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儿童哲学是产生于当代美国,并具有世界性影响的一门学科课程,“探究群体”,是儿童哲学的一个核心概念和重要的实施途径。本文在阐述“探究群体”基本观点的基础上,比较分析了儿童哲学与杜威教学理论的弄同,认为儿童哲学在一定程度上发展了杜威的教学理论。  相似文献   

张跃军的《美国性情——威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯的实用主义诗学》从杜威的实用主义哲学出发,以威廉斯的诗歌创作和诗学理论为个案,建立了一套实用主义批评的诗歌模式和诗学体系,具有显著的特色,堪称威廉斯的中国知音。  相似文献   

杜威的教育哲学思想是服务学习理念产生的根源与理论基础。服务学习的设计与实施要素,正是杜威的经验教育对学习过程的最佳表述;杜威教育哲学中的教育民主观则为服务学习的产生与蓬勃发展打下了坚实的思想基础。杜威教育哲学思想还为我们今后研究服务学习提供了四条基本的理论框架。当前服务学习在我国无论是理论还是实践都处于起步阶段,为防止服务学习理念的异化,一定要确立"在包容中借鉴,在责任中服务"的观念。  相似文献   

As African American faculty members, the authors share one narrative from their collective experiences to elucidate how race manifests itself in lived experiences and, thus, curriculum development and implementation. In sharing their experiences and telling this story, the authors make the cogent point that race dces matter (C. West, 1993) in curriculum development and implementation. Because the authors believe that race matters in the curriculum, they challenge gifted education professionals to move beyond colorblindness (D. Y. Ford, J. J. Harris III, C. A. Tyson, & M. Frazier Trotman, 2002; D. Y. Ford, J. L. Moore III, & H. R. Milner, 2004), to think seriously about their own racial experiences, and to think about the racial experiences of their students in developing and implementing curricula. The authors urge and challenge all education professionals to consider how race penetrates the curriculum in a number of ways and what the implications may mean for all students. The authors do not stop at putting out a call for action; in this article, they share a personal, race‐central story, and connect that story to curriculum development and implementation. The authors conclude the article with a discussion of strategies for educators to consider and, ideally, adopt when developing and implementing curricula.  相似文献   

杜威实用主义教育思想对20世纪20、30年代中苏两国的教育影响是中苏两国教育现代化过程中不容忽略的。由于杜威实用主义教育思想所具备的反传统的特性及代表教育新时代的理论素养,国情不一的中苏两国教育在破旧立新,融身世界洪流中,都不约而同的以实用主义教育思想作为开路先导,从而使得杜威实用主义教育思想在中苏两国曾产生盛极一时的影响。  相似文献   

This article reviews John Dewey and Our Educational Prospect, A Critical Engagement with Dewey's Democracy and Education, edited and spearheaded by David T. Hansen, with contributions by Gert Biesta, Reba N. Page, Larry A. Hickman, Naoko Saito, Gary D. Fenstermacher, Herbert M. Kliebard, Sharon Fieman-Nemser and Elizabeth Minnich. This review will not only praise and evaluate the merits of this book, but will also attempt to frame this new study of Dewey within the challenges that continue to engage education in the realms of democracy, as the latter continues to strive for its own survival. While highlighting salient aspects of Hansen et al.'s rereading of Dewey's great work, this review seeks to frame both Dewey's text and this Deweyan study within the breadth of those other challenges by which education—and in turn philosophy of education—has come to take on issues such as: the nexus between theory and practice, the prevalent domination of the social scientific paradigm in education and the continuous threat of the standardisation and institutionalisation of human learning. It will be argued that, to meet this challenge, philosophy of education must sustain a continuous engagement with Dewey's work. A rereading of Dewey also involves a revaluation of his pragmatic theory of education and its lineage, moving from Emerson's metaphilosophy to Cavell's ethics. As Hansen et al. invariably engage with the latter, this review will question, through Adorno and Horkheimer's critique of pragmatisation, whether Deweyan pragmatism can still challenge the current state of affairs by which education is not only systematised away from learning, but also subsumed into a more institutionalised state—a condition that immediately jars with Dewey's own philosophical instincts and pedagogical labours.  相似文献   

文章从历史与现实相结合的角度,重新探索了杜威实用主义哲学蕴含的民主和科学精神,阐释了杜威自由主义与个人主义存在的内在合理性,以及杜威对历史与现实的超越。这对重新认识西方哲学有一定的启示。  相似文献   

胡适和陶行知由于各自出身、性格和所受教育有所不同,导致其所关注的中国教育的领域不同,前者主要关注大学教育和学术,后者则全身心地投入到为人民大众服务的平民教育和乡村教育之中,因此二人对杜威实用主义教育思想的接受及本土化的程度也有所区别。但由于二人处在相同的中国社会背景和中国文化之中。其对杜威实用主义教育思想的接受及本土转化仍有相似之处。  相似文献   

“民主共同体”思想是杜威政治哲学体系中的核心思想。从逻辑和历史的方法来看,影响杜威“民主共同体”思想形成有四个因素,即黑格尔的绝对精神和辩证法思想;基督教中的“天国”思想;社会进化论思想和现代生物心理学;美国传统的政治思想文化。  相似文献   

Dewey declares that the teacher's calling is to be 'the prophet of the true God and the usherer in of the true kingdom of God'. This apparently religious declaration seems inconsistent with Dewey's philosophical position. An examination of Dewey's writings on religious issues reveals that his religious faith is a secular belief in democratic ideals, and that his teacher's alleged religious mission is in fact a worldly one. This article claims that Dewey's religious conception is a pragmatic conception designed to answer the social needs of American society in the 1930s, and that it presents no adequate solution to the problems of our contemporary world.  相似文献   

文章从杜威实用主义生存哲学的内在逻辑着手,解析“从做中学”思想提出的生存论、经验方法及探求逻辑的理论根源,认为它不是一种教育理论,而是一种探求学习理论。正是基于实用主义生存论哲学和“从做中学”的学习观,杜威提出了著名的“教育就是生长、就是生活、就是经验的改造或改组”的教育思想,在人类教育思想史上占有独特的地位。  相似文献   

杜威对中国近代高等教育影响评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜威实用主义教育思想对中国近代教育的影响已有许多研究,但其对近代中国高等教育影响的研究还不够。其实,从近代中国高等学校的办学思想、管理、教学制度、科学研究、社会服务及其管理者等方面考察分析发现,其对中国高等教育的影响是很显著的。全面认识杜威实用主义教育思想对近代中国高等教育的影响,对把握中国近代高等教育的转型及发展轨迹具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

An unfortunate lack of communication mars the relationship between educational psychology and philosophy. This state of affairs is magnified by the need for scholars of education to come forth in addressing broad ranging political issues surrounding contemporary American public education. It seems that although the very scholars who are needed for enlightened dialogue on these matters are, instead, only talking within tight discipline-bounded circles. This work seeks to jump start the wavering cross-discipline conversation, particularly between educational psychology and philosophy, by proposing pragmatic philosophy as an intellectual and visceral counterpart to the social science inquiry that is the province of our field.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In an effort to navigate the treacherous path between professionalism and social relevancy, this essay takes up an area of professional philosophy — epistemology — with the intention of reclaiming the integrative role John Dewey held for philosophy and classroom practice. Deron Boyles asserts that epistemology can and should represent an area of inquiry that is relevant and useful for philosophy of education, especially as it develops classroom practices that foster inquiry. He specifically seeks to revive Dewey's conception of warranted assertibility in an effort to show the value of fallibilist epistemology in practical and social teaching and learning contexts. By highlighting the distinctions between traditional epistemology and Dewey's conception of knowing , Boyles demonstrates that epistemology has value insofar as it highlights a more useful, instrumentalist theory of knowing that is applicable to classroom practice.  相似文献   

In the contemporary culture of accountability and the 'economy' of education this generates, pragmatism, as a philosophy for ordinary practice, needs to resist the totalising force of an ideology of practice, one that distracts us from the rich qualities of daily experience. In response to this need, and in mobilising Dewey's pragmatism, this paper introduces another standpoint in American philosophy: Stanley Cavell's account of the economy of living in Thoreau's Walden. By discussing some aspects of Cavell's The Senses of Walden that suggest both apparent similarities and radical differences between Thoreau and Dewey, I shall argue that Cavell discovers rich dimensions of practice in Thoreau's American philosophy, ones that are overshadowed in Dewey's pragmatism: that he demonstrates another way of 'making a difference in practice'. Cavell, as a critical interlocutor of Dewey, from within American philosophy, offers a way of using language in resistance to the rhetoric of accountability and in service to the creation of democracy as a way of life. I shall conclude by suggesting that the enriched tradition of American philosophy from Dewey to Cavell is to be found in their promotion of philosophy as education and education as philosophy.  相似文献   

历经一个多世纪的风雨洗礼,杜威教育理论中的重要观点与经典理念一直备受关注。杜威的教育思想亦在诸多交织如云的现代西方教育思潮中一枝独秀。特别是20世纪60年代至今席卷全球的终身教育思潮,就蕴涵在20世纪初杜威阐释的教育理念。本文通过对杜威实用主义统整哲学和生长理念的再释,解读杜威终身教育思想的理论渊源。  相似文献   


Despite common claims that society is “post-racial” and that sport is apolitical, issues of racial injustice continue to permeate sport and recreational institutions. Drawing insight from critical race theory, we articulate a vision of social justice oriented toward illuminating and addressing issues of racial injustice in sport and recreation. In particular, we highlight pressing matters of racial injustice in sport at the elite, competitive levels, as well as community and recreational settings. We also discuss contemporary examples and strategies for resisting racial injustice, noting the challenges and difficulties associated with various approaches. In doing so, we hope to provide direction for scholars and activists in fighting for social justice with respect to racism and racial inequality in sport.  相似文献   

In this article I examine Dewey's ambivalent attitude toward art museums — criticizing their existence as repositories for the rich, while exploring their educational potential — by analyzing Dewey's comments on museums in various texts, by relating his ideas to museum education theories and practice of the time, and by exploring his involvement with Albert Barnes and the Barnes Foundation. Specifically, I discuss how these men influenced each other and consider possible reasons for Dewey's involvement with a "capitalist collector" such as Barnes. This examination is placed within the broader context of Dewey's philosophy of art as experience. An analysis of these issues is especially relevant at the present time, given that museums are increasingly involved in K-12 education through outreach and professional development programs, in addition to school tours.  相似文献   


In this review essay, the author situates five recent articles on white identity and teacher education within the emergent fields of whiteness studies and critical race theory. He maintains that while the authors of these articles make a significant contribution to the field of race studies by expanding theories and methodologies of whiteness studies to education that there is a consistent failure to theorize race in the five articles. McCarthy argues instead that any effort to theorize racial identities must address the deep-seated contradictions that are produced in the unequal racial experiences that define modern education and society. He argues, ultimately, that we cannot understand race by studying race alone. It is vital in thinking about whiteness to consider factors of class, gender, sexuality, and nation - dynamics of social and cultural stratification that cut at right angles to narrow specifications of racial or ethnic community. These dynamics take on a particularly poignant quality of overdetermination and coarticulation in the modern context of the rapid movement of economic and cultural capital across borders summarized in the term "globalization."  相似文献   

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