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紫龄 《当代体育》2008,(8):46-47
在詹姆斯·波西转会黄蜂后,ESPN做了一个投票调查:新赛季,西部哪只球队将是湖人最大的对手。选项分别是:马刺、太阳、黄蜂、爵士和其他。在24000张投票中,黄蜂以59%的支持率获得压倒性优势,马刺为13%,太阳和爵士同为7%,包括小牛,火箭在内的其他选项共得到了13%的支持率。  相似文献   

Collective efficacy can be defined as a group's shared confidence that they will successfully achieve their goal. We examined which behaviours and events are perceived as sources of collective efficacy beliefs in a volleyball context. In study 1, volleyball coaches from the highest volleyball leagues (n = 33) in Belgium indicated the most important sources of collective efficacy. This list was then adapted based on the literature and on feedback given by an expert focus group, resulting in a 40-item questionnaire. In Study 2, coaches and players from all levels of volleyball in Belgium (n = 2365) rated each of these sources on their predictive value for collective efficacy. A principal component analysis revealed that the 40 sources could be divided into eight internally consistent factors. Positive supportive communication (e.g., enthusiasm after making a point) was identified as the factor most predictive for positive collective efficacy beliefs. The factor referring to the negative emotional reactions of players (e.g., discouraging body language) was the most predictive for negative collective efficacy beliefs. These findings offer a starting point for the design of continuous measurements of collective efficacy through observation.  相似文献   

中国国家队今年有可能从德国带回来任何东西,除了足球世界杯。其实中国足球队本来也是有那么一点点机会与中国乒乓球队一起前往德国,并整出些许动静来的,但是那机会前年就已经没有了。能够把中国乒乓球队与中国足球队联系在一起的事情并不多,两年前多哈世乒赛的时候有那么一桩。  相似文献   

今天沃兹与阿扎伦卡、科维托娃之间的关系,很像八年前休伊特和费德勒的关系。当更全面,更具攻击性的同辈对手成长起来之后,依靠跑动和防守建立起来伪政权开始土崩瓦解。可以说,沃兹时代已经一去不复返了,至于她能否像休伊特一样在接下来几年紧跟住新任世界第一的脚步,就要看她能否像当年的休伊特那样不惜以改变体型增加伤病为代价去改变自己了。  相似文献   

嗨,大家好,我的名字叫骨头,35岁,1.72米。对,没错,这是我的真名。什么?你问我为什么叫这么古怪的名字吗?因为……因为我身体太脆弱了,大家都这么叫我,以至于时间一长我都忘了自己的本名。作为一名纯粹的NBA球迷,我和所有人一样希望能像NBA的巨星们那样扣篮,但这并不是一件容易的事,很多时候,我们只能在梦里才能实现。可是史蒂夫教授一直坚  相似文献   

This paper reports data from a larger study into the ways in which Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) students engaged in professional learning during teaching practice (TP) in Ireland. The study comprised one umbrella case study of Greendale University, schools and PETE students that consisted of five individual cases: tetrads of PETE student teacher, cooperating teacher (CT), University tutor (UT) and School Principal (SP). Each tetrad was defined as a unique community of practice located within the wider structures of school, education and university policies on teacher education. Data were collected over one academic year using qualitative research methods and grounded theory as a systematic data analysis tool.

Findings indicate that in each of the five cases, support for PETE student learning was, to some degree, dysfunctional. In particular, it became evident that there were two conflicting teacher-learning curricula in operation. The official curriculum, expressed in policy and by SPs, UTs and CTs (also referred to as mentors), valued a PETE student who cared for pupils, had a rich pedagogical content knowledge, knew how to plan for and assess pupils’ learning, valued reflection, and was an active member of a community of practice. The unofficial but essentially more powerful enacted curriculum, encouraged PETE students to draw upon their own resources to learn pedagogical content knowledge in an isolated and unsupported manner.

The data highlight the force of the unofficial curriculum and the ways in which PETE students were guided to the core of the dysfunctional community of practice by untrained CTs (mentors) and untrained UTs. PETE students in this study learned to survive in a largely unsupportive professional learning environment and, just as theories of social reproduction intimate, indicated that they would reproduce this practice with PETE students in their care in the future.

The findings suggest that in cases similar to those studied, there is a need for teacher educators in Ireland, (in both universities and schools) to critically interrogate their personal practices and implicit theories of teacher education and to engage in training for their role. There is also evidence to suggest that PETE students in Ireland could benefit from the development of school–university partnerships that act as fundamental units of high quality professional learning. In the cases studied, this may have led to a stronger focus on the intended or official curriculum of TP, led by the revised maxim: ‘Do as we say and as we do’.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether a constructivist approach, in particular a visit to a zoo, could be effective in consolidating mechanical concepts and applying those concepts to coaching and teaching. Ten students in their final year of their Bachelor of Physical Education at the University of Edinburgh participated in a visit to Edinburgh Zoo. During the visit students completed a worksheet of questions and engaged interactively in discussing how various animals are adapted mechanically to survive in their environments. Immediately after the visit they completed a questionnaire with four sections. The first section assessed whether they could apply the mechanical concepts discussed during the visit to human sports performance. The second canvassed their opinions on whether the visit was effective in reinforcing mechanical concepts, in developing ‘lateral thinking’ about mechanical concepts, and in improving their ability to apply mechanical concepts to coaching and teaching. The third canvassed their opinions on whether the visit would be effective for senior high school Physical Education and Sports Science students for developing mechanical concepts and applying them to coaching. The fourth section canvassed their opinions on when the visit should be conducted for Physical Education and Sports Science students in universities and in senior high schools. The results indicated that the visit was effective in reinforcing mechanical concepts and in applying them laterally to improve understanding of human sports performance. Participants believed that the visit would also be effective for senior high school students. All participants believed that the visit would be most beneficial after at least one course in biomechanics that covers the basic biomechanical principles.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether a constructivist approach, in particular a visit to a zoo, could be effective in consolidating mechanical concepts and applying those concepts to coaching and teaching. Ten students in their final year of their Bachelor of Physical Education at the University of Edinburgh participated in a visit to Edinburgh Zoo. During the visit students completed a worksheet of questions and engaged interactively in discussing how various animals are adapted mechanically to survive in their environments. Immediately after the visit they completed a questionnaire with four sections. The first section assessed whether they could apply the mechanical concepts discussed during the visit to human sports performance. The second canvassed their opinions on whether the visit was effective in reinforcing mechanical concepts, in developing 'lateral thinking' about mechanical concepts, and in improving their ability to apply mechanical concepts to coaching and teaching. The third canvassed their opinions on whether the visit would be effective for senior high school Physical Education and Sports Science students for developing mechanical concepts and applying them to coaching. The fourth section canvassed their opinions on when the visit should be conducted for Physical Education and Sports Science students in universities and in senior high schools. The results indicated that the visit was effective in reinforcing mechanical concepts and in applying them laterally to improve understanding of human sports performance. Participants believed that the visit would also be effective for senior high school students. All participants believed that the visit would be most beneficial after at least one course in biomechanics that covers the basic biomechanical principles.  相似文献   

韩新利 《钓鱼》2008,(20):40-41
三角湖因其水域呈三角形而得名。它位于“百湖之。市”武汉的西南部。东临318国道,北靠武汉市中环线,西南与江汉大学毗邻,面积200万平方米,是正在建设中的汉阳“六湖连通”工程(将汉阳的龙阳湖、墨水湖、三角湖、南太子湖、北太子湖和后官湖与汉江、长江连通,形成动态水网)水系其中的一颗“明珠”.  相似文献   

为什么运动员常常不在运动中补充足够的液体?如何弥补?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
艾华  史小才 《体育科学》2002,22(1):138-140,F003
(1)运动员在运动中因出汗丢失大量体液而补液不足的现象屡见不鲜,这就是所谓的“自愿脱水”,对运动员的身体健康和运动能力带来严重影响。(2)运动员补液不充分有诸多原因,包括:用饮料湿润口腔而造成的生理性渴感抑制,液体引起胃部不适,运动中不易取得饮料,饮料质量欠佳,以及缺乏对运动中补液必要性的认识,等等。(3)发生脱水后,年龄较大的运动员往往比年轻的队员补液少。(4)通过补液指导和训练,运动员能够做到在运动的前、中、后较充分地补液。(5)增进饮品的口感,可使运动中液体的补充量奇迹般增加。(6)运动员大多选择冷饮料,而选择热饮料的较少。饮品的温度对中心体温的影响一般不大。  相似文献   

为更好贯彻新教材 (《体育与健康》)的精神 ,使体育课教学上一个台阶 ,根据新教材推出的时代背景以及学习实践的体会 ,在对新教材有了更深刻的认识后 ,本文提出了面对新教材如何选择教学内容、改进教学方法和构建一个比较客观而积极的评价体系的粗略构想。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法对《体育学刊》2007年第2期刊发的《对"中西体育文化差异论"的质疑》的立论依据展开分析,认为其体育文化"有古今无中西"的论断存在问题:用"三大文化形态"理论诠释体育文化的发展规律是对历史唯物主义的曲解;抹杀了体育文化的民族特性。与此同时,提出历史地、辩证地、多维地看待中西体育文化差异的见解。  相似文献   

通过对风起云涌、迅猛发展的CUBA现状和前景的分析与思考。提出CUBA要持续发展,后备人才培养是关键,科学管理是保障。  相似文献   

民族传统体育项目走向世界应具备的特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
21世纪是中国体育全面发展的时期。但相比之下,我们的民族传统体育项目,与全面发展的我国体育事业极不相称。民族体育项目要成为世界体育项目,必须根据现代体育的发展规律在创新中求发展。  相似文献   

论我国体育产业实行战略联盟的方式   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
我国的体育企业在市场上相对属实力较弱的企业,战略联盟是体育产业发展的有效途径。国外体育企业开展战略联盟整合了公司资源,提升了公司的企业形象,促进了产业的交融发展。我国体育产业实行战略联盟可以采取开发战略联盟、制造生产战略联盟、规模效应联盟和市场开拓与发展战略联盟4种方式。  相似文献   

采用试验对比法、文献资料法、问卷调查法、统计分析等方法,对240名工业学院男女学生进行1学年的锻炼前后纵向与横向的跟踪对比试验。结果表明:采有有氧耐力运动处方锻炼的试验班学生,体质改善的效果好于试验前和对照班。试验班男女学生体质的改善与采用有针对性的有氧耐力锻炼有关。  相似文献   

本文通过多个世界上知名度较高的举重研究小组的研究成果及数据,证明举重不只是可使身体健美,对防止肌肉萎缩及骨质流失等均起着十分奇妙的作用,特别对中老年人来讲,是一种十分奇妙和有效的力量锻炼。  相似文献   

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