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我国远程开放高等教育中单一开放大学、双重模式大学和中介、平台三种办学模式并存,与境外远程开放高等教育办学模式相比较有共同点,又有不同点。我国远程开放高等教育三种办学模式并存为我国高等教育的发展作出了积极贡献,也暴露出一些问题。在我国高等教育由量的扩张向质的提高发展过程中,我们应该解决存在的问题,并提出要遵循的若干原则。  相似文献   

十八届三中全会《决定》所确定的教育改革方向,体现了党和国家对于高等教育自身运行规律的深刻洞察,必将促进高等教育在更高的层面向自身的本位回归。因此,在充分肯定"高等教育行政化"所起到的历史作用的同时,进一步反思这种高等教育模式的缺陷和不足,并在教育实践中重新打造适应新时代的高等教育模式,是21世纪我国高等教育发展过程中一个亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

民办高等教育对于推动我国高等教育的发展,解决高等教育的供给不足,实现教育资源的重新配置具有重要意义。发展民办高等教育是顺应市场经济体制、实现高等教育大众化、改变高等教育办学模式的客观需要。在发展民办高等教育的过程中,应注意解决办学观念、体制、师资、资金等问题,以保证民办高等教育的可持续发展。  相似文献   

论民办高等教育的可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民办高等教育对于推动我国高等教育的发展,解决高等教育的供给不足,实现教育资源的重新配置具有重要意义。发展民办高等教育是顺应市场经济体制、实现高等教育大众化、改变高等教育办学模式的客观需要。在发展民办高等教育的过程中,应注意解决办学观念、体制、师资、资金等问题。以保证民办高等教育的可持续发展。  相似文献   

我国远程开放高等教育中单一开放大学、双重模式大学和中介、平台三种办学模式并存,与境外远程开放高等教育办学模式相比较有共同点,又有不同点。我国远程开放高等教育三种办学模式并存为我国高等教育的发展作出了积极贡献,也暴露出一些问题。在我国高等教育由量的扩张向质的提高发展过程中,我们应该研究解决存在的问题,并提出要遵循的若干原则。  相似文献   

公办民助二级学院是我国高等教育发展的必然趋势,分析研究二级学院的现状和运行模式有助于政府对二级学院在今后的发展过程中给予支持、扶持、规范,使之能正常、健康的发展。本文着重从云南现有二级学院的现状和模式进行分析研究并提出较为适合我国国情的二级学院运行模式。  相似文献   

高校后勤社会化改革是社会主义市场经济条件下中国高校后勤管理模式的一次深刻变革,是实现我国高等教育办学模式转变的一项重大举措。它在中国高等教育跨越发展的进程中,起着功不可没的推动作用。然而,作为一个新生事物,在发展的过程中不可避免地遇到一些困难和问题,这些问题如果得不到及时解决,会严重影响高校后勤社会化改革的健康发展。  相似文献   

我国社会主义市场经济目标模式的确立,使得市场在整个国民经济中的作用日益明确,全社会范围内的市场调节作用已超出人们预期范围和程度。事实上,随着我国市场经济发展形成的金融市场、技术市场、劳动力市场、人才市场、文化市场等,必然引发高等教育市场的形成。如何使高等教育市场有序运行,更好地发挥高等教育功能,为经济建设服务,全面促进社会进步和经济、文化的发展,这是当前高等教育研究和实践探索的主要问题之一。对此,本文提出了高等教育市场必须依赖计划干预才能达到有序运行的观点,并进行了分析,同时结合实际,对矿业高校…  相似文献   

思想力"原点"作为美国高等教育体系的典型代表,加州高等教育模式对我国高等教育的发展有很大借鉴意义。无论是机制多样、层次分明、管理有序的高等教育体系,还是多渠道、多类别的高等教育资金支持体系,都在很大程度上促进了其高等教育的持续发展。虽然我国高等教育的发展环境和美国高等教育发展环境差别很大,但在解决高等教育面临的实际问题过程中,借鉴其在实际操作过程中的有效部分,仍会对我国高等教育的发展产生有效的推动作用。  相似文献   

澳大利亚质量保障体系及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育的质量是高等教育发展中的核心问题,在高等教育大众化情况下,如何保障教育质量成为世界各国所普遍关注的问题。本文通过对澳大利亚质量保障机制的形成背景、形成过程、构成特点、运行方式及未来发展趋势进行介绍与分析,以期为我国高等教育质量保障机制的建立提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

Consider the positive d-dimensional lattice d (d≥2) with partial ordering ≤, let {XK; K ∈ d } be i.i.d. random vari- ables taking values in a real separable Hilbert space (H, ||·||) with mean zero and covariance operator ∑, and set partial sums SN =∑K≤NXK, K , N ∈ d . Under some moment conditions, we obtain the precise asymptotics of a kind of weighted infinite series for partial sums SN as ε 0 by using the truncation and approximation methods. The results are related to the convergence rates of the law of the logarithm in Hilbert space, and they also extend the results of (Gut and Spǎtaru, 2003).  相似文献   

Résumé De manière générale, l'évidence sensorielle et, plus particulièrement, visuelle constitue pour les étudiants le principal fondement du savoir scientifique: nul besoin de supposer pour connaître, tout est donné ou presque. Du point de vue de l'enseignement des sciences, cette croyance à saveur réaliste est particulièrement critique, notamment parce qu'elle conduit à penser que les concepts, lois et théories scientifiques procèdent d'un monde de matérialités plutôt que d'un monde de modèles et de relations. Au cours d'une recherche effectuée auprès d'un groupe-classe de 35 étudiants durant douze semaines, nous avons pu observer que, pour la majorité des étudiants, la compréhension du caractère construit et consensuel du savoir scientifique était facilitée par le développement d'une métaréflexion sur leurs propres productions de connaissance et les inévitables postulats et suppositions qui les fondent. Nous avons également pu observer qu'il découle de cette activité réflexive un modèle de science qui se distingue des modèles initialement tenus par les étudiants, par le pouvoir créateur et, surtout, le pouvoir de théoriser qu'il comporte: postuler, supposer, jauger collectivement de la plausibilité des résultats plutôt qu'en appeler à une instance occulte, voilà quelques-unes des conquêtes théoriques qu'ils ont effectuées et sur lesquelles nous allons nous attarder.
Sensorial, and more specifically, visual evidence is generally regarded by students as the basis for scientific knowledge: no need to postulate to understand, all is almost or practically given. From a science-teaching standpoint, this rather realistic approach is critical and leads to the belief that scientific concepts, laws, and theories stem from a world of materiality rather than from a world of models and relationships. During a 12-week study a group of 35 college students, we observed that for the majority of them, the development of metareflection on how they produce knowledge, with the inevitable and inherent postulates and conjecture, facilitated their understanding of the constructed and consensual character of scientific knowledge. We also observed that this reflexive activity facilitated the development of a new approach to science that differed from those models previously used by the students in its creative potential and, more importantly, in the power of its theoretics: to postulate, suppose, and collectively estimate the plausibility of results rather than calling up occult instances. These and other theoretical achievements will be discussed in this paper.

The motivation and methodology for measuring intelligence have changed repeatedly in the modern history of large-scale student testing. Test makers have always sought to identify raw aptitude for cultivation, but they have never figured out how to promote excellence while preserving equality. They’ve settled for egalitarianism, which gives rise to “culturally fair” tests that substitute vagaries for knowledge, deprive students of any real appreciation for language, and trivialize education. Robert Jackson yearns for traditional oratorical approaches to schooling that venerate and imitate essential, time-tested masters. Unfortunately, he writes, such an education defies measurement with today’s multiple-choice instruments.
Robert L. JacksonEmail:

Robert L. Jackson   is associate professor of English and education at The King’s College, New York, NY 10118; rjackson@tkc.edu.  相似文献   

Let Γd2nbe the set of trees with a given diameter d having a perfect matching,where 2n is the number of vertex.For a tree T in Γd2n,let Pd+1be a diameter of T and q = d m,where m is the number of the edges of perfect matching inPd+1.It can be found that the trees with minimal energy in Γd2nfor four cases q = d 2,d 3,d 4,[d2],and two remarks aregiven about the trees with minimal energy in Γd2nfor2d 33q d 5 and [d2] + 1 q2d 33 1.  相似文献   

Infrared (IR) absorption spectra and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterrns of sexpenfine cat's eye from Sichuan Province have been investigated, and infrared absorption bands of the serpentine have been assigned in this paper. The results indicate that the bands near 3 600 - 3 700 cm^-1 belong to the stretching absorption band VOH, the bands in 948 - 1 100 cm^-1 axe assigned to the stretching vibraling band Usvo, and the bands at 600 570 and 440 cm^-1 respectively belong to the bending vibration band VOH, δMg-O and δSi-O. The serpentine cat' s eye includes two types: chrysotile and antigorite. Chrysotile has a sharp and intensive band at 3 688 cm^-1 and a weak band at 3 643 cm^-1 , while antigorite has only one intensive band in the region. At vibration band VSi-O, chrysotile and antigorite have a similar feature at 1 071 cm^-1, but the band at 980 cm^-1 in anfigorite has been split into two bands in chrysotile - a strong one at 1 027 cm^-1 and a weak one at 949 cm^-1. In addition, antigorite has a characteristic bending vibrating band δMg-O at 570 cm^-1. Based on the analysis of the feature of crystal structure, their IR differences axe well explained.  相似文献   

A hybrid two-stage flowshop scheduling problem was considered which involves m identical parallel machines at Stage 1 and a burn-in processor M at Stage 2, and the makespan was taken as the minimization objective. This scheduling problem is NP-hard in general. We divide it into eight subcases. Except for the following two subcases: (1) b≥ an, max{m, B} 〈 n; (2) a1 ≤ b ≤ an, m ≤ B 〈 n, for all other subcases, their NP-hardness was proved or pointed out, corresponding approximation algorithms were conducted and their worst-case performances were estimated. In all these approximation algorithms, the Multifit and PTAS algorithms were respectively used, as the jobs were scheduled in m identical parallel machines.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider some polynomial (α,β)-metrics, and discuss the sufficient and necessary conditions for a Finsler metric in the form F=α a1β a2β2/α a4β4/α3 to be projectively flat, where ai (i=1,2,4) are constants with a1≠0, α is a Riemannian metric and β is a 1-form. By analyzing the geodesic coefficients and the divisibility of certain polynomials, we obtain that there are only five projectively flat cases for metrics of this type. This gives a classification for such kind of Finsler metrics.  相似文献   


Consciousness is a natural and integral part of human beings that is at the core of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual functions throughout our lives. However, we tend to be too occupied with or distracted by the details of our daily existence to be fully aware of our own consciousness. More often than not, we are engaged in the surface consciousness in the materialistic world or emotional realm, which interferes us to get connected with our deeper consciousness and capacity. This paper will unpack the layers of human consciousness (or lack of consciousness) from philosophical perspective to examine the relations between our understanding of consciousness and its impact on our holistic wellbeing and growth (Singh, 2016 Singh, L. P. (2016). Science, spirituality, and ontological mysticism: the philosophical enquiry and reflection. Delhi, India: Concept Publishing Co. [Google Scholar]; Suzuki, 1999 Suzuki, S. (1999). Zen Mind. New York: Weatherhill. [Google Scholar]; Thompson, 2015 Thompson, E. (2015). Waking, dreaming, being. New York: Columbia University Press. [Google Scholar]). What is consciousness? How do human beings choose our consciousness? What is the relation between micro and macro consciousness? How do we expand, develop, and apply our consciousness for the maximum wellbeing and growth through education? The paper intends to go beyond the compartmentalized analysis of consciousness (e.g. biological, psychological, neurological etc.) by engaging a holistic metaphysical viewpoint as well as relational and dialectic approaches (Ames & Hall, 2003 Ames, T. R. & Hall, L. D. (2003). Daodejing: making this life significant. New York: Ballantine. [Google Scholar]) Hegel, 1807, 1977 Hegel, G. W. F. (1807, 1977). The Phenomenology of spirit. (A. V. Miller Trans.). Oxford: Clarendon Press. [Google Scholar]; Laozi, 1999 Laozi. (1999). Daodejing (道德经). Shanxi, China: Shanxi Classics Press. [Google Scholar]). It aims to connect theory, learning, and living together with nature and universe beyond the limitation of time and space.  相似文献   

In Skellig, Kit’s Wilderness, and Clay, David Almond employs various types of intertextuality to enrich his narratives. Through the use of allusion, adaptation, collage, and mise-en-abyme, he encourages his adolescent readers to seek out precursor texts and to consider the interrelationships between these texts and his own. By so doing, he demonstrates the respect he has for his readers and empowers them to become active makers of meaning.
Don LathamEmail:

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