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We analyse the implementation of a new New Zealand physics curriculum from a socio‐cultural perspective. We explore the development of the curriculum document and examine the obstacles to its implementation. Change was compromised by the lack of any intersubjective linkage between teachers and the curriculum designers. The teachers’ own community of practice was most influential in how implementation occurred.

Curriculum change processes and discourses must be made transparent so that teachers can have a framework for ‘dereification’ of a curriculum document into their classroom practices. Without planning for teachers’ participation in the negotiation of curriculum meanings, curriculum developers themselves become marginalized, and the cultural objects they have developed will be adopted in unanticipated ways.  相似文献   

The inclusion of the climate change topic in the curriculum of school subjects in Singapore was pivotal, such that it positioned the discourse squarely in the structure of Singapore's education system. In an examination of the intersections and disjoints between state policies on climate change against the programmatic curriculum, results showed that there is no strong policy curriculum that mandates how climate change should be learned in Singapore, even though it is present in several school subjects. The topic is included in school subjects through the initiative of subject disciplinary specialists and middle managers of the education ministry. This exemplar has implications on how climate change education policy and practice can be shaped elsewhere.  相似文献   

创建于20世纪60年代中期的终身教育理论是目前国际课程改革的主要理论支柱之一,极大地促进了世界范围内基础教育领域的变革。借鉴终身教育理论,我国的基础教育应该转变理念,全面提高基础教育课程改革的效果,使基础教育面向所有人并为终身学习奠定基础;基础教育课程应体现精简、弹性,为学生的发展留出空间;课程评价对每一个学生的发展都应具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

促进学生的积极主动发展是时代发展的客观要求 ,也是国际教育改革的共同目标。我国新一轮基础教育课程改革以此为目标 ,是针对时代要求做出的正确选择 ,它实现了我国课程目标的根本转型。  相似文献   

We explored the relationships between social contexts and factors that promoted and inhibited curriculum change at two universities. Thirty interviews were analysed using a general inductive approach to identify factors and forces in three social contexts (lecturer, departmental, and institutional). Curriculum change was characterised by six forces: ownership, resources, identity, leadership, students, and quality assurance, each composed of factors that differed in their direction (enabling or inhibiting) and/or intensity (strong or weak). Academic developers should find the approach and lessons learned useful for planning interventions and identifying where they may encounter resistance or enablers in the process of change.  相似文献   

随着基础教育课程改革的进一步推进,课堂的变革是必然的,本文从课堂教学的目标、过程、主体性以及课堂管理等方面探讨了课堂变革的新趋势。  相似文献   

The management of curriculum change in religious education is of interest to all who are concerned with a continuing pursuit of excellence in this curriculum area. Utilising a grounded theory approach, this paper describes some findings concerning the management of curriculum change in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, Australia. It reports the perspective of religious education coordinators, who were responsible for managing a major change in the religious education curriculum in Catholic secondary schools. Emanating from a broader on‐going study, the report focuses on factors that the religious education coordinators felt impeded curriculum change.  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of a small-scale action research project which focused on the development of an emergent approach to curriculum making in a general certificate in secondary education course in geography. In this context, we argue that complexity thinking offers a useful theoretical foundation from which to understand the nature of dynamic pedagogic change resulting from the application of action research methods. Results show that process-focused curriculum change can bring about shifts in both learning and assessment. This is seen as being the result of an emergence orientated approach to action research as a counter to more reductionist approaches which are often used and advocated in educational settings by teachers. We conclude that a combination of complexity thinking and action research can offer a valuable medium through which the educational needs of learners and teachers can be addressed in different, localized contexts.  相似文献   

虽然我国在基础教育中推行了“国家课程”、“地方课程”、“校本课程”三级课程管理体制,但校本课程开发仍很薄弱。究其原因,人们对校本课程实施意义的认识不到位,对校本课程开发的基点把握不准是重要方面。必须高度重视校本课程的开发,把我国基础教育课程改革引向深入。  相似文献   

近年来研究校本体育课程建设的不少,把防卫术作为学校特色课程来阐述的却很少,从体育校本课程建设的基本规律来研究警察院校大学体育防卫术校本课程建设的理论与方法,为在警察院校非警察专业大学生中开设大学体育防卫术校本课程提供课程建设理论与方法。  相似文献   

This research is based on an empirical study exploring how academics make curriculum decisions and their perceptions of the influences that shape their decisions. Interviews were held with 20 academics from diverse disciplines, who were both research active and committed to teaching. The higher education curriculum was conceptualised as a field of decision-making shaped by academics’ beliefs about educational and contextual influences. The study identified five distinctive curriculum orientations representing coherent patterns of curriculum decisions aligned with academics’ beliefs about educational purposes. Case studies are presented to elucidate each of the curriculum orientations. Curriculum orientations were also found to shape academics’ responses to educational change. The following higher education change drivers are explored: graduate employability and the skills agenda, teaching–research relationships, changing understandings about teaching and learning, educational technologies and flexible delivery. The findings suggest implications for institutional curriculum change initiatives and academic development programmes.  相似文献   

目前高专学前教育专业0-3岁早期教育课程的研究属于起步阶段,本文尝试研究探索科学、合理、有效的学前教育专业0-3岁早期教育课程,以期促进早教合格人才培养工作。  相似文献   

高校课程理论框架的构建是高等教育研究中的一个难点,高等教育的自身特点是导致这一结果的重要原因。曾就职于美国"提高中学后教学与学习国家研究中心"的斯塔克(Stark,J.S.)教授在近10年研究的基础上,构建了一个较为全面、系统的高校课程理论分析框架。该框架把课程看作"学术计划",其核心包括八个构成要素,外部社会、高校组织层面及高校内部等三方面的因素则成为型塑高校课程的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

Task-based learning (TBL) was a methodological innovation in the 1999 English Language syllabus for secondary schools and the 2006 curriculum for senior secondary schools in Hong Kong, designed to replace teacher-centred, grammar-focused approaches that were identified as previously prevalent. This two-year longitudinal study analyses the implementation of TBL in three schools. It focuses on teachers’ conceptions of TBL and classroom practice, and the support provided by senior management. It finds that TBL is enacted differently by individual teachers, and that the lack of senior leadership is significant in causing the innovation either to wither or to become diffuse. In some cases, problems associated with implementing TBL were addressed through the determined commitment of pioneering teachers and the collaborative efforts by staff, but change was nonetheless hampered.  相似文献   

在职业教育课程思想史上,普通论与专业论的论争几乎伴随了整个近代职业教育发展过程,并一直持续到今天,成为当前职业教育课程实践的三大两难问题之一。本文首先系统地描述了这一论争过程,然后探讨了这一两难问题的当代意义及解决方案。这是个二者必居其一的选择,专业化是现代职业教育的根本目标,但普通化也应当是不可忽视的目标。解决这一矛盾的关键是要看到二者之间的连续性,策略上则可通过专业化达成普通化目标。  相似文献   

Curriculum reform is a key topic in the engineering education literature, but much of this discussion proceeds with little engagement with the impact of the local context in which the programme resides. This article thus seeks to understand the influence of local contextual dynamics on curriculum reform in engineering education. The empirical study is a comparative analysis of the context for curriculum reform in three different chemical engineering departments on the African continent, located in Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa. All three departments are currently engaged in processes of curriculum reform, but the analysis shows how the different contexts in which these efforts are taking place exert strong shaping effects on the processes and outcomes for that reform.  相似文献   

This article argues that although there are increasing similarities in priorities across different national education systems, contextual differences raise questions about the replication of sets of change strategies based on particular understandings of the nature of educational change across these different systems. This article begins with an overview of some of the dominant constructions of the management of change in the literature, particularly from Western economically developed democracies. It then outlines the Pakistani educational system to highlight some of the issues raised by the application of these change policies and models to a developing country. This article draws from a research study which explored the views and experiences of school leaders and teachers with regard to the management of a large-scale reform programme at the higher secondary level in Pakistan. The findings of this study illustrate the way in which there is a dissonance between the culture and practices of a specific national educational system and the assumptions embedded in the sets of reform strategies that have been imported from other systems. This article concludes by exploring how change management processes can be reconceptualised in order to be sensitive to the context of education in a developing country.  相似文献   

课程论是旅游课程体系设计和建设的理论基础,没有课程论支撑的旅游课程体系设计与建设带有一定的盲目性。从课程论的视角审视当前中国的旅游课程体系,发现教师中心和学科中心模式占据了主导地位,而学生中心模式则相对被忽视。中国旅游课程体系重视课程文件建设,但忽视了课程实现的建设。因此,中国旅游课程体系必须重视学生的话语权,加强课程实现的建设,方能更趋完善。  相似文献   

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