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This paper analyzes China's new approaches of education aid to Africa through a case study of Cameroon. China's cooperation has been characterized by different discourses and different historic relationships with recipient countries than those of traditional donors. Sino-African policies have gone through different stages, each connected to wider political and economic realities. Currently, a broadening of China's engagement with Africa can be noticed through increasing aid packages and the inclusion of African countries other than those that had traditionally been close to China. Cameroon has been one of the countries that have had a relatively extended cooperation with China. Four types of Chinese education aid to Africa are illustrated by this paper: (i) Confucius Institutes, which are providing language and culture-related training in host countries; (ii) longer term scholarships and short-term training for Africans in China; (iii) school construction; and (iv) stand-alone education projects. By analyzing how these three different types of aid are taking place in Cameroon, various and apparently contradictory strategies and discourses materialize.  相似文献   

Although some initiatives are implemented in the education of students with hearing impairments in the regular school, challenges are still encountered in their education. This article which is part of the results from an ongoing qualitative study in the North-West region of Cameroon addresses the different initiatives and challenges involved with including students with hearing impairment in regular schools. Interviews, participant observations as well as field notes were the main instruments used in collecting data from the six teachers and six students with hearing impairments who participated in the research. Academic support, classroom placement and the way of working of the sign language interpreters were considered the major initiatives and challenges in the education of the students with hearing impairment in regular schools. It is apparent that adequate adjustments have not been made within the schools to meet the needs of the students with hearing impairments. This hence questions their actual inclusion in the regular school.  相似文献   

利用广西贵港市469个农户的问卷调查资料,以同一地区未参与专业合作经营的农户为参照,回答专业合作经营能否促进农民增收这一问题。研究发现:参与专业合作经营的农户的经济收入明显高于未参与专业合作经营的农户,专业合作经营能促进农民增收。当然,只有经营水平较高的专业合作才具有较好的经济效益,一般的专业合作经营尚做不到这一点。  相似文献   

A vital part of student learning is the construction of mental structures encompassing categories believed to affect learning outcome. In this study we investigate this research question through the lenses of a constructivist approach. As the first study on our research question at high school in Norway, our empirical findings make up the main contribution of this study. The data were analyzed by a grounded theory methodology. The results identify 6 dimensions of determinants of learning outcome. The dimensions: student activity, work processes and motivation to learn are manifest of the latent dimension process of learning, while the second latent dimension learning content is manifested in the 3 dimensions: correction, information from teacher and putting into context.  相似文献   

陈桂棣、春桃夫妇的《中国农民调查》是近年来罕见的一部的报告文学力作。作品的震撼力量来源于主题的鲜明、题材的重大和材料的真实。作品采用的形态自然的“树状结构”,契合了读者的阅读心理,有益于深刻地表达主题。作品的问世,为社会的良知和正义,寻找到灵魂的出口。  相似文献   

面对社会转型加速期社会领域的深刻变化,特别是变动中新的社会结构和社会组织方式,民政部门必须适应时代需要,完成自身角色与职能的转变,以更好地为社会成员提供高水平的社会福利和服务。北京市民政局以“大民政”理念为指导,探索创建城乡一体化的民政事业格局、适度普惠的民生福利格局、便捷高效的公共服务格局、共建共治的社会治理格局,向全力保障民生、改善民生、发展民生、让人民群众共享改革发展成果的方向努力。  相似文献   

学校公用经费短缺、教师培训经费不足以及学校负债累累是凤冈县农村义务教育学校办学经费存在的三个突出问题.通过实地调查发现,公用经费的投入得不到有效保证、教师培训经费无法落实以及国家义务教育投入体制自身的缺陷是导致这三大问题存在的主要原因.因此,只有通过改革和完善义务教育投入体制、减少资金拔付过程中的中间环节、加强对公用经费投入的监督、设立教师培训专项资金以及建立后续投入机制等措施,才能有效解决这三大问题.  相似文献   

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