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There are many references to reading, and some to writing, in Shakespeare’s plays; a list is provided in an Appendix. They are analysed for what they reveal about the social status of literacy in Shakespeare’s day, and the references to reading are analysed further according to oral v. silent reading, and whether characters have company on stage, or are (or believe themselves to be) alone. Only a few characters are depicted as illiterate, sometimes for comic effect, more often for purposes of the plot. All persons of rank, and most others, are depicted as literate. It seems that in Shakespeare’s time, even among the highly educated, the practice of oral reading for varied purposes, even when alone, was still alive. One effect was, serendipitously, to give Shakespeare the freedom to manipulate reading practices plausibly, and brilliantly, for his own purposes.  相似文献   

目前教师的需要以成就的需要和自我实现的需要为主,他们乐于承担有一定难度的工作,并能承担责任,充分发挥自己的潜力和创造性,为自己提供更多的发展机会.校长应该努力用好激励机制,设定合理的目标,兼顾物质激励和精神激励两个方面,以间接激励为主,强调情感激励,形成良好的校园氛围.同时给教师更多的思想上和业务上的培训,以充分调动教师的积极性,提高学校整体的工作效率.  相似文献   

自主式阅读:阅读教学的反璞归真   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自主式阅读的基本理念是学生凭需要,兴趣,主动,独立地阅读,而非被动,被迫地阅读,自主式阅读不但可以使人享受读书乐趣,还能使人的语读写能力。人素养真正发展起来。倡导自主式阅读并非不要学课本。它要求通过教学改革增强课内阅读的自主性。  相似文献   

Associations among hypothetical, prototypic moral, and conventional judgments; theory of mind (ToM); empathy; and personal distress were examined in 108 socioeconomically diverse preschoolers (Mage = 42.94 months, SD = 1.42). Repeated measures analysis of covariance with empathy, false beliefs, and their interaction as covariates indicated that empathy was significantly associated with judgments of greater moral but not conventional transgression severity, particularly for psychological harm, and with deserved punishment for unfairness. False beliefs were associated with (combined) moral criterion judgments of rule and authority independence and inalterability. Empathy also was positively associated with criterion judgments but only for children low in ToM. Personal distress was unrelated to judgments. Results demonstrate the importance of both affective and cognitive processes in preschoolers' moral judgments.  相似文献   

The present study produced an empirically derived, developmental continuum of children's understanding of specific pains. Subjects of 5 age groups: preschool (ages 3-4), first grade (ages 6-7), third grade (ages 8-10), sixth grade (ages 11-12) and college freshmen (ages 18-23) were interviewed with open-ended questions. The subjects were questioned extensively about 3 specific types of pain: an injury (skinned knee), a medical intervention (injection), and an illness (headache). Subjects were asked to describe each pain, tell why the pain hurt, and state the value of the pain. Their answers were then categorized and the categories ordered developmentally by experts in pediatric pain who were unaware of the children's ages. Then children's specific answers were given developmental scores. Multivariate analyses revealed that older children had more complex and precise understandings of pain, and this pattern differed by type of pain and by aspect of pain being considered. The subjects were also asked to report the frequency of their own pains and their parents' pain; parental and self-reported pains were closely related.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in 26 Head Start classrooms with 264 children to compare the effect of a read aloud plus extension activities intervention over a control group to the effect of a read aloud only intervention over a control group on preschool children's vocabulary. Children were assessed before and after the intervention on target vocabulary and general vocabulary measures. Research Findings: The results suggest that the effects of the read aloud plus intervention were stronger than the effects of the read aloud only intervention on target word learning. In addition, the effects of the read aloud plus intervention on target word learning were stronger for children with higher versus lower general vocabulary knowledge. Neither intervention had an effect on general word knowledge. Practice or Policy: Observation and fidelity data are used to contextualize the findings, and the results are discussed in light of the extant literature on preschool vocabulary interventions.  相似文献   

We report the associations between phonological awareness and orthographic knowledge in readers of alphasyllabic Kannada. Less fluent 9- to 12-year-olds with lower orthographic knowledge were at floor on phoneme tasks, but more fluent readers, with greater orthographic knowledge, showed significant phonemic awareness. Orthographic knowledge, phoneme awareness, and RAN were independent predictors of reading rate and, together with syllable awareness, predicted individual differences in reading accuracy. Taken together, we suggest that increasing alphasyllabic literacy promotes a dual representation at the syllable and phoneme level and that the analytic processes involved in acquiring orthographic knowledge and mappings with phonology are a universal aspect of reading development across languages.  相似文献   

张希 《科教导刊》2019,(11):187-188
大学生的自我学习能力对应用型高校人才培养方案的实施至关重要,学生的自我成长对高校的长远发展有重要的参考价值,而阅读能力作为自我学习的实现路径之一起到了关键作用。本研究通过深入分析浙江省绍兴市大学生阅读情况、自我学习与成长满意现状及其影响因素,探究大学生的阅读、学习、成长的机制,提出优化大学生自我学习、提升阅读能力、提高成长满意的途径和解决方案。  相似文献   

Cell phone ubiquity enables students to record and share audio file versions of their essays for proofreading purposes. Adopting this practice in community college developmental writing classes leads to an investigation of both writing as a technology and the influence of modern technology on composition and composition pedagogy.  相似文献   

阅读教学是语文教学的重心所在,在高职语文课的阅读教学中,采用"读、思、疑、问、解"五步阅读教学法,培养学生的阅读素养,发挥学生作为阅读主体的主观能动作用,提高学生的阅读创新能力.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the impact of taking a high quality picture book home from school daily on the at-home reading behaviors of young children and/or family members from middle and low SES backgrounds. Eighty children representing two study groups (treatment & no-treatment comparison) and two socioeconomic groups (Head Start & middle-class) composed the study sample. Treatment children selected picture books at school daily to take home over a 12-week period. Child and family picture book reading behaviors were assessed by weekly random telephone surveys. Findings indicate that taking a picture book home daily more than doubled the number of books read at home for both middle-class and Head Start treatment children over their no-treatment comparison counterparts and significantly increased the amount of time Head Start treatment children were involved in reading each day. The practicality of making high quality picture books available for preschool children to take home and the implications of increased at-home reading behaviors are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the impact of taking a high quality picture book home from school daily on the at-home reading behaviors of young children and/or family members from middle and low SES backgrounds. Eighty children representing two study groups (treatment & no-treatment comparison) and two socioeconomic groups (Head Start & middle-class) composed the study sample. Treatment children selected picture books at school daily to take home over a 12-week period. Child and family picture book reading behaviors were assessed by weekly random telephone surveys. Findings indicate that taking a picture book home daily more than doubled the number of books read at home for both middle-class and Head Start treatment children over their no-treatment comparison counterparts and significantly increased the amount of time Head Start treatment children were involved in reading each day. The practicality of making high quality picture books available for preschool children to take home and the implications of increased at-home reading behaviors are discussed.  相似文献   

The longitudinal development of the intraindividual coupling between academic achievement, interest, and self-concept of ability (SCA) was analyzed in a sample of approximately 1,000 children between grades 1 and 12 (ages 6-17). Across all calculated indexes, the average level of coupling was positive. Individuals generally felt competent and interested in domains where they achieve well, and were interested in domains where they perceive their personal strengths. The degree of coupling was the highest between interest and SCA and the lowest between interest and achievement. For all indexes, evidence for an increase in coupling across time was found. Female gender was related to a lower level of coupling. There was evidence for a positive effect of conscientiousness on the amount of coupling.  相似文献   

通过对<以赛亚书>2:1-4和杜甫诗篇这两个不同文本的"跨越"解读,探讨了"和平"对于构建"和谐社会"的重要性问题."和谐"不仅包含了人与人之间、种族与种族之间、国与国之间的"止息战争"的"和平"层面,还包括了人与自然之间敌对状态的结束,个体的心灵、灵魂层面的升华.跨文本阅读<以赛亚书>和杜甫诗篇,会帮助我们更加全面、深刻地理解人类追求和平与"和谐观"的丰富性、复杂性与多层面性.  相似文献   

对广西桂林市五所小学进行问卷调查研究,结果表明儿童传统的阅读方式受到挑战,儿童不仅可以通过纸质文本阅读文学故事,还可以通过网络、电视和卡通漫画等电子传媒获得文学知识。网络、电视和卡通漫画等电子传媒组成了儿童文学阅读的新环境,积极利用这种新环境可以更加丰富儿童的文学素养,树立起正确的价值观和人生观。  相似文献   

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