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吕光 《中学生英语》2004,(10):30-30
We have a more active class atmophere, but more passive self-study situations. We are too talktive when we should bury ourselves in books, but too less efficient when we spend too much time. We complain teachers  相似文献   

Wehaveamoreactiveclassatmophere,butmorepassiveself-studysituations.Wearetootalktivewhenweshouldburyourselvesinbooks,buttoolessefficientwhenwespendtoomuchtime.Wecomplainteachersmorefrequentlybutseldomfindshortcomingsofourselves.Welikedoingthingsaswelike,butdonotlistentotheteacherscarefully.Wearemorefreeinclasswhentheteachersgiveusclass,butwehavelesstimetomakeourbrainworkfast.Mostofusthinkwearethecleverest,butactu-allyaccordingtowhatwehavedone,wearethesilliest.Wefeellikerely-ingontheteacherstof…  相似文献   

Theteacherpointsaplaceonthemapandsays,“John,what’sthis?”Johnstandsupandanswers,“It’syourfinger,sir.”老师指着地图上的一处问:“约翰,这是什么?”约翰起立答道:“老师,是你的手指。”In the Geography class@忠东  相似文献   

This paper identifies some problems Chinese universities have when they offer English literature as a compulsory course to advanced level English majors. One constructive approach is discussed, and some suggestions on improving literature teaching are put forward.  相似文献   

我小学时几乎没有学英语,上了重点中学英语就开始频频亮红灯,妈妈就把我送进了补习班。教我的老师姓蔡,头顶微秃,一张嘴就是一幅笑模样。他讲课不用书,单词语法他早已烂熟于心,随口就来,而且还可以举一反三。教室设在老师家的储藏室,5平方米的小屋没有窗户,挤挤的放着两排桌子,夏天里也只有一台小电扇。但是听着老师生动幽默的讲解,我一点也没有感觉  相似文献   

While prior studies have primarily relied upon quantitative methods to understand student attendance, the goal of this study was to extend prior research by utilizing qualitative data to gain additional insight into college students’ perceptions of class attendance. Data from five focus groups with undergraduate students revealed four primary themes impacting attendance: (1) students’ use of time, (2) class content and type, (3) the student-professor relationship, and (4) university and course policies. Overall, students believe they are the best judge of how to use their time, campus culture and overcommitment play a critical role influencing attendance, and there are practical strategies to promote student engagement and class attendance. Based on these findings, recommendations are provided to institutions and professors on how to promote class attendance and optimize the student learning experience.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the theory of institutional habitus by exploring the differing ways in which the institutional habitus of two schools in Belfast, Northern Ireland mediates the local habitus of working‐class boys. All of the boys in this qualitative case study live in the same disadvantaged working‐class community but attend two different schools, depending on whether they succeeded or failed in an examination at the age of 11 years. It is argued that these schools have different mediating effects on the boys’ common habitus. While most studies of working‐class boys focus on underachievement, and most studies of working‐class success focus on females, this article draws together the strands of success, failure, working‐class boys and locality, and examines the ways in which identity is constructed and reconstructed in response to schooling. Questions are raised about the interpretation and/or misrecognition of working‐class culture in schools and within the wider discourses of society.  相似文献   

"TBT" means "task-based teaching". In a TBT class, students play the central role. In the class where students are provided with plenty of chances to be engaged in activities, the teacher is more like a patient listener rather than a talkative speaker. This paper mainly explores how task-based teaching is used in English reading class.  相似文献   

<正>This paper is aimed to discuss the present state of grammar teaching in Chinaand the negative effets it causes upon EFL teaching,then introduce the four alternative stratergies of communicative approach to improve grammar teaching and learning.  相似文献   

When it comes to social mobility,what goes up tries very hardnot to come down.Middle-class parents pay for private schools;they move into thecatchment areas of good state schools;they manipulate tax regime-s to ensure that their children inherit propetry;they pull strings toget job interviews and network like mad.Policy-makers trying to doanything about these social facts face in-built resistance to change in  相似文献   

近年来,我国一些学者,把发达资本主义国家的Middle class直译为中产阶级,是不妥当的。根据马克思主义的基本原理,对于生产资料的占有关系是划分阶级的物质基础和客观标志;一个集团占有另一个集团的劳动或被另一个集团占有其劳动,是剥削阶级与被剥削阶级的本质区别。而发达资本主义国家确定Middle class的标准是根据收入水平。据统计,美国1967年,Middle class的平均收入是19,458美元,1977年为20,369美元,1987年把年收入25,000—50,000美元的家庭算作Middle class家庭。可见,这是一个主观随意性很大、很不易界定的概念。西方国家的Middle class主要包括:白领工人,工程技术人员、文教人员、医务人员、公务员、经理、小企业主、独立经营者、少量的蓝领工人等,其中部分人持有股  相似文献   

This study analyzes how the world class university (WCU) project in Korea is perceived by participating international scholars and Korean principal investigators by conducting focus group interviews and utilizing semantic network analysis. While international scholars and Korean principal investigators agree that the success of WCU depends on mutual collaboration, the expansion of qualitative evaluation, and effective student education, their core interests and values differ. International scholars place much weight on core educational values that are tied with students and research. On the other hand, Korean principal investigators take greater interest in the administrative side, including formal evaluation, regulation, and attendance for the required number of class days. This difference in assessing the WCU project emerges as an obstacle to mutual understanding and collaboration. Rather than judging which group’s frame of reference is better or more relevant, our analysis focuses on offering a context-specific understanding of frame while avoiding the cliché of “cultural difference.” Lastly, the analysis of frames offers some useful implications for the Korean higher education research and policy community.  相似文献   

Encouragement is not only important in communication but also in teaching. This paper will analyse the importance of encouragement in middle school English class, offering some suggestions on how to improve English classroom teaching.  相似文献   

Parents of upper‐secondary students in public schools in New South Wales, Australia, gave accounts of their experience of education and their wider thinking about educational issues. Working‐class families are bearers of educational histories which are often difficult or truncated, leaving parents with little familiarity with upper‐secondary or post‐school pathways. General views of education are strongly positive, sometimes diffuse and sometimes articulated, and are by no means narrowly instrumental. A mixture of criticism and praise for teachers responds to current family experiences with schools, parents' views often following the outlines of teachers' own perceptions. A fund of working‐class support for public education has thus survived recent educational upheavals; at the same time, working‐class families very much depend on the service and guidance provided by the schools.  相似文献   

This article explores how the doing of social class and gender can intersect with the learning of science, through case studies of two male, working-class university students’ constitutions of identities as physics students. In doing so, I challenge the taken-for-granted notion that male physics students have an unproblematic relation to their chosen discipline, and nuance the picture of how working-class students relate to higher education by the explicit focus on one disciplinary culture. Working from the perspective of situated learning theory, the interviews with the two male students were analysed for how they negotiated the practice of the physics student laboratory and their own classed and gendered participation in this practice. By drawing on the heterogeneity of the practice of physics the two students were able to use the practical and technological aspects of physics as a gateway into the discipline. However, this is not to say that their participation in physics was completely frictionless. The students were both engaged in a continuous negotiation of how skills they had learned to value in the background may or may not be compatible with the ones they perceived to be valued in the university physicist community.  相似文献   

熊毅 《教师》2010,(13):44-45
第一课时 课型:听说课 一、教材分析 1.教学内容Don’t eat in class是新目标英语七年级下册第十二单元教学内容。本单元中心话题是  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The problem of minimal surface is an old and active problem in the field of differential geometry. The minimal surface has been employed in many areas such as architecture, material science, aviation, ship manufacture, biology, crystallogeny, and so on. The history of minimal surface began with La- grange in 1762 (Nitsche, 1989). Many literature on the minimal surface exist in the last two hundred years (Nitsche, 1989; Osserman, 1986), but few on the minimal surface from the…  相似文献   

We study teachers’ choices about how to allocate class time across different instructional activities, for example, lecturing, open discussion, or individual practice. Our data come from secondary schools in England, specifically classes preceding GCSE exams. Students score higher in math when their teacher devotes more class time to individual practice and assessment. In contrast, students score higher in English if there is more discussion and work with classmates. Class time allocation predicts test scores separate from the quality of the teacher's instruction during the activities. These results suggest opportunities to improve student achievement without changes in teachers’ skills.  相似文献   

We propose a new class of negative refractive index transmission line in which ideal operational amplifiers are applied to form the periodically loaded negative-impedance-converted inductors and capacitors. The phase response of the new trans-mission line is opposite to that of a positive refractive index conventional transmission line. Unlike the existing negative refractive index transmission line,the new negative refractive index transmission line is non-dispersive and thus can lead to many novel applications such as designing new broadband devices.  相似文献   

Nonlinear control for a class of hydraulic servo system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION Electro hydraulic servo systems (EHSS) havebeen used in industry in a wide number of applica-tions due to their small size-to-power ratio and theability to apply very large force and torque. How-ever, the dynamics of hydraulic systems are highlynonlinear (Merritt, 1967), the system may be sub-jected to non-smooth and discontinuous nonlin-earities due to control input saturation, directionalchange of valve opening, friction, and valve overlap.Aside from the nonlinear na…  相似文献   

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