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通过无语境条件下的在线语法判断任务实验和有语境条件下的自定速阅读任务实验,验证了英语语块的整体加工优势假说,并发现二语水平的不同使语块的在线语法性判断的时间、正确率和在线阅读理解时间有所不同.但无论水平高低,二语者对语块的加工都快于非语块的加工.语义透明度和熟悉度也是影响二语语块加工的重要因素.透明度高的语块加工速度更快、正确率更高;熟悉度越高,对语块的提取加工越快速准确.  相似文献   

张莉 《海外英语》2023,(23):82-85
歧义现象在语言中普遍存在,主要表现在词汇、句法和语义等多方面。歧义句的加工研究能验证语言加工机制,促进语言学习。二语句法歧义句的加工研究使得学习者关注母语引发歧义的同时更加注意二语习得过程中的句子加工机制,以此调整句法结构来促进语言理解。研究发现,母语学习者句法歧义句的加工机制和二语学习者句法歧义句的加工机制之间存在差异。此外,句法结构、工作记忆容量和语义关联性等都会影响二语句法歧义句的加工和认知方式。  相似文献   

从我国新课程改革推行“小学开设英语”的举措人手,系统介绍了认知神经科学运用PET fMRI和ERP等技术研究获得的关于二语学习关键期及其效应的研究证据,立足二语习得年龄与最终成绩、年龄与二语习得和加工、二语习得的年龄效应特点诸方面展开探讨,对“何时开始学习二语效果最好”的问题有了深刻全面的理解。基本结论是:(1)二语习得存在关键期;(2)二语习得的效果受关键期效应影响;(3)6、7岁之前学习二语有望达到纯正语音效果;(4)12岁之前学习二语整体效果优于之后迟学的效果;(5)二语迟学者尽管失去二语学习“关键期”,足够的训练也能达到一定的熟练效果;(6)新课程改革小学三年级开设英语,有条件的学校小学一年级开设英语,符合二语习得的认知神经科学特点和规律。  相似文献   

第二语言习得研究建立在儿童母语习得研究的基础上,但有别于母语习得。因第二语言习得过程是在已经掌握了母语系统的前提下,而大多数情况下又是在脱离目的语社会的环境中进行的。本文试图通过探讨在中国汉语环境下二语习得的认知因素对二语习得者的中介语的影响,了解汉语环境下的英语学习者,尤其是英语初学者在第二语言习得过程中的认知心理特点,以帮助我们认识外语教学的性质,进而有意识地帮助学生尽快顺利渡过中介语阶段,从而更有效地学好英语。  相似文献   

二语习得的过程受到诸多因素的影响。文章回顾了以往学者的研究成果,对影响二语习得的因素重新进行了总结分类,并尝试性的对二语教学提出了一些建议。目的在于引起读者对以前研究涉及较少的影响因素加以的关注。并希望此研究对于改善我国英语学习效率较低的情况有所帮助。  相似文献   

二语习得过程同时也是认知处理过程。认知方式在二语习得中发挥着重要作用,学习者认知因素的差异是影响语言教学的一个重要因素,对外语教学有一定的启示。教师应选择适合于学习者认知方式的教学方法,做到因材施教。  相似文献   

曾灏如 《教师》2010,(15):117-118
自20世纪70年代国外二语习得理论进入我国以来,研究者及外语教师们对影响外语学习的因素的研究从未间断,并不断深入。研究的重心有时在学习者自身上,有时在学习过程上,有时又在学习环境上。这些研究对我国的外语学习产生了积极的作用.有力地推动了二语习得研究的发展。本文主要讨论学习者个体因素对二语习得的影响。  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代国外二语习得理论进入我国以来,研究者及外语教师们对影响外语学习的因素的研究从未间断,并不断深入.研究的重心有时在学习者自身上,有时在学习过程上,有时又在学习环境上.这些研究对我国的外语学习产生了积极的作用,有力地推动了二语习得研究的发展.本文主要讨论学习者个体因素对二语习得的影响.  相似文献   

阅读中的二语词汇语义通达是指通过视觉接受输入二语词汇信息,并提取词义的过程。受不同表征观及实验方法的影响,研究者在双语者是否需要借助母语通达二语词义这一核心问题上仍存在巨大分歧。目前研究者构建的二语词汇语义通达模型假设主要有:语义独立储存理论下二语词汇语义通达模型、语义共同存储理论下二语词汇语义通达模型和混合(mixed)语义表征理论下多维二语词汇语义通达模型。近年来相关研究表明,二语词汇语义通达受双语者二语熟练度、认识能力、认知压力、二语接触方式和程度、二语习得年龄、双语平衡度、词频、词长、词型、词形相似度、语义相关度和语言相似度等多个维度影响。然而目前有关各因素交互效应的研究并不太多,且多以行为实验为主。未来应着眼于对影响二语词义通达的各种因素交互效应进行整合性研究,采用先进技术手段,严格控制实验过程,才可能进一步完善现有二语词汇语义通达模型。  相似文献   

胡彩霞 《海外英语》2011,(9):333-334,344
二语写作中母语负迁移的影响客观存在而且涉及到写作的各个环节。句子作为表达独立完整观点、构建段落篇章的基本单位起着至关重要的作用。因此,分析和探究母语负迁移对句法造成的影响有利于写作教学的有效开展。  相似文献   

在二语习得的过程中,情感因素和认知因素并不是两个对立的因素,它们亦都无法独立影响语言学习。情感因素在语言习得的过程中作用颇重。积极的情感因素会使语言认知系统处理最佳状态,起到激智作用。因此,关注语言学习中的情感因素能够使语言学习更加有效。本文着重从情感因素的四大方面进行了分析很阐述。  相似文献   

本文为张萍教授对蒋楠(N.Jiang)博士围绕第二语言加工而进行的一次专题访谈,缘起于2016年12月上海交通大学外国语学院"当代外语研究第二语言加工专业委员会"的成立。这是世界首个专门研究第二语言加工的专业委员会,蒋楠博士因其多年致力于第二语言习得与加工研究,被一致推举为首任会长。本次访谈在厘清二语加工基本概念之基础上,侧重解读二语加工所涉及的相关课题,以及二语加工与二语习得的关系问题,为有意了解和深入探讨二语加工的学者提供了明确的研究方向。  相似文献   

The ability to comprehend and produce language stands as a defining characteristic of human cognition and enables the transfer of knowledge and culture within human society. A proper characterization of the human capacity for language is required for the development of interventions that may be used to assist those individuals who have failed to achieve, or who have lost competence in, language behaviors. For signed languages, models of competent language use are lacking. This lack of knowledge hampers the development of effective assessment measures for deaf children who may be experiencing learning problems beyond those confronting the normal deaf child. I discuss two research avenues that have begun to provide a window into the neural systems involved in sign language processing: studies of language disruptions in adult deaf signers who have suffered brain injury, and studies of functional brain imaging in normal deaf signers. This research provides a basis for the development of a comprehensive neurocognitive model of sign language processing.  相似文献   

迁移是二语习得中的一个重要概念。本文从语言迁移的定义、分类及影响因素入手,探索迁移的相关研究,为二语习得及相关英语教学的研究贡献力量。  相似文献   

动机是影响二语习得过程的一个重要因素。关于动机对二语习得的影响,不同学者的观点各有不同。实际上,积极的态度和手段能促进语言学习者对语言的学习,真正激发学生的学习动机,提高语言学习的效率。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which study of Latin might influence high school students' improvement in spelling. Skilled and less skilled spellers who chose to study Latin or other second languages in ninth-grade were given a standardized and an experimental spelling test, which allowed for a comparison of their spelling of words of Latin and Greek origin, both in the fall of their ninth-grade and the spring of their eleventh-grade year. While skilled spellers generally made greater progress than less skilled spellers, the students of Latin did not outperform students of other second languages either on the standardized spelling test or specifically on words of Latin origin. Analysis of errors on the experimental test indicated that certain words of Latin origin were misspelled as frequently by eleventh as by ninth graders; these may have affected the lower rate of improvement on words of Latin origin, in contrast to the words of Greek origin. The results suggest particular ways in which the relationship of spelling proficiency and study of language might be investigated further.  相似文献   

This study investigated the possible effects of first language (L1) orthographic characteristics on word recognition in English as a second language (ESL). Case alternation was used to examine the impact of visually distorted words of different types on fluent ESL readers' word recognition in naming. Visual distortion of word shape (i.e., cAsE aLtErNaTiOn) was utilized because, although visually distorted words have lost word-shape cues, they preserve the cue value of words (i.e., spelling patterns). It, therefore, was hypothesized that if one is sensitive to alphabetic orthography, or if one's inner mechanism of processing an alphabetic word is efficient, then the visual disruption of word-shape cues should not affect one's sensitivity to sequences of letters in words. In other words, this study focused on the magnitude of the effect of case alternation in word recognition as an index of the sensitivity to alphabetic words. Results showed that the magnitude of the case alternation effect in a naming task was significantly larger for the ESL participants whose L1 is not alphabetic (i.e., Chinese and Japanese) than the ESL participants whose L1 is alphabetic (i.e., Iranians -- Persian as L1). This result seems to indicate that the Persian speakers, due to the facilitating influence of their L1 orthography, were less influenced by case alternation than the Chinese and Japanese speakers, whose L1 orthographies are not alphabetic. This finding suggests that the first language orthographic features affect the orthographic coding mechanisms (i.e., word recognition mechanisms) in a second language.  相似文献   

Maternal language to prelinguistic infants: syntactic aspects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Maternal speech to children has been shown to vary by age and language ability of the children. Previous studies have usually involved children over 1 year of age. In this study maternal speech to male and female 4-, 6-, and 8-month-old infants was recorded in the laboratory. Mothers used shorter utterances to 8-month-olds than to 4- or 6-month-olds, presumably in response to the infant's changing level of comprehension. Mothers used more sentences with subjects, verbs, or objects deleted to 8-month-olds and more complex sentences to 4-month-olds.  相似文献   

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