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本文以系统功能语言学的文化语境思想为理论基础,试图从语言系统的角度来探讨文化语境的系统预设意义和语篇预设意义。文化语境的系统预设意义体现在语篇预设意义中,在语言背后以隐含的或潜势的方式预设了言语交际的语篇策略、语篇类型及语篇模式、语篇交际的方式和语篇内容,从而实现语篇的连贯,对阐释和组织语篇有着一定的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

李军教授的《话语修辞理论与实践》是一部颇具新意的修辞学论著,构拟了新的话语修辞理论体系,探索了修辞手段的新系统和修辞学研究的新领域,展示了话语修辞研究的方法论原则,在理论上和实践上为修辞学的发展作出了贡献。  相似文献   

翻译的首要任务是正确理解原文,而语境则有助于我们更准确地理解词义,从而准确读懂原文。本文通过分析语境的狭义和广义两个方面在翻译中所起的作用,再次确定了语境是翻译中最重要的因素。  相似文献   

ICT and Community of Practice   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The paper describes an action research study investigating ICT as an integrated artefact in lower secondary schools in Norway. The study is part of a national project called PILOT, which focuses on the pedagogic use of ICT in education. The aim of the project is to develop an understanding of how ICT can become an integrated part of the teaching process and the case study focuses on how ICT impacts the design of practice fields towards a community of practice concept in one PILOT school at the lower secondary school level. The findings from questionnaires, observations and interviews with the principal, teachers and students revealed that implementing ICT in parallel with other innovations and dismantling “preserving structures” has contributed positively towards developing the practice field and achieving the different aims for the school. The school has avoided an incremental implementation of ICT, and this seems to be an important strategy for the school's design towards a community of practice concept.  相似文献   

Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyse the use of Communities of Practice and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to enhance knowledge sharing between researchers and advisors. The associated research question is to what extent ICT supported a virtual Community of Practice and has been effective in counteracting fragmentation between research and advisory systems in terms of knowledge sharing between these two pillars of the Italian Agricultural Knowledge System (AKS).

Design/Methodology/approach: The paper uses a mixed methods approach: a questionnaire submitted to the Community of Practice participants on their experiences, observation of interaction between Community of Practice participants and data on the use of the ICT platform.

Findings: The ICT supported Community of Practice approach appears to improve knowledge sharing between researchers and advisors, and also draws in other actors of the broader Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System in which the AKS is embedded. However, ICT based tools alone are not sufficient and need to be complemented with face-to-face (non-virtual) interactions. A clear theoretical implication of this study is that this is an iterative process in which virtual and non-virtual interaction mutually reinforce each other: ICT interaction spurs real life and face-to-face interaction, and ICT supports follow-up on real life face-to-face interaction.

Practical Implications: Communities of Practice can be a useful tool for knowledge sharing between research and advisory systems, but should have a degree of flexibility in terms of the topics they address and should accommodate new members when appropriate. ICT is supportive, but should be complemented by real life meetings.

Originality/Value: The paper connects recent frameworks of the use of Communities of Practice with literature on ICT in agriculture and adds insights on the contribution of combining virtual and non-virtual interaction in Communities of Practice aimed at knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

本文分析了大学英语阅读教学的重要性及其现状,简单介绍了语篇分析理论的含义,认为该理论可以在英语教学中得到广泛应用,可以用来指导阅读教学,提供新的教学模式。本文探讨了语篇分析理论在英语阅读教学中的应用模式和策略,着重讨论了语篇的衔接手段、语境分析和结构分析模式的应用,试图以语篇分析为理论基础,改进阅读教学的思想和方法。  相似文献   

本从鲁迅创作的历史溯源和时代背景出发,运用巴赫金“对话主义”的观点,分析了鲁迅小说的话语。鲁迅通过对封建社会本质的透视以及对人物生存空间和命运的展示,表达了反抗精神和启蒙思想。  相似文献   

本文就语篇分析的内容以及在阅读教学中的运用语进行了探讨,旨在改进传统的阅读教学方法,通过语篇分析教学培养学生的语篇意识,提高学生语篇能力,从而使学生提高阅读能力和语言运用能力。  相似文献   

翻译不仅受到语言语境的影响,还受到文化语境的影响,从语篇的词语层、句层、篇章层剖析原文的词义、句法结构乃至整体语篇意义,语境在翻译过程中具有导向性和定向性。在翻译的过程中,译者应该遵循语篇的各个层次,结合语境功能对词义与句义逐一分析,以便有效地理解话语含义,只有这样方能译出可信、可读的译文。  相似文献   

劳动、交往与实践都是马克思主义哲学的重要基础性概念。对于劳动,应从人类学本体论命题去理解,人类制造工具不再是被动接受环境的选择,而是有目的地去实现的。交往,应从社会关系形成上去理解,马克思考察交往的出发点是社会分工。实践,应从世界的二重化、从实践的反思方式的建立这个角度去理解。  相似文献   

语境是人们运用自然语言进行言语交际的言语环境。语篇与语境存在着辩证关系:语境决定语篇的组织、生成和理解.语篇体现语境。不存在没有语境的语篇,语境也不可能脱离语篇而独立存在。对于语篇的理解.语境主要在确定词义,消除歧义,确定指示词语、照应语的最终所指、语义空泛词、理解语篇中的语用含义,正确理解带有某些语义空缺的语句等方面起重要作用。  相似文献   

语篇语用学与语篇语义学不是两个截然不同的研究领域,二者有着相通之处:二者或多或少的带有功能主义取向(思想)和语篇取向;二者与语篇分析有着千丝万缕的联系:语篇语用学是伴随着语篇分析的发展而产生的一个研究领域,语篇语义学是系统功能语法和语篇分析有机结合的产物。  相似文献   

文章采用修订的大五人格问卷和自编的沟通技能问卷,对宁夏8家企事业单位中15家实践社区的核心成员进行了调查,结果表明:大五人格问卷和沟通技能问卷信度和效度良好;实践社区核心成员一般拥有敏感的、外向的、温和的、开拓性、高利他性、灵活性等人格特质;核心成员的沟通技能在年龄、职位、文化程度、单位性质等变量上均有不同程度的显著性差异;大五人格特质与沟通技能之间存在密切的关系,五个因素中的社交性、开放性和利他性对沟通技能水平具有较大的影响。  相似文献   

共享知识作为语境的一部分,在话语理解中起着非常重要的作用。Sperber&Wilson的关联理论中谈到语境作用越强,关联性越大,说话人与受话人的话语活动更易于成功。同时,根据语境的动态性,共享知识也是处于动态之中,并不是固定的,而是随着话语的发展而不断丰富发展的,反之,共享知识的发展又推动了整个话语向前发展。本文主要结合关联理论来论述共享知识在话语理解过程中的作用及其动态性。  相似文献   

实践概念是马克思主义哲学的核心和基础性概念。从不同的角度来解读实践概念,是新时代背景下丰富和发展马克思主义的需要,对理解实践和创新的辩证关系有着十分重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

本文以系统功能语言学理论框架视角下的语篇分析方法为指导,针对英语专业学生基础阶段的语篇学习特点和问题,结合课文实例分析,试图探讨基础英语课语篇教学的有效途径,旨在不仅教授学生从语言功能分析语篇的技能,更能提前培养低年级学生在文化和情景语境中识读评价语篇的能力。  相似文献   

Practice teaching—or "school practice," as the English call it—is considered an essential component of teacher training, yet everywhere it seems beset by problems. Contradictory principles compete in the selection of the school setting: should it be exemplary where instruction at its best can be observed by the training students, or should "reality" be provided where the teaching is hampered but students get acclimatized to the tasks they will face? And ambivalent expectations in the minds of the student, the supervising college teacher, and the cooperating school teacher may lead to misconceptions, disappointments, and less benefits than the students could potentially gain from the practice period. A major aspect of this ambivalence, the question of role conception, is analyzed in the following article. The article was originally published in Trends in Education, No. 16, October 1969. The author, Edith Cope, is a research fellow at the University of Bristol and has done government-sponsored investigations of practice teaching systems. She was previously vice-principal of the Hereford College of Education.  相似文献   

本文试图通过对霍尔提出的强交际环境文化和弱交际环境文化下的修辞效果进行了比较,结合实例分析了两种文化在重复、省略、对偶和叠词等方面的不同之处。掌握不同文化下的修辞差异能够帮助跨文化交际的顺利进行,减少误会,促进沟通。  相似文献   

嗓音对于教师来说,既是生理功能,又是至关重要的职业工具。科学发声可以为这个工具进行保护,提高教学实践的效率和效果,而教学实践则是教师利用科学发声这一职业工具进行传承文明、开拓创新的舞台。  相似文献   

在知识和权力的视角下,教师作为社会代言人,社会为其话语的获得提供了外部的保证;课程改革的不断推进也使教师课程话语的获得成为一种内存需要;同时,学生的个体差异性也为教师个体性话语获得提供了现实依据。本文从权力和知识的角度对教师话语建构的条件、依据进行了分析,认为教师话语的理想架构可以分为三个部分:即代言社会、代言学科专家以及教师的个体性话语。  相似文献   

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