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基于提高思辨能力的教学模式已经成为各大高校外语教学争先研究的课题。通过分析国内外思辨能力培养模型,文章提出了符合外语教学特点的旨在提高学生思辨能力的教学模式,并以问卷调查方式研究其实施效果。研究结果表明该教学模式能够有效促进学生语言应用能力,达到培育学生思辨能力的教学效果。  相似文献   

"思辨缺席症"是近年来英语专业学生普遍存在的现象,如何有效培养和提高英语专业学生思辨能力已成为英语专业人才培养的重点。以内容为依托的CBI教学模式把课程教学与学生思辨能力训练结合起来,实现了学生英语专业技能,知识建构和思辨能力训练的三位一体教学目标。  相似文献   

依托式外语教学将学科内容与语言学习结合在一起,强调在学习学科知识的同时学习语言,建构主义理论为其提供了理论依据.研究从实证的角度调查发现,在多媒体环境中依托式外语教学能给学生提供良好的语言学习氛围,促进语言输入,给学生学习和使用目标语的机会,从而提高了学生学习动力,使学生的语言水平得以提高.  相似文献   

教育信息化背景下,实现外语教学中的深层学习势在必行。深层学习的内涵共识与大学外语思辨能力培养内涵不谋而合。外语教学思辨能力的培养和发展,有助于外语教学中深层学习目标和效果的实现。  相似文献   

CHEN Zhiwu(City Institute,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian,Liaoning 116600,China)  相似文献   

伴随着我国教育事业的迅速发展及新课程改革的不断推进,人们越来越重视学生综合能力的培养。思辨能力就是学生面对未知问题进行冷静有效思考的重要能力,而这种素质的培养往往被忽略。本文就思辨能力的培养对大学外语教学进行了探究。  相似文献   

我国大学英语教学中已暴露出令人担忧的思辨缺席现象。基于ES P理论,探索性地运用以英语为依托的教学模式开展实验教学并对学生的思辨能力变化情况进行测试,为今后的课堂教学实践活动开展做前期的实证研究。实验结果表明,以英语为依托的教学模式较好地促进了学生思辨能力的提高。  相似文献   

建构主义理论框架下多媒体环境中依托式外语教学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依托式外语教学将学科内容与语言教学结合起来,主张在学习学科知识的同时学习语言,建构主义理论为这种外语教学模式提供了理论依据。本研究从实证角度调查发现,在多媒体环境中依托式外语教学能给学生提供良好的语言学习氛围,给学生学习和使用目标语的机会,促进语言输入和输出,提高学生的英语学习动机水平,从而使学生的语言能力得以提高。  相似文献   

职业教育的终极目标是推动社会生产力的发展,加快国家产业结构的调整与转型。要想实现这个目标,在进行职业教育的过程中,就需要格外侧重于创新型人才的培养,而思辨能力被公认为是创新型人才应具备的核心能力,并且是衡量高素质人才的国际标准之一。高校大学生作为创新型人才培养的生力军,其思辨能力的高低直接影响着创新型人才的质量,而我国高校学生的思辨能力水平着实令教育者焦急。公共外语课程作为一门贯穿整个大学学制的基础性课程,在人文素质教育、思辨能力培养方面具有独特的学科优势。在培养创新型人才的需求和教育思路下,面对当前高校大学生思辨能力缺乏的现状,如何在公共外语课程教学当中利用学科优势,引导、培养学生思辨能力,消除外语教学过程中对思辨能力培养不足的欠缺,成为当前高校外语教育者应该思考的问题。  相似文献   

依托式外语教学(CBI)作为一种新型外语教育模式,将语言教育与专业学科教育有机融合,打破了传统外语教育注重短期应试而忽视长远发展的瓶颈,能有效地促使学习者形成一种英语终身学习的能力,从而将终身学习理念融入外语教育中。本文以外语学习动机为视角,从英语学习愿望、动机强度以及动机类型等三个方面具体阐述依托式外语教学对于促进英语终身学习的重要作用及意义。  相似文献   

Influences affecting the development of students' critical thinking skills   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
This study estimates the relative and unique effects on changes in critical thinking of three dimensions of students' college experience: curricular exposure, formal classroom and instructional experiences, and out-of-class experiences. Students' classroom/instructional and out-of-class experiences both make positive, statistically significant, and unique contributions to gains in critical thinking above and beyond students' precollege characteristics and level of critical thinking. Theoreticians have long speculated that students' academic and nonacademic experiences jointly influence change, and this study supports that belief. The design and instruments in this study may be of interest to persons involved in assessment or the study of college impact.Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, New Orleans, LA, May 1993.The National Center on Postsecondary Teaching, Learning, and Assessment is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), under Grant No. R117G10037. The opinions herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policies of OERI, and no official endorsement should be inferred.  相似文献   

This study of deaf college students examined specific relationships between their mathematics performance and their assessed skills in reading, language, and English morphology. Simple regression analyses showed that deaf college students' language proficiency scores, reading grade level, and morphological knowledge regarding word segmentation and meaning were all significantly correlated with both the ACT Mathematics Subtest and National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) Mathematics Placement Test scores. Multiple regression analyses identified the best combination from among these potential independent predictors of students' performance on both the ACT and NTID mathematics tests. Additionally, the participating deaf students' grades in their college mathematics courses were significantly and positively associated with their reading grade level and their knowledge of morphological components of words.  相似文献   

随着我国对外交往的深入和大学生英语水平的提高,对于英语学习的"费高效低"的批评一直不绝于耳。如何正确引导大学生的英语语言消费,推进大学英语课程改革,成为摆在高校英语教师面前的一项紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between environment‐based education and high school students' critical thinking skills and disposition toward critical thinking. Four hundred four 9th and 12th grade students from 11 Florida high schools participated in the study. A Pretest‐Posttest Nonequivalent Comparison Group Design (9th grade) and a Posttest Only Nonequivalent Comparison Group Design (12th grade) were used. Interviews of students and teachers were used in the classic sense of triangulation. Data collection took place over the 2001–2002 school year. When controlling for pretest score, grade point average (GPA), gender, and ethnicity, environment‐based programs had a positive effect on 9th grade students' critical thinking skills (p=.002). When controlling for GPA, gender, and ethnicity, environment‐based programs had a positive effect on 12th grade students' critical thinking skills (p < .001) and disposition toward critical thinking (p < .001). The results of this study support the use of environment‐based education for improving critical thinking and can be used to guide future implementation.  相似文献   

Research findings suggest that most students who have foreign language learning problems have language-based difficulties and, in particular, phonological processing problems. Authors of the present study examined pre- and posttest scores on native language and foreign language aptitude tests of three groups of at-risk high school students enrolled in special, self-contained sections of first-year Spanish. Two groups were instructed using a multisensory structured language (MSL) approach. One of the groups was taught in both English and Spanish (MSL/ES), the other only in Spanish (MSL/S). The third group (NO-MSL) was instructed using more traditional second language teaching methodologies. Significant gains were made by the MSL-ES group on measures of native language phonology, vocabulary, and verbal memory and on a test of foreign language aptitude; the MSL/S group made significant gains on the test of foreign language aptitude. No significant gains on the native language or foreign language aptitude measures were made by the NO-MSL group. Implications for foreign language classroom instruction of at-risk students are discussed.  相似文献   

批判性思维的是创新能力培养的核心。相关理论的学习和研究,创设良好的课堂气氛和教育环境,设计合理的课堂教学模式,让学生形成积极思维的习惯并且进行广泛的阅读。  相似文献   

Fifty-four students were tested at specific time intervals over 10 years to determine best native language (NL) predictors of oral and written foreign language (FL) proficiency and FL aptitude. All participants completed two years of Spanish, French, or German. Each was administered measures of NL literacy, oral language, and cognitive ability in elementary school. A measure of FL aptitude was administered at the beginning of ninth grade and FL proficiency was evaluated at the end of the 10th grade. Among the variables, NL literacy measures were the best predictors of FL proficiency, and NL achievement and general (verbal) intelligence were strong predictors of FL aptitude. Results suggest that indices of NL literacy as early as first grade are related to FL proficiency and FL aptitude nine and 10 years later. Findings provide strong support for connections between L1 and L2 skills, and for speculation that “lower level” skills in phonological processing are important for written language development and oral proficiency in a FL.  相似文献   

The present paper reports results of a longitudinal research project studying the contribution of cognitive skills and other factors to proficiency in a foreign language (L2) in the Hungarian educational context. The larger project aims to describe the levels of L2 proficiency of school-aged populations in order to explore the conditions and factors contributing to processes and outcomes in foreign language education in public schools. For this purpose, paper and pencil tests were administered in English and German as a foreign language to nationally representative student samples. The project also aims to find answers to some theoretical questions; therefore, a questionnaire and other assessment instruments complemented L2 tests to provide insights into how participants' cognitive, affective and first language (L1) variables, as well as their social and school variables interact with one another over time. Students' general thinking and learning abilities were assessed with an inductive reasoning test.In the present paper we focus on the relationship between students' proficiency in English or German and inductive reasoning skills to show how general cognitive abilities interact with levels of L2 proficiency. We use a multivariate context to explore complex relationships between L2 levels in English and German and inductive reasoning skills if influences of other variables are controlled. We present results of multiple regression analyses on L2 listening, reading, and writing tasks in the two target languages. In the present paper we use both cross-sectional and longitudinal data to examine the relationships between students' L2 proficiency in the first phase (2000) and two years later (2002). Thus, a longitudinal research design was implemented by repeating cross-sectional assessment at a two-year interval.  相似文献   

论文调查了大学英语教师在教学中对思辨能力训练的关注,以及大学英语教师思辨教学训练在教学过程中和教学方法上的特点.调查发现,大学英语改革班与非改革班教师在关注思辨训练中理解 、 分析和创造能力的训练对比差异较为显著,这说明大学英语改革班教师在英语教学中更倾向于关注学生高层次思辨能力训练,注重学生分析能力和创造性思维训练,而非改革班教师倾向于关注学生理解能力和应用能力的训练.改革班的教师根据教学要求在思辨训练中不仅关注学生对概念 、 事实和理论进行识记 、 理解,而且也会关注学生应用 、 分析 、 反思 、 创造的思辨能力训练.因此,思辨能力的发展是一个从低级思维向高级思维发展的过程,必须运用思辨的标准持之以恒地训练思维的各要素,使良好的思维习惯成为第二本能.大学英语教师在教学中不仅要夯实学生英语语言能力,而且要通过循序渐进的思辨教学训练培养学生思辨思维及解决问题的能力.  相似文献   

在高校教育当中,学生干部属于学生中的骨干力量,在高校的学生管理中发挥极其重要的作用。高校学生在担任学生干部的时候,学习与工作之间存在很多矛盾,需要自己合理的分配时间来处理学校的工作,并利用自己的能力最大可能的发挥领导和管理作用。  相似文献   

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