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在“一主两辅三维互动”教学模式的指导下。基于网络的学习成为南京电大远程开放教育学生的主要学习方式。文章以南京电大远程开放教育学生为研究对象,研究这些学生英语课程网络学习的情况.利用南京电大在线平台学生行为统计、课程论坛讨论情况统计等数据.描述南京电大远程开放教育学生网上活动、网上学习时间、课程论坛利用情况,分析试点以来学生使用网络资源及学习效果情况,指出了目前南京电大远程开放教育学生在部分英语课程网络学习中存在的问题。  相似文献   

采用自编问卷对甘肃张掖市5所小学生网络心理问卷调查,同时对部分家长、政府部门政务公务管理人员采用谈话调查,发现以下事实:所有被调查学校里都已经开设微机课;88%的学生的父母不鼓励小学生上网;81%的学生认为上网会影响正常生活与学习;91%同学回答自己周围的同学有向家长骗钱上网的行为;只有19%的同学回答自己进入网吧时工作人员阻止进入网吧,其他同学没有受到过阻止;小学生上网的资费60%以上来自父母给的零花钱;75%会在网上玩网络游戏;上网时碰到不良网站,23%的同学会很好奇地进入;近八成同学对网络存在依恋,每周上网时间超过12小时。大多数学生没有利用网络学习文化知识。分析这些事实,可以认为:小学生上网弊大于利。必须整顿网吧市场,严禁小学生进入网吧。小学生学习网络知识应当在学校或家庭中有成人指导进行。  相似文献   

多媒体网络环境为国家开放大学学生的自主学习提供了有利条件,学生可以自由地选择合适的时间地点,以国家开放大英语课程为例,详细分析网络平台下开放大学学生自主学习中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出具体的策略和方法,希望可以促进开放大学成人学生在网络平台下有效地进行自主学习。  相似文献   

本文探讨了如何在大学英语网络自主学习中引入慕课等优质开放教育资源,并进行分层设计和指导,满足学生个性化、多元化的英语学习需求。  相似文献   

信息技术特别是网络技术的蓬勃发展,吸引了越来越多的高等院校开展远程教育。纵观各院校远程教育的实施情况,大多数网院都为学生提供了自主学习的光盘,开发了基于网络的学习支持平台。笔者曾调查了一所网络学院网上讨论答疑的情况,调查数据表明,在网上注册的一万多名学生中,能够上网发出一个帖子的学生不足全部学生的6%,而能够根据课程进度持续在网上活跃讨论答疑的学生不足1%;调查同时发现,学生在学习过程中普遍感到缺乏交流与沟通。这表明网络学习环境中的交互功能还没有被充分利用。交互活动作为非常有效的网络学习手段,是网络教学质量保…  相似文献   

学生是学习和发展的主体,语文课程必须根据学生身心发展和语文学习的特点,关注学生的个体差异和不同的学习需求,爱护学生的好奇心、求知欲,充分激发学生的主动意识和进取精神,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。在教学实践中,我们经常会遇到这样的情况:教师规定的内容和教材要求的内容,学生没话写;学生拥有个性化的内容,却没有机会写,时间久了,那些材料自然就会淡忘。那么,在作文教学中怎么倡导这些学习方式呢?在教学实践中,笔者通过“接力日记”的形式,实现了学生学习方式的转变。一、自主——满足学生的真实需求尊重学生的独特个性和具体生…  相似文献   

开放教育本科学生网上学习情况的调查与分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来,远程开放教育学生网上学习的情况深受关注。为了卓有成效地实施网上教育,我们对重庆开放教育学生的网上学习情况,包括学生的基本情况,网上学习的环境、学生上网学习状况及影响学生网上学习的原因等进行调查和分析。根据调查结果和数据分析,对如何进一步卓有成效的开展网上教育进行了深入的分析和思考。  相似文献   

彭德胜 《教师》2008,(7):60-61
网络中蕴涵丰富的信息资源,只要鼠标轻轻一点,就可以在网上快速获取信息资源,满足各种需求。一句话,网络极大地开阔了人们的视野,给我们的学习、生活带来了巨大的便利和乐趣。然而,由于网络上存在的信息良莠不齐,有一些不良信息势必严重影响青少年学生的健康成长。中共中央、国务院在《关于加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的若干意蚴中明确指出:“学校要加强对校园网站的管理,规范上网内容,倡导文明健康的网络风气。要遵循网络特点和网上信息传播规律,充分考虑未成年人的兴趣爱好,唱响主旋律,为广大未成年人创造良好的网络文化氛围”。贯彻落实文件精神,我们一是要正确对待青少年学生上网,既不能放任自流,又不能简单地采取堵的办法,而应该在疏导上下工夫;二是要加强网络建设,丰富有益于学生健康发展的网络资源。三是要充分发掘网络工具的学习、教育与服务功能,引导学生合理利用,促进学生良好学习品质的形成。  相似文献   

[亚洲开放大学协会20届年会特稿]信息技术如何改变着教育韦钰(4.3)开放教育在21世纪高等教育扩展中的角色约翰·丹尼尔(兰冰译)(4.7)远程与开放教育中新技术的使用迈克·莫尔(兰冰译)(4.13)对数字时代远程开放教育规划的再思考邓立真(王景政译)(4.18)新技术和变化中的远程教育成本结构托马斯·赫尔斯曼(鲍勤译)(4.24)如何应对网上短时学习需求高峰AhmadHashem,MansorFadzil(郭若瑞译)(4.35)[远教研究]云南电大混合型教学模式的构建与实践李渝,罗骥(1.3)远程开放教学结构及网络教学模式探讨唐伟(1.9)试论信度分析在毕业生追踪调查中的应…  相似文献   

为了有效的实施网上教育,我们对重庆电大远程开放教育本科学生的基本情况,网上学习的环境,学生上网学习状况及影响学生网上学习的原因等进行了调查和分析。  相似文献   

For most open universities,in fact for most universities,there will arise occasions when some online activities will have to be completed by all students in a very short time interval.These occasions usually result in a great rush to get online as quickly as possible;the rush is often made worst by the limited good choices on offer such that usually only the earliest can get the best.Choosing and confirming elective subjects,when only a limited number for each are offered,on a first-come-first-served basis is an example. At the Open University Malaysia the rush occurs when confirming offered subjects and choosing face-to-face meeting timetable.Most students rushed to be earliest to ensure choice slots in the timetable are obtained. Available I.T.resources such as Internet bandwidth and servers cannot cope with these short-term sustained peak demands.Unless these peak demands are met,however,online services will slow down drastically resulting in long queues of users waiting to be served.Providing excess capacity,if at all possible,to ensure these short duration peak demands can be met would not be cost-effective since most of the time these resources are not utilised.This paper will look at some cost-effective approaches to meeting these short-term peak demands.  相似文献   

For most open universities, in fact for most universities, there will arise occasions when some online activities will have to be completed by all students in a very short time interval. These occasions usually result in a great rush to get online as quickly as possible ; the rush is often made worst by the limited good choices on offer such that usually only the earliest can get the best. Choosing and confirming elective subjects, when only a limited number for each are offered, on a first-come-first-served basis is an example. At the Open University Malaysia the rush occurs when confirming offered subjects and choosing face-to-face meeting timetable. Most students rushed to be earliest to ensure choice slots in the timetable are obtained. Available I. T. resources such as Internet bandwidth and servers cannot cope with these short-term sustained peak demands. Unless these peak demands are met, however, online services will slow down drastically resulting in long queues of users waiting to be served. Providing excess capacity, if at all possible, to ensure these short duration peak demands can be met would not be cost-effective since most of the time these resources are not utilised. This paper will look at some cost-effective approaches to meeting these short-term peak demands.  相似文献   

For most open universities, in fact for most universities, there will arise occasions when some online activities will have to be completed by all students in a very short time interval. These occasions usually result in a great rush to get online as quickly as possible; the rush is often made worst by the limited good choices on offer such that usually only the earliest can get the best. Choosing and confirming elective subjects, when only a limited number for each are offered, on a first-come-first-served basis is an example.At the Open University Malaysia the rush occurs when confirming offered subjects and choosing face-to-face meeting timetable. Most students rushed to be earliest to ensure choice slots in the timetable are obtained.Available I. T. resources such as Internet bandwidth and servers cannot cope with these short-term sustained peak demands. Unless these peak demands are met, however, online services will slow down drastically resulting in long queues of users waiting to be served. Providing excess capacity, if at all possible, to ensure these short duration peak demands can be met would not be cost-effective since most of the time these resources are not utilised. This paper will look at some cost-effective approaches to meeting these short-term peak demands.  相似文献   

The Internet provides a venue for several purposes. One purpose is to disseminate information. Compared to other infrastructures, the Internet is one of the more cost-effective ways of improving a country's educational system. Online education is growing in popularity as it provides accessibility and encourages collaborative communication among student peers. The main purpose of this paper was to analyze the impetus of online education through the perception of adult learners at Curtin Business School. The majority of the respondents valued the direct interaction of traditional classes and easy access to information on subjects being offered on online courses. A combination of both traditional and online methods proved to be the most comprehensive solution as students were able to increase their interpersonal skills and computer literacy. Based upon the conducted survey, the three main driving forces to the development of online education were identified as information technology, education brokers (universities), and market demands. The main implications of technology to universities were identified in its changing roles and organizational structure and being able to form partnerships with other business counterparts. Simultaneously, this trend would produce a new generation of knowledge workers with new expectations on career advancement and learning opportunities. As such, it becomes imperative that universities and information communication technology-based organizations form a symbiotic relationship to meet the expectations of the new e-generation.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,高校体育课程改革已进入深化阶段,“无锡会议”对学校体育卫生工作提出了更新、更高的要求。和中、小学一样,普通高校体育课程改革逐步向体育教育与健康教育相融合的方向发展已成为趋势。本文从课程指导思想、课程设置、教材内容、教学组织形式以及考核与成绩评定等方面,对建立具有高校特点的“体育与健康课”课程体系进行了初步的探索。  相似文献   

由疫情引发的在线教学对国内大部分高校而言是一场史无前例的“遭遇战”,如何保证在线教学质量是高校未来共同面临的重大课题。案例高校的在线教学转型实践表明,实现线上线下教学质量的实质等效有赖于高校的全面和系统变革。平台化发展将是高等教育未来数字化转型的重要趋势,高校需要从关系、能力、组织、绩效、文化等维度构建平台化发展能力模型,实行平台化管理模式,重构教育形态。  相似文献   

关于现代远程高等教育发展若干问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伴随现代媒体信息技术的进步及其在教育领域中的开发应用 ,网络教育在我国开始萌生发展 ,各种网络大学也因此应运而生。网络大学的发展 ,不仅取决于现代媒体信息技术的进步及其在高等教育领域中的应用情况 ,还取决于现实高等教育资源和教育组织的支持状况 ;伴随网络大学的兴起和发展 ,远程高等教育领域中的激烈竞争不可避免 ,并将带来远程教育领域中群雄逐鹿和优胜劣汰局面———而且这种局面会由虚拟教育领域扩展到现实教育领域 ;网络大学的普遍出现和现实社会学习需要的具体多样 ,将导致能够为网络大学提供现实支持和为学生提供具体学习服务的社区教育服务中心的建立 ,而这种组织将朝着为所有的网络大学提供平等竞争公共平台的方向发展  相似文献   

Institutions of higher education have a stake in the demographic shift that will occur in the 21st century. Employers will depend on colleges and universities to produce a trained workforce and the general public will request information about aging processes and how to successfully age. By responding to the demands of employers and the general public, institutions of higher education will be faced with a number of challenges. This article considers six challenges facing institutions of higher education in the 21st century and how higher education might respond to these challenges. Potential barriers to meeting these challenges are also discussed.  相似文献   

高等教育第三方评估组织作为独立于高校和政府的社会第三方,对于推进管办评分离,构建政府、高校和社会协同的高等教育治理新格局具有重要意义,其通过满足国家宏观治理的需 求、高校对办学自主权的诉求以及社会参与高等教育治理的期望来获得合法性。但现实中高等教 育第三方评估组织由于宏观层面缺乏立法保障、中观层面缺乏认证维护、微观层面缺乏专业团队,导致其独立性和中介性缺乏,专业性、业务水平和合法性基础受到质疑。为此,需通过落实法律身份、建立健全认证机制、打造专业化的团队构建高等教育第三方评估组织的合法性。  相似文献   

介质厚度对一维三元结构光子晶体透射谱的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用传输矩阵法研究各介质层厚度对一维三元光子晶体(CBA)m(ABC)m透射谱的影响,结果发现:在很宽的禁带范围内,仅出现一条透射峰,且随着m的增加透射峰越加精细;随着A、B、C各介质层厚度的增加,透射峰均向长波方向移动,三者厚度同时增加时透射峰移动速度最快,单层厚度增加时,增加C层厚度透射峰移动最快,B层次之,A层最慢;随着各层介质厚度增加,光子禁带向长波方向移动,各层厚度同时增加时主禁带移动的速度最快,单层厚度增加时,移动速度快慢依次为C层、B层、A层。随着各层介质厚度同时增加或是C、A单层增加,禁带加宽,但B层厚度增加禁带反而变窄。一维三元结构光子晶体的这些特性,为光子晶体设计不同频率范围的光学滤波器、反射器等提供指导。  相似文献   

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