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Using phenomenological methodology, the authors explored the experiences of 11 men in a master's‐level counseling program. Participants described the challenges and advantages of being a minority in number, being in a relational environment, and having an awareness of a patriarchal system. These findings suggest the importance of counselor educator awareness of the unique barriers male students face.  相似文献   

In this phenomenological study, the authors explored supervision experiences of 13 licensed professional counselors in situations requiring crisis counseling. Five themes concerning crisis and supervision were identified from individual interviews. Findings support intensive, immediate crisis supervision and postlicensure clinical supervision.  相似文献   

新时期大学生心理健康教育和咨询机制探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高校在校生规模的不断扩大,学校心理健康教育和咨询工作也愈发显得尤为重要。在危机干预四级网络架构的基础上,构建了"四级二线三基点"的大学生心理健康教育和咨询立体工作体系,强化了"心理健康教育"、"心理咨询服务"、"心理危机干预"三个基础服务功能,建立起了高校内部各个心理危机干预单元。  相似文献   

大学生深度辅导工作是落实中央16号文件,培养高素质人才的重要举措。以概念研究入手,通过比较分析并结合工作实际,确定了深度辅导的概念。进一步归纳总结出深度辅导的工作内容及流程,并提出五类工作模式,对于提升深度辅导水平和促进大学生思想道德建设有一定现实意义。  相似文献   

团体心理辅导以其经济高效性、适用范围广、形式多样化等特点在我国众多学校的心理健康教育中被推广使用。中职生正处于心理敏感时期,利用团体心理辅导的心理预防与干预功能可以很好地帮助其成长。该文在对团体心理辅导的内涵及其理论基础简单阐述的基础上,探讨团体辅导对中职生的成长发展及增进班主任工作实效的重要意义,并着重探究中职学校开展团体心理辅导的方法、路径等。  相似文献   

This brief report was designed as a follow-up to a study that found that compared to nontransfer students that presented to the counseling center, transfer students who presented to the counseling center endorsed higher levels of symptoms of depression and social anxiety, as well as more academic and family problems. The current study investigated mental health differences within the transfer student population based on when (i.e., this semester; last semester; last year; 2 years ago; more than 2 years ago) and from where (i.e., community college vs. 4-year institution) students transferred. There were no significant differences based on when and from where students transferred. However, these findings still may be clinically meaningful and implications are presented.  相似文献   

由弗洛伊德创立的精神分析疗法是以精神分析学说为理论背景的心理治疗方法,它通过对人的潜意识的发掘和分析,使潜意识的“症结”意识化,从而有效地解决心理问题。精神分析疗法的医疗和研究价值对解决现代人的心理问题也具有借鉴和启发意义。  相似文献   

团体心理辅导在聋生心理健康教育中的运用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
团体心理辅导是指在团体领导者的带领下,团体成员围绕某一共同关心的问题,通过一定的活动形式与人际互动,相互启发、诱导,形成团体的共识与目标,进而改变成员的观念、态度和行为。它特别适合于以认知发展水平滞后、言语和社交能力发展受阻、情感发展存在偏差、社会适应能力较差、人格发展不够健全的聋生心理健康教育。因此,将团体心理辅导的内容、原则、方法用于聋生心理健康教育中,能取得意想不到的效果。  相似文献   

舞蹈能够通过身体语言表达人们内心深处的情感,并由此处理个人心理困扰而成为心理治疗与辅导的方式。舞蹈治疗在现代舞蹈的基础上发展而来。其基本原理包括了身心相互影响,内在冲突外化,经验重构,关系协调。舞蹈治疗的方法在于身体与心智并重、语言与非语言兼用。它凭借其动作性、想象性、节律性而在心理辅导与治疗中发挥着独特的作用。  相似文献   

目的:研究团体心理辅导对高校贫困生心理健康的干预效果,促进高校贫困生心理健康水平的提高。方法:对12名经筛选获得的高校贫困生进行6次团体心理辅导,同时设置对照组。采用SCL-90、SAS、SDS、SES量表,于团体心理辅导前和辅导后对实验组和对照组进行心理测评。结果:团体心理辅导后,实验组在SCL-90的强迫症状、人际敏感、抑郁、焦虑、偏执、精神病性因子得分上显著下降(p<0.05或p<0.01);SAS焦虑得分显著降低(p<0.05);SDS抑郁得分显著降低(p<0.01);SES自尊得分显著提高(p<0.05)。结论:团体心理辅导是提高高校贫困生心理健康水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

This article sought to examine the differences between transfer and nontransfer students on mental health factors, social involvement, and academic success. It was found that transfer students had significantly higher scores on several mental health factors as compared to nontransfer students. It was also found that transfer students were less involved in athletics and campus organizations, but engaged in more work hours per week. Finally, results indicated that the transfer students were not experiencing significant differences in their academic performance compared to nontransfer students. Future research should examine these differences to better understand the impact of the transition and adjustment of transferring to a new institution.  相似文献   

This phenomenological study investigated the experiences of 8 Black students enrolled in a master's‐level counseling program. Five themes central to participant experiences were identified: (a) isolation as a Black student, (b) tokenization as a Black student, (c) lack of inclusion of Black counselor perspectives within course work, (d) differences between support received by faculty of color and support received by White faculty, and (e) access to support from people of color and White peers. Implications for counselor educators and study limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

识别、承认、接纳、理解和用各种手段处理情绪及感受,是处理自己情绪的主要方法和途径;先处理情绪,再处理事情,察言观色,表达出对对方情绪的理解,是处理他人情绪的秘诀。  相似文献   

Concept mapping was used to illuminate counselors' positive experiences of providing counseling/psychotherapy to students in higher education. Counseling professionals (N = 65) in 23 colleges and universities responded to the question “What are the positive aspects that motivate you to provide counseling/psychotherapy to students?” From these responses, statements were generated and sorted, and their importance was rated. Using multidimendional scaling and a cluster analysis statistical program to analyze participant sorts, a concept map comprised of 10 thematic clusters was generated. Clusters centered on four positive aspects: the counselor, the counseling process, the client, and the work environment. Implications for promoting a supportive workplace for counseling professionals in postsecondary settings are discussed, as are suggestions for further investigation.  相似文献   

The full-year internship is developing into an important issue and the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision has recommended that it be included in future doctoral level training. Candidates interested in a university placement, however, will find little information available. A survey was conducted to determine the (a) location of positions, (b) required credentials, (c) methods of announcement, and (d) reaction to APGA supervision and accreditation of internship sites. Results indicate that ACES will need to become more actively involved in the development and retainment of internship positions.  相似文献   

朋辈心理互助是高校大学生心理健康教育中专业心理咨询和教学的一种重要补充,但目前还存在规范性不够、科学性不强、心理互助员素质不高、队伍不够稳定等问题,需要在转变思想观念、加强队伍建设、完善工作机制上下功夫,探索加强大学生心理互助工作的新途径和新方法.  相似文献   

采用自编大学生心理健康知识问卷(MHKQ)和一般健康问卷(GHQ-20)对800名大学生施测,以分析心理健康知识水平对大学生心理健康的影响,结果显示,大学生心理健康知识对“焦虑”和“忧郁”有负向预测作用,对“自我肯定”和“心理健康”总体水平有正向预测作用;专业在心理健康知识与“焦虑”、“忧郁”和“心理健康”总体水平的关系间有显著的调节效应。  相似文献   

本文通过介绍团体咨询在高职心理健康教育课程中的具体应用和应用过程中出现的问题及应对措施,为探索适合高职院校的心理健康教育教学方式,提高心理健康教育教学效果提供实践性的参考。  相似文献   

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