, and elaborates on what qualities it is important to develop – in general and in different occupations. The emphasis on inner qualities rather than outer, objective competence is central in Kapp’s andragogy. The forming of character is the foremost value for human beings, Kapp claims. This article gives a presentation of his andragogy, its similarities to contemporary movements and a comparison to later approaches in the field. Unfortunately, Kapp’s andragogy seems to have been forgotten. Possible reasons for this are also presented.  相似文献   

Since Melvin Burgess published his first childrens book, The Cry of the Wolf (1989) he has had the reputation of being a powerful and challenging writer, discussing issues that many other writers have shunned. But it was with Junk (Smack in the US) in 1996 that he became a notorious media figure. This Carnegie winning novel showed teenagers not only taking drugs, but enjoying them, and sex, too! As a whole, though, this book also showed the dangers of hard drugs, and did anything but glamorise addiction. The book was also innovative in using multiple narrative voices, so that moral certainties are continually being challenged, shown to be but partial. Burgess continued this technique in Bloodtide (1999), which is undoubtedly his most powerful book yet (a second volume is on its way), updating the Icelandic Volsunga saga in a bleak, futuristic London. Lady: My Life as a Bitch (2001) and Doing it (2003) also brought much media attention, both dealing explicitly with teenage sex. These are the main books that Burgess talks about in his article. However, his range is far wider, and his other texts should not be forgotten: he has written several novels for younger readers, a picture book, The Birdman (2000) and an excellent novelisation of the film Billy Elliot (2001). His ability to write gripping, absorbing stories with memorable characters is always foremost, whatever other issues might be addressed.  相似文献   

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