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工科院校农机专业人才培养模式研究与实践   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对我国农机专业人才培养存在的问题进行分析,通过优化课程内容体系、更新教学内容与课程内涵、加大学科间渗透与融合力度,建设核心课程与精品课程,加强专业统编教材建设,推进校内外实践基地建设,注重师资队伍培养等多方面途径,进行工科院校农机化专业人才培养模式的研究与实践,完善工科院校的农机化专业人才培养模式。  相似文献   

通过广泛的调研和查阅文献资料,结合高职院校的特点,建立了高职院校教育效益综合评价层次结构模型,通过模型的求解,得出高职院校教育效益综合评价得分计算公式,并以湖北某职院为例,进行实证分析。  相似文献   

本文以某校"三S"模式为例,详细探究了师范生实践能力培养模式的改革探索,希望对师范生实践教学能力的提高有实质性的帮助,进而优化我国的教师队伍,提高教师专业化素质。  相似文献   

高职院校加大了实训设备的投入和建设,实训设备的维护管理难度加大。通过分析高职院校实训设备维护管理现状和设备管理的特点,借鉴TPM管理模式,阐述了TPM管理活动中自主保全、教育训练、环境安全三个模块在实训设备维护管理中的具体应用和实践。  相似文献   

The overarching purpose of this research is to investigate native and immigrant children’s experiences of intercultural pedagogical practices in Cyprus schools. It also explores their suggestions for the improvement of policies and practices for intercultural education. Last but not least, it examines whether Cypriot and immigrant students share similar or different conceptualisations and understandings regarding the above aspects. To this end, interviews were carried out with 40 pupils, aged 11–12, of five primary schools, which presented high concentrations of immigrant students. On the basis of our analysis of our data, the children appeared to perceive intercultural education in terms of culturally responsive discussions, collaborative learning and language learning.  相似文献   

This small-scale research project explored the perceived impact which selective mutism (SM) training, delivered by an educational psychologist (EP), had on school practitioners' understanding of the condition and their subsequent professional practice. Three teachers were interviewed and a thematic analysis elicited four superordinate themes. Participants recognised that they had little previous knowledge of SM and many misconceptions; they also identified key ways in which their understanding of SM, and their practice as school professionals, had developed. In addition, staff highlighted central challenges which nevertheless remained, one of which involved working with parents. This research highlights the limited knowledge which teachers have of SM, whilst demonstrating how staff training and school development might contribute to improved outcomes for children with the condition. Implications for teacher training programmes and future research are considered.  相似文献   

科技成果评价指标体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国科技成果在转化过程中面临着诸多障碍,其中一个重要因素就是缺乏科学、完善的科技成果评价体制。针对这一问题,通过问卷调查,综合不同领域多位专家的意见并基于层次分析法,分别构建了技术开发类应用技术成果、社会公益类应用技术成果和软科学研究成果的评价指标体系。这套评价指标体系的建立在一定程度上能够为科技部门进行科学、合理的科技成果评价提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Within an Australian context of diminishing opportunities for equitable educational outcomes, this paper calls for teacher engagement in a ‘politics of resistance’ through their focused gaze in relation to the ways in which they are positioned in their everyday practice. Our belief is that the resultant knowledge might equip teachers to see more clearly the managerial and economic rationalist discourses that constrain them in their pursuit of more equitable educational outcomes. Through the interpretative lenses of feminist poststructural theory, the paper presents snapshots of the practice of three Australian teachers. These snapshots, along with an analysis of them, highlight pedagogy as a political activity that is partial, interested and potentially oppressive. It is not argued that reflection alone will challenge inequities in educational outcomes for the diverse range of students, but that teacher interrogation of practice might better position teachers to exert their voices and take action in the challenging and complex times associated with neo‐liberal reforms. The politics of resistance argued for here proposes an awareness and action beyond the micro‐politics of the classroom to alliances that work towards transformation of inequities within economic and social power relations.  相似文献   

There is a strong relationship between experiencing violence and participating in behaviors that increase the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. Sexual health education (SHE) tailored to the unique needs of female survivors of violence is needed. This paper presents findings from 40 surveys and 33 accompanying interviews with stakeholders representing 31 agencies in the violence advocacy community in Arkansas to investigate the feasibility, acceptability, and perceived need of a SHE program for female survivors of violence. Data also explore the role and preferences of community agencies in the design and implementation of such a program. Interviews with stakeholders revealed three themes: intervention concerns, content, and structure.  相似文献   

The voice is a basic tool in human communication and an important factor in a positive self‐understanding and identity, both for the teacher's sense of profession and for the pupils' ability to express themselves orally; two perspectives of great importance in the Norwegian National Curriculum. Voice disorders are common among teachers world‐wide and seem to be increasing. Voice problems influence the teachers' ability to teach effectively. An historical review illustrates the significance of the oral tradition in Norwegian teacher education. Against the background of recent studies that show that voice training courses given to different professional groups prevent voice disorders, a proposal is presented for the organisation of vocal training in Norwegian teacher education. The purpose is to emphasise the clear link between teaching and voice disorders and to focus on the prevention of voice problems among teachers by reintroducing voice training in teacher training.  相似文献   

This paper describes the findings of a qualitative evaluation of an early years' intervention, I Can's Early Talk (ET) programme. ET was designed to improve speech, language and communication outcomes for children aged 0–5 by focusing on enhancing practitioners' knowledge and skills. The research focused on children aged 3–4 years and was conducted in 14 Sure Start Children's Centres across England, using a combination of observations and interviews with practitioners, centre managers and local authority staff, along with a questionnaire survey of parents. Findings revealed improvements in practitioners' confidence and practice as a result of participating in the programme. The results also suggest that participating practitioners felt their capacity to understand and reflect on how to support children's speech, language and communication improved, particularly in the children's centres which had been accredited for over six months. ET was also found to offer a balance of support and challenge which consolidated and extended good practice and identified areas for development where practice was less effective. In addition, some of the challenges, which characterised and ultimately enhanced the research process, are described.  相似文献   

基于对99篇研究中国基础教育的SSCI高被引论文的主题分布、对中国基础教育研究价值的表述以及被引用情况的分析,发现这些高被引论文通过凸显中国学生的优异成绩、揭示与他国教育存在的共性问题等方式吸引了国际学界关注,但对有中国特色教育实践的描述分析以及对中国基础教育独特研究价值的发掘尚有不足。相关成果对中国基础教育研究价值的建构方式需要实现从成绩到经验、从问题到方案、从数据到理论的转变,才能进一步提升中国教育研究的国际学术影响力。  相似文献   

中国高等学校的上一轮本科教学工作水平评估,解决了当时中国高校发展中最急迫的问 题,因此得到了众多研究者的肯定。本文分析了我国大陆地区高校目前面临的主要问题,认为在教 学和科研两个方面存在定位不准、盲目攀高、轻视教学等状况。新一轮审核评估应根据高校差异很 大的现状,针对不同类型,采用不同的指标体系。评估应引导和促进高校合理定位,各尽其责,为我 国社会经济发展的需要提供不同类型的优秀人才。  相似文献   

This article discusses the results of a teacher training initiative in the United States. Exceptional Educators is the result of an inter‐organisational collaboration between a community‐based organisation (Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization), the local public school system and a university professor. The training focuses on three distinct objectives; understanding the physical and emotional needs of the disability, creating modified curriculum units based on individual learning goals and recognising common behavioral problems that arise in school settings. Overall, the results showed positive outcomes, with gains in knowledge of curriculum modification, behavioural strategies and overall understanding of Down's syndrome, as well as an increase in confidence level. A six‐week follow‐up survey indicated that the majority of the participants used the information presented back in their teaching environments. This study also investigated the added value of this collaboration, finding that the community connection often continues past the training and has provided teachers additional avenues for support.  相似文献   



Information technology (IT) has tremendous potential for fostering grassroots development and the Indian government has created various capital-intensive computer networks to promote agricultural development. However, research studies have shown that information technology investments are not always translated into productivity gains due to poor computer use by employees. In this context, a research investigation was conducted to develop a Computer Utilization Model that explains how individual and organizational factors influence computer utilization in extension organizations in India.  相似文献   

The study reported here examines whether teaching skills included in the dynamic model of educational effectiveness can be grouped into types of teacher behaviour and whether these types are related with different student outcome measures. The data stem from a study which was conducted in order to test the validity of the dynamic model. Results reveal that teaching skills can be grouped into five types of teacher behaviour which are discerned in a distinctive way and move gradually from skills associated with direct teaching to more advanced skills concerned with new teaching approaches and differentiation of teaching. Teachers exercising more advanced types of behaviour have better student outcomes. Suggestions for research on teacher education and professional development are drawn.  相似文献   

针对高职院校实训管理中出现的常见问题,基于PDCA—"戴明循环"模式,运用在计划阶段对整个实训管理平台进行策划,经过实训管理平台多元管理主体的执行,再对实训管理平台进行检查,最后,收集和分析各层次、各方位评价和检查结果进行处理。为高职院校建设完善的实训管理平台提供建议,提高高职人才培养质量。  相似文献   

实训室是高职院校校内实践教学的重要场所之一,也是校企合作、工学结合最显性化成果之一.加强实训室管理就是要引进企业现代化的管理机制,与市场接轨.实践证明,引入5S企业化管理机制应用于高职院校实训室管理,成效显著.  相似文献   

国际教育援助是国际间援助方对受援方在教育领域所提供的贷款、无偿赠款及专业技术资源的一种援助形式。根据其资金来源,国际教育援助可划分为多边教育援助、双边教育援助和非政府组织教育援助。国际教育援助改善了发展中国家的教育条件,促进了国际教育合作与交流,对世界教育发展做出了积极贡献。随着国际形势的变化,国际教育援助也有了新的发展,特别是更加重视援助的效果、援助的协调和援助的软件建设,更多地采取部门援助、计划援助,更加强调独立第三方机构的参与。  相似文献   

高职高专旅游与酒店管理专业人才培养评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学的人才培养评价体系对专业建设与发展有着重要的指导作用.本文在市场调研、理论分析及教学实践的基础上,着重探讨了该体系建立的意义、应遵循的原则、需注意的问题、主要指标及实施的保障.  相似文献   

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