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I have a happy class. In the class, I have three best friends. They are Pen Chao, Bao Xiao and Wang Yiming. Pen Chao is a good student. He has short straight hair. He has two small eyes and a big nose. He wears funny glasses. Somebody thinks that he looks like a panda. But I don't think so. He is very short and medium build. He is very clever and he studies very hard.  相似文献   

在荒漠里工作了3年之久,我终于完成调研任务回到了家。吃过中饭,我想休息一下,却感到有些不适,尿道有些隐隐作痛。这种痛在荒漠时就已经有了,当时由于工作忙,加上条件受限,不曾顾及。现在该是去医院检查一下  相似文献   

人类凭借高级动物的资本获得了更长的寿命.更舒适的生活和更宽广的想象力。无论你对现在的生活是否满意.我们都认同的一点是.未来将更美好。  相似文献   

What will my own life be like in fifteen years?It is interesting for me to guess. Fifteen years from now, I‘ll live and work in Beijing. I‘ll be a teacher and meet a lot of in- teresting and funny children. Also, I‘ll live in a  相似文献   

Job change now and in the future is a reality. Currently, job change appears to be a continental occurrence and is moving toward a global phenomenon. The present discussion of job change in the global marketplace is not meant to be an exhaustive explicative of the topic nor is it inclusive of all future contexts for employment. The intent, instead, has been to encourage the consideration of a multitude of issues related to job change, and to highlight the importance and implications of the evolution of the world of work in regard to this process. Research questions have also been delineated in anticipation of the refinement and expansion of current conceptualizations of job change in the future.Job change is an important dimension in an individual's career development process. It is anticipated, therefore, that this special issue about job change will, at a minimum, lead to a more informed and sophisticated means of understanding and intervening with individuals. Hopefully, the issue will stimulate thinking, dialogue, interventions, programs, and empirical investigations about job change. Regardless of the ultimate eventualities, job change offers exciting opportunities and challenges for individuals now and in the future.  相似文献   

包装设计的发展势必使包装成为“无声推销员”,引导受众的消费。未来的包装设计创意应具有个性形象,追求商品包装的新形式、新风格;其次应是带有强烈的人文关怀色彩的绿色设计;同时其创意应与地域文化联系起来,充分利用地域文化特色,实现消费者自我塑造的心理体验;此外,在创意中还要融入人本主义精神、弘扬民族文化,既关注消费者的情感因素,又尊重民族艺术的独特性,以寻求最佳的引发消费者共鸣的触发点。  相似文献   

The definition of a problem and the action taken to solve it largely depend on the view which the individuals or groups that discovered the problem have of the system to which it refers. A problem may thus find itself defined as a badly interpreted output, or as a faulty output of a faulty output device, or as a faulty output due to a malfunction in an otherwise faultless system, or as a correct but undesired output from a faultless and thus undesirable system. All definitions but the last suggest corrective action; only the last definition suggests change, and so presents an unsolvable problem to anyone opposed to change (Herbert Brün, 1971).This article is an adaptation of an address given on March 29, 1971, at the opening of the Twenty-fourth Annual Conference on World Affairs at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.  相似文献   

加强生命教育中的尊重生命教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来自杀和他杀现象在校园频频上演,不尊重生命的现象极其严重,透过素质教育现状和新近出现的生命教育的分析,强调加强尊重生命教育在生命教育中的必要性,阐述实施尊重生命教育的原则和方法。  相似文献   

<正>China has been developed so rapidly that it economic strength grows fast like a rocket.It leads China to become the World’s second-largest economy.Because the change of our life conditions,more and more people are wiling to go abroad,in order to feel the fresh air,civilized language,advanced science,and harmony atmosphere,all of these things like baptism which shocked people’s heart.The pursuit of better life quality requires more and more important elements such as beautiful landscape,clean lake,elegant buildings,rigorous law and kind people,since the beauty of landscape depends on it’s quality,the prosperity of a country rely on it’s power.I’ve been dreaming to become a messenger who can establish connect between different countries and various people.  相似文献   

The marine environment includes the nutrient-rich coastal waters, relatively nutrient-poor open oceanic waters, coral reef atolls, metal-rich hydrothermal vent fluids with temperatures of 200–350°C, cold-seeps, estuaries, mangrove swamps, intertidal beaches and rocky shores. Oceans are home to some of themost diverse and unique life forms. This article is an attempt to introduce some of the fundamentals of biologicaloceanography andmarine biologyto describe life in the sea.  相似文献   

To you, a rock is just a rock - something you can study, or climb, or throw into a pond. But to bacteria and other tiny organisms that live deep underground, rocks and minerals may offer something extra: The energy for staying alive. Microscopic organisms, often called microbes, are so small you can usually see them only under the microscope. Microbes living in rock beneath Earth's surface seem to be able to secure their own food. When microbes are mixed with ground-up minerals and heated, the minerals produce hydrogen. The microbes eat the hydrogen and stay alive. When the microbes aren't around, the minerals produce barely any hydrogen.  相似文献   

Our life will be different in the future.In hundreds of years,the earth will be crowded and the cities will be bigger.There will be lots of high buildings.There will be fewer trees and more pollution.People will go to work by subway or plane,because they will be faster.There will be a robot in each family.The robot will help us to do the housework.We will have more free time to relax.People will fly to the moon for vacation.Some people will live in space.In the future,our life will be very easy and interesting.We will be very happy.I can’t wait!  相似文献   

论人生信仰的生命意义与生命教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人生信仰的生命意义与生命教育的应有关切是生命教育的两大问题.人生信仰可以帮助个体珍惜身体、诗化生活和升华生命.在考虑生命教育的时候,我们就不得不关切生命教育的意义本质及符合生命教育本质的活泼形式,反对"放养"式、"饲养"式和"圈养"式的生命教育.  相似文献   

这次监理专业二年级学生的调研目的比较明确 ,态度端正。从上交的调研报告看来 ,学生对本专业充满热爱 ,通过调研也较深刻地感受到行业氛围 ,并了解到监理行业的现状及发展。学生的调研报告也较全面地反映了该行业对人才的需求情况。  一、学生的主要体会和收获学生充分认识到学习外语与计算机的重要性 ,有部分同学意识到大专学历在人才市场上缺乏竞争力 ,所以产生了强烈的升本、续本愿望 ,并着手做这方面的准备。监理 9班目前已有部分同学以各种方式续本 ,也有部分同学报名参加我校的概预算班 ,希望在毕业前能拿到一个以上的上岗证 ,为自…  相似文献   

分析了《命若琴弦》中两个盲人主人公的命运遭际,认为小说的文本意义在于作者通过主人公的命运揭示了人类生存困境的永恒性,强调“注重过程”是消解生存困境的唯一途径.  相似文献   

偏执的欲望注定了今天精神空虚、灵魂堕败的时代悲哀。伴随成人教育功利化和中小学教育、大学生教育生命化的异相同步,站在不同生命主体的差异意涵点,眷注成人生命教育问题显得尤为迫切。本文旨在尊重自然差异的基础上,从生命主体、生命层次、生命阶段维度中,积极建构成人教育发展的生命结构,找寻成人教育的生命内涵,触及成人生命意蕴,真正使成人"成人"。  相似文献   

宗教社会是人类社会中一种特殊的社会类型,其道德生活具有高度的整体性、较强的单一性和偏执型以及高度的稳定性等特点.作为宗教社会生活秩序的宗教信仰、宗教戒律、宗教仪式对于宗教社会道德生活的构建发挥了重要的作用:宗教信仰是宗教道德向生活渗透的自觉的精神力量;宗教戒律是宗教道德向生活秩序渗透的重要中介;宗教仪式则是强化人们宗教信仰的日常生活形式.  相似文献   

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