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"合作"、"共享"是教师专业发展的关键.教师学习共同体是教师间合作的有效组织,在教师专业发展中起着激发教师专业发展的主体意识、丰富教师个体知识、构建教师协作文化的作用.健全学校制度,对教师学习进行考核奖励;开展以校为本的教研活动;对教师的学习共同体进行专家引领等是组建教师学习共同体的重要举措.  相似文献   

"合作"、"共享"是教师专业发展的关键。教师学习共同体是教师间合作的有效组织,在教师专业发展中起着激发教师专业发展的主体意识、丰富教师个体知识、构建教师协作文化的作用。健全学校制度,对教师学习进行考核奖励;开展以校为本的教研活动;对教师的学习共同体进行专家引领等是组建教师学习共同体的重要举措。  相似文献   

教师学习共同体是教师专业发展的一种有效形式。目前,我国基础教育中的教师学习共同体正处于发展时期,很多学校都存在着不同类型的教师学习共同体的实践。既有成功经验,也有很多亟待解决的问题。本文从共同体的概念入手,揭示了教师学习共同体的内涵、发生与演进的逻辑,以及对教师专业发展和学校改进的重要意义。  相似文献   

专业学习共同体是近年来备受瞩目的一种教师专业发展形式,对于促进学校的文化变革和改善教师的工作环境具有重要价值。构建专业学习共同体需要校长、教师、学区管理者等相关各方立足于自身的角色和地位,突破发展目标不明、评价标准缺失、资源和制度保障不足、文化多元与文化共享关系失衡,及教师赋权不足、缺乏参与决策的意识和愿望等诸多困境。  相似文献   

莫玲玲 《海外英语》2012,(2):44-45,59
新一论新课程改革紧随时代的发展,对教师的专业发展提出了新的要求,教师已有的专业知识和专业能力难以适应教育形势的快速发展和教育情境的急剧变化。在现阶段,教师专业发展的途径主要是通过参加学校或教育机构组织的教师培训课程,然而这种培训模式由于其机械性和工具性的特点,只能传递显性的知识或者是教学理论,对隐性知识关注较少。然而教师职业特点决定了显性知识只是其专业知识的一部分,更多的是隐性知识,因此这种培训模式对教师的专业发展效果不大。为此,该文提出构建校本教师学习共同体,实现教师知识共享,促进教师专业发展。  相似文献   

互联网对教育的影响非常深远,教师只有充分利用互联网,才能高效地发展自身的专业技能。大学英语教师网络专业学习共同体既能够提供丰富的专业发展资源,又能够满足教师的个性化需求。网络专业学习共同体的有效应用能够促进大学英语教师的专业发展,推动大学英语教学质量的提升。大学英语教师网络专业学习共同体的建设应从共同体成员的理念、共同的构建原则和共同体的设置侧重点等方面考虑。  相似文献   

当代西方教师专业学习共同体的理论与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教师专业化发展和不断提高教育质量的迫切要求,当代西方专业学习共同体理论也应运而生.在历经了共同体理论、学习型组织理论、学习共同体理论之后,教师专业学习共同体理论也逐渐完善,并在促进教师专业发展的实践中产生了非常积极的作用.成功的专业学习共同体不仅具有共享和支持性的领导、共同的价值观和愿景、共同学习和应用、共享的个人实践、支持性条件等五个特征,而且还具有专注于学习、合作的文化、聚焦于成果等基本理念.  相似文献   

教师专业共同体是一个促进教师专业发展的教师专业组织,旨在通过合作、学习和经验分享来实现教师专业的发展。教师专业共同体作为一种有效的教师专业发展模式,能为当下高校外语教师的知识结构、教学模式及科学研究提供强有力的支持和丰富的资源。作为教师专业发展的一种路径选择,高校可以依托教师专业发展的理论和发展模式,转变教师个人观念和重塑教师文化,创设网络平台学习共同体及核心人物的引领来不断促进外语教师的发展。  相似文献   

在过去15年中,笔者带领团队实践了高校外语教师专业学习的三种不同模式,其中包括短期专题研修班、专业学习共同体和虚拟专业学习共同体。本文比较这三种模式的优劣势,旨在优化我国外语教师专业学习路径。  相似文献   

外语教师是高职院校师资队伍的重要组成部分,对高职外语教师群体的专业化发展进行研究具有重大的现实意义。高职院校外语教师专业化发展则面临重重障碍,专业化发展的路径与特色均不明朗。高职院校外语教师在专业化发展过程中,应理性分析高职教育发展趋向和校本专业发展定位,跨专业复合型发展,与高职"双师型"教师发展的必然趋势保持一致,并紧扣外语本专业的性质和特色,立足于语言教学的高级阶段,从而凝聚专业化发展特色。  相似文献   

项目学习作为世界范围内外语教学实践中的一个重要模式,已经成为应用语言学领域的新的研究焦点.研究从后方法视角,根据我国宏观的社会环境和特定的教学环境,剖析了项目学习的要素、内涵、特征、步骤及其影响因素,构建出我国外语教学环境下的项目学习框架,旨在加强本土化项目学习的理论研究.为项目学习在我国外语教学中的实施提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Professional development is deemed necessary for university teachers at all levels, as it helps to enhance teaching quality. However, the extent of English language university teachers’ professional development might depend on a number of factors. This paper reports on a study investigating English language university teachers’ professional development in Thailand, the factors related to their development, the activities they used and the obstacles they encountered. The study was conducted through the use of a questionnaire to collect data from 217 full-time English language university teachers at 14 universities in Bangkok metropolis, selected through the multi-stage sampling technique. The results indicate that the overall mean score of Thai university teachers’ professional development was at a moderate level, and the factors of gender, academic title, degree and job responsibility were not related to professional development. Only one factor, university type, was found to be related to their development. This means that private university teachers had more professional development than those in Rajabhat and government universities. Discussing or sharing knowledge with colleagues was the activity they used to develop themselves most, with heavy teaching loads being the main obstacle. In addition, students’ background knowledge was the main obstacle to implementation of the received knowledge in teaching.  相似文献   

Given the growing attention to community environmental education (CEE), this study develops a theoretical heuristic for this approach through a retroductive process by (1) examining theories appropriate for a CEE conceptual framework; (2) testing this framework in diverse contexts to determine its viability, and (3) reconceptualizing the framework. The framework hypothesizes that a community of practice focused on improving the conditions of local natural resources will exemplify transformative learning and empowerment if the community of practice is successful. Initial testing involved case studies of two groups from diverse contexts. Results indicated both groups organized as communities of practice. However, evidence showing improved local natural resources, transformative learning, and empowerment was lacking. Instead, there was evidence of enhanced agency and self-efficacy, requiring a reconceptualized framework.  相似文献   

近年来高校外语教学改革日新月异。青年外语教师作为高校外语教师的中坚力量极大影响着外语教育的未来,其专业素质的高低决定着外语教学改革的成功与否。因此,关注青年外语教师专业发展意识极为重要。本文分析了高校青年外语教师专业发展意识的现状并结合教师专业自主发展的理论,对高校青年外语教师专业发展意识中存在的问题提供解决对策。  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study was to report on the use of a wiki as a tool for conducting online professional learning communities (OLCs) with 26 induction and mentor teachers. Data sources include teachers’ wiki postings and teacher interviews. Results indicate that: (a) Web 2.0 tools may be most effective in OLCs when the social features are utilized in addition to the features that enable task completion; (b) Using Web 2.0 tools restrictively, and without consideration of their affordances, may inhibit the success of OLCs; (c) Online learning communities for induction teachers may be most effective when supplemented with face-to-face discussion; and (d) A task-driven environment in OLCs can encourage professional dialogue and reflection, but may make induction teachers feel isolated and unsupported.  相似文献   

This study explored the congruence and disparities among three groups of foreign language (Chinese, French, and German) students’ and teachers’ perceptions of collaborative/cooperative language learning (CLL) strategies in novice-level classroom contexts. A total of 168 participants from a university in the USA took part in this mixed-method study. The quantitative findings from a 10-item CLL questionnaire suggested that while the students’ and teachers’ perceptions of CLL strategies were generally consistent and positive, some disparities emerged in terms of their perceptions towards pair work, 3–6 as a group work, interview, and role playing. The qualitative findings from interviews and classroom observations provided some possible explanations to the differences discovered. The quantitative findings also revealed that foreign language type was not a factor differentiating students’ and teachers’ perceptions of CLL strategies. Some practical implications are provided for the effective implementation of CLL strategies in novice-level foreign language classrooms.  相似文献   

This paper contends that one key reason for the lack of adoption of comprehensive change models based in higher education (HE) teaching and learning is that they lack a strong theoretical underpinning, thus potentially impeding their effectiveness in dealing with the complexities of human and organisational behaviour. Change theories that articulate the specific roles and influences of context, time and key actors in the change process are interrogated to highlight barriers to sustainable change in HE. A new theoretical framework for sustainable change is proposed that integrates these change theories in the context of HE professional disciplines. The findings provide several recommendations for university management in implementing change models including the provision of reciprocal feedback loops, enhanced learning for staff and students through scaffolding, developing workplace and professional networks, and implementing study and work unit flexibility.  相似文献   

人才培养一直是外语类专业建设及教学改革的重要目标之一。 本文从我国外语类专业外国文学课程设置的历史考察出发,结合《国标》精神和《指南》方案,立足文学知识和文学欣赏能力培养,简要探讨外语类专业外国文学的课程设置,并提出参考课程框架及实施建议。  相似文献   

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